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Talk:List of The Chaser's War on Everything episodes

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Do not include the chat and jokes in the introduction. Make sure a full stop (.) is put after each point.

Main Segments


Stunt; Stunt name.

  • eg. Stunt; Kerry Packer, pull memorial of the air.
  • eg. Stunt; McDonald's upselling.

This is for stunts that the team do.

Ad/Trailer; Ad/trailer name.

  • eg. Ad/Trailer; CarltonUnited 93.
  • eg. Ad/Trailer; Are you Being Shagged?, Part 3.

This is for Ads/Trailers, Such as tv commericals and movie trailers.

Song; Exact Song name.

  • eg. Song; boyBand.
  • eg. Song; Hill$ong.

Most songs have names or atleast general theme from which the name can be made from. Songs must be preformed in the studio.

In Other News...; What was mentioned.

  • eg. In Other News...; Al-Qaeda needs more members stunt and Scientology spiritual first aid stunt.
  • eg. In Other News...; AWB kickback scandal, Abortion Drug, Eddie McGuire, British Soilders Bashing Iraqis and Bali 9.

What Have We Learnt From Current Affairs This Week?; What was mentioned not including the lesson and the lesson.

  • eg. What Have We Learnt From Current Affairs This Week?; Lesson 1 - Dodgy Guys.
  • eg. What Have We Learnt From Current Affairs This Week?; Chris Simmonds with magical powers, Lesson 8 Youth Gone Wild.

If the lesson doesn't have a number create one from looking at the last lesson.

Firth in the USA; What it was about.

  • eg. Firth in the USA; Superbowl.
  • eg. Firth In The USA; Punishment t-shirts.

Ad Road Test; Company, What they tested.

  • eg. Ad Road Test; Wendy's, A flavour for every state of mind.
  • eg. Ad Road Test; Carlton Draught, dancing in job interview.

Pursuit Trivia; person asked, full question (if they got it incorrect or correct) (correct answer).

  • eg. Pursuit Trivia; Stephen Smith, What is the World's second largest mountain? (incorrect) (K2).
  • eg. Pursuit Trivia; Tony Windsor, What is the offical languague of Easter Island? (Incorrect)(Spanish).

Intro Joke; The exact text that appeared.

  • eg. Intro Joke; Swimmer who should of taken drugs: "Grant Hackett".
  • eg. Intro Joke; Bridalwear By Ray's Tent City.

In most episodes there is a joke in the introduction just before the show name comes up, this is what goes here.

The Fixers; Problem (fixed or not fixed).

  • eg. The Fixers; Hanson and Oldfield (not fixed), British hostages in Iran (fixed), Brain Burke (fixed) and recycled water (Stunt; public taste test of water) (not fixed).
  • eg. The Fixers; The Chaser (fixed) and David Hicks (not fixed).

The Fixers; Hanson and Oldfield (not fixed), British hostages in Iran (fixed), Brain Burke (fixed) and recycled water (Stunt; public taste test of water) (not fixed).

Andrew Hanson's Closing Comment; What he said

  • eg. Andrew Hanson's Closing Comment; "Please note too that from next week we will be moving to channel seven like every other ABC comedy"
  • eg. Andrew Hanson's Closing Comment; "(Craig: or catch the repeat of the show after lateline) that's the show hosted by ALP candidates"

In the first three episodes Andrew has made a humous comment at the very end of each episode.

Mr. Ten Questions; Person.

  • eg. Mr. Ten Questions; Hugh Jackman.

Citizens' Infringement Officer; The thing he hates

  • eg. Citizens' Infringement Officer; Bad tatoos.
  • eg. Citizens' Infringement Officer; Parking Inspectors.

The Surprise Spruiker; Location

  • eg. The Surprise Spruiker; Kirribilli House.
  • eg. Surprise Spruiker; Giorgio Armani, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

Scenes From The Life Of The Crazy Warehouse Guy; Location.

  • eg. Scenes From The Life Of The Crazy Warehouse Guy; Church.
  • eg. Scenes From The Life Of The Crazy Warehouse Guy; Bus.

Note any rug clearance ads fall under Ad/Trailer.

Clive The Slightly-Too-Loud Commuter; Problem on a location

  • eg. Clive The Slightly-Too-Loud Commuter; Drugs on a Train.
  • eg Clive The Slightly-Too-Loud Commuter; Calling doctor about his bent penis on a bus.

Subtitle; What one

  • eg. Subtitle; A Message From Osama Bin Laden.

Other Segments


What Have We Leant From History; What the history was.

  • eg. What Have We Leant From History; Adam and Eve accepted fruit from a serpent.

New segment name, what it was about

  • eg. The News According To Fox; Fair and Balanced, Chuck Norris, clutter screen with useless information and Anna Nicole-Smith.
  • eg. If Life Were A Musical; Loose and tights pants.




Ok, the community consensus was to keep, which I will not argue with. However the page is still very difficult to read and in many places full of excess detail and minute trivia. Here is a new layout which uses Wikipedia's standard format for episode lists - User:Chuq/Sandbox/ChaserEpList.

Note a couple of things - the names of the sketches are sourced from the inside cover of the DVD sleeve. This prevents original research issues by using the "offical" names of each sketch (as far as I know there isn't another source of sketch names apart from the DVD covers).

Also, you will see an "External link" column. This is a link to a proposed Chaser Wikia, hosted externally to Wikipedia. It is a wiki, just like Wikipedia, so everyone will be able to edit it and can add as much detail on any Chaser project as they like. (The Chaser Wikia doesn't exist yet so of course the links don't work.)

The screenshots currently have the logo for that season - but of course individual shots for each episode can be added, should suitable images be found. -- Chuq (talk) 03:04, 28 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Names can easily be found by using the Commentary or Select by Segment bit. I do however think that each segment in your design. Needs a dot point. Otherwise it's to hard to read. I do also think it needs a small trivia bit under each episode. IAmTheCoinMan 11:58, 28 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I agree about the dot points - but it currently takes a huge amount of vertical space. I tried adding a table with two columns within the 'Summary' bit but the table-within-a-template thing didn't seem to work. Trivia is too crufty - it's basically a transcript of the DVD commentary. All of these would be appropriate for a third party site such as the one proposed above though. -- Chuq (talk) 00:31, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
It cannot work without dot points. What about a small section that was called notes instead, But this only had only 1-2 stuff in it and it wouldn't be cruft.IAmTheCoinMan 06:50, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Through further experimentation with wiki-tricks and templates I have managed to make a list of dot points appear in columns in the "summary" box. I still need to work out how to remove the borders but that is a minor detail. -- Chuq (talk) 23:41, 29 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
And the notes? I also assume by this that there will be only episodes that have detail in them will be listed. IAmTheCoinMan 10:57, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Notes are too much detail for Wikipedia (see WP:CRUFT and WP:TRIVIA), actual notable things are on the main page for the article. See previous comments about an external Chaser Wiki. -- Chuq (talk) 11:43, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe instead of the Chaser Wiki, we just split the List of The Chaser's War on Everything episodes up into individual articles for every episode. More detail can then be added including descriptions of sketches, YouTube links to content (just about every single Chaser sketch has been uploaded) as well as screen captures of each sketch. Opinions on this? I don't want replies like "Too much information for one show". If other fictional television shows can have separate articles for episodes, why not The Chaser? I'm going to make a template to use in a new page of my user profile that can be used. --Lakeyboy 06:52, 9 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
TCWoE isn't based around episodes. In Seinfeld, Heroes, or Lost, each episode is a story and is given a title by the writers. An episode of TCWoE is more of a bunch of sketches/skits/segments, which have nothing in common other than the fact they are all shown in a single evening. For similar reasons, you don't see individual episodes articles for Saturday Night Live, Rove or 60 Minutes. YouTube links would be deleted as they are links to copyrighted content (recent Chaser/YouTube events nonwithstanding). I'm sorry that you don't want replies like "Too much information for one show" but that's what it would be. I'm not sure why people are opposed to an external Chaser Wiki though - it wouldn't be constrained by Wikipedia's policies on encyclopediac content, fancruft, trivia sections, original research, verifiability, linking to copyrighted content; the pages could still be linked to from Wikipedia; it would get way less vandalism than Chaser-related Wikipedia articles - in other words, it would solve all of the above mentioned problems in one go. -- Chuq (talk) 10:32, 9 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think it's stretching Wikipedia policy including more information. You're comparing TCWoE to talk and serious current affair shows which The War is nothing like. And I have also heard that the ABC distributes it's content freely so links to the content on YouTube would be acceptable. They want the content on those sites and be accessed. That's why they release the episodes to download off the official website.
Sure there is no other show like The War on Wikipedia with an article per episode. It's a blend of skit, talk and Jon Stewart style show rolled together into one. It's unique. There is no other show produced in the world that I know of that is the same as The War. I would like some more opinions on this.
And lastly, as said by myself on The War talk page, I support a Chaser Wiki in the style that Lostpedia has taken. YouTube videos can be embedded into pages, skits can be grouped by categorys (eg: all the ad road tests are listed in one article and each ad road test skit has it's own page). It's just that Wikipedia is more accessable to people but in return, tighter rules on what is allowed, what can't be added and etc. These are my personal views though. I am not as informed as some others on Wikipedia so some of my opinion may contradict Wikipedia guidelines. --Lakeyboy 12:10, 9 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I'm agreeing more with Lakeyboy than you Chuq. Maybe instead of each episode having it but maybe different pages for each Volume, Like Season 1 Volume 1 would have an article, That would be a good idea. IAmTheCoinMan 09:05, 13 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I think that if this page is even going to exist, then it should have the episode information in it. It can just be used for little tidbits of information. And who deleted all my work (like the changing names and stuff)? I spent all afternoon doing that! Logameli
I'd like to point out that this page is an absolute nightmare to edit as it is so long and not in sections. There are numerous spelling errors on here of some of which are links. Can't this page be broken up into episode by episode sections? Katana Geldar 09:42, 11 May 2008 (UTC) —Preceding unsigned comment added by Katana Geldar (talkcontribs)

Naming of episodes?


According to the Chaser podcast, the episode labelled 'S01E26' (on this page) is actually Episode 28. I'm not entirely sure, but do the episodes in this series need renaming? Can anyone else confirm the correct name of the episode? If so, Episode S01E22 should be 24 instead. Honk squeak 07:39, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I think the two 'best of' episodes in the middle of last years season threw the numbering out. -- Chuq (talk) 11:40, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
But they don't actually count as episodes. The current numbering is what it was on the DVD's.IAmTheCoinMan 08:50, 13 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Original research


I am worried about the amount of original research in this article, particularly in the comments section. These comments may have been said by the Chaser cast on the DVD extras, but until there is a reference or a transcript of the DVD extras that can prove that the Chaser cast actually said some of these things, they are not to be added to the article. ~Spebi 11:43, 15 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

A DVD is a published work readily available to verify. Why must there be a transcript? Barrylb (talk) 03:35, 2 January 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Contents Of Episodes


All the things listed as part of episode 25 are actually in episode 24, except the note stating that episode 25 is the worst to date as stated by chasers in the commentry —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:45, 12 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]



I don't have the patience to do this now, but I'd like to point out that all of the Chaser DVD include episode guides very similar to the list's contents - these could be used as sources. I have a DVD for episodes 1 - 13, and might source that on a rainy day... — H2O —  08:47, 1 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

From memory they don't put everything in the episode there, just the 6 chapters n whatnot. IAmTheCoinMan (talk) 11:35, 8 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]