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Mrs. Ana Codreanu (second wife of ruler Mihai Racoviță) had the combined surname: Dediu Codreanu

[[father Dediu Codreanu 1 pantry, 2 big back the landlady mother Ruxandra

                                THE OCNA FAIR IN THE MIDDLE 19TH AGE

"Moldovei" considers Ocna and Trotușul as markets (oppida) 109, and in 1737 the Austrian engineer colonel Johann C. Weiss also mentions them as "fairs" 110.

A second argument is the kinship relations of some families here with the ruler. It is enough to remember that in Ocna lived the noble Dediu Codreanu, a great backer, the father-in-law of Mihai Racoviță 111. One of his two daughters, Ana, famous for her beauty 112, was married to Mihai Racoviță. According to Ion Neculce, the boyar Dediu was a special man. The chronicler states that "there was no other man in the country as industrious and brave as him" 113. That is why Mihai Racoviță's awarding of market status to the town of Ocna should not surprise us, taking into account the honors and the passage enjoyed by the boyar Dediu alongside his son-in-law: If we also take into account the fact that the boyar Dediu was a chamberlain at the oven during the third reign of Mihai Racoviță (1715-1726) and rebuilt the Pious Paraschiva church in 1725, we can opt, until the discovery a document with the express mention of the fair for the dating proposed above. Using mainly the original documents from the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, we will observe the use, in documents with close dates, of both the qualification of village and that of fair. In the period 1690-1720 we find the mention of the "Ocna village" in the documents of May 2, 1698 114, December 5, 1705 115, August 15, 1711 116 and of the "Ocna fair" in the documents of April 22, 1692 117, October 1, 1705 118, August 15, 1711 119 and 18 July 1720 120. A final argument, brought forward by Nicolae Iorga 121, concerns the use of the seals of the two localities. The seal of the Trotuș fair, representing an arm holding a hammer, appears less and less, the last time on a document dated November 6, 1684 122, instead, the seal of the Ocna locality, shows-»]]

[1] Herarabba (talk) 09:02, 10 March 2024 (UTC) Herarabba (talk) 09:02, 10 March 2024 (UTC) Herarabba (talk) 09:02, 10 March 2024 (UTC) Herarabba (talk) 09:02, 10 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

closely related to the Cantacuzino family through mother Anastasia Cantacuzino † 30. VI 1668 Golia monastery
[[«Selective family tree of ruler Ioan Mihai Racoviţă
| Dediu Codreanu Ana (soție)
Anastasia Cantacuzino (mamă) † 30. VI 1668 măn. Golia, căsătorită cu Ioan Racoviță postrelic; mare vornic
Toma Cantacuzino (bunic matern) n. cca 1591 † Iași 6. II 1666 măn. Golia, postrelic; mare sluger; mare vornic; căsătorit I cu fata lui Miron, logofăt; mare sluger și a Măriucăi Bașotă; căsătorit II cu Ana, fiica lui Vorontar Prăjescu.
Andronic Cantacuzino (străbunic matern) n. cca 1553 † după 1603 mare vistier căsătorit I în 1575 cu Irina Iacovaki Ralli; căsătorit II cu Maria Pandele Hrisoscoleu
Mihail Cantacuzino zis Șeitanoglu (fiul lui Satan) n. cca. 1524 † (spânzurat de turci) Anchialo (sud -estul Bulgariei) 1578
Dimitrie Cantacuzino † Athos, zis “Șeitan”. Mare domestic al Patriarhiei.
Mihail Cantacuzino † Constantinopol 25. 06. 1522
Andronic Cantacuzino Paleolog † (la căderea Constantinopolului, 1453) mare domestic
Dimitrie Cantacuzino † 1384 sebastocrator; despot al Mistrei - oraș în Grecia, regiunea Peloponez
Matei Cantacuzino † Mistra - oraș în Grecia, regiunea Peloponez 1391. Despot 1347; Co –Împărat 1353-1357. despot al Moreei 1380-1383. Căsătorit în Thessalonik 1341 cu Irina Paleolog
Ioan VI Cantacuzino n. 1295 † m-rea Vatoped (Athos) 13. 06. 1383. Mare domestic (1332) Împărat (1347-1358). Căsătorit cu Irina Assan nepoata țarului Ioan Asan al III-lea și fiica despotului din Morea, Andronicus Asan, și a soției sale Tarchanaiotissa.
Familiile boiereşti din Moldova şi Ţara Românească. Enciclopedie istorică, genealogică şi biografică (vol. III): Familia Cantacuzino coordonator şi coautor Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza. Editura Simetria Bucureşti 2014 ISBN 978-973-1872-35-3 paginile 23 şi 24.»]]
[[«Wikipedia confirmation of Byzantine Imperial ancestry
Gheorghe Grigore Cantacuzino came from the old Cantacuzino noble family, being a descendant of the Romanian voivodes and Byzantine emperors Cantacuzino. https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gheorghe_Grigore_Cantacuzino»]]
--Herarabba (talk) 19:34, 25 May 2024 (UTC) --Herarabba (talk) 19:34, 25 May 2024 (UTC) --Herarabba (talk) 19:34, 25 May 2024 (UTC) --Herarabba (talk) 19:34, 25 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
