Code that you insert on this page could contain malicious content capable of compromising your account. If you import a script from another page with "importScript", "mw.loader.load", "iusc", or "lusc", take note that this causes you to dynamically load a remote script, which could be changed by others. Editors are responsible for all edits and actions they perform, including by scripts. User scripts are not centrally supported and may malfunction or become inoperable due to software changes. A guide to help you find broken scripts is available. If you are unsure whether code you are adding to this page is safe, you can ask at the appropriate village pump. This code will be executed when previewing this page. |
The accompanying .css page for this skin is at User:Cryptic/cologneblue.css. |
function add_global_style(css)
var head, style;
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if (!head)
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = css;
function add_link_general(url, action, name, id, node, prev)
var na = document.createElement('a');
na.setAttribute('href', url);
var txt = document.createTextNode(name);
if (id) = id;
if (action)
if (typeof action == "string")
na.setAttribute("onClick", action);
else if (typeof action == "function")
na.onclick = action;
if (node)
if (prev)
node.insertBefore(na, prev);
return na;
function addexplicitlink(url, name, node, prev)
return add_link_general(url, null, name, null, node, prev);
function addlink_onclick(action, name, node, prev)
return add_link_general('#', action, name, null, node, prev);
function pipe(node, txt, prev)
if (node)
if (prev)
node.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(txt ? txt : ' | '), prev);
node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt ? txt : ' | '));
return document.createTextNode(' | ');
function makebutton(lbl, action)
var button = document.createElement('input');
button.type = 'button';
button.value = lbl;
button.setAttribute('onClick', action);
return button;
// Add links for Logs, Current version, Enable rollback.
// Restore Talk: and non-Talk: links to the footer for pages not in namespaces besides Article: and Talk:.
// Fix the non-Talk: link in namespace Talk:, which normally goes to itself (!)
// Copy the more-informative label for Undelete on the (hidden) left navbar to the Undelete link on the bottom.
// If there's a template providing a default delete reason, display that in a delete link at the bottom, retaining the no-reason delete link.
// If it's a redirect-to-existent-page reason, provide the name of the target page.
// If this page is a redirect to a non-existent page, do the same.
function morelinks()
// Talk/non-Talk links. I don't want to speculate on the moon logic that removed them from every namespace *except* 0 and 1.
// Since they're still present for namespaces 0 and 1, be sure to put them in the same place those appear (after "Watch"), instead of before Protect like I'll do for the others.
var watch = document.getElementById("ca-cb-watch") || document.getElementById("ca-cb-unwatch");
if (watch)
var ns = mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber');
var title = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
// not negative namespaces (Special: and Media:), and don't duplicate in namespaces 0 and 1
if (ns > 1)
// I'd use mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces'), except it's not always there in time. At least not in greasemonkey, where I'm prototyping this so folks can only point and laugh at a *working* illiterate version of it instead of broken ones.
var ns_title = mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace');
ns_title = ns_title.replace(/^Project/, 'Wikipedia'); // 4/5, the only ones we localize
var parent = watch.parentNode;
// Contributions and Block links
if (ns == 2 || ns == 3)
var basetitle = title.replace(/\/.*/, '');
addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent('Special:Contributions/' + basetitle),
'Contribs', parent, watch.nextSibling);
pipe(parent, null, watch.nextSibling);
addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent('Special:Block/' + basetitle),
'Block', parent, watch.nextSibling);
pipe(parent, null, watch.nextSibling);
var linkname;
if (ns % 2)
ns -= 1;
ns_title = ns_title.replace(/_talk$/, '');
linkname = ns_title;
ns += 1;
ns_title += '_talk';
linkname = "Talk";
addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(ns_title + ':' + title),
linkname, parent, watch.nextSibling);
pipe(parent, null, watch.nextSibling);
else if (ns == 1) // there's still a link in the Talk: namespace... but it's to the *same page*, and titled Talk. Doesn't anyone ever look at this stuff before deploying it?
var lk = document.getElementById('ca-cb-talk').firstChild;
if (lk.nodeName == 'A')
lk.href = "/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(title);
var txt = lk.firstChild;
if (txt.nodeName == '#text')
txt.nodeValue = 'Article';
var enable_rollback_txt = "var head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];"
+ "var style=document.createElement('style');"
+ "style.type='text/css';"
+ "style.innerHTML='.mw-rollback-link { display:inline !important; }';"
+ "head.appendChild(style);";
// If there's a protect link, add link for Logs and Current version.
// Always add a link for Enable rollback.
var protect = document.getElementById("ca-cb-unprotect");
if (!protect)
protect = document.getElementById("ca-cb-protect");
if (protect)
var parent = protect.parentNode;
pipe(parent, null, protect);
addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=" + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')),
'Logs', parent, protect);
pipe(parent, null, protect);
addexplicitlink("/w/index.php?title=" + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get('wgPageName')),
'Curr', parent, protect);
pipe(parent, null, protect);
addlink_onclick(enable_rollback_txt, 'Enable rollback', parent, protect);
var parent = document.getElementById("searchform-footer").parentNode;
addlink_onclick(enable_rollback_txt, 'Enable rollback', parent);
var del = document.getElementById("ca-cb-undelete");
if (!del)
del = document.getElementById("ca-cb-delete");
if (del)
var delete_reason = document.getElementById("delete-reason");
if (delete_reason)
delete_reason = delete_reason.firstChild.nodeValue;
if (delete_reason)
if (delete_reason.match(/Redirect.*to\+a\+deleted\+or\+non-existent\+page/))
delete_reason = encodeURIComponent("[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to a deleted or nonexistent page");
for (var node = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
if (node.tagName == 'OL' && node.firstChild)
var n = node.firstChild;
if (n.tagName != 'LI' && n.nextSibling)
n = n.nextSibling;
if (n.tagName == 'LI')
delete_reason += ": [[" + n.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
else if (delete_reason.match(/Cross.*namespace.+redirect.+from.+mainspace/))
delete_reason = encodeURIComponent("[[WP:CSD#R2|R2]]: [[WP:XNR|Cross-namespace redirect]] from mainspace");
for (var node = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
if (node.tagName == 'OL' && node.firstChild)
var n = node.firstChild;
if (n.tagName != 'LI' && n.nextSibling)
n = n.nextSibling;
if (n.tagName == 'LI')
delete_reason += " to [[" + n.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
else if (node.tagName == 'P' && node.firstChild)
var n = node.firstChild;
if (n.textContent && n.textContent.match(/^\s*#redirect\s*$/i))
n = n.nextSibling;
if (n.tagName == 'A')
delete_reason += " to [[" + n.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
else if (delete_reason.match(/^CSD.F5:/))
delete_reason = encodeURIComponent('[[WP:CSD#F5|F5]]: Unused non-free media file for more than 7 days');
delete_reason = delete_reason.replace("+", "%20", "g");
addexplicitlink(del.firstChild.href + "&wpReason=" + delete_reason,
del.parentNode, del.nextSibling);
pipe(del.parentNode, ': ', del.nextSibling);
for (var node = document.getElementById('mw-content-text').firstChild.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling)
if (node.tagName == 'OL'
&& node.firstChild
&& node.firstChild.nextSibling
&& node.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == 'LI'
&& node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild
&& node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeName == '#text'
&& node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/^redirect *$/i)
&& node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == 'A')
node = node.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild.nextSibling;
else if (node.tagName == 'DIV'
&& node.className == 'redirectMsg'
&& node.firstElementChild
&& node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling
&& node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.tagName == 'UL'
&& node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild
&& node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.tagName == 'LI'
&& node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.firstChild
&& node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.firstChild.tagName == 'A')
node = node.firstElementChild.nextElementSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
if (node.className == 'new')
delete_reason = "[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to a deleted or nonexistent page: [[" + node.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
else if (node.firstChild.nodeValue.match(/^(Talk|(Draft|User)([_ ]talk)?):/i))
delete_reason = "[[WP:CSD#R2|R2]]: [[WP:XNR|Cross-namespace redirect]] from mainspace to [[" + node.firstChild.nodeValue + "]]";
addexplicitlink(del.firstChild.href + "&wpReason=" + encodeURIComponent(delete_reason),
del.parentNode, del.nextSibling);
pipe(del.parentNode, ': ', del.nextSibling);
else // Show number of deleted revisions in undelete link at bottom
var sidenode = document.getElementById("ca-undelete");
if (sidenode)
del.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue = sidenode.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;
// If a template, wikilink, or external link appears in a diff, make it clickable
function link_links_dim_refs_in_diffs()
var tds = document.getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; ++i)
var classes = tds[i].className.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++)
if (classes[j] == 'diff-context' || classes[j] == 'diff-addedline' || classes[j] == 'diff-deletedline')
var txt = tds[i].innerHTML;
if (txt.indexOf("&@<my") < 0)
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('<(/?(del|ins)( class="[^""]*")?)>', 'g'), '&@<mybra;$1&@<myket;');
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(<ref[^<>]*?(/>|\\bref\\b( *>)?))', 'gi'), '<span style="opacity:0.25; font-size:x-small !important;">$1</span>');
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('&@<mybra;', 'g'), '<');
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('&@<myket;', 'g'), '>');
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(\\[ *)(https?:\\/\\/[^\\] <]+)([\\] ])', 'gi'), '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3');
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\{((?:talk|user|wikipedia|image|mediawiki|template|help|category|portal)(?:[ _]talk)?:[^\\}|<]+)([\\}|])', 'gi'), '{{<a href="$1">$1</a>$2');
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\{(\\s*(?:tlsp|lts|tl[xps]?)\\s*\\|\\s*|\\s*)([^\\}|<]+)([\\}|])', 'g'), '{{$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3');
function enwikilk(match, p1, p2, p3){ return p1 + '<a href="' + p2.replace(/ +/g, '_') + '">' + p2 + '</a>' + p3; };
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(\\[\\[:?)([^\\]|<]+)([\\]|])', 'g'), enwikilk);
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('(\\[\\[[^\\]|]*<SPAN class="[^"]*">:?)([^\\]|<]+)(</SPAN>[\\]|])', 'gi'), enwikilk);
txt = txt.replace(new RegExp('\\b(url\\s*=\\s*)(https?://[^\\]|{} <>]+?)(\\s*(\\||\\}\\}))', 'gi'), '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$3');
tds[i].innerHTML = txt;
function cesarb_fixDiffOverflowTableCell(cell)
var div = document.createElement('div'); = 'auto';
cell.insertBefore(div, cell.firstChild);
while (div.nextSibling)
function cesarb_fixDiffOverflowTable(table)
var cells = table.getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++)
var cell = cells[i];
var classes = cell.className.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++)
if (classes[j] == 'diff-context' || classes[j] == 'diff-addedline' || classes[j] == 'diff-deletedline' || classes[j] == 'diff-otitle' || classes[j] == 'diff-ntitle')
function cesarb_fixDiffOverflowLoadListener(evt)
var tables = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++)
var table = tables[i];
var classes = table.className.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++)
if (classes[j] == 'diff')
break loop;
function check_reason_length(node)
if (node.value.length > node.maxLength
&& (node.maxLength > 0 || node.value.length > 255)) = "background-color:pink";
else = "background-color:white";
function should_watch(txt)
return (!txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#(C1|G7|G8|G13|U1)\|/)
|| txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G8\|.*[rR]edirect to a/));
/* In no particular order:
* 1. Expands the delete dropdownlist to show all its contents instead of just
* the currently-selected line.
* 2. Move the "Additional reasons" input, the watchlist checkbox, and the
* delete button above the newly-expanded dropdownlist, so they're always in
* the same place.
* 3. Whenever an item is selected from the dropdownlist, immediately insert it
* into the "Additional reasons" input for further editing, then reselect the
* first option.
* 4. Add a button to clear the reason line.
* 5. If a preset deletion reason, or adding reasons from the dropdownlist,
* force the deletion reason above its maximum length, color the input pink
* so I know it'll be truncated. */
function expand_delete_dropdown_etc()
var reasons = document.getElementById('wpDeleteReasonList');
if (!reasons)
/* Remove the warnings. Seeing them 50000 times was enough. The right way
* to do it is to put them in a named div, but some busybody is sure to raise
* a fuss if I edit [[MediaWiki::Confirmdeletetext]]. Life's too short. */
var delreason = document.getElementById('Deletereason');
if (delreason)
var p = delreason.parentNode; // "You are about to delete [[{{PAGENAME}}]] along with all of its history. Please:"
var ul = p.previousElementSibling; // "*Confirm...", "*Review...", "*Check...", "*Provide..."
if (ul.nodeName == 'UL')
p = ul.previousElementSibling;
var div = p.previousElementSibling; // "WARNING: Other pages link to..." Duh. *Always* present, because of the user pages that uselessly transclude [[CAT:CSD]].
if (p.nodeName == 'P')
if (div && div.nodeName == 'DIV')
// OOjs considered harmful
/* Expand the whole list. We actually create a new one, copy the elements
* from the old one into there, and hide the old one, to minimize interference
* from hostile developers. */
var nsel = document.createElement('select');
var len = 0;
// Create an empty option to keep selected, since "Other reason" was removed
function add_option(grp, lbl)
var nop = document.createElement('option');
nop.value = lbl;
return 1;
len += add_option(nsel, '');
var g1_seen = 0;
var optgroups = reasons.getElementsByTagName('optgroup');
for (var i = 0; i < optgroups.length; ++i)
var og = optgroups[i];
// Skip the talk section (we put it with the primary g8)
if (!og.label.match(/talk pages/i))
var nog = document.createElement('optgroup');
nog.label = og.label;
var options = og.getElementsByTagName('option');
for (var j = 0; j < options.length; ++j)
var txt = options[j].value;
// enable G1 and G2 in all namespaces, to be used in extremis
if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G1\|G1\]\].+/))
g1_seen = 1;
else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G3\|G3\]\].+/) && !g1_seen)
len += add_option(nog, "[[WP:CSD#G1|G1]]: [[WP:PN|Patent nonsense]], meaningless, or incomprehensible");
len += add_option(nog, "[[WP:CSD#G2|G2]]: Test page");
g1_seen = 1; // so it isn't added again on the next g3
// add G8 talk pages right before g10 (in particular, so it isn't removed for user talk subpages)
else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G10\|G10\]\].+/))
len += add_option(nog, "[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Talk page of a nonexistent or deleted page");
// essentially all G13s are drafts now, not afc-templated user subpages
else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G13\|G13\]\].+/))
txt = txt.replace(/ or \[\[WP:AFC\|Articles for Creation\]\] submission/, '');
// Entirely the wrong place to try to teach admins which articles can be A7d
else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#A7\|A7\]\].+/))
txt = txt.replace(/ \(indiv.+/, '');
// the text for U5 is vague and antagonistic
else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#U5\|U5\]\].+/))
txt = txt.replace(/Misuse of Wikipedia as a web host/, "Writings unrelated to Wikimedia's goals, by a user with few or no edits outside of userspace");
// more specific link for R2
else if (txt.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#R2\|R2\]\].+/))
txt = txt.replace(/Cross-\[\[WP:NS\|namespace\]\] \[\[WP:R\|redirect\]\]/, "[[WP:XNR|Cross-namespace redirect]]");
len += add_option(nog, txt);
} = 'nsel';
nsel.size = len;
var root = document.getElementById('mw-delete-table');
var div = document.createElement('div');
// Move the additional reason input, watch checkbox, and delete button above it, so they're always in the same place
var reason;
var deletebutton;
var imgtable = document.getElementById('mw-img-deleteconfirm-table');
if (imgtable)
reason = imgtable.getElementsByTagName('tr')[1]; // probably not, but I'll worry about it the next time I delete an image = 'actual_reason';
deletebutton = imgtable.getElementsByTagName('tr')[3].getElementsByClassName('mw-submit')[0].firstElementChild;
reason = document.getElementById('wpReason').firstChild; = 'actual_reason';
deletebutton = document.getElementById('wpConfirmB');
var spacer = document.createElement('span'); = "margin-left:1em";
var watch = document.getElementById('wpWatch').parentNode;
var watchlabel = watch.nextElementSibling;
var clearbutton = makebutton('clear',
'var reason = document.getElementById("actual_reason");'
+ 'reason.value="";'
+ '"background-color:white";'
+ 'reason.focus()'); = "margin-left:1em";
for (var n = root.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling)'none';
/* Whenever clicking something in the reason dropdown, insert it into the
* additional-reasons input, reselect "other reason", and unflag watched for
* c1/g7/g8/g13/u1 */
nsel.onchange = function()
var reason = document.getElementById('actual_reason');
var sel = this.selectedIndex;
if (sel != 0) // 0 is "Other reason"
var txt = this[this.selectedIndex].firstChild.textContent;
if (reason.value.length > 0)
reason.value += '; ';
reason.value += txt;
document.getElementById('wpWatch').checked = should_watch(this[this.selectedIndex].value);
this.selectedIndex = 0;
/* And set initial value of wpWatch for c1/g7/g8/g13/u1. If initially g8, and
* deleting a talk page, then don't change watched status. */
var reasonv = document.getElementById('actual_reason').value;
if (reasonv.match(/^\[\[WP:CSD#G8\|.*[tT]alk page.*of a (deleted|non.?exist)/))
document.getElementById('wpWatch').firstChild.checked = !!document.getElementById("ca-cb-unwatch");
document.getElementById('wpWatch').firstChild.checked = should_watch(reasonv);
/* Whenever anything forces the length of the additional-reasons input above
* its max, change its background color */
reason.oninput = function(){ check_reason_length(this); };
// And initially, e.g. from presets
/* More oo-ui detritus - it keeps multiplying, and this one even unhides
* itself *AND* reinserts itself if removed!! Unbefuckinglievable. So hide
* it globally. */
add_global_style('.oo-ui-dropdownWidget { display:none !important; }');
// Open up to 20 history pages from watchlist, starting here and going up
function openahah(kk)
var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var j = 0, k = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < as.length; ++n)
if (as[n].innerHTML == 'hist' && kk - k++ <= 20)
if (k <= kk)
as[n].setAttribute('class', as[n].getAttribute('class') + ' modified');[n].href, '_blank');
// Add "ahah" links to watchlist - "all histories above here".
// Also makes the "diff" links on watchlist match those on the history page, so marking the one visited changes the color of the other.
function addahah()
var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var k = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < as.length; ++n)
if (as[n].innerHTML == 'diff')
as[n].href = as[n].href.replace(/&curid=[0-9]+&diff=([0-9]+)&oldid=[0-9]+/, '&diff=prev&oldid=$1');
else if (as[n].innerHTML == 'hist')
addexplicitlink('javascript:openahah(' + (k++) + ')', 'ahah', as[n].parentNode, as[n].nextSibling);
pipe(as[n].parentNode, ') (', as[n].nextSibling);
// Shows only the most recent change to each article listed in Special:RecentChangesLinked/articlename, like on Special:Watchlist, instead of all changes
function fix_relatedchanges()
var uls = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
var entries = new Object;
for (var i = 0; i < uls.length; ++i)
if (uls[i].className && uls[i].className.indexOf('special') >= 0)
var ul = uls[i];
var li = ul.getElementsByTagName('li');
for (var j = 0; j < li.length; ++j)
var a = li[j].getElementsByTagName('a');
if (a[0] == 'diff')
if (entries[a[2].href] == 'y')
li[j].style.display = 'none';
a[0].href = a[0].href.replace(/&curid=[0-9]+/, '');
entries[a[2].href] = 'y';
// For each redirect link on Special:WhatLinksHere, add a "delete G8" link next to it to delete it with deletion summary prefilled
function add_g8redir_links()
var tgt = null;
var wlh = document.getElementById('mw-whatlinkshere-list');
if (wlh)
for (var li = wlh.firstChild; li; li = li.nextSibling)
if (li.firstChild
&& li.firstChild.firstChild
&& li.firstChild.firstChild.href
&& li.firstChild.firstChild.href.indexOf('&redirect=no') != -1
&& (li.firstChild.nextSibling.nodeValue.indexOf('(redirect page)') != -1
|| li.firstChild.nextSibling.nodeValue.indexOf('(redirect to section ') != -1))
if (!tgt)
tgt = "&action=delete&wpReason="
+ encodeURIComponent("[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Redirect to a deleted or nonexistent page: [[" + mw.config.get('wgRelevantPageName') + "]]").replace('_', '+', 'g').replace('%20', '+', 'g')
+ "&action=delete";
var newnode = addexplicitlink(li.firstChild.firstChild.href + tgt, 'delete G8');
// Place on the same line, whether there are incoming links to this redirect or not
var x;
for (x = li.firstElementChild; x; x = x.nextElementSibling)
if (x.tagName && x.tagName == 'UL')
li.insertBefore(newnode, x);
if (!x)
// Move the notifications indicator from the sidebar (which I've hidden in css) to the bottom
function move_notif(notif)
var a = notif.firstChild;
notif = a.firstChild;
if (a.className.indexOf('mw-echo-notifications-badge-all-read') < 0 && a.className.indexOf('mw-echo-unseen-notifications') >= 0)
var search = document.getElementById("searchform-footer");
if (search)
var newnode = document.createElement("a");
newnode.setAttribute("class", "mw-echo-unread-notifications");
newnode.setAttribute("href", "/wiki/Special:Notifications");
search.parentNode.insertBefore(newnode, search);
function move_notifications_to_bottom()
var notif1 = document.getElementById("pt-notifications-alert");
if (notif1)
var notif2 = document.getElementById("pt-notifications-notice");
if (notif2)
// Replace the useless link to [[Wikipedia:About]] in the footer with the current time in UTC. Click to update rather than automatic, since it's occasionally useful to know when I loaded the page.
function current_time_in_footer()
var footer = document.getElementById("footer-navigation");
if (footer)
for (var n = footer.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling)
if (n.tagName == 'BR') = 'none';
else if (n.tagName == 'UL')
for (var nn = n.firstChild; nn; nn = nn.nextSibling)
if (nn.firstChild && nn.firstChild.tagName == 'A' && nn.firstChild.href.indexOf('Wikipedia:About') > 0)
var span = document.createElement('span');
span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(new Date().toUTCString()));
span.setAttribute('onClick', 'this.firstChild.textContent = new Date().toUTCString();');
var olda = nn.firstChild;
nn.insertBefore(span, olda);
} = new Object;
function modifyWatchlist(title, action)
if (title == null)
title = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
var reqData = {
'action': 'watch',
'format': 'json',
'title': title,
'token': mw.user.tokens.get('watchToken'),
'uselang': mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')
if (action === 'unwatch')
reqData.unwatch = '';
url: mw.util.wikiScript('api'),
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
data: reqData,
success: function(data, textStatus, xhr)
if (action == 'unwatch')
} = modifyWatchlist;
function fix_watch_links()
var watched = false;
var bot = document.getElementById("ca-cb-watch");
if (!bot)
bot = document.getElementById("ca-cb-unwatch");
if (!bot)
watched = true;
} = "none";
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.setAttribute("href", "'title'), 'watch');");
bot.appendChild(a); = a;
if (watched) = "none";
a = document.createElement("a");
a.setAttribute("href", "'title'), 'unwatch');");
bot.appendChild(a); = a;
if (!watched) = "none";
catch (e)
function add_open10()
// >> on image categories
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// open10 on non-image categories
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s += '"' + hrefs[j] + '", "_blank");';
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function do_onload()
var pagename = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
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if (pagename == 'Special:Watchlist')
else if (pagename.indexOf('Special:RecentChangesLinked/') == 0)
else if (pagename.indexOf('Special:WhatLinksHere/') == 0)
else if (action == 'delete')
var sum = document.getElementById("wpSummary");
if (sum) = "18px";
// From [[User:Equazcion/SkipFileWizard.js]]
$('[href*="wpDestFile"]').attr('href', function(index, value)
var fileTitle = mw.util.getParamValue('wpDestFile', value);
var fileName = mw.config.get('wgFormattedNamespaces')[6] + ':' + fileTitle;
var params =
action: 'edit',
redlink: 1
return mw.util.getUrl(fileName, params);
// Run styling changes both immediately (in an attempt to prevent [[FOUC]]) and when dom is complete (to be sure it affects all entities)
function manipulate_styling()
// Make ffd notices more noticeable so I stop overlooking them when deleting orphaned images
$('table.imbox-delete:has(a[href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Files_for_discussion"])').each(function(){$(this).css("background-color", "red");});
// remove ugly styles from buttons:
// and dropdowns
// and checkboxes:
// and input fields:
// remove inflated field margins:
function manipulate_styling2()
setTimeout(manipulate_styling, 250);