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Talk:Robert Seton-Watson

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 He was a historian who worked for a propaganda office.  I think not all historians do that (in fact very few), and the two roles seem somewhat incompatible.  A historian who goes and takes a job at a propaganda department can no longer be regarded as neutral or objective. 10:43, 1 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Working in a propaganda office might be viewed as a form of political activism. Do historians really rarely engage in political activism, either back then or nowadays?
He might have been making propaganda, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he believed that his own propaganda was actually false or misleading. Rather, he might have genuinely believed that he was legitimately arguing his case. (talk) 22:50, 11 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Due to the edit wars of the last months, the POV-warning template should be included. 11:22, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

He was a pan-slav propagandist, a true Hungarian hater.

He opposed breaking up Austria-Hungary until after World War I actually started. In his Racial Problems in Hungary book, he actually spoke fairly well about Hungarian institutions. (talk) 22:50, 11 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]