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Tridentine calendar

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The Tridentine calendar is the calendar of saints to be honoured in the course of the liturgical year in the official liturgy of the Roman Rite as reformed by Pope Pius V, implementing a decision of the Council of Trent, which entrusted the task to the Pope.

The text of the Tridentine calendar can be found in the original editions of the Tridentine Roman Breviary[1] and of the Tridentine Roman Missal.[2]

Use of both these texts, which included Pius V's revised calendar, was made obligatory throughout the Latin Church except where other texts of at least two centuries' antiquity were in use, and departures from it were not allowed. The Apostolic Constitution Quod a nobis, which imposed use of the Tridentine Roman Breviary, and the corresponding Apostolic Constitution Quo primum concerning the Tridentine Roman Missal both decreed: "No one whosoever is permitted to alter this letter or heedlessly to venture to go contrary to this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree and prohibition. Should anyone, however, presume to commit such an act, he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."[3]

Later editions of the Roman calendar


Soon after the publication of this 1907 table, Pope Pius X made a general revision of the rubrics of the calendar, the result of which (with a few additions by Pope Pius XI) can be seen in General Roman Calendar of 1954. This was followed by Pope Pius XII's simplifying revision of 1955 (see General Roman Calendar of Pope Pius XII).

Pope Date Doubles, I Class Doubles, II Class Greater Doubles Doubles Semidoubles Total
Pius V 1568 19 17 0 53 60 149
Clement VIII 1602 19 18 16 43 68 164
Urban VIII 1631 19 18 16 45 78 176
Leo XIII 1882 21 18 24 128 74 265
Pius X 1907 23 27 25 133 72 280

John XXIII's General Roman Calendar of 1960 reduced the number of celebrations and completely abandoned the ranking as Doubles, Simples, etc.

The General Roman Calendar of 1969 has subsequent adjustments and is currently in general use in the Latin Church (the present General Roman Calendar, observed for instance by the Pope himself).

The Tridentine calendar



  • 1 January: Circumcision of the Lord, Double.
  • 2 January: Octave of St. Stephen, Double, with commemoration of octaves.
  • 3 January: Octave of St. John, Double, with commemoration of the octave of the Holy Innocents.
  • 4 January: Octave of the Holy Innocents, Double
  • 5 January: Vigil.
  • 6 January: Epiphany of the Lord, Double.
  • 7 January: Of the Octave of the Epiphany.
  • 8 January: Of the Octave.
  • 9 January: Of the Octave.
  • 10 January: Of the Octave.
  • 11 January: Of the Octave of the Epiphany, and commemoration of St Hyginus pope and martyr.
  • 12 January: Of the octave.
  • 13 January: Octave of the Epiphany, Double.
  • 14 January: Hilary bishop and confessor, Semidouble, transferred from yesterday, with commemoration of St Felix Priest and martyr.
  • 15 January: Paul the First Hermit, confessor, Semidouble, transferred from 10 January, with commemoration of St Maurus, abbot.
  • 16 January: Marcellus pope and martyr, Semidouble.
  • 17 January: Anthony Abbot, Double.
  • 18 January: Chair of St Peter at Rome, Double, and commemoration of St Prisca virgin and martyr.
  • 19 January: Marius, Martha, Audifax, and Abachum martyrs.
  • 20 January: Fabian and Sebastian martyrs, Double.
  • 21 January: Agnes virgin and martyr, Double.
  • 22 January: Vincent and Anastasius martyrs, Semidouble.
  • 23 January: Emerentiana virgin and martyr.
  • 24 January: Timothy bishop and martyr.
  • 25 January: Conversion of St Paul Apostle, Double.
  • 26 January: Polycarp bishop and martyr.
  • 27 January: John Chrysostom bishop and confessor, Double.
  • 28 January: Agnes second.
  • 29 January:
  • 30 January:
  • 31 January:


  • 1 February: Ignatius bishop and martyr, Semidouble.
  • 2 February: Purification of Blessed Mary, Double.
  • 3 February: Blase bishop and martyr.
  • 4 February:
  • 5 February: Agatha virgin and martyr, Semidouble.
  • 6 February: Dorothy virgin and martyr.
  • 7 February:
  • 8 February:
  • 9 February: Apollonia virgin and martyr.
  • 10 February:
  • 11 February:
  • 12 February:
  • 13 February:
  • 14 February: Valentine Priest and martyr.
  • 15 February: Faustinus and Jovita martyrs.
  • 16 February:
  • 17 February:
  • 18 February: Simeon bishop and martyr.
  • 19 February:
  • 20 February:
  • 21 February:
  • 22 February: Chair of St Peter at Antioch, Double.
  • 23 February: Vigil.
  • 24 February: Matthias Apostle, Double.
  • 25 February:
  • 26 February:
  • 27 February:
  • 28 February:

In leap years, a day is added and it is of 29 days but the Feast of St. Matthias is celebrated on the 25th day and then is said twice Sexto Kalendas, that is on the 24th and 25th day, and thus the Dominical letter is changed to the one above, that if it be B, into A, if it be C, into B, similarly also in the others.


  • 1 March:
  • 2 March:
  • 3 March:
  • 4 March:
  • 5 March:
  • 6 March:
  • 7 March: Thomas Aquinas confessor, Double, and commemoration of Perpetua and Felicity martyrs.
  • 8 March:
  • 9 March: The Forty Holy Martyrs, Semidouble.
  • 10 March:
  • 11 March:
  • 12 March: Gregory pope and confessor, and Doctor of the Church, Double.
  • 13 March:
  • 14 March:
  • 15 March:
  • 16 March:
  • 17 March:
  • 18 March:
  • 19 March: Joseph confessor, Double.
  • 20 March:
  • 21 March: Benedict Abbot, Double.
  • 22 March:
  • 23 March:
  • 24 March:
  • 25 March: Annunciation of Blessed Mary, Double.
  • 26 March:
  • 27 March:
  • 28 March:
  • 29 March:
  • 30 March:
  • 31 March:


  • 1 April:
  • 2 April:
  • 3 April:
  • 4 April:
  • 5 April:
  • 6 April:
  • 7 April:
  • 8 April:
  • 9 April:
  • 10 April:
  • 11 April: Leo pope and confessor, Double.
  • 12 April:
  • 13 April:
  • 14 April: Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus, martyrs.
  • 15 April:
  • 16 April:
  • 17 April: Anicetus pope and martyr
  • 18 April:
  • 19 April:
  • 20 April:
  • 21 April:
  • 22 April: Soter and Caius popes and martyrs, Semidouble.
  • 23 April: George martyr, Semidouble.
  • 24 April:
  • 25 April: Mark Evangelist, Double.
  • 26 April: Cletus and Marcellinus popes and martyrs, Semidouble.
  • 27 April:
  • 28 April: Vitalis martyr.
  • 29 April:
  • 30 April:










  • 1 September: St. Giles Abbot, and commemoration of the Holy Twelve Brothers martyrs.
  • 2 September:
  • 3 September:
  • 4 September:
  • 5 September:
  • 6 September:
  • 7 September:
  • 8 September: Nativity of Blessed Mary, Double, and commemoration of St. Adrian martyr in private Masses.
  • 9 September: Of the Octave of Saint Mary and commemoration of St. Gorgonius martyr.
  • 10 September: Of the octave.
  • 11 September: Of the octave, and commemoration of Ss. Protus and Hyacinth martyrs.
  • 12 September: Of the octave.
  • 13 September: Of the octave.
  • 14 September: Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Double, with commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity of St. Mary.
  • 15 September: Octave of the Nativity of Blessed Mary, Double, with commemoration of St. Nicomedes martyr.
  • 16 September: Cornelius and Cyprian bishops and martyrs, Semidouble, and commemoration of Ss Euphemia, Lucy and Geminianus martyrs.
  • 17 September:
  • 18 September:
  • 19 September:
  • 20 September: Vigil, and commemoration of St Eustace and Companions martyrs.
  • 21 September: Matthew Apostle, Double.
  • 22 September: Maurice and companions martyrs.
  • 23 September: Linus pope and martyr, Semidouble, and commemoration of St Thecla virgin and martyr.
  • 24 September:
  • 25 September:
  • 26 September: Cyprian and Justina martyrs.
  • 27 September: Cosmas and Damian martyrs, Semidouble.
  • 28 September:
  • 29 September: Dedication of St Michael Archangel, Double.
  • 30 September: Jerome Priest, confessor, and Doctor of the Church, Double.


  • 1 October: Remigius bishop and confessor.
  • 2 October:
  • 3 October:
  • 4 October: Francis confessor, Double.
  • 5 October:
  • 6 October:
  • 7 October: Mark pope and confessor, and commemoration of Ss Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus and Apuleius martyrs.
  • 8 October:
  • 9 October: Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius martyrs, Semidouble.
  • 10 October:
  • 11 October:
  • 12 October:
  • 13 October:
  • 14 October: Callistus pope and martyr, Semidouble.
  • 15 October:
  • 16 October:
  • 17 October:
  • 18 October: Luke Evangelist, Double.
  • 19 October:
  • 20 October:
  • 21 October: Hilarion Abbot, and commemoration of Saint Ursula and companions virgins and martyrs.
  • 22 October:
  • 23 October:
  • 24 October:
  • 25 October: Chrysanthus and Daria martyrs.
  • 26 October: Evaristus pope and martyr.
  • 27 October: Vigil.
  • 28 October: Simon and Jude Apostles, Double.
  • 29 October:
  • 30 October:
  • 31 October: Vigil.




  • 1 December:
  • 2 December: Bibiana virgin and martyr.
  • 3 December:
  • 4 December: Barbara virgin and martyr, Commemoration.
  • 5 December: Sabbas Abbot, Commemoration.
  • 6 December: Nicholas bishop and confessor, Semidouble.
  • 7 December: Ambrose bishop, confessor, and Doctor of the Church, Double.
  • 8 December: Conception of Blessed Mary, Double.
  • 9 December:
  • 10 December: Melchiades pope and martyr, Commemoration.
  • 11 December: Damasus pope and confessor, Semidouble.
  • 12 December:
  • 13 December: Saint Lucy virgin and martyr, Double.
  • 14 December:
  • 15 December:
  • 16 December:
  • 17 December:
  • 18 December:
  • 19 December:
  • 20 December: Vigil.
  • 21 December: Thomas the Apostle, Double.
  • 22 December:
  • 23 December:
  • 24 December: Vigil.
  • 25 December: Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, Double.
  • 26 December: Stephen Protomartyr, Double and commemoration of the Octave of the Nativity.
  • 27 December: John Apostle and Evangelist, Double and commemoration of the Octaves.
  • 28 December: The Holy Innocents, Double and commemoration of the Octaves.
  • 29 December: Thomas of Canterbury bishop and martyr, Semidouble, and commemoration of the Octaves.
  • 30 December: Of the Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity, or of the Octave, with commemoration of the other Octaves.
  • 31 December: Sylvester pope and confessor, Double, with commemoration of the Octaves.

See also



  1. ^ Breviarium Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum Apud Paulum Manutium, Roma 1568. Facsimile: Achille Maria Triacca, Breviarium Romanum. Editio princeps (1568), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 1999
  2. ^ Missale Romanum ex Decreto Sacrosancti Concilii Tridentini restitutum Pii V. Pont. Max. editum Apud haeredes Bartholomaei Faletti, Ioannem Varisei et socios, Roma 1570. Facsimile: Manlio Sodi, Antonio Maria Triacca, Missale Romanum. Editio princeps (1570), Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 1998, ISBN 88-209-2547-8.
  3. ^ Quo Primum
  4. ^ Manlio Sodi, Achille Maria Triacca, Missale Romanum Editio Princeps (Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1998 ISBN 88-209-2547-8), pp. 49 and 560, making Caesarius of Africa one of the saints referred to in the section of this article on "Some of Pope Pius V's alterations of the existing Roman Calendar" whom Pope Pius V removed from the Roman calendar, where he had been included at least since the time of Charlemagne (Pierre Battifol, History of the Roman Breviary, p. 144).