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var targetLang = 'zh';
Name: Langlinks
Author: ZUO Haocheng [[User:zuohaocheng]]
Email: Please feel free to email me via
电邮: 请通过 给我发送电邮
Date: 2011年8月12日 (五) 00:45 (UTC)
用途: 检测具有中文版的条目,若有,则改变链接为中文。
Usage: Check whether localized article exists, and change its appearance. ".locArticleExist"
if (typeof(targetLang) === 'undefined') {
var targetLang = 'en';
$(function() {
var process = function(baseURI, continueSelector, continueKey) {
var processResult = function(resultjq) {
resultjq.find('redirects r').each(function() {
var article = $(this).attr('to');
var orgArticle = $(this).attr('from');
$('a[title="' + orgArticle + '"]').attr('title', article);
var langSel = "langlinks ll[lang='" + targetLang + "']";
resultjq.find('pages page').each(function() {
var article = $(this).attr('title');
var localLink = $(this).find(langSel);
if (localLink.length !== 0) {
var locArticle = localLink.text();
var titleSel = "a[title='" + article.replace('\'', '\\\'') + "']";
var continueGetLanglink = function(resultjq, URI) {
var continueLanglink = resultjq.find('query-continue langlinks');
if (continueLanglink.length !== 0) {
var continueStr = continueLanglink.attr('llcontinue');
var postData = {llcontinue: continueStr};
$.post(URI, postData, function(result) {
continueGetLanglink($(result), URI);
var continueGet = function(result) {
var resultjq = $(result);
var continueLink = resultjq.find(continueSelector);
if (continueLink.length !== 0) {
var continueLinkURI = baseURI + '&' + continueKey + '=' + continueLink.attr(continueKey);
$.get(continueLinkURI, continueGet);
continueGetLanglink(resultjq, this.url);
$.get(baseURI, continueGet);
var pageName = encodeURIComponent(mediaWiki.config.get('wgPageName'));
var apiURIprefix = '/w/api.php';
var linksURIprefix = apiURIprefix + '?action=query&format=xml&generator=links&gpllimit=500&prop=langlinks&lllimit=500&redirects=true'
var linksURI = linksURIprefix + '&titles=' + pageName;
process(linksURI, 'query-continue links', 'gplcontinue');
if (mediaWiki.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 14) {
var cateMemberURI = apiURIprefix + '?format=xml&redirects=true&action=query&generator=categorymembers&gcmnamespace=0|14&gcmlimit=500&prop=langlinks&lllimit=500&gcmtitle=' + pageName;
process(cateMemberURI, 'query-continue categorymembers', 'gcmcontinue');