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{{Infobox Hurricane
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'''Typhoon Hagupit''' (international designation: '''0814''', JTWC Designation: '''18W''', PAGASA name: '''Nina''') is recognised as the 14th Tropical Storm, the 12th Severe Tropical Storm and the 10th Typhoon of the [[2008 Pacific typhoon season]] by the [[Japan Meteorological Agency]] who are the [[Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre]] for the North Western Pacific. The [[Joint Typhoon Warning Center]] have also recognised Hagupit as the 11th typhoon, 16th tropical storm, and the 18th tropical depression of the [[2008 Pacific typhoon season]].

The name Hagupit was one of the ten original names submitted to the WMOs Typhoon Committee for use from January 1, 2000 by the [[Philippines]]. It was last used in the [[2002 Pacific typhoon season]] to name a tropical storm and is Filipino for a [[whip|lash]]. <ref name="HKO Names">{{cite web|url=http://www.hko.gov.hk/informtc/sound/tc_pronunciatione.htm|publisher=HKO|title=The meaning of new tropical cyclone names in 2004|accessdate=2008-09-10}}</ref>

So far, at least 67 people have been killed by Hagupit.<ref name=Gulf>{{cite news|url=http://www.gulf-daily-news.com/Story.asp?Article=229898&Sn=WORL&IssueID=31189|title=Typhoon fury lashes China |date=2008-09-25|publisher=Gulf Daily News|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> Damage is estimated at around 1 billion (2008 USD).

==Meteorological history==
{{storm path|Hagupit 2008 track.png}}
On September 14 a tropical disturbance formed to the northeast of [[Guam]],<ref name="JTWC Best Track">{{cite web|url=|publisher=NRL|title=JTWC Best Track 18W|accessdate=2008-09-23}}</ref> <ref name="ABPW PGTW 15-09-08">{{cite web|url=ftp://ftp.met.fsu.edu/pub/weather/tropical/GuamStuff/2008091506-ABPW.PGTW|publisher=JTWC|title=JTWC ABPW PGTW 15-09-08|accessdate=2008-09-23}}</ref> and over the next few days it slowly developed as it moved westwards towards the [[Philippines]].<ref name="JTWC Best Track"/> The [[Japan Meteorological Agency]] (JMA) was the first to designate the disturbance as a tropical depression on September 17, with a [[Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert]] being issued later that day by the [[Joint Typhoon Warning Center]] (JTWC).<ref name="JMA WWJP25 Advisory 17-9-08 00z">{{cite web|url=ftp://ftp.met.fsu.edu/pub/weather/tropical/Tokyo/2008091700.RJTD|publisher=JMA|title=JMA WWJP25 Advisory 17-9-08 00z|accessdate=2008-09-23}}</ref> <ref name="TCFA 17-09-2008 21z">{{cite web|url=ftp://ftp.met.fsu.edu/pub/weather/tropical/GuamStuff/2008091723-WTPN.PGTW|publisher=JTWC|title=TCFA 17-09-2008|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> Late the next day the JTWC designated the depression as 18W.<ref name="JTWC Advisory 18-09-2008 21z">{{cite web|url=ftp://ftp.met.fsu.edu/pub/weather/tropical/GuamStuff/2008091821-WTPN.PGTW|publisher=JTWC|title=JTWC Advisory 18-09-2008 21z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> Early on September 19 the JMA began to issue full advisories on the depression, as it moved in to [[PAGASA|PAGASA’s]] area of responsibility and was named Nina.<ref name="JMA Advisory 19-09-2008 00z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5awGRyMAK|publisher=JMA|title=JMA Advisory 19-09-2008 00z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref><ref name="PAGASA Advisory 19-09-2008 03z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5awPEwtJ3|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 19-09-2008 03z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> Later that day both the JMA & the JTWC upgraded the depression to a tropical storm. with the JMA assigning the international name of Hagupit and the international number of 0814.<ref name="JMA Advisory 19-09-2008 12z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5ax6UvUM3|publisher=JMA|title=JMA Advisory 19-09-2008 12z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref><ref name="JTWC Advisory 19-09-2008 09z">{{cite web|url=ftp://ftp.met.fsu.edu/pub/weather/tropical/GuamStuff/2008091909-WTPN.PGTW|publisher=JTWC|title=JTWC Advisory 19-09-2008 09z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref>

On September 20 the JMA reported that Hagupit had intensified into a severe tropical storm while PAGASA reported that Hagupit had intensified into a typhoon. However both the JMA and the JTWC did not upgrade Hagupit to a Typhoon until early the next afternoon. On September 22 the JTWC reported that Hagupit had intensified into a Category 2 typhoon, with wind speeds of 85&nbsp;knots. Hagupit then continued to intensify, with the JTWC upgrading Hagupit, into a Category 3 typhoon with winds of 105&nbsp;knots. Early the next day PAGASA issued its final advisory on Typhoon Nina (Hagupit) as it was moving out of PAGASA's area of responsibility. Later that day the JTWC upgraded Hagupit to a Category 4 typhoon as Hagupit was approaching southern [[China]].

==Typhoon Warnings and Watches==
On September 20 [[PAGASA]] started to issue Typhoon Warnings by raising Public Storm Signal No.1 for the [[Catanduanes]] in [[Luzon]] <ref name="PAGASA Advisory 20-09-08 03z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5ay0zU4Yc|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 20-09-08 03z|accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> Later that day PAGASA hoisted Signal No.2 for the [[Catanduanes]] and hoisted added Signal No.1 over other provinces of the [[Philippines]]. <ref name="PAGASA Advisory 20-09-08 15z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5az4S8tI7|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 20-09-08 15z|accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> <ref name="PAGASA Warning 20-09-08 21z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5ayfGTBPl|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 20-09-08 15z|accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> On September 21 as Hagupit moved towards the north-east [[PAGASA]] revised their warnings by lowering the signals for Samar. <ref name="PAGASA Warning 21-09-08 03z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5azRIZK6w|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 21-09-08 03z|accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> Later that day PAGASA placed further provinces under storm signal No.2 and hoisted Storm Signal No.3 over various provinces in Luzon including the [[Calayan Group of Islands]], [[Cagayan]] & [[Babuyan]]. <ref name="PAGASA Warning 21-09-08 21z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5b0h6jO3C|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 21-09-08 21z|accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> However late the next day the Signal No.3's were downgraded to Signal No.2 as Hagupit moved further away from the Philippines. <ref name="PAGASA Warning 22-09-08 21z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5b25csz5U|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 22-09-08 21z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> PAGASA then removed Signal No 2 within their next advisory, PAGASA then issued their final advisory as Hagupit moved out of PAGASAs Area of Responsibility. <ref name="PAGASA Warning 23-09-08 03z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5b2TSZ9ku|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 23-09-08 03z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> <ref name="PAGASA Warning 23-09-08 09z">{{cite web|url=http://www.webcitation.org/5b2p812CV|publisher=PAGASA|title=PAGASA Advisory 23-09-08 09z|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref>

On September 21 [[Taiwan|Taiwan's]] Central Weather Bureau issued a Sea warning for Ships sailing in the seas to the south and southeast of [[Taiwan]]. <ref name="Taiwan news 1">{{cite web|url=http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=744490|publisher=Taiwan News|title=CWB issues sea warning for Typhoon Hagupit|date=2008-09-21|Accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> Early the next day the CWB issued Land Warnings for southern Taiwan as Hagupit moved past Taiwan. <ref name="Taiwan News">{{cite web|url=http://www.etaiwannews.com/etn/news_content.php?id=744490|publisher=Taiwan News|title=CWB issues sea warning for Typhoon Hagupit|date=2008-09-21|Accessdate=2008-09-22}}</ref> Also, the President has been forced to order that a navy marine landing drill was cancelled as a result of this storm.<ref>http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900SID/LSGZ-7JQQWP?OpenDocument</ref>

===Hong Kong===
On 22 September 2008, the [[Hong Kong Observatory]] (HKO) issued the [[Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals| Standby Signal 1]] for Hong Kong. <ref name="Hagupit">{{cite web|url=
http://www.hko.gov.hk/cgi-bin/hko/warndb_e1.pl?opt=91&tcname=HAGUPIT&submit=Submit+Query|publisher=HKO|title=HKO Signals Database HAGUPIT|accessdate=2008-09-23}}</ref> The HKO kept this signal in force for 18 hours before issuing the [[Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals|Strong Wind Signal No.3]] the next day. <ref name="Hagupit"/> Later on 23 September 2008, as Hagupit moved closer to Southern [[China]], the HKO announced at 1600 (HKT) that the Gale or Storm Signal 8 will be issued by 1800 (HKT). <ref name="Hagupit"/> The HKO then issued the [[Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals| Gale or Storm Signal 8 Northeast]] at 1800 (HKT). <ref name="Hagupit"/> It was replaced by the [[Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals| Gale or Storm Signal 8 Southeast]] soon after midnight that evening due to change in wind direction. Six hours later at 0630 (HKT), the HKO lowered the warning to the [[Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals|Strong Wind Signal 3]]. Because of the heavy rain brought by Hagupit<ref name="Hagupit"/>, the HKO issued the Amber rainstorm warning at 1100 (HKT). <ref name="Hagupit"/> <ref name="rain"/> All [[Hong Kong tropical cyclone warning signals]] was cancelled at around 1300 (HKT) <ref name="Hagupit"/> Later that day, the HKO removed the Amber rainstorm warning at 1620 (HKT). <ref name="rain">{{cite web|url=http://www.hko.gov.hk/cgi-bin/hko/warndb_e1.pl?opt=3&rcolor=All+colours&start_ym=200801&end_ym=200809&submit=Submit+Query|publisher=HKO|title=HKO Rainstorm Signals Database HAGUPIT|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref>

{|class="wikitable" style="float: right; margin:0 1em 0.5em 1em;"
|+ Deaths by country
| [[Philippines]] || 8
| [[Taiwan]] || 1
| [[People's Republic of China]] || 17
| [[Vietnam]] || 41
| Total || 67
The typhoon has so far killed eight people in the [[Philippines]], and left 13 miners trapped in a flooded mining tunnel.<ref name=AFP>{{cite news|url=http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gU9XwZX4Jo1loZ2I0oV5cceYa_ew|title=Hope fades for trapped miners, death toll rises in Philippines typhoon|date=2008-09-24|publisher=AFP|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> 4 of the deaths were caused by [[drowning]], 3 by [[landslide]]s, and the last by electrocution. 5,000 people were also displaced because of the storm.<ref name=AFP/> During the storm, [[Ferry|ferries]] and fishing craft in [[Luzon]] were recalled to port.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/news/stories/200809/s2371167.htm?tab=latest|title=Typhoon Hagupit lashes Philippines|date=2008-09-23|publisher=Radio Australia|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> 15 still remain missing from the storm,<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/nation/regions/09/23/08/typhoon-nina-leaves-8-dead-15-missing|title=Typhoon Nina leaves 8 dead, 15 missing|date=2008-09-24|publisher=ABS-CBN news|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> and 19 were injured.<ref name=GMA>{{cite news|url=http://www.gmanews.tv/story/122386/Nina-toll-8-dead-19-injured-15-missing|title='Nina' toll: 8 dead, 19 injured, 15 missing|date=2008-09-23|publisher=GMA News|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> All in all, about 10,000 in 47 villages were affected by the storm.<ref name=GMA/> The estimated total cost of damages caused by Hagupit in the Philippines is currently put at 29.5 Million [[Philippine peso|Php]].<ref name=NDCC Sitrep 6>{{cite web|url=|title='Sitrep 6 Re Effects of Typhoon Nina|date=2008-09-24|publisher=NDCC News|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref>

===Hong Kong===
In [[Hong Kong]], 61 flights at [[Hong Kong International Airport]] were cancelled, 87 were delayed,<ref name=USA>{{cite news|url=http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2008-09-24-typhoon_N.htm|title=Typhoon Hagupit hits southern China|date=2008-09-24|publisher=[[USA Today]]|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> and more were delayed because of the typhoon.<ref name=HG>{{cite news|url=http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5j1XZR1Gw0lr2smMHDzdavnfP-SaQD93CEJ080|title=Typhoon Hagupit approaches Hong Kong|date=2008-09-23|publisher=AP|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> [[List of schools in Hong Kong|Schools]] and courts in the territory were also closed.<ref name=HG/> [[Tai O]] experienced heavy flooding, while the foundations of several houses in [[Cheung Chau]] were severely damaged. Sewers overflowed with seawater in various parts of the territory. 58 were injured during the storm.<ref name=USA/>

In [[Taiwan]], at least 1 person was killed and many thousands of people stranded as a result of the depredations of Typhoon Hagupit. Furthermore, several buildings, including a prominent hotel were damaged by the storm.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900SID/LSGZ-7JQQWP?OpenDocument|title=China: Taiwan braces for strong Typhoon Hagupit|publisher=DPA|accessdate=2008-09-29|date=2008-09-22}}</ref>

===People's Republic of China===
Typhoon Hagupit made landfall near [[Maoming]] in [[Guangdong Province]] of the [[People's Republic of China]] at 6:45 a.m. local time on September 24.<ref name=Xin>{{cite news|url=http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-09/25/content_10104919.htm|title=Civil Affairs Ministry confirms five deaths in typhoon Hagupit |date=2008-09-25|publisher=China View|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> 10 were killed,<ref name=ten>{{cite news|url=http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-09/25/content_10109100.htm|title=Typhoon Hagupit kills 10 in south China |date=2008-09-25|publisher=Xinhua|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> and 2 remain missing after the storm,<ref name=ten/> mostly in [[Guangdong]] province. 14,333 houses were destroyed and caused [[Renminbi|¥]]5.772 billion ([[US$]]824 million) in damages.<ref name=Xin/> More than 28 thousand people were evacuated because of the storm,<ref name=Viet>{{cite news|url=http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hFZPFpGDZW4hYhPPWl8Kh9iLKrSAD93CUEFO1|title=Vietnam braces for Typhoon Hagupit|date=2008-09-24|publisher=AP|accessdate=2008-09-24}}</ref> 17,324 people from [[Yangjiang]], and about 11,000 from [[List of administrative divisions of Guangdong|Xuwen County]].<ref name=USA/> Trees and billboards near Maoming sustained damage, and 51,000 ships carrying 200,000 crew were recalled back to port.<ref name=USA/> Schools were also closed in [[Zhanjiang]].<ref name=USA/>

[[Vietnam]] began stockpiling food and medicine in preparation for the typhoon.<ref name=Viet/> 550 tourist and fishing boats were recalled back to port in [[Halong Bay]], and rescue equipment was positioned in nine northern provinces.<ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/news/stories/200809/s2373858.htm?tab=asia|title=Vietnam bars boats from Halong Bay as Typhoon Hagupit approaches|date=2008-09-25|publisher=Radio Australia|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref> The [[Government of Vietnam|government]] said that "...there will be very heavy torrential rains, significantly raising the risk of flash floods and land slides in the nine mountainous provinces in the eye of the storm."<ref>{{cite news|url=http://in.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idINIndia-35630720080924|title=Vietnam bars boats from Halong Bay ahead of typhoon|first=2008-09-24|publisher=Reuters|accessdate=2008-09-25}}</ref>
As of [[September 29]], [[2008]], the flooding left behind by the typhoon left 41 people dead, and at least 60 injured.<ref name=au>[http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,24418950-401,00.html Typhoon Hagupit floods kill 41 in Vietnam], Agence France-Presse via news.com.au, September 29, 2008 02:12pm</ref> Damages exceeded [[Vietnamese đồng|₫]]1 trillion ([[US Dollar|US$]]72.49 million).<ref name=au/> 1,300 houses were completely destroyed with about 10,000 more damages.<ref name=RTT>{{cite news|url=http://www.rttnews.com/ArticleView.aspx?Id=725414&SMap=1|title=Floods Caused By Typhoon Hagupit Claim 41 Lives In Vietnam|date=2008-09-29|publisher=RTT News|accessdate=2008-09-30}}</ref> Though the storm did not directly hit Vietnam,<ref name=IRIN>{{cite news|url=http://www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=80647|title=VIETNAM: Typhoon Hagupit unleashes floods, killing 41|date=2008-09-29|publisher=IRIN|accessdate=2008-09-30}}</ref> heavy rains caused heavy flooding, especially in the provinces of [[Son La]], [[Lang Son]], [[Bac Giang]] and [[Quang Ninh]].<ref name=RTT/> Hoang Thi Luu, a farmer from [[Tuan Dao]], said, "The waters came really quick, coming down the mountains and from the rising rivers and streams. ... No one had enough time to save their property; they just ran for their lives."<ref name=IRIN/>


{{2008 Pacific typhoon season buttons}}

[[Category:2008 Pacific typhoon season]]
[[Category:Pacific typhoons]]
[[Category:2008 in Vietnam|Hagupit]]

[[zh:颱風哈格比 (2008年)]]

== External links ==
*[http://www.hkoutdoors.com/wild-hk-info/tropical-cyclone-hagupit-and-hong-kong.html Typhoon Hagupit impact on Hong Kong, including Cheung Chau and Lantau] - includes video and photos showing storm surge (1m and more) and its aftermath

Revision as of 23:11, 30 September 2008

Typhoon Bob Barker (Nina)
Very strong typhoon (JMA scale)
Category 4 typhoon (SSHWS)
Typhoon Hagupit on September 23
FormedSeptember 19, 2008
DissipatedSeptember 25, 2008
Highest winds10-minute sustained: 165 km/h (105 mph)
1-minute sustained: 220 km/h (140 mph)
Lowest pressure935 hPa (mbar); 27.61 inHg
Fatalities67 direct, 22 missing
Damage$1 billion (2008 USD)
Areas affectedPhilippines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Vietnam.
Part of the 2008 Pacific typhoon season