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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// [[User:Henrik/sandbox/google-search]] (please include this line)
function install_search()
'<FORM method=get action="http://www.google.com/search">'+
'<input type=hidden name="ie" value="UTF-8" /><input type=hidden name="oe" value="UTF-8" />'+
'<INPUT id="searchInput" name="q" type="text" accesskey="f" value="" />'+
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'<input type=radio name=sitesearch value="wiki.riteme.site" checked />WP'+
'<INPUT type="submit" name="btnG" VALUE="Google Search"  /></FORM></div>';

function winc(s) {
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             + 'http://wiki.riteme.site/w/index.php?title=' + s
             + '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s"></script>');

// [[User:Outriggr/metadatatest.js]] <nowiki>
assessmentMyTemplateCode = ["{{TemplateName|class=|importance=}}"];
assessmentWPBiography = "TemplateA";
assessmentMarkAsMinor = false;
assessmentOverrideWatchPref = true;
// </nowiki>

// install [[User:Cacycle/wikEd]] in-browser text editor
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

// skip talk page on categories when assessing - time saver
function catSwapButton() {
if(document.title.indexOf('Category:' == 0)) {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions','javascript:catSwap();','De-Talkify','ca-catswap','change category links from talk pages to article pages');


function catSwap() {
var cat = document.getElementById('mw-pages');
cat.innerHTML = cat.innerHTML.replace(/Talk\:/g,'').replace(/[_\s]talk\:/g,':');

function externISBN() {

var magicURL = "http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/MAGICNUMBER/wikipedia08-20";

var magicRegex = /MAGICNUMBER/ig;
if(wgPageName != "Special:Booksources" && wgPageName != "Wikipedia:Book_sources"){
for (var i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) 
if( document.links[i].href.match(/isbn=(.*)/) ) {
document.links[i].href=magicURL.replace(magicRegex, RegExp.$1);


addOnloadHook(function () {
var x;
if (!(x = document.getElementById('ca-edit') )) return;
var url;
if (!(url = x.getElementsByTagName('a')[0] )) return;
if (!(url = url.href )) return;
var y = mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', url+"&section=0", '0', 'ca-edit-0',
'Edit the lead section of this page', '0', x.nextSibling);

y.className = x.className;  // steal classes from the the edit tab...
x.className = 'istalk';     // ...and make the edit tab have no right margin

// exception: don't steal the "selected" class unless actually editing section 0:
if (/(^| )selected( |$)/.test(y.className)) {
if (!document.editform || !document.editform.wpSection
|| document.editform.wpSection.value != "0") {
y.className = y.className.replace(/(^| )selected( |$)/g, "$1");
x.className += ' selected';


addOnloadHook(function () {
var tabs = document.getElementById('p-cactions').cloneNode(true);
tabs.id = 'mytabs';
var listitems = tabs.getElementsByTagName('LI');
for (i=0;i<listitems.length;i++) {
if(listitems[i].id) listitems[i].id = 'mytabs-' + listitems[i].id;

content = document.getElementById("content");    // Find the content div
content.parentNode.insertBefore(tabs, content.nextSibling);    // Place tab list right after content div

// [[User:Dschwen/highlightredirects.js]] - please include this line 
+ '&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript');

// Stub tag tab. By [[User:ais523]], on a request by [[User:thesublime514]].
// ([[User:ais523/stubtagtab.js]])
// <source lang="javascript">
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:stubtagtab()', 'stub', 'ca-stubtag',
'Add a stub tag to this page', '');
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if(x=="") x="stub"; else x+="-stub";
document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value+="\n{"+"{"+x+"}}"; //add to the end of the article
"Tagging with {"+"{"+x+"}} using [[WP:US/S|user scripts]]";
function stubtagtab()
var x=prompt("Which stub tag? (Leave blank for {"+
"{stub}}; otherwise -stub will be added to the name)");
if(x==null) return;
// </source> [[Category:Wikipedia scripts]]

//This function adds a link to the toolbox which, when clicked, searches the talk page history
//to find events which might be relevant to the {{ArticleHistory}} template. See the talk page for more details.
//To use this function add {{subst:js|User:Dr pda/articlehistory.js}} to your monobook.js
function loadXMLDoc(url,handler,id)
// branch for native XMLHttpRequest object
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
// branch for IE/Windows ActiveX version
else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
var req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (req) {
req.onreadystatechange = function () {handler(req,id)};
req.open("GET", url, true);
function getArticleOldid(req,id) {
// only if req shows "loaded"
if (req.readyState == 4) {
// only if "OK"
if (req.status == 200) {
// ...processing statements go here...
	 var response = req.responseXML.documentElement;
	 var rv = response.getElementsByTagName('rv');
	 var spannode = document.getElementById('oldid-'+id);
	 spannode.innerHTML = rv[0].getAttribute('revid');
	 var linode = document.getElementById(id);
} else {
alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" +
function getArticleOldidManual(req,id) {
// only if req shows "loaded"
if (req.readyState == 4) {
// only if "OK"
if (req.status == 200) {
// ...processing statements go here...
	 var response = req.responseXML.documentElement;
	 var rv = response.getElementsByTagName('rv');
	 var spannode = document.getElementById('oldid-'+id);
	 var timestamp = rv[0].getAttribute('timestamp');
	 timestamp = timestamp.replace(/Z/g,'');
	 var prettytimestamp = timestamp.replace(/T/,', ');
	 timestamp = timestamp.replace(/[-T:]/g,'');
	 var idtime = id.substr(0,4)+'-'+id.substr(4,2)+'-'+id.substr(6,2)+', '+id.substr(8,2)+':'+id.substr(10,2)+':'+id.substr(12,2);
	 var revid = rv[0].getAttribute('revid');
	 spannode.innerHTML = 'The last version before '+idtime+' was at '+prettytimestamp+', with an oldid of '+revid+'. Click on the links to jump to the <a href="/w/index.php?title='+articleName+'&action=history&offset='+id+'">article history</a> or <a href="/w/index.php?title='+talkName+'&action=history&offset='+id+'">talk page history</a> at this point.';
} else {
alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" +
function getHistoryMilestones(req) {
// only if req shows "loaded"
if (req.readyState == 4) {
// only if "OK"
if (req.status == 200) {
// ...processing statements go here...
	 var response = req.responseXML.documentElement;
	 var revList = response.getElementsByTagName('rv');
	 var prettylastcomment = '';
	 var lasttimestamp = '';
	 var prettylasttimestamp = '';
if(revList.length > 0){
	   for(var i=0; i<revList.length; i++){
	     var comment = revList[i].getAttribute('comment');
	     //strip out headers i.e. /*...*/
	     var timestamp = revList[i].getAttribute('timestamp');
	     timestamp = timestamp.replace(/Z/g,'');
	     var prettytimestamp = timestamp.replace(/T/,', ');
	     timestamp = timestamp.replace(/[-T:]/g,'');
var output = document.getElementById("article-milestones");
	     if(comment.match('{{') || comment.match('featured') || comment.match('fac.?failed') || comment.match('review')|| comment.match(/\bfa\b/) || comment.match(/\bfac\b/) || comment.match(/\bga\b/) || comment.match(/\bgac\b/) || comment.match(/\bgafailed\b/) || comment.match(/\bga.?nominee\b/)|| comment.match('good article') || comment.match(/\bfar\b/) || comment.match(/\bfarc\b/) || comment.match(/\bfl\b/) || comment.match(/\bflrc\b/) || comment.match(/main.?page/) || comment.match('dyk') ){
	       var milestone = document.createElement("li");
	       milestone.innerHTML='<b>'+prettytimestamp+'</b> '+prettycomment+' <span id='+spanid+'>(oldid)</span>';
	     prettylastcomment = prettycomment;
	     lasttimestamp = timestamp;
	     prettylasttimestamp = prettytimestamp;
	   var getmore = document.getElementById("getmore");
	   getmore.innerHTML='(last entry read: <b>'+prettylasttimestamp+'</b> '+prettylastcomment+')';
//Get more milestones, if any (if not, the program won't get here again)
	 else {
alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" +
function getArticleOldidWrapper(event) {
function manualDate(event)
var mydate=prompt("Enter the date for which you want the oldid","")
if (mydate!=null && mydate!=""){
var utc = Date.parse(mydate+' UTC');
var d = new Date();
if((d.getUTCHours()+d.getUTCMinutes()) == 0){
var timestamp ='';
timestamp += d.getUTCFullYear();
timestamp += (d.getUTCMonth()<10) ? '0'+(d.getUTCMonth()+1) : (d.getUTCMonth()+1);
timestamp += (d.getUTCDate()<10) ? '0'+ d.getUTCDate() : d.getUTCDate();
timestamp += (d.getUTCHours()<10) ? '0'+ d.getUTCHours() : d.getUTCHours();
timestamp += (d.getUTCMinutes()<10) ? '0'+ d.getUTCMinutes() : d.getUTCMinutes();
timestamp += (d.getUTCSeconds()<10) ? '0'+ d.getUTCSeconds() : d.getUTCSeconds();
var dateoldid = document.createElement("p");
dateoldid.id = 'oldid-'+timestamp;
//Javascript URL encode function from http://cass-hacks.com/articles/code/js_url_encode_decode/
//(CC-BY-NC 2.5 Licence)
function URLEncode (clearString) {
var output = '';
var x = 0;
clearString = clearString.toString();
var regex = /(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)/;
while (x < clearString.length) {
var match = regex.exec(clearString.substr(x));
if (match != null && match.length > 1 && match[1] != '') {
	output += match[1];
x += match[1].length;
} else {
if (clearString[x] == ' ')
output += '+';
else {
var charCode = clearString.charCodeAt(x);
var hexVal = charCode.toString(16);
output += '%' + hexVal.toUpperCase();
return output;
function getArticleHistory(){
output = document.createElement("ul");
output.id = "article-milestones";
var dummy = document.getElementById("siteSub");
dummy.parentNode.insertBefore(output, dummy.nextSibling);
var getmore = document.createElement("p");
getmore.id = 'getmore';
enterdate = document.createElement("p");
enterdate.id = 'enterdate';
enterdate.innerHTML='<span style="background-color:lightblue;font-weight:bold;">Click here to enter a date manually</span>';
enterdate.onclick = manualDate;
var pageName = wgPageName;
articleName = (wgNamespaceNumber == 1) ? pageName.substr(5) : pageName;
//Handle encoded characters, i.e. \x26 in wgPageName = %26 in URL
articleName = URLEncode(articleName);
talkName = 'Talk:'+articleName;
//correctly handle article name when on a Talk page archive
var archiveIndex = articleName.toLowerCase().indexOf("/archive");
articleName = (archiveIndex == -1) ? articleName : articleName.substring(0,archiveIndex);
//Use query.php instead of api.php since it has a limit of 200 instead of 50
//var apiHistoryQuery = '/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles='+talkName+'&rvlimit=50&rvprop=timestamp|comment&format=xml';
talkQueryURL = '/w/query.php?what=revisions&titles='+talkName+'&rvlimit=200&rvcomments&format=xml';
articleQueryURL = '/w/query.php?what=revisions&titles='+articleName+'&rvlimit=200&rvcomments&format=xml&rvend=';
addOnloadHook(function () {
mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb', 'javascript:getArticleHistory()', 'Article history', 't-article-history', 'Search Talk page history for events relevant to ArticleHistory template', '', '');

// Strip document hyperlinks (esp. wikilinks), leaving only their text; useful for FireVox screen reader
// Also fix bug 11555 (order of section title and edit link) and double caption

function stripHyperlinks() {
    var alert_string = "";

    var on_main_page = false;
    var eliminate_edit_section_links = true;
    var delete_line_breaks_in_mp_topbanner = false;

    var strip_hyperlinks = true; // turn off to control stripping in some sections
    var within_closing_section = false; // determine when we near the end of the article
    var force_hyperlink_deletion = false;

    var temp_hyperlink;
    var temp_hyperlink_text;

    var temp_anchor_name;

    var hyperlinks;
    var num_hyperlinks = 0;
    var hyperlink_index = 0;
    var hyperlink_counter = 0;
    var num_hyperlinks_removed = 0;

    var num_redlinks = 0;
    var redlink_index = 0;
    var num_redlinks_removed = 0;
    var redlink_names = new Array();

    var parent_node;
    var element_node;
    var replacement_node;
    var grandparent_node;
    var next_sibling_node;
    var prev_sibling_node;
    var greatgrandparent_node;
    var greatgreatgrandparent_node;
    var prev_element_node;

    var child_node;
    var num_child_nodes = 0;
    var child_node_index = 0;

    var headers;
    var temp_header;
    var num_headers = 0;
    var header_index = 0;
    var mw_headline_node;
    var editsection_node;
    var num_header_swaps = 0;
    var total_num_header_swaps = 0;

    var num_header_tag_strings = 0;
    var header_tag_string_index = 0;
    var header_tag_strings = [ "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5" ];

    var temp_image;
    var num_images = 0;
    var num_pixels = 0;
    var alt_string = "";
    var src_string = "";
    var image_index = 0;
    var image_counter = 0;
    var num_significant_images = 0;
     var num_uncaptioned_images = 0;

    var temp_list;
    var list_index = 0;
    var max_list_index = 0;
    var num_list_mergers = 0;

    var ordered_lists;
    var num_ordered_lists = 0;
    var unordered_lists;
    var num_unordered_lists = 0;
    var discursive_lists;
    var num_discursive_lists = 0;

// Check whether we're on the Main Page
    on_main_page = false;
    if (document.getElementById("mp-topbanner")) {
        on_main_page = true;
//        window.alert("We're reading the Main Page.");

// Try to remove two annoying linebeaks, per Graham87
        if (delete_line_breaks_in_mp_topbanner == true) {
            next_sibling_node = document.getElementById('articlecount');
            element_node = next_sibling_node.previousSibling;
            prev_sibling_node = element_node.previousSibling;
            parent_node = next_sibling_code.parentNode;

//There no document subtree, just the text in two subsequent DIV's
            child_node = document.createTextNode(element_node.innerHTML);

            child_node = document.createTextNode(next_sibling_node.innerHTML);

    } // closes check whether we're on the Main Page

// Merge adjacent lists of the same type 
    num_list_mergers = 0;
    diagnostic_string = "";

    unordered_lists = document.getElementById("bodyContent").getElementsByTagName("UL");
    num_unordered_lists = unordered_lists.length;
    max_list_index = num_unordered_lists - 1;
    diagnostic_string += "There are " + num_unordered_lists + " unordered lists in this document.\n\n";
    for (list_index=max_list_index; list_index>=0; list_index--) { // merge upwards
        temp_list = unordered_lists[list_index];
        prev_element_node = temp_list.previousSibling;

        while ((prev_element_node) && (prev_element_node.nodeType != 1)) { // look for previous Element node
            if (prev_element_node.nodeType == 3) {
                text_length = prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "").length;
                if (text_length > 0 ) { break; } // break off loop if a non-empty text area is encountered
            prev_element_node = prev_element_node.previousSibling;
        } // closes search for the previous sibling Element node
        if (!prev_element_node) { continue; }

        diagnostic_string += "Previous element of UL " + list_index + " is of type " + prev_element_node.nodeType + " and tagName " + prev_element_node.nodeName + ".\n";
//        if (prev_element_node.nodeType == 3) { diagnostic_string += "   text = " + prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "") + "  length = " + prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "").length + "\n"; }

        if (prev_element_node.nodeName == "UL") {
            parent_node = temp_list.parentNode;

            num_child_nodes = temp_list.childNodes.length;
            for (child_node_index = 0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {
                child_node = temp_list.childNodes[0];
            diagnostic_string += "Merged unordered list " + list_index + " upwards.\n";
        } // closes check for adjacent unordered list
    } // closes loop over unordered lists
//    window.alert(diagnostic_string);

// Merge ordered lists
    diagnostic_string = "";
    ordered_lists = document.getElementById("bodyContent").getElementsByTagName("OL");
    num_ordered_lists = ordered_lists.length;
    max_list_index = num_ordered_lists - 1;
    diagnostic_string += "There are " + num_ordered_lists + " ordered lists in this document.\n\n";
    for (list_index=max_list_index; list_index>=0; list_index--) { // merge upwards
        temp_list = ordered_lists[list_index];
        prev_element_node = temp_list.previousSibling;

        while ((prev_element_node) && (prev_element_node.nodeType != 1)) { // look for previous Element node
            if (prev_element_node.nodeType == 3) {
                text_length = prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "").length;
                if (text_length > 0 ) { break; } // break off loop if a non-empty text area is encountered
            prev_element_node = prev_element_node.previousSibling;
        } // closes search for the previous sibling Element node
        if (!prev_element_node) { continue; }

        diagnostic_string += "Previous element of OL " + list_index + " is of type " + prev_element_node.nodeType + " and tagName " + prev_element_node.nodeName + ".\n";
//        if (prev_element_node.nodeType == 3) { diagnostic_string += "   text = " + prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "") + "  length = " + prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "").length + "\n"; }

        if (prev_element_node.nodeName == "OL") {
            parent_node = temp_list.parentNode;

            num_child_nodes = temp_list.childNodes.length;
            for (child_node_index = 0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {
                child_node = temp_list.childNodes[0];
            diagnostic_string += "Merged ordered list " + list_index + " upwards.\n";
        } // closes check for adjacent ordered list
    } // closes loop over ordered lists
//    window.alert(diagnostic_string);

// Merge discursive lists
    diagnostic_string = "";
    discursive_lists = document.getElementById("bodyContent").getElementsByTagName("DL");
    num_discursive_lists = discursive_lists.length;
    max_list_index = num_discursive_lists - 1;
    diagnostic_string += "There are " + num_discursive_lists + " discursive lists in this document.\n\n";
    for (list_index=max_list_index; list_index>=0; list_index--) { // merge upwards
        temp_list = discursive_lists[list_index];
        prev_element_node = temp_list.previousSibling;

        while ((prev_element_node) && (prev_element_node.nodeType != 1)) { // look for previous Element node
            if (prev_element_node.nodeType == 3) {
                text_length = prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "").length;
                if (text_length > 0 ) { break; } // break off loop if a non-empty text area is encountered
            prev_element_node = prev_element_node.previousSibling;
        } // closes search for the previous sibling Element node
        if (!prev_element_node) { continue; }

        diagnostic_string += "Previous element of DL " + list_index + " is of type " + prev_element_node.nodeType + " and tagName " + prev_element_node.nodeName + ".\n";
//        if (prev_element_node.nodeType == 3) { diagnostic_string += "   text = " + prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "") + "  length = " + prev_element_node.data.replace(/\s/ig, "").length + "\n"; }

        if (prev_element_node.nodeName == "DL") {
            parent_node = temp_list.parentNode;

            num_child_nodes = temp_list.childNodes.length;
            for (child_node_index = 0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {
                child_node = temp_list.childNodes[0];
            diagnostic_string += "Merged discursive list " + list_index + " upwards.\n";
        } // closes check for adjacent discursive list
    } // closes loop over discursive lists
//    window.alert(diagnostic_string);

    if (num_list_mergers == 1) {
        alert_string += "\nThere was one list merger.\n";
    } else {
        alert_string += "\nThere were " + num_list_mergers + " list mergers.\n";

// Fix bug 11555 for screen readers: swap order of "editsection" and "mw-headline" nodes in headings
    total_num_header_swaps = 0;
    num_header_tag_strings = header_tag_strings.length;
    for (header_tag_string_index = 0; header_tag_string_index < num_header_tag_strings; header_tag_string_index++) { 
        headers = document.getElementsByTagName(header_tag_strings[header_tag_string_index]);
        num_headers = headers.length;
        num_header_swaps = 0;
        for (header_index=1; header_index<num_headers; header_index++) {
            temp_header = headers[header_index];

            editsection_node = null;
            mw_headline_node = null;
            num_child_nodes = temp_header.childNodes.length;
            for (child_node_index = 0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {
                child_node = temp_header.childNodes[child_node_index];
                if (child_node.className == "editsection") {
                    editsection_node = child_node;
                } else if (child_node.className == "mw-headline") {
                    mw_headline_node = child_node;

            if ((eliminate_edit_section_links) && (editsection_node != null)) {
            } else if ((editsection_node != null) && (mw_headline_node != null)) {
                temp_header.insertBefore(mw_headline_node, editsection_node);
        } // closes loop over headers of that type in document
        total_num_header_swaps += num_header_swaps;

    } // closes loop over different types of headers
// Acknowledgment
    if (eliminate_edit_section_links) {
        if (total_num_header_swaps == 1) {
            alert_string += "Eliminated the edit-section link of one header.\n";
        } else {
            alert_string += "Eliminated the edit-section link of " + total_num_header_swaps + " headers.\n";
    } else {
        if (total_num_header_swaps == 1) {
            alert_string += "Swapped text and edit link in one header.\n";
        } else {
            alert_string += "Swapped text and edit link in " + total_num_header_swaps + " headers.\n";
// Main work of the script: eliminating hyperlinks
    hyperlinks = document.getElementById("bodyContent").getElementsByTagName("a");

    num_redlinks = 0;
    num_redlinks_removed = 0;
    within_closing_section = false;
    num_hyperlinks = hyperlinks.length;
    while (hyperlink_counter<num_hyperlinks) {
        temp_hyperlink = hyperlinks[hyperlink_index];

// Count the redlinks
        if (temp_hyperlink.className == "new") { num_redlinks++; }

// Determine whether we've reached the end of the article
        if ((temp_hyperlink.name) && (!within_closing_section)) {
            temp_anchor_name = temp_hyperlink.name;

            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/:$/ig,""); // eliminate colons at end
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/s$/ig,""); // eliminate plurals at end
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/See_also/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Related_topic/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Related_article/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Further_reading/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/External_link/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Footnote/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Note/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Reference/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Citation/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Source/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/Link/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/s([_\s]+)and([_\s]+)/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/([_\s]+)and([_\s]+)/ig,"");
            temp_anchor_name = temp_anchor_name.replace(/([_\s]+)/ig,"");
            if (temp_anchor_name == "") { 
                within_closing_section = true;
//                window.alert("The end of the article begins with section \"" + temp_hyperlink.name + "\"\n");
        } // closes check whether we've reached the end of the article

// allow some sections to be skipped

        if (temp_hyperlink.name == "See_also") { 
            strip_hyperlinks = false; 
        } else if (temp_hyperlink.name == "Related_topics") { 
            strip_hyperlinks = false; 
        } else if (temp_hyperlink.name == "Related_articles") {
            strip_hyperlinks = false; 
        } else if (temp_hyperlink.name) {
            strip_hyperlinks = true; 
//        if ((strip_hyperlinks == false) && (temp_hyperlink.className != "new")) { continue; }

// criteria for keeping some links
        if (!temp_hyperlink.title) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // replace only wikilinks?
        if (temp_hyperlink.title.match(/^User:/)) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // keep user names
        if (temp_hyperlink.title.match(/^User\stalk:/)) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // keep user talk pages
        if (temp_hyperlink.getAttribute("accesskey")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // avoid command links
        if (temp_hyperlink.className == "image") { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // keep images
        if (temp_hyperlink.className == "internal") { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // keep Enlarge buttons
        if (temp_hyperlink.className == "external text") { hyperlink_index++; continue; } // keep geotags, etc.
//        if ((on_main_page) && (temp_hyperlink.className == "extiw")) { continue; } // interwiki links at bottom

// force the deletion of some types of links 
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        if (temp_hyperlink.className == "new") {
            force_hyperlink_deletion = true;

// check ancestor links against criteria to keep other types of links
        if (!force_hyperlink_deletion) {
            parent_node = temp_hyperlink.parentNode;
            grandparent_node = parent_node.parentNode;
            greatgrandparent_node = grandparent_node.parentNode;
            greatgreatgrandparent_node = greatgrandparent_node.parentNode;

//Save all bold links on the Main Page
            if ((on_main_page) && (parent_node.nodeName == "B")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }

// Save specific types of navigational links on the Main Page
// Save links in the mp-strapline
            if ((on_main_page) && ((greatgreatgrandparent_node.id == "mp-strapline") || (greatgreatgrandparent_node.parentNode.id == "mp-strapline"))) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }

// Save "Recently featured:" links: most other parts use DIV; this section uses P as the parent
            if ((on_main_page) && (parent_node.nodeName == "P")) {

                next_sibling_node = parent_node.nextSibling;
                if ((next_sibling_node) && (next_sibling_node.nextSibling)) {
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                    if ((next_sibling_node.nodeName == "DIV") && (next_sibling_node.className = "noprint")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }
                diagnostic_string = temp_hyperlink.innerHTML;
                diagnostic_string += "\nParent node: " + parent_node.nodeName;
                if (parent_node.className) { diagnostic_string += "Class: " + parent_node.className; }
                diagnostic_string += "\nSibling node: " + next_sibling_node.nodeName;
                if (next_sibling_node.className) { diagnostic_string += "Class: " + next_sibling_node.className; }
                diagnostic_string += "\nGrandparent node: " + grandparent_node.nodeName;
                if (grandparent_node.className) { diagnostic_string += "Class: " + grandparent_node.className; }
//            if ((on_main_page) && (parent_node.nodeName == "P") && (grandparent_node.nodeName != "TD")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }
//            if ((on_main_page) && (parent_node.nodeName == "P") && (grandparent_node.nodeName != "TD") && (greatgrandparent_node.nodeName != "TD") && (greatgreatgrandparent_node.nodeName != "TD")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }

// Imperfect solutions:
// if on Main Page and parent_node firstChild text equals "Recently featured: ": Language-specific is bad
// if on Main Page and nextSibling of parent is DIV with align=right and className=noprint and prevSibling has id mp-tfa
//            next_sibling_node = parent_node.nextSibling;
//            prev_sibling_node = parent_node.previousSibling;
//FAILED        if ((on_main_page) && (parent_node.nodeName == "P") && (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "DIV") && (next_sibling_node.className == "noprint")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }
//FAILED        if ((on_main_page) && (parent_node.nodeName == "P") && (next_sibling_node.nodeName == "DIV") && (next_sibling_node.className == "noprint") && (grandparent_node.nodeName == "DIV")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; }

// Links that should be kept:
// keep links within most lists per Graham87's suggestion, but not References and Notes; allow anchor to be in italics
            if (((parent_node.nodeName == "LI") || (grandparent_node.nodeName == "LI")) && (!on_main_page) && (grandparent_node.className != "references") && (greatgrandparent_node.className != "references-small")  && (temp_hyperlink.className != "new")) {hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep section edit buttons
            if (parent_node.className == "editsection") { hyperlink_index++; continue; }

// keep sidebar buttons 
            if (greatgrandparent_node.className == "pBody") { hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep category links
            if ((greatgrandparent_node.className == "catlinks") || (grandparent_node.className == "catlinks")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep disambiguations
            if ((parent_node.className == "dablink") || (grandparent_node.className == "dablink") || (greatgrandparent_node.className == "dablink")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep "Main article" links
            if (grandparent_node.className == "noprint relarticle mainarticle") { hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep "Further details" links
            if ((grandparent_node.className == "boilerplate seealso") || (grandparent_node.className == "boilerplate further")){ hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep protected and semi-protected icons
            if (grandparent_node.className == "metadata plainlinks") { hyperlink_index++; continue; } 

// keep links in sound samples
            if ((parent_node.className == "medialist listenlist") || (grandparent_node.className == "medialist listenlist") || (greatgrandparent_node.className == "medialist listenlist")) { hyperlink_index++; continue; } 
        } // closes check for forced deletion of hyperlink

// Old technique for replacing link; fails for italicized text, and is not general
//        temp_hyperlink_text = document.createTextNode(temp_hyperlink.innerHTML);
//        parent_node.replaceChild(temp_hyperlink_text, temp_hyperlink);

// Better technique for replacing links: graft subtree back into the document

        num_child_nodes = temp_hyperlink.childNodes.length;
        for (child_node_index = 0; child_node_index < num_child_nodes; child_node_index++) {
            child_node = temp_hyperlink.childNodes[0];
            parent_node.insertBefore(child_node, temp_hyperlink);

// Count the redlinks removed
        if (temp_hyperlink.className == "new") {

// Merge blocks of text that are adjacent in the document tree, prevent screen reader pauses
    } // closes loop over hyperlinks

// Acknowledgment
    if (num_redlinks == 1) {
        alert_string += "Counted one redlink in the main article, unlinked " + num_redlinks_removed + ".\n";
        if (num_redlinks_removed == 1) {
            alert_string += "   " + redlink_names[0] + "\n";
    } else {
        alert_string += "Counted " + num_redlinks + " redlinks in the main article, unlinked " + num_redlinks_removed + ".\n";

        if (num_redlinks_removed == 1) {
            alert_string += "   " + redlink_names[0] + "\n";
        } else if (num_redlinks_removed > 1) { 
            diagnostic_string = "Removed " + num_redlinks_removed + " redlinks:\n\n";
            for (redlink_index=1; redlink_index<=num_redlinks_removed; redlink_index++) {
                if ((redlink_index%40 == 1) && (redlink_index > 1)) { 
                    diagnostic_string = "List of " + num_redlinks_removed + " redlinks continued...\n\n";
                diagnostic_string += redlink_index + "   " + redlink_names[redlink_index-1] + "\n";
            } // closes loop over removed redlinks
        } // checks whether more than one redlink was removed
    } // closes check for redlinks

    if (num_hyperlinks_removed == 1) {
        alert_string += "Removed one hyperlink from this article.\n";
    } else {
        alert_string += "Removed " + num_hyperlinks_removed + " hyperlinks from this article.\n";

// Count number of significant images
// This code seems dangerous for Internet Explorer
    image_counter = 0;
     num_significant_images = 0;    
     num_images = document.images.length;
    for (image_index=0; image_index<num_images; image_index++) {
        temp_image = document.images[image_index];

        num_pixels = temp_image.width * temp_image.height;
        if (num_pixels > 5000) { 
        } // closes check for a "significant" image, not an tiny icon
    } // closes loop over the images
    num_significant_images = image_counter;

// Amend ALT text of image captions, initially to avoid double reading of captions
    image_counter = 0;
     num_uncaptioned_images = 0;    
     num_images = document.images.length;
    for (image_index=0; image_index<num_images; image_index++) {
        alt_string = "";
        temp_image = document.images[image_index];

        num_pixels = temp_image.width * temp_image.height;
        if (num_pixels > 5000) { 
            alt_string = "Image " + image_counter + " of " + num_significant_images + ": ";
            if (temp_image.alt != "") { // preface image with number
                temp_image.alt = alt_string + temp_image.alt;
             } else if (temp_image.src) {
                temp_image.alt = alt_string + temp_image.src.split('/').pop();
        } // closes check for a "significant" image, not an tiny icon
        if (temp_image.className == "thumbimage") {
            if (temp_image.alt) {
                alt_string = "Image " + num_uncaptioned_images + ": ";
                temp_image.alt = alt_string + temp_image.alt; // preface image with number
        } else if (num_pixels > 5000) { // uncaptioned infobox images

    } // closes loop over the images
// Acknowledgment
    if (image_counter == 1) {
        alert_string += "Modified ALT text of one image.\n";
    } else {
        alert_string += "Modified ALT text of " + image_counter + " images.\n";

// Print combined alert string
} // closes function stripHyperlinks()

addOnloadHook(function () {
            mw.util.addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:stripHyperlinks()', '–links', 'ca-nolinks', 'Strips links for screen readers like FireVox', 's', '');


importScript('User:Dr_pda/prosesize.js'); //[[User:Dr_pda/prosesize.js]]

var book_source_URL = "http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=isbn%3AMAGICNUMBER";

showbydefault = true;

//  Fix hyphens, dashes, and minus signs per [[MOS:DASH]].
//  See talk page for instructions.
//  The user can disable these conversions by putting "nodashes" somewhere
//  in the text — either temporarily or permanently.  You can similarly add
//  "scores" if the score-detection heuristic doesn't trigger automatically.
//  This tool can be used standalone until it is added to AutoEd and wikEd.
//  This module should follow unicodify.js if it is used.
//  Testing page is at [[User:GregU/dashes.js/tests]].
//  Please report false positives on the talk page.
function autoEdDashes (str)
  if (str.search(/nodashes/i) >= 0)
    return str;
  var scpat = /\bscores?\b|\[\[Category:.*\b(sport|athlet|players|teams|games|league|champion|tournament|competit|cup\b|\w+ball\b|hockey|lacrosse|cricket|rugby|tennis|golf|polo|boxing|boxers|martial.art|chess)/i;
  var scoresAreLikely = (str.search(scpat) >= 0);
  // Ensure the replacement isn't a link such as [[FOO - BAR]] before
  // replacing it, so that we don't break the link. But we do want to
  // replace dashes used in the right-side label part of links.  Also,
  // don't break templates, URLs, DOIs, {{#expr:}}, <math> equations,
  // source code, or <ref name="13-70">.
  function ifNotLink (str)
    var pos    = arguments[ arguments.length - 2 ];
    var string = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];
    var pat = /\[\[[^|\]]*$|\{\{[^|}]*$|[:\/%][^\s|>]+$|<[^>]*$|#\w*expr:.*$/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat) >= 0)
        return str;             // it's a link, so don't change it
    var pat2 = /\{\{(main|see|detail|about|for\b|other|redir|conv|coor)[^}]*$/i;
    if (string.substring(pos-260,pos+1).search(pat2) >= 0)
        return str;             // likely templates with page-name or neg params
    var m = string.slice(pos).search(/<\/?(math|source|syntaxhighlight|pre|code)\b/i);
    if (m >= 0 && string.charAt(pos+m+1) == '/')
        return str;             // don't break a <math> equation, or source code
    if (string.slice(pos).search(/^[^|{}[\]<>\n]*\.[a-z]{3,4}\s*[|}]|^.*hyphen/i) >= 0)
        return str;             // it's a file name parameter, or <!--sic hyphen-->
    if (str.search(/[ |(>][-–]\b/) >= 0)
        return str.replace(/[-–]/, "−");       // minus sign
        return str.replace(/--+\b/g, "—") . replace(/[-–−]+/g, "–");     // dash
  str = str.replace(/\s--?\s/g, ifNotLink);                 // en dash looks better
  str = str.replace(/[a-z\d]---?[a-z\d]/ig, ifNotLink);     // em dash
  str = str.replace(/\d\d\d]*}*[-−](present|current)\b/ig, ifNotLink);       // 1973-present
  str = str.replace(/[^\w−-](18|19|20)\d\d]*}*[-−][^\w−-]/g, ifNotLink);     // (1973-)
  str = str.replace(/\d(s|%|\?|''')[-−]\d/g, ifNotLink);    // 1950s-1960s, 40%-50%
  str = str.replace(/\d[-−](\$|'+)\d/g, ifNotLink);         // $40-$50, 7-'''4''', '49-'53
  str = str.replace(/[½⅓⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞]%?[-−][\d½⅓⅔¼¾⅛⅜⅝⅞]/g, ifNotLink);           // 3½-6
  str = str.replace(/\d(st|nd|rd|th)?[-−]\d+(st|nd|rd|th)\b/g, ifNotLink);   // 2nd-3rd
  str = str.replace(/([a-z,'"”\]>] +|\(|^\| *|\|\| *)[-–]\d/mig, ifNotLink);   // minus -35
  str = str.replace(/<((sup|sub|td)>\s*)[-–](\d)/ig, "<$1−$3");         // 10<sup>-3</sup>
  str = str.replace(/,*(?=.? ) *[-–—−] *(\d*:\d\d[\s*<])/g, " – $1");   // album track listings
  // November 15, 2005-March 7, 2006; [[March 18]]-[[April 4]]
  str = str.replace(/(\d\]*)[-–—−](\[*(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[a-z]* +\d)/g, "$1 – $2");
  // July-August 2007
  str = str.replace(/\b((Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)[a-z]*[-−]?\b){2,}/g, ifNotLink);
  // [[266]]-[[283]]
  str = str.replace(/(\d(?: BC)?\]\])[-−]((ca?\.|AD ?)?\[\[\d+[^\d-])/g, "$1–$2");
  // (1984 – 1992)
  str = str.replace(/([(|=] *\[*\d+\]*) +[–—−] +(\[*\d+\]*\s*[)|}])/g, "$1–$2");
  // iv-xii
  str = str.replace(/[ ;(=](?=\w+-)(m*(cm|cd|d?c*)(xc|xl|l?x*)(ix|iv|v?i*)-?\b){2}[^\w-]/g, ifNotLink);
  if (scoresAreLikely)      // W-L-D or 73–70–67–70=280, but not castling
    str = str.replace(/[^\w−–-](?!0-0-0)(\d\d?\d?[-–−]){2,}\d\d?[^\w\/−–-]/g, ifNotLink);
  str = str.replace(/\b(\d+)[–−](year|month|day|hour|minute|mile|yard|foot|inch|bit|door|speed|gun|page|seat|way|point|ton|man)\b/g, "$1-$2");     // hyphen
  // Number ranges and scores should use en dashes, per [[MOS:DASH]].
  // This has been well-tested and false positives (e.g., ID nos.) are rare.
  function range (str, from,to, pos,string)
    var dash   = true;
    var except = /\b(fig(ure)?|table|example|exhibit|circular|section|part|number|no|nr|id|model|pub|std|report|rpt|law|P?L|p|page|date|IS\wN\b[ a-z]*)[^\w(,;]*$/i;
    var rpat   = /^([^A-Za-z]|nbsp)*(AD|BC|B?CE|BP|[kMG]a|km|mi|kg|lb|\w?Hz|vote|decision|record|odds|scor\w*|win|loss|tie|draw|lead|victory|defeat|upset|run|deficit|start|finish|season|game)\b/;
    var lpat   = /\b(pages|pp|rp|nos|\d+\)?'*[:,]|(w[io]n|lost?|tie|dr.w|lea?d|f.ll|vot|rul|decid|pass|fail|defeat|scor|gam|match|trail|finish|end)e?[ds]?|\w\w+ing|ahead|behind|up|down|from|to|is|are|was|were|of|out|by|an?|at|it|went|go|gone|beaten|between)([^a-z]|nbsp)*$/i;
    var inorder   = (to-0 > from.slice(-to.length));     // pp 362-5
    var precision = Math.max( from.search(/0*$/), to.search(/0*$/) );
    if (string.substring(pos-20,pos+1).search(except) >= 0) {
        return str;      // based on preceding word, looks like a ref number
    if (from == 9 && to == 11) {
        dash = false;    // 9-11 is a common special case
    if (from-0 >= to) {
        dash = false;    // values don't look like a range
    if (to-from > 120 && from * (precision > 2 ? 5 : 50) < to && from > 1) {
        dash = false;    // values don't look like a range
    if (scoresAreLikely && from <= 900 && to <= 900) {
        dash = true;     // likely a score or wins-losses
    if (from < 2-to && string.search(/Category:.*\bChess\b/i) >= 0) {
        dash = false;    // chess notations 0-0, 0-1, 1-0
    if (str.charAt(0) == '(' && string.charAt(pos + str.length) == ')') {
        dash = true;     // scores often seen as (8-4)
    if (from.search(/^0./) >= 0 || to.search(/^0./) >= 0) {
        dash = false;    // 3-07 and 0123-4567 look like ref numbers
    if (string.substr(pos-1,15).search(/^\d([:,.])\d+.\d+\1\d/) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // 10:30-11:30, 35,000-40,000, 2.5-4.0
    if (string.substr(pos,30).search(rpat) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // 12-5 BC, 5-5000&nbsp;km, 6-4 win, 73-50 vote
    if (string.substring(pos-80,pos).search(lpat) >= 0) {
        dash = true;     // pp.&nbsp;8, 25, 270-74, 313-7; won 6-4, 6-2
    if (from > 1000 && from < 2100 && to.length == 2 && inorder) {
        dash = true;     // 1994-95 year range
    return dash ? ifNotLink(str,pos,string) : str;
  str = str.replace(/[^\w\/+−–-](\d{1,4})[-−](\d{1,4})(?!'*[\w\/+−–-])/g, range);
  return str;
//  Hook to allow using this tool "standalone"
if (importScript("Wikipedia:AutoEd/core.js"))   // if not otherwise using AutoEd
    function autoEdFunctions() {
        var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
        var str = txt.value;
        str = str.replace(/&mdash;/g, '—');
        str = str.replace(/&ndash;/g, '–');
        str = str.replace(/&minus;/g, '−');
        txt.value = autoEdDashes( str );
    autoEdLinkName  = "–";
    autoEdLinkHover = "Fix dashes, hyphens, and minus signs";
    autoEdTag       = "fixed [[MOS:DASH|dashes]] using a [[User:GregU/dashes.js|script]]";

addOnloadHook(function() {
	/*** Start editing here ***/
	// When you want to end your break?
	// no leading zeroes. (example: 7 - correct, 07 - incorrect)
	var date = { year: 2009, month: 7, day: 21};
	var time = { hours: 20, minutes: 00, seconds: 0 };
	/*** Stop editing here ***/
	var currentDate = new Date();
	var enforcedBreakEnd = new Date(
	if (currentDate <= enforcedBreakEnd) {
		alert("Enforced wikibreak until "+enforcedBreakEnd.toLocaleString()
			+ "\n(now is "+currentDate.toLocaleString()+")\n\nBye!");
		location = "http://"+location.host+"/w/index.php?title="
			+ "Special:Userlogout&returnto=Main_Page";

importScript('User:Gary King/nominations viewer.js'); // [[Wikipedia:Nominations Viewer]]