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More specs rumours

Nintendo hasn't yet spoken about all Revolution specs. However, someone who has accurately informed about XBox360 specs in the past has released a set of specifications Nintendo may be considering [1] (search for a message made by Han Solo). As I said, only rumours, but being he part of game industry and his accurate specifications of the XBox360 in the past may give him some credit. -- ReyBrujo 16:35, 23 September 2005 (UTC)

We already have a rumor on its specs.. Do we really need another one? ---Omega21 22:34, 23 September 2005 (UTC)
Not really, just pointing out there are rumours about it coming from someone who seems to have contacts. If these rumours are later confirmed by Nintendo itself, one may deduce Nintendo does wait for technology to become cheaper in order to introduce a more powerful console, as it did with N64 and GC, instead of entering the market first with a less powerful machine. -- ReyBrujo 00:56, 24 September 2005 (UTC)
I think we should wait until more sources can corroborate this. Right now this can easily be just something made up. Anyway, doesn't have a place in the article IMO. Jacoplane 13:44, 24 September 2005 (UTC)
I'm not sure it has a place in the article either, but places like evilavatar have cited it, so it is getting some press time. For now I've seriously shortened the blurb, and made a reference link to the original posting. Also, does anyone have a link to him correctly predicting the 360 specs? I see it cited as fact in a lot of places, but I'm reluctant to just assume it to be true. --Codemonkey 21:41, 25 September 2005 (UTC)
It seems someone posted the specifications in TeamXBox forums, which were quickly deleted. [2] -- ReyBrujo 22:28, 25 September 2005 (UTC)

dubious/misleading statement

"Prior innovations (such as the inclusion of an analog stick as standard, wireless controller technology, and vibrating feedback for controllers)"

this should be axed, it's rediculous, nintendo doesn't own any of the patents for any of these "innovations" and has to pay licensing costs (as do sony and micrsoft) to the companies who do own the intelectual property.Shrewd.user 03:34, 9 October 2005 (UTC)

Hmm... that is not what the phrase means, from what I understand. Thanks to USA legislation, everything can be patented, even if not implemented. "Innovation", thus, is being the first to implement, not just idealize. -- ReyBrujo 03:54, 9 October 2005 (UTC)
And besides, the exact wording of that sentence was changed a while ago to not imply that they were invented by Nintendo any more, but rather that Nintendo was the first to adopt them in a mainstream controller. "... following their mainstream arrival on Nintendo's machines." I suppose it could do with a bit of tweaking though. Something to the effect of "Nintendo has given ... as examples of innovations they feel were quickly adopted by their competitors after they first adopted it in a mainstream product." With some reference links to some Nintendo rep quotes. --Codemonkey 15:55, 9 October 2005 (UTC)
Meh. The first major home machine to have analogue controllers (if you don't count the "paddle" knob-style controllers for Pong knock-offs) was the Atari 5200. Granted, it failed and wasn't as popular as the N64, but coming hot on the heels of the Atari VCS, it was definitely mainstream. Garrett Albright 16:57, 10 October 2005 (UTC)
the sentence quoted above is chok full of bias, sounds like it was written by an nintendo fanboy and you could argue is also factually incorrect, thus should be altered. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .


Should we have a section on the reaction to the Revolution? For example, I have seen a number of people state that they won't be getting one since seeing the controller. Sonic Mew | talk to me 18:55, 9 October 2005 (UTC)

I didn't like the reaction page in Game Boy Micro, it is basically POVs. There can't be reactions to the console, only to its controller, which limits the feedback. Unless they come from game developers, who know what they are speaking, it is a very "flameable" topic. Besides, most developers agree the new controller is a good thing [3] [4] [5], and I am afraid casual readers may believe the article to be biased. -- ReyBrujo 19:49, 9 October 2005 (UTC)
Certainly, we want to mention the positive feedback as well, which is the only type I've seen from the professionals. Sonic Mew | talk to me 17:59, 11 October 2005 (UTC)

Common spelling errors

it's -> its
there -> their
compatability -> compatibility
rediculous -> ridiculous
i -> I
dont -> don't
your -> you're
definately -> definitely
unfortunatly -> unfortunately
can not -> cannot

lysdexia 01:16, 15 October 2005 (UTC)

Two comments. One, insulting people by calling them "illiterate teenagers" is not the way to get people to do what you want. Please take a look at WP:WQT. And second, a lot of the corrections you list are corecting something that was spelled corectly on the right side already. It's the context that makes the spelling right or wrong (e.g. it's should be used when you want to say 'it is', its when you need a possessive). So this list isn't all that useful either.--Codemonkey 01:36, 15 October 2005 (UTC)
I obviously put the seen mistakes on the left. If you couldn't understand the above, that is your problem. And whether or not the headline is an insult is the reader's choice; the headline was a statement of fact. lysdexia 03:41, 15 October 2005 (UTC)
Fact or not, please try to remain civil K1Bond007 03:46, 15 October 2005 (UTC)

Quote changing

The line:

Final version could be smaller than the presented prototype, "about the size of three stacked standard DVD cases" (as quoted from the conference).

Was changed to:

Final version could be smaller than the presented prototype, "and the final version will be two [DVD cases]" (as quoted from the conference).

I reverted this change as I'm guessing the first version was the actual "quote from the conference." Am I mistaken? The preceding unsigned comment was added by Garrett Albright (talk • contribs) .

I believe you did the right thing. I'd have to look it up, but I'm pretty sure the quote was 3 cases. --Codemonkey 10:29, 20 October 2005 (UTC)
I second that remark... I am sure it was three... I am going to look up on that be right back. Jackie Moto 03:58, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Found the information I was looking for Quoute from gamespot "Speaking of DVDs, Nintendo also mentioned that the Revolution "will be about the thickness of three standard DVD cases and only slightly longer." article source can be found here http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-15143-1973-4-6-x hope that helps ^.^. Jackie Moto 04:05, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

3rd party developers

Although those developers gave positive feedback about the Revolution they did not make any claims as to actually be working on games let all alone of them declaring unnamed titles. I will give the benefit of the doubt and move this to the rumors section. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .

Isn't this more of something to go in List of Nintendo Revolution games, though?... --Shadow Hog 13:06, 17 October 2005 (UTC)
Okay I scanned through all of the provided references at the bottom of the page. Only Ubisoft, Blitz, and Square Enix positvely confirmed games for the Revolution and they are back up in the games list. If you wish to add more games to the list that if fine just make sure you site a source that backs up your claim please. If an article says it will probably come to Revolution or its for next-gen consoles its just speculation so dont use those. If a developer says I like the Revolution or its controller or that they think it will open up new gaming possibilities thats just postive speaking it doesnt mean they are currently working on a game. So just use links that either say we are working on a Revolution title or this specific game its going to be multiplatform for Revolution too. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .

Wifi AND Bluetooth?

Is it just me or does it seem unlikely that there will be both wifi (for NDS, and perhaps networking), and bluetooth (for the 'revolutionary' controler)? I have pretty much never seen a device except some laptops that support both. They are generally viewed as competing technologies despite being somewhat different in the way that they actually work. Besides it would seem like it would be cheaper to only need to include one of them in the console. The controller being Wifi rather than bluetooth seems a bit more likely, or perhaps there will not be support for the NDS. Your thoughts?

Not really. Besides that they have explicitly said that it uses both Wi-Fi and bluetooth (or at least a proprietary variant of it), they are two different technologies. The advantage of bluetooth is that it's reasonably power efficient, but it has relatively little bandwidth to send data over. Wi-Fi is going to be used to hook it up to the internet, per Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. I'm guessing they're going to use the DS's local wireless capabilities (not Wi-Fi, I think it's also a proprietary bluetooth variant) to hook it up to the Rev. --Codemonkey 23:57, 17 October 2005 (UTC)
I assert that NIFI is indeed a form a WIFI. It does not use IP as layer 3, it uses short preamble, and to be strict it does break WIFI spec in one tiny area, but it is definately WIFI. The fact is that people just assume that it is not because it does not use TCP/IP or even UDP/IP but that is not required by the WIFI spec. The local connection is most definately not bluetooth based. From a comment I posted on talk:Nintendo_DS: Darkain explains that the DS uses only wifi on a page at his site. (Pedantics may note that the DS deviates just a tiny bit from the 802.11b in some areas, but this makes no difference to the argument as a whole.) Of some note is that based on his description, while a Wi-Fi *router* will not work with the DS's Layer 3 Protocol, a Wi-Fi *hub* (I don't think these exist) would work as a range extender by repeating the raw MAC packets. Tacvek 16:44, 4 November 2005 (UTC)

Crystal Chronicles rumour entry

I moved this bit about Crystal Cronicles in the rumors section to the talk page:

  • It has been announced that a new Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles is in the making for the Revolution at this present time. "We would like to strongly support Nintendo's next-generation networking plans," said Yoichi Wada, president of Square Enix. "The Revolution may embody a new platform beyond a portable or console, which makes possible a new structure in the network gaming system, changing the ways communities are built and supported. This is the kind of direction we've envisioned, and we will challenge ourselves to provide immersive interactive content in response to what Nintendo offers." Hopefully, this game will mean that Square Enix will also jump in the bandwagon of other third parties supporting the Revolution. Not much of the game has been shown yet, but we should expect a major game for the Revolution come launch date. [6]

I'm not sure what it's doing in the rumors section, since CC is pretty much confirmed. Moving it here for reference, because it might fit into the rumours section as a "Squeenix might be developing more Rev games beyond CC" sort of rumour, based on some of the other quotes by Squeenix reps. And maybe some parts of it could be moved over to the games in development section, where CC is already mentioned. --Codemonkey 10:39, 20 October 2005 (UTC)

Yeah, my mistake. I'm really new to Wikipedia and I thought I might just share some info with you guys for the first time. I mainly put it in the rumor section because it was more of Square Enix liking the Revolution and an announcement about CC. I was also focusing on the fact that SE can be a big supporter for the Revolution, including downloadable games (Super Mario RPG, anyone?), other SE games, and possibly, a BIG supporter to the Revolution. :) (I'm not really a member...but you can call me Darknut_Slayer) The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .

Blogs and Kojima

Blogs are no acceptable reference sources. They are merely the journals of people writing things and often contain bias and or rumors. The only exception in this case is obviously Kojimas personal blog about his own projects as its written by him. This is pretty much exactly the same as referencing what someone says on a message board as fact. The blog related to Kojima working on the Revolution sources the November issue of Game Informer #151 and supposedly this is where he gives an interview about working for Nintendo. Yet according to gameinformer.com who owns the magazine next months magazine is not out yet which isnt suprising considering its still halfway through October. If you are excited about the Nintendo fine, but try to use real news links and facts or simply add it to the rumor section. Magazines are fine as long as you provide a scan of the page. Im sure everyone remembers the 7800>RSX fiasco and how the only reason it occured is a Anti-Sony fan misread it and posted the article as such even though it actually said the exact opposite. A word for word accounting of the article or a scan prevents rumors from spreading.

http://www.gameinformer.com/Magazine/ The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .

There have been some people confirming that this is indeed in GI that I trust, but I can see your point. So I'll wait until it either hits the GI website or some scans hit the web. Thanks for explaining why you feel it doesn't belong as a confirmed game in the article yet with this source. It's not really comparable to the 7800>RSX thing though, since that was basically a giant version of the telephone game, and here we get pretty much a literal quote from the GI article in the blog. But like I said, I can see why the blog isn't that good a source after your explanation. --Codemonkey 23:31, 20 October 2005 (UTC)
I have pretty much no problem with people adding junk to the rumor section as people can go there and say hey that looks really cool I hope its not a rumor. Its just really easy for people to misquote stuff out of magazines just by getting the wording wrong. Thats why hearsay isnt allowed in courts. Anyways, Ive asked some people about the Kojima thing and it appears www.gamecubeheaven.tk did a news topic on this issue although its a fansite its probably pretty trustyworthy. Only problem is I cant seem to access any .tk websites at all but if you check it out it probably references what you what. The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
Besides the fact that they probably picked up the story from Infendo, it is really not that much more trustworthy than infendo (I'd say the opposite, looking at the site). If you want a bigger site who has picked this up, I believe kotaku and some other sites picked this up. Bet let's go with your initial suggestion and keep it in the rumors section for now, until we get a confirmation of the GI article. (someone over at GAF confirmed it to be in GI, which is enough for me, but probabably not for a WP article) --Codemonkey 02:21, 21 October 2005 (UTC)
GI has hit the stands here, and I checked the quote. The Infendo quote is word for word accurate, it is an exact quote from GI. And since here is the Netherlands for me, I'm assuming that it has hit the stands for the American GI readers too, so it should be easy to check too, for anyone who wants to. I'm moving it back up again. --Codemonkey 17:00, 31 October 2005 (UTC)

No specs?

Jim Merrick recently said that Nintendo will not divulge the full spec sheet for the Revolution, saying it's irrelevant. I added this info to the hardware spec location, but if someone thinks it belongs somewhere else, please discuss. -- VederJuda 02:14, 2 November 2005 (UTC)

Stupid question but does that still take effect after it has been released?? Just woundering. Jackie Moto 03:54, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

"Possible Revolution logo"?

What is this [[7]] doing on the Revolution page? It's obviously a photoshopped image by a fan, badly done at that. The "Revolution" is a codename, there's no reason why Nintendo would make a logo for it. I'm going to remove the image, and unless someone can prove that it was taken directly from Nintendo or a design firm affiliated with them, it should stay down. Even to illustrate a pount. the last thing Wikipedia needs is badly-done photoshopped pics. --Marcg106 22:30, 7 November 2005 (UTC)

That's a slide from the pre-E3 2005 Nintendo press conference, where they presented the Revolution for the first time. The same logo in a somewhat more stylised form can be found on the initial batch of Revolution promotional pictures on the Revolution console (the black ones). --Codemonkey 00:53, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
I remember that image, the word "REVOLUTION" with the different sized discs was a prototype logo that Nintendo created for E3. -- VederJuda 00:57, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
They are still using a version of that logo for promotional material btw. From their last press event a few days ago (mostly DS stuff), see part 3 for Revolution related stuff. --Codemonkey 01:04, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
Also note the logo (which is official) was used on the prototypes for the system. See [8]. K1Bond007 02:30, 8 November 2005 (UTC)
yea you fools are all right, that logo was from E3 and also a prototype. Even if it is real. By the time they release the logo, it would and will have changed >x<ino 10:13, 22 November 2005 (UTC)

Parental Controls

Will the console also respond to BBFC, BPjM etc. rating systems? Also, will the console block all AO rated ESRB games (I wouldn't be suprised, Nintendo doesn't normally allow them anyway)? smurrayinchester(User), (Talk) 16:10, 24 November 2005 (UTC)

I believe that the rating system depends on where the Revolution is distributed, so that if you recieve an American Nintendo Revolution it would only follow the ESRB though if you recieve a Brittish Nintendo Revolution is will follow the BBFC. Also, Nintendo has had a history of not trying anything too extreme so most likely AO games will be out of the question--TBC 07:20, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
What I more meant was region; were I to take a copy of say Mario 128 from the UK and play it on a US Revolution, would it play or not? smurrayinchester(User), (Ho Ho Ho!) 21:12, 1 December 2005 (UTC)
Currently if you tried that with the Gamecube you would be region blocked. On the other hand if you had an Action Replay with the freeloader option on then you could play games from anywhere on your Gamecube. Most likely they will stick with the region block just to save some $ so they don't have to make multi language games. Jackie Moto 03:29, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

Virtual console

From [9]: Particular downloaded games will prompt the player to choose a number of displayed characters before engaging in gameplay, perhaps even characters that might not be normally attributed to that particular game. This notion coincides with what Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said back in June, stating that Nintendo is "doing several experiments, including working with the original Super Mario Bros.," and that "the game itself and the gameplay shall be identical, but the look will be different; it's possible that with Revolution, we may be able to see the old games with new looks." (Figure 22) .

I don't really get what that means, is it that I can play Street Fighter II with Mario in it? Article itself is quite interesting, images at the bottom provide mock-up of how the interface might work to select games.Jacoplane 19:24, 26 November 2005 (UTC)

I beleive what this means is that most of the downloaded games (NES, SNES, and N64) will merely have updated graphics. The same game and gameplay, but with a different graphics engine. Like a re-released games with a sharper, clearer image or improved graphics.
As to the "Mario in Street Fighter II" remark, right now I'd highly doubt such a combination, but I definately wouldn't be surprised to see Nintendo update some games with new and/or Nintendo characters in some of their own games. Perhaps a new character in Super Mario RPG, for instance. Not necessarily a weird match-up, but a small add-on for players to notice. DARKNUT_SLAYER 20:06, 28 November 2005 The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk • contribs) .
Commenting on the remark about "Mario in Street Fighter II", it actually doesn't seem that unlikely now with Nintendo being more opened on its characters. After all, in NBA Street V3 you have Mario playing basketball against the Beastie Boys. --TBC 07:24, 1 December 2005 (UTC)


It says that the controlller will be able to do something to do with "yaw"...whatever that means...I do not know, so naturally, I clicked on the link. It took me to a not-so-helpful disambiguation page...If a simple short description would be added in brackets there of what yaw actually is I'm sure people would benefit.

...Unless I'm just being simple.

Apologies for the infinite clones, last time i tried to delete things on a discussion page it deleted the whole page, so could someone fix that for me? thanx, and apologies. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Vimescarrot (talk • contribs) .

Bye bye nasty clones...
Anyway, "yaw" is one of the directions that an object can move in 3D space. If you stand up and turn left or right, you are changing your yaw. -- VederJuda 17:17, 29 November 2005 (UTC)

Sega Support for the Revolution Downloadable Games

Nintendo recently officially announced that Sega games will not be available for downloading (much to the disappointment of many Nintendo fans), so this rumor should be removed from the article. There was a recent Gamespot, Nintendo Power or IGN article on this, but I'll have to find it first. I'll post up the site if I can find it later on--TBC 09:26, 30 November 2005 (UTC)

That's good,! damn Nintendo Ripoff!, and why should Nintendo rippoff fans by let down about it?! They are Nintendo Fan! not Sega, sega don't link with nintendo >x<ino 15:01, 1 December 2005 (UTC)

You don't play Sonic Advance games, do you.

Out of control.

This article should be locked. (Removed - Nintendo was not responsible for any of those things.)

The article was operating fine and now it has exploded with rumors that are insane and the orginial content that was good and sober is being removed. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Vegasjon (talk • contribs) .

All you have to do is...revert and at the side note, why the article has been reverted, state the person is a "fool" like me:P >x<ino 11:29, 2 December 2005 (UTC)