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Use of poison gas

The article states that "there were no operational gas chambers in Jasenovac", and yet, multiple testimonies suggest the existence of such a chamber in what were the former stables and veterinary in the "Economy", a part of Jasenovac. These facts and testimonies can be found in a link to Serbianna for further reading under the title "Jasenovac".

Use of Jasenovac for Keelhaul victims

"After the end of WWII the grounds of Jasenovac and around Jasenovac were also used to bury victims of the communist reprisal against civilian survivors of the Bleiburg massacre."

are there any proofs for these claims? bleiburg is far from jasenovac, and has nothing to do with it. Goya 04:51, 27 Aug 2003 (UTC)

The prisoner march back to Yugoslavia from Bleiburg has included various executions and throwing people into pits, that's information I'm acquainted with. It's not impossible, and indeed reasonably likely, that the same wastelands around Jasenovac were used for this purpose, too. The anonymous user has inserted this again, too. However, we have no clear evidence or even a clear report of this, so I included it rephrased. (We likely have no clear evidence of a lot of other things, so I'm letting this pass amended instead of removing it altogether.) --Joy [shallot] 11:49, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC)
This theory about burrying Ustashe, Domobran and Bleiburg victims in Jasenovac I have witnessed as supporting late president dr. Franjo Tudjman's idea about reuniting Croats of Ustashi and Partisan descent by means of digging all of the bones of the dead on opposed fighting sides and burying them together. This should be remembered as one of his most disputed ideas. However, history revisionism in Croatia has already started beatification of Tudjman and this truth is being ridiculed and persons reviving it are being banned (recent Feb 2006 example of very famous Denis Latin show).

In fact, Holocaust revisionists need all possible means to reduce number of Serbian, Roma, and Jewish victims in Jasenovac, in order to look Ustashe regime more acceptable. In fact, capitol Zagreb's trams and buses are still full of "U" (Ustashe) and direct swastika signs, in a movement that regarded hidden return to Ustashianism as return to true Croatian values, much as HSP and Anto Djapic, who went to pay hommage to Holocaust victims but privately probably still salutes measuring hight of corn. Besides, his party is proud of having WOLF as symbol. Does that ring a bell? Relativization of Nazi and Ustashe crimes serves purpose of justifying HDZ and Tudjman, and shifts nation's attention from continuing effort of governing tycoon elite to subvert enitre economy under theri control, owenership and monopoly, destroying all free enterprize competition. It goes deeper than that, but it accounts to money, as tycoons do not pay taxes in practice being good Croats while free enterprizes have to and they often go bankrupt because of disloyal competition.

Ustashe controversy and alleged injustice Croats were done is an incomprehensible and limitless source of demagogy, mass self-pitty and universal excuse for virtually any failure of Tudjman's regime, which serves in masses up to this day. Those who do not believe this "established fact" are ridiculed, persecuted (DEnis Latin), or generally considered traitors and enemies.

In ligth of all this it is easy to understand why Tudjman needed to mix bones to finally destroy account on WWII victims under the disguise of national peace and reuniting effort. The theory of Bleiburg (most hoy Ustashe marturdom site) bones in Jasenovac served exactly for the same purpose, since now the work could be completed and all bones of Partisans and Ustashe and Holocaust victims could be burried there forever. --Mtodorov 69 23:17, 28 February 2006 (UTC)


Unfortunately, Mir Haven is a shining example of how Wikipedia can go wrong. This is an article which attempts to put the issue of the Jasenovac camp in an unbiased light. This means that it should not be favourable to either 'side', which thus continues to mean that you will be perpetually editing this article, Mir Haven, until you collapse of exhaustion. Speaking from a hopefully neutral point of view (I'm a Spaniard), I can only see that this article not only examines the fact that Jasenovac existed (which is inevitable - I don't see the relation you try to bring up by discrediting Auschwitz), but it does so by quoting all the numbers and points of view. See, this is one thing I like about Wikipedia. Whilst proprietary enciclopedias offer an often biased point of view which stays like that for decades, Wikipedia warns you, and sometimes even offers you two copies of the same article from two different points of view in order to support the NPOV guideline. The way you rabidly seem to attack Serbia as a generical whole (which is altogether inexplicable - whether it were Serbia or France or Burundi) tells me you have underlying emotional issues to settle before you could hope to try and maintain a serious point of view on an issue as delicate as this. Throwing a log into the fire myself, I have to say, the language you use I had only seen before in German National Socialist decrees and speeches. 'Poisonous'? 'Martirology'? The study of martyrs?

In all seriousness, this is a pretty fair article in my opinion. There is no justification for having a NPOV breach tag on it (unless Mir Haven were to set his hands on this article) because it deals with all victim tolls and explains them to a resonable extent.

As for Mir Haven, I recommend he take an aspirin and think about what he is saying. Not only is he not convincing anyone of anything, he is merely damaging the reputation of The Wikipedia by inflaming articles unnecessarily by means of childish and rather worrying denialist attitudes.

Anonymous from Spain.

This page, which is a good example of Serbian pathological propaganda-needs serious, serious revision. Since it contains lies galore, I'll edit it until *all* Serbian lunatic martirology (the camp had very, very high toll of victims, probably ca. 50,000- and Serbian lunatics want it to be 700,000 or 1 million. Nay, this poisonous pathology has to be exposed. http://www.iwpr.net/archive/bcr/bcr_19990419_3_eng.txt

We are better than I thought, well the Serbs had their fun time during the Kingdom, and well, sucking the rest of the republics of Yugoslavia, well we know where the treasure was held... in Belgrade, AND THEY STILL SUCK ECONOMICALY, UNBELIVABLE

Mir Harven 18:29, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Mir Harven, please stop spewing your hate speech, Holocaust Denial has no place on Wikipedia, victim numbers are nothing to play around with, let alone bury under the rug.
Regards Igor
Well-this needs clarification. This article on Jasenovac is an example of "hate speech". And now, something on "Holocaust denial":
-before the collapse of Communism, Auschwitz concentration camp had had the table purporting that 4.2 million people were murdered in this camp. Now- the figure has "dropped" to 1.1 million. Where are 3.1 million people gone ? Exaggeration of number of victims has always been a tool in "emotional blackmail" for very mundane political purposes.
-as for "revisionists"- if it were not for "revisionist" view on history and everything, we would be still believe dogmatic nonsense, like geocentric system, beauties of colonialism or "essentially good intentions" of Communists. ::"Revisionists" have been, as far as WW2 is concerned, right in at least two things: after the Kremlin archives had been opened, it became evident that Nazi war against Soviet Union was indeed a "preventive war" (the nature of that war is not an issue); Stalin's atrocities against all peoples in S U and the conquered areas (and especially against Soviet POWs) were more than confirmed.
-as for numbers: first Soviet publications spoke of 6 million Soviet citizens who died as a result of Nazi aggression; then, it was 20 million; now, the toll has climbed to 28 million. Is anyone of sane mind expected to believe in such dallying with figures ?
-and, finally: Jasenovac death toll is somewhere 49,000 and 85,000. The majority of links (external links) given at the Jasenovac page are not much more than morbid greater Serbian agitprop-most notably by a shadowy figure of Milan Bulajić. The Jasenovac myth has served, in past 40 or so years, as *the* pillar of Serbian expansionist aggression against Croats and Bosnian Muslims. Well- since this page is a heap of lies, I'm still uncertain what to do: it is a good illustration of Serbian morbid mindset, and it maybe should be left unchanged, as a testimony of an illness; on the other hand, it's a litany of lies, and therefore should be exposed.
We'll see.
One of your "sources" is, laconically, addressed here:

Mir Harven 18:29, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Mir Harven,
I know nothing about Auschwitz, Dachau or the other camps or the number games you play in editing their figs. Jasenovac has nothing to do with 'emotional blackmail' as I am certain that the Holocaust of the Jews did not have anything to do with it.
I don't much care for discussions about the USSR either, this is not really an issue that concerns Jasenovac, does it? Or is it just part of some big scheme of yours, demasking the "great Serb/Soviet/Jewish conspiracy"? Don't know, don't care really...
You claim that Jasenovac's death toll is between 49 and 85 thousand, Milan Bulajic, whom you accuse of being a liar, has collected almost 78,000 names of Jasenovac victims, so what is the deal? 78 is larger than 49 and smaller than 85? Right? Wakie, wakie!
Think what you will of the Serbs, just do it on your own page, don't waste the time of Wikipedia visitors who wish to do something constructive with their time, and spending so much time restoring erased information is not considered constructive.
The page you've offered me does not provide anything on Jasenovac, besides, the URL contains the ominous Herceg-Bosna, the little Croat statelet formed in Western Herzegovina renowned for its neo-Ustashi lobby in Zagreb. Apparently, some people down their think it's still 1941 because they are surrounded by Ustaša and Nazi iconography. I wouldn't be surprised at anything coming from them, including the claim that Jasenovac was a tourist resort.
Igor 1:04, 7 Sep 2003 (UTC)
The page you've offered me does not provide anything on Jasenovac, besides, the URL contains the ominous Herceg-Bosna, the little Croat statelet formed in Western Herzegovina renowned for its neo-Ustashi lobby in Zagreb.
First-this is rubbish. The internationally recognized "Republika Srpska", which covers ca. 49% of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is an entity based on chetnik genocidal ideology ( in their own words- http://www.hic.hr/books/greatserbia/ ). It is, in minds of most Croats and Muslims in BH, "illegal" (never mind Dayton- Munich, Chamberlain and Hitler were also "legal" in their own times) parastate statelet created by "fascist" policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Looks like someone's "fascism" easily got away-at least, for a time. As for Heceg Bosna- it can be argued that is the will of Croatian people in BH (as is Republika Srpska of Serbian, or any kind of Bosnian Muslim state). So- with regard to "fascist", "statelet", etc epithets- better wait for resolution of BH crisis, since this is only a respite.
2. now to the Jasenovac camp. Well- the most respected (I don't include here Serbian lobbysts from suc, pavelicpapers, srpska mreza and similar stuff. Bulajić was one of the instigators (along with Dobrica Ćosić and much of Serbian Academy of Sciences) of 1991-1995 wars and his credibility is nil.) investigators are expatriate Serb Bogoljub Kočović and Croatian ex-UN expert Vladimir Žerjavić. They both came with virtually the same figures for overall losses of ex-Yu peoples. Žerjavić, far from being a "revisionist" (in a "bad,bad" sense of the word) is the most thorough researcher. And here are the links one might consider truthful- unlike suc and similar propaganda:
(interstingly enough, Kočović (a Serb) got lower figures for Serbian casualties than Croat Žerjavić)
Whole Bulajić affair unmasked
Žerjavić's book- the most thorough break-up of all casualties in WW2 in ex-Yu
Exposure of Serbin misuse of "Jewish connection".
The authoress was one of "the righteous among the nations". Mir Harven 18:29, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Bias of the article

I am not inclined to entirely agree with either Bulajić or Žerjavić regarding Jasenovac, but this page does seem to be biased similarly to the former historian. Despite the subject matter which is nothing less than distressing, the language used is really picturesque and too suggestive at times. It's a slippery slope, someone just has to throw in an extra spicy provocation and it becomes another flamebait. That just doesn't fit in the encyclopedia. FWIW. --Shallot 01:16, 8 Sep 2003 (UTC)

  • That just doesn't fit in the encyclopedia.
Hmm...Bulajić and Žerjavić are hardly to be compared. The former was an instrumental in Serbian aggression on Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, essentially one among war instigators. Virtually no one, save a few ames fraternelles, takes his "investigations" as anything scholarly or rational. Be as it may: as I have said- the Jasenovac wiki page is a Serbian propaganda page. I'm not sure whether I want to dabble in this matter any more-or not. But- if I do (or any Croat with any brains)- then, this page has to be written completely anew, or the bulk of text (and links) be put under the "disputed" label.
Mir Harven 18:29, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

What I think should have been made clear in this article is that Zerjavic's study was published by Jewish Community of Zagreb in late eighties, so his numbers (60-80,000) should *definitely* be considered anything but credulous (unlike Bulajic's, who came up with the number to fit his political agenda). Dr. Goldstein from Jasenovac Memorial Centre claims around 80,000 victims, but does not exclude the possibility of death toll being as high as 100,000. I could not help but to notice that Wikipedia article claims "Several hundred thousand people were murdered at Jasenovac, most of them Serbs."- a wee bit of bias, perchance? And, wouldn't it be nice to see the death-toll of Jasenovac camp as given by more sensible Serbian historians like Kocovic, who has estimated about the same number as Zerjavic?

Another point of interest, regarding previos comments here, is that Goldstein excludes the need of it encompassing memorials for, mostly civillian, victims of Communist terror in Jasenovac- because they were executed on ground of the camp, but not in the camp itself... Apparently, the people running the Memorial Center find some victims 'more equal' than others, as it seems most people do.

In similar vein, I do not see any hint to the fact that death-toll of Tito's communist regime was as big, and most likely even bigger, than that of Ustashi regime. Anyone can check Rummel's 'Death by Government', to check those facts. He estimates Tito's death toll at ~1.3 million, which accounts for 'unlawful' killings only, IIRC.

-- IMHO we could add the Mir Harven's estimation of Jasenovac victims as Holocaust revisionist's most recent claim and say it is that, ending the dispute. Mir Harven is a proven Holocaust revisionist, but supressing his right for expression will only give him an aura of an martyr which he does not deserve. Not at all. I think you will agree with me that it is important to inform reades about revisionist's claims, because it is better for them to hear it from us, which will make Wikipedia even more neutral.

In fact, after our generation dies, the next one could fall prey to revisionists who will tell there was no Holocaust, who will follow dr. Tudjman's doctrine of mixing the bones of butchers and victims, and who will probably state photographs and movies are a clever manufactured and forged evidence. In fact, their hypocrisy is best known only to them because they know very well how much they've slain and they boast about Jure and Boban their heroes making competition about killing thousand Serbs in a day, surpassing even SS efficiency, even using hammers instead of gas. What I wanted to say is they know they lie, and Harven knows he lies, so we will win in the end. --Mtodorov 69 23:40, 28 February 2006 (UTC)

Analysis of Mtodorov 69's post above:
revisionists who will tell (...) will follow (...) will probably state - unwarranted conjectures;
they know very well how much they've slain and they boast about Jure and Boban - vague accusations;
and Harven knows he lies - slander;
we will win in the end - warmonger lingo.
You obviously think this is some kind of "war" that you must "win". It's a shameful attitude for a Wikipedian. --Zmaj 12:46, 3 March 2006 (UTC)

Dear Zmaj, I see you are also writting from Croatia, so I hope you are not a revisionist too. Fighting for truth is also a war, and it WILL be won in the end. My Book says so (Rev. chap 21). -- Mtodorov 69 21:35, 10 March 2006 (UTC)


Um. First of all, stop yelling. Secondly, requiring reliability is rather hypocritical given the unreliable data already presented in the page.

Quoting from a quick search on google, http://www.nybooks.com/articles/6208

"... ex-friar Vjekoslav Filipovic (alias Miroslav Majstorovic), the only individual of Franciscan affiliation who was connected with the shedding of blood of "Orthodox, Communists, and Jews" by the Croatian Ustashas, was excommunicated by his bishop well before he became the commander of the Jasenovac concentration camp."

or http://www.catholicleague.org/research/assault_on_Christianity.htm

"Actually, “Brother Satan” was tried, defrocked, and expelled from the Franciscan order before the war ended. In fact, his expulsion occurred in April 1943, before he ran the extermination camp."

Both statements from people that claim to have an academic title. (Not unlike Milan Bulajić, if I may notice.)

Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a place that lists excommunicated Catholics. I guess I'll have to go to the nearest diocese library to find that (and even then, I have no way of proving it's reliable and neutral! Ha! :).

In any event, we now went from "former monk" to "a monk". How's that for neutrality? Can someone who's doing everything contrary to what a monk should be doing really be considered a monk?

--Shallot 16:08, 9 Sep 2003 (EDT)

Filipović-Majstorović and his falsely attributed "monastic credentials" during the Jasenovac era need to be accentuated in order to give the whole affair an aura of Satanic evil- Catholic, of course. I guess it's the time for a major revision of the Jasenovac page. The linx are given above, the others can be added, but since no minimal consensus about the Jasenovac camp exists- it can be presented in 2 versions, at best. Probably the best intro is http://public.srce.hr/sakic/jasenovac/index.html . And these are the most reliable info. Because, what's now on wiki page is a shameless Serbian agitprop-not unlike the "Srebrenica denial" and similar stuff. Not to mention definitely morbid intonation the entire text reverberates with- possibly a characteristic betraying the authors's mental state.
Mir Harven 18:29, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)


Nikola, please present a source for the number of 600,000 victims of Jasenovac. In my experience it's fairly hard to come by a credible source for such a claim for all of NDH, let alone this camp complex only. --Shallot 00:04, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Cf. Talk:Independent State of Croatia#Death count during WW2 in NDH. --Shallot 01:01, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

It's in the article. As you haven't removed it I guessed that you acknowledge it.

I don't, really, I'm just being lenient because I'm not eager to see another revert war. --Shallot
Sorry, I don't think I understood that sentence correctly. Do you mean to say that the source is in the article already? One of the external links? --Shallot 17:06, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)
"The National Committee of Croatia for the investigation of the crimes of the occupation forces and their collaborators stated in its report of November 15, 1945 that 500,000-600,000 people were killed at Jasenovac complex." Nikola 05:47, 23 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Those figures have been (reasonably well) disproved by various people from the statisticians like Zerjavic and Kocovic to politicians (I think it was... Đilas? who said it) who stated that they were inflated ad hoc in order to get better war reparations from Germany. They aren't too credible. --Shallot 12:13, 23 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Well, you have nicely incorporated that POV; but why omitting POV that newer estimates are too small for nationalistic reasone? 50,000+30%=65,000<77,743 so it's certainly too small. Nikola 11:03, 24 Jul 2004 (UTC)
OK, now I saw you mentioned it. Nikola 11:03, 24 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Yes, I mentioned both, and then the last sentence of the paragraph. I know that there might be mistakes in the calculation regarding 77K but it could go either way, so lacking anything else, it's a decent number to end the paragraph with. With reference to this number, it would seem that the initial mention also needs to be lowered to something more sensible. --Shallot 16:26, 24 Jul 2004 (UTC)

As for other sources, for example Opća (1978) mentions "several hundreds of thousands". Nikola 16:00, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

That's also very vague, with an undefined yet likely large margin of error. Žerjavić and Bulajić may have been at each other's throats but at least they each provided a modicum of rationale! (What was Bulajić's Jasenovac estimation, anyway?) --Shallot 16:51, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)
I can't tell. Nikola 05:47, 23 Jul 2004 (UTC)
BTW, is that a translation of "više stotina hiljada" or "nekoliko stotina hiljada"? In that case, in my experience at least, the tendency is to mean 2 – 5. --Shallot 17:00, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)
Nekoliko. Nikola 05:47, 23 Jul 2004 (UTC)

From bigger numbers to bigger Serbia

Yeah, the aim is evident.

Ustaša authorities established numerous concentration camps in Croatia between 1941 and 1945. These camps were used to isolate and murder Serbs, Jews, Roma, Muslims, and other non-Catholic minorities, as well as Croatian political and religious opponents of the regime. The largest of these centers was the Jasenovac complex, a string of five camps on the bank of the Sava River, about 60 miles (97 kilometers) south of Zagreb. Although further research may yield more exact figures, current estimates place the number of victims murdered by the Ustaša in Jasenovac during World War II between 56,000 and 97,000.


14. Jasenovac: victims of war according to data from the Yugoslav Institute of Statistics (1964), Bosnian Institute, Zurich, Sarajevo, 1998.

This study - published for the first time after so many years - provides the name by name list of victims of the Jasenovac Camp, compiled by the Yugoslav government in 1964. It is the first and only official state list of victims of Jasenovac between 1941-1945. The list contains a total of 49,602 names of Jasenovac victims. Of these, 5,900 were Croats, 26,170 Serbs, 8,121 Jewish, 1,471 Roma, 789 Muslim, 174 Slovenian, 59 Hungarian, 35 Montenegrin, 7 Macedonian, others 84, and those not identified by nationality 6,792. From the Stara Gradiska camp: 9,586 victims, of which were: 646 Croats, 7,774 Serbs, 923 Jewish, 20 Slovenian, 3 Montenegrin, 1 Hungarian, not identified by nationality 58 and other 1. The total from both camps was registered as 59,188. The book can be purchased in book stores and from the Croatian News and Information Service, HINA.


IN JASENOVAC CAMP, according to my research between 48 and 52 thousand Serbs were killed, 12 thousand Croatians, 13 thousand Jews and 10 thousand Romanys, altogether around 85 thousand people.


If someone intends to cite Wiesenthal center-dont bother. They are unreachable and haven't even tried to respond frequent questioning as to why only they among wannabe authorities still holding vestiges of respectability stubbornly operate with inflated and ludicrous figures of Jasenovac victims. But, having in mind Hollywoodized picture of Wiesenthal himself and obscurantist nature of his followers- it's not much of a surprise. Mir Harven 23:43, 27 Jul 2004 (UTC)

last moment leading 50K

At the last moment, in January, 1945, more than 50,000 prisoners who were able to walk were led from the camp.

Were led from it... where to? What does this sentence mean? --Joy [shallot] 11:45, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC)

the "Picili Furnace"

What is meant by the "Picili Furnace"? --Joy [shallot] 11:50, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Found it myself... --Joy [shallot] 16:55, 6 Nov 2004 (UTC)

In early 1942, near the Brick Factory, the Ustase constructed a special furnace for the incineration of people - the so called "Picilli Furnace" - which they razed after three months in operation.

Source: http://www.pavelicpapers.com/features/jasenovac/sectionb.html

He heard of the "Zvonara" building, Picili's furnace and Gradina where executions were carried out, according to reports by other inmates.

Source: http://pubwww.srce.hr/sakic/hinanews/arhiva/9905/hina-03-n.html

mass copy&paste

A lot of the article was copied and pasted from http://www.jasenovac.org/whatwasjasenovac/index.asp, which is at least decent enough to quote the origin: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, edited by Israel Gutman, vol.1, 1995, pp.739-740. --Joy [shallot] 11:59, 27 Oct 2004 (UTC)


There should be more explication of the sources... googling also indicates that much of the information is collected from the writings of Avro Manhattan and of Edmond Paris, each of whom wrote books about the wrongdoings of the various Catholic organizations during WWII. --Joy [shallot] 17:10, 6 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Ah, there they are in Ustase#Bibliography. Perhaps that section here and there should be merged. --Joy [shallot] 14:43, 8 Nov 2004 (UTC)

2005 stuff

Some group called the 'Jasenovac Committee' in Republika Srpska organized a commemoration of the disbanding of Jasenovac early in April 2005, and erected a sort of a memorial in Donja Gradina, the place in Bosnia on the other side of the Sava river across Jasenovac itself. The memorial includes a plaque saying 700,000 Serbs and 33,000 Jews were murdered in Jasenovac.

There was also a discussion panel in Banja Luka (IIRC?) in late April 2005 about the Jasenovac victims. Some person, I forgot the name, stated that there were 700,000 Serbs killed in Jasenovac by the Croats, and that the Croats are a genocidal people. (NB: not "Ustaše" but "Croats", in both instances.) This was replied to by Ivo Goldstein, a Jewish historian from Croatia, who said that he still trusts Vladimir Žerjavić's calculations more than anyone else's and thinks there were around or less than 100,000 victims of all ethnicities; also that the statement about a genocidal nature of a whole nation are nonsense. The Eparch of the Trebinje Eparchy of the Serb Orthodox Church, also replied to the "genocidal people" statement, disagreeing with it, and also noting that the Croats suffered genocidal treatment in 1945 after the fall of the Ustasha regime and in some Bosnian place called Zlovode, or something like that. The original claimant had no further reply to either of these issues, and no one else had anything to say about it.

I heard all that in an interview on Croatian Radiotelevision with the aforementioned Ivo Goldstein. He is a professor at the Philosophical Faculty, University of Zagreb.

There was also another report aired on HRT around this time talking about all this, and there was one notable thing mentioned in it: some historian said that the records from Jasenovac are scarce and unclear, and have been misinterpreted in the past - he found a group of three (or six?) thousand inmates that were thought to have been transported from Gospić to the Jasenovac camp, but they were actually transported to Germany and killed there, not in Jasenovac. So they can be counted among the victims in NDH (which deported them to Nazi Germany), but not among the victims in Jasenovac. That person then said that the records need re-examination and that he doesn't trust any high estimates based on old data, or something like that. This same reporter talked about Slavko Goldstein, head of the Memorial Area in Jasenovac, and said that this organization has a list of 59,000 victims (I've added this factoid to the article already).

From all this, it seems rather clear that there exists a group of people that actually does still claim that there were over a hundred thousand people killed in Jasenovac, but it's also fairly unclear what they base their claims on. --Joy [shallot] 13:30, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

I should also mention that the initial events were covered in the Croatian press initially in a very sensationalist manner. Gotta hate blood-thirsty journalists. --Joy [shallot] 13:31, 23 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Joy, AUSCHWITZ-LUGE, or Jasenovac-Luge is forbidden, in not only Germany, but also elsewhere.--Ninam 05:02, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)

What? --Joy [shallot] 13:01, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC)

"also that the statement about a genocidal nature of a whole nation are nonsense" Isn't that exactly what the world media did to the Serbs during the Yugoslav wars of 1990-99? RedStarBelgradeFC (talk) 02:52, 5 December 2007 (UTC)


Back when one anonymous user removed the bit about Petar Brzica being a priest, I googled and found nothing to really support such a claim. Now that I looked for it again, there's one forum where someone stated:

Petar Brzica was a failed seminarian who held the rank of Lieutenant in the Ustaska Obrana (the infamous Ustasa Defense under "Maks" Luburic that ran the internment and concentration camps in the NDH). He was NOT a priest. (source: University of Zagreb, History Department)
The ridiculous claim that this individual would be physically capable of slaughtering 1,360 people in one day is simply grotesque and practically impossible (almost one person per minute for the entire day?!); this is aside from the fact that the Jasenovac camp system was created as a labour-industrial complex, so the senseless slaughter of the potential work-force would be counter-productive to say the least. Jasenovac was not a nice place, and thousands died in miserable circumstances, but claims of this kind (i.e. "1,360 killed in 24 hours") are simply an insult to the victims - it is as if the dead are not worthy of sympathy and the criminals not guilty enough if the sufferings or the excesses are not exaggerrated a thousandfold.
(Allen Milcic)

I couldn't agree more... --Joy [shallot] 10:13, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The entry for this person on the infamous former list Croat Catholic Ustashi clergy was:

BRZICA, PETAR: Catholic cleric from the monastery of Siroki Brijeg. Member of the 'Great Brotherhood of Crusaders.' This notorious 'King of the Killers.' won a contest held in Jasenovac based on who could kill the most Serbs in the shortest period of time. Fr. Brzica won. In the course of the night of Auqust 29. 1942, he cut the throats of 1,350 people with his own hands.

FWIW. --Joy [shallot] 10:19, 14 Jun 2005 (UTC)

The Petar Brzica anecdote is indeed quite curious. For one thing, 1,360 single-handed murders with a knife is, to say the least, excessive. But there isn't much available regarding Brzica, and what is available appears to lack some consistency. Online, he appears variously as Petar Brzica, Peter Brzica, Pero Brzica and Pero Bnica. As pointed out elsewhere in this discussion, "brz" in Croatian means "quick," so perhaps this is a pseudonym?
The primary sources for this story (at least as far as I've seen) appear to be:
  • Karlheinz Deschner, With God and Furher (pp. 280-281)
  • Novo svestenomucenici i mucitelji Pravoslavne crkve u pravoslavnom srpskom narodu. Published by: "Svetigora", Cetinje, 2000, Pages: 59-63.
  • Milan Bulajic, The Role of the Vatican in the Break-Up of the Yugoslav State (pp. 41-42)
  • Howard Blum, Wanted: The Search for Nazis in America. Greenwich CT: Fawcett Books, 1977
The Blum text is the one that alleges (link removed by spam filter).
One of those sites provides a little more background into how the story was transmitted - the originator of the story was Mile Fraganovic, who took part in the bet. Fraganovic tortured and killed a prisoner named Vukasin, but as the story goes:
... After this [Fraganovic] went mad and later told Dr. Neda Zec in hospital about this accout, who later wrote about this occurance(sic) with old man Vukasin.
So perhaps the Brzica story is a wildly exaggerated retelling by a mass murderer suffering from PTSD, or an invention, or an urban legend, or a real war criminal and fugitive. Do correct me if I'm wrong about any of this. Prestonmarkstone 18:50, 12 April 2006 (UTC)
It has come to my attention that "Pero" is a pet form of "Petar" (forgive my ignorance). Prestonmarkstone 12:26, 13 April 2006 (UTC)

Petar Brzica was not a friar, as some radical Serb-orthodox propaganda explains, he was, however, a member of the franciscan catholic church, who failed in medical school, and thus recruited to the Ustasa guard, being assigned in Jasenovac.Although the number of deaths might look rather large, it was possible to be achived by the use of the "srbojeik" knife. the time in which this event accured is consistant with mass-deportation orginating from the Kozara region.

 Besides sources mentioned above, there are other sources, which are more consistant:
  • Baron Dr. Avro Manhatten, the vatican's holocaust, page 48:

"Just on night" In the concentration camp at Jasenovac, on the night of August 29, 1942, orders were issued for executions. Bets were made as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates. Petar Brzica cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners with a specially-sharp butcher's knife. Having been proclaimed the prizewinner of the competition, he was elected "King of the Cutthroats". A gold watch, a silver service, and a roasted sucking pig and wine were his other rewards.A doctor, Dr. Nikola Kilolic, himself a Croat, was an eyewitness in the camp when the event took place, and subsequently testified to the authenticity of this astonishing deed

  • The interview of Dr. Neda Zec with Mile Friganovic is also consistant with the above testimony.
  • The state-commission for the investigation of the crimes of the occupation forces and their collaborators- crimes in the Jasenovac camp" also mentions Petar Brzica as a daibloic officer who killed an inmate by beating him during changes in the camp administration during march 1943.
  • In the trail of Dinko Sakic, Witness Ljubomir Saric (trail case file nr. 307)said that:

He told me (once) he had competed in slaughtering, but lost to Ustashi Lt. Brzica. For him, the genuine Ustashi was the one who had bloodied his hands. The Ustashi who would not kill were punished (15.4.1999, see in the Croatian network of culture and communication) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:31, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

The linx

I've glanced on these Jasenovac cc linx. Well- they are a welter of relatively reliable sources and Serbian chauvinist, anti-Croat crap. I've divided them into two groups. Opinions welcomed. Mir Harven 12:17, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Hm...on the other hand, this division of linx is a bit arbitrary. Different titles for ext. linx ? Other options ? Ideas ? Mir Harven 07:55, 18 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I looked over the list. arhivrs.org can be reinstated, they carry pictures.

Kosta Brandic's page is mainly propagandist (cf. intro).

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust quotes are carried by jasenovac.org, wiesenthal.org, srpska-mreza.com, and the main flaw of that text seems to be the inflated victim estimate, but the rest seems okay.

Further on that, that is ISBN 0028645278 and it's been published by MacMillan in 1995. I don't think any of those full reprints are actually legal!
pavelicpapers.com carries a small excerpt as well, btw.
--Joy [shallot]

jasenovac.org does, however, have another flaw in that it still carries a 2000-dated text saying Today Jasenovac is located in the newly created state of Croatia, whose government has vandalized the site and refused to acknowledge the horrors that took place there. the latter part of which is patently wrong. There are other debatable statements in that pamphlet as well.

User:Oldadamml has since added Jasenovac Research Institute link
I wonder if there's any rationale? The last time I was there I didn't see much on that whole site that was interesting for the encyclopedia other than their copyvio EoC quote. Now I notice they have a victim list - wonder from which source. --Joy [shallot] 08:20, 15 July 2005 (UTC)

srpska-mreza.com is otherwise, well, crap, so I'd prefer not to give them any space whatsoever and get the EH information from elsewhere.

"Serbian scholar, in S.F. ..." is a newspaper-like interview with Milan Bulajic, I fail to see the relevance and importance overall (it rehashes some issues that are already fairly clear and rants about others), so I'm moving it here.

Lord of the Danse Macabre is more of an essay, but I think it's worth keeping. I read most of it at one point, and I don't remember any major flaws - refresh my memory?

I still haven't read jasenovac.info well enough, but it looks promising too.

--Joy [shallot] 08:58, 18 Jun 2005 (UTC)

With regard to pavelicpapers.com, its archive of documents is actually useful, but it's the intro commentary that tends to be propagandistic. I have exchanged some mail with Cali Ruchala over some of the intro text over there and he's been fairly responsive about fixing it, and implied that it was Siniša Đurić who added the biased comments. I think that this could be fixed up fairly well. --Joy [shallot] 09:05, 18 Jun 2005 (UTC)

Be as it may- pavelicpapers, suc.org, jasenovac.org are very explicitly propagandist & "delusional". They are controversial (and this is under-understatement). Maybe there is a better way to group such sites (a more appropriate title, or a brief comment near each and every). The fact that they contain many reliable info is not a very convincing argument: for instance, the material available on http://www.holywar.org/jewishtr/open.htm is more than 90% true & correct (and, btw, interesting). Nevertheless- this site is a rather obvious anti-Semitic propaganda. Mir Harven 12:38, 18 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Sorry, but, from what I've read (at least, parts of)- this "Enclyclopedia.." is crap. Just like Britannica's 1911the edition brimming with racialist, pseudo-Darwinist rubbish on blacks/Negroes. Nay, this is controversial. Mir Harven 17:24, 18 Jun 2005 (UTC)

It might be advisable to verify if all the links match the guidelines laid out at Wikipedia:External links. There could be grounds for a non-controversial removal of some of the more controversial ones. --Joy [shallot] 13:36, 20 Jun 2005 (UTC)

I received this page by Google alerts, and after what I read here I couldn't resist the urge to react. User under the nickname Shallot claims to have discussed something with Cali Ruchala about introductory texts to documents on pavelicpapers. He claims that my name was mentioned as the author of some biased comments. This is simply not true because my name was not discussed in the corespondence, but what I would like to know what biased comments do you think I wrote? Please be specific, because you claim that something needs to be fixed, and I can tell you that if there's anything incorrect I wrote that you can point to, it will indeed be fixed, though I doubt you'll be able to find that sort of an error.

I'd paste the correspondence here but obviously I don't have the other person's permission. It followed from a mail I sent to editors@pavelicpapers.com on the 19th of February, 2005. I complained about how Ivan Merz's name was being dragged through the dirt in the introductory texts without corroboration, and this was corrected by Cali Ruchala. He stated later that he doesn't really know that much about Merz as it doesn't interest him. From this I concluded that it must have been some other editor who was responsible for those flawed intros. --Joy [shallot] 2 July 2005 21:35 (UTC)
Apparently, from what you concluded you considered it to be sufficient to denounce me here by my name as some evil force behind the pavelicpapers website. This sort of thing occurs in other discussions and actual articles on Wikipedia, because we are associated there with websites and projects we have nothing to do with, and there are even conspiracy theories that the Serbian Unity Congress, Jewish organizations or whatever are behind the whole thing. Nobody funds us, but I guess that you may find hard to believe, or that we have nothing to do with any Serbian or Jewish organizations. Obviously the issue here is that I'm a Serb (though my full name might as well be Croatian), and since you can't dig out any dirt on Cali Ruchala, who alone created the website, and since you can't accuse him of anything, you concentrate your attention on the Serb in the project as a proof of some secret agenda. This is typical, since no criticism can be addressed for the content of the project, it is necessary to denounce someone who presented the documents.
Look, if there's one editor saying he doesn't have interest in a subject, and the text is written, and there is one other editor listed, it's logical to conclude who wrote the damn text. If you wish to chastize me for using common sense, feel free, but it's still silly.
If it makes any difference - I apologize for naming you as the author of something you did not write, I did not know the exact circumstances and jumped to a conclusion.
I've no idea where you see that *I* accused you of anything like SUC or whatever, that I was "digging dirt" on Cali Ruchala or that I see an agenda or whatever. If anything, I have shown good faith by saying that what I perceive as issues with your web site "could be fixed fairly well". That's a verbatim quote from the above, so kindly lay off the crack pipe.
--Joy [shallot] 3 July 2005 17:46 (UTC)
I didn't mention that you personally made the SUC accusation. The other things I mentioned can be read on various Wikipedia discussions, I didn't imply either that you personally make such comments, but that your last comment was similar to that sort of thing. The point is that you immediately assumed that it was me who writes "biased" and "propagandistic" introductions, and felt the need to tell it to the whole world, even though none of the things you said are true. Can you blame me for thinking it's on national basis, even though it may not be so? So you can say here any nonsense about anyone, and it's preposterous if I complain, but if I present a document of a Catholic priest saying something about a layman of his church, you jump complaining how it's a libel. So my reaction is out of line, but your wasn't. Strange. Sinisa Djuric -- 4 July 2005 20:04 (UTC)
The slight bit of difference here is that I'm writing comments on a clearly marked discussion page and signing and dating them, making it clear that it is just poor ol' me who's saying it - and that means when I say that you did something, it's clearly hearsay. On the other hand, your interpretation of those documents on the web site is marked as "independent research of the history of the Ustaša movement" - and that's usually said when one is presenting the truth. That's why I'm more likely to raise an eyebrow at too much opinion in that. --Joy [shallot] 4 July 2005 22:07 (UTC)
Again, you're missing the point. You didn't even complain about anything that was written in the intro about the document, you complained of what was not written, that is that Merz is associated with Ustase with no evidence. In the introduction no association was made, but in the document itself written by a Catholic priest. So you're complaining that we should correct something someone else said in a document we presented, that was his opinion, and if we think it's reliable then the only thing you can do is to try to refute this opinion of his. You haven't done that. Your argument would then be that the Catholic priest was either lying or exaggerating (correct me if I'm wrong). So you're criticizing the person who presented the document as a malicious claim, not the person who actually made the association of Merz with the Ustase. That is why I think your arguments in this case are unjustified. Sinisa Djuric -- 5 July 2005 18:10 (UTC)
That's a fair point, but you're still advertizing the opinion of some Ustaša without providing information that would justify it. --Joy [shallot]
Your comments about flaws in this introductory text are also far from truth. From what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) you complain about the fact that it wasn't noted in the introduction that Ivan Merz was not alive during the NDH, which in your understanding is a form of a slander. But even in this little objection you are not right. If you would read the document itself more carefully, and there's really very little there to read unless you have problems with concentration, you would see that it is mentioned there "the late Dr. Ivan Merz" which means that he was not alive in April 1941, therefore neither during the NDH. So why would one need to especially point to this fact in the introduction as you demanded?
Let me paste what I wrote to Cali Ruchala:
Possible controversy of the Pope visiting Petricevac really has little to do with Ivan Merz, so mentioning him in the context of mass murder etc looks like nothing other than dragging his name through the mud. Just because some Ustase or their sympathisers thought that he was "radically Croatian" that doesn't make it right to link him just so unequivocally to what someone else did over a decade after he was dead.
--Joy [shallot] 3 July 2005 17:46 (UTC)
How much do you know about Merz and his Eagles? I assume you know that there was a Pan-Slavic youth organization called Sokolovi or Falkons, so since the Vatican considered Pan-Slavism a dangerous thing they decided to found their own youth movement called Orlovi or Eagles, as a counterpart. The movement was exceptionally intolerant and it professed hatred towards any Slavic idea and against non-Catholics. Essentially it was founded to undermine the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and produce strife among its peoples. After Merz's death it was banned.
Really? That would indeed be grave issues. However, I'd like to see the text first. I just reread the pavelicpapers.com intro text about Stepinac and the associated documents, and I can't help but notice that the intro overall has a too negative interpretation without much evidence. Just like the overall interpretation by the Catholic Church is too positive without much evidence. So I'd prefer to see the documentation on Merz, too. --Joy [shallot] 4 July 2005 21:55 (UTC)
I'm glad you say that. The amount of documents that can be presented is only the matter of available spare time we have. It will take years to translate all documents we have. The document you're complaining about comes from a book Magnum Crimen by Viktor Novak (not Vjenceslav as mentioned here on Wikipedia).
(Will fix, didn't notice. --Joy [shallot])
The book has 1124 pages. So you see that book alone may take quite some time to present in English, aside from all other things. You may read the book in Croatia, I think the library of Matica Hrvatska has one or more copies (the book was banned by the Communist regime as well as by the Vatican), or you can buy it online for 130 euros. The claims made in the book are irrefutable, because Dr. Novak has invested quite an effort to verify all his claims by documents of those whom he criticized. There are also two chapters that were censored even before the book was published, so that will be presented as well. The chapter from where the document comes from is translated and it will be presented soon (there are other references to Merz, Eagles and Crusaders in other chapters). I think that after you read the book (or at least the parts we will present soon), you will change your opinion. So I am glad at least that you're keeping an open mind in this regard, which means that my first impression of you was wrong. Sinisa Djuric -- 5 July 2005 18:10 (UTC)
However, the Catholic church kept the organization but renamed it to Crusaders, who, as you will see, became one of the pillars of the Ustase regime. So Merz didn't kill anyone, he didn't personally hurt anyone. But as the first leader of this organization he is responsible for it's program and activities, which according to an official organ of the Church - was in tune with the program of the Ustase. The fact that his associate. Dr. Ivo Protulipac joined the Ustase, mentioning on various rallies how Merz always professed radical Croatian ideas, is very relevant. And soon the whole chapter of the book will be published, so

you will see what sort of ideas they professed. You'll have a lot more things to complain about. The controversy is that the Pope chose to beatify this person in a place with 90 % Serbian population, which was understood as a provocation along with the Petricevac story. Sinisa Djuric -- 4 July 2005 20:04 (UTC)

As for your claim that Ivan Merz is being dragged through the dirt with no evidence, you're not right about that either. As you can see, the document was written by a Catholic priest, an associate of the Archbishop of Sarajevo, and an editor of an official Catholic paper of the Archbishopric. It says there that the spiritual program of Merz's organization was spiritually coherent with the program of the Ustase. And the vast majority of members of Eagles, subsequently renamed to Crusaders, became sworn Ustase. How is anything on that page "flawed" then, as you claim? You seem by far more intelligent and different than characters like Mir_Harven or gen. Paton, so ask yourself isn't this sort of stuff beneath you? Sinisa Djuric -- 3 July 2005 17:02 (UTC)
Cali also made a similar argument. I responded with:
But that's hardly important. It's as if some Scotland-hater made remarks about how Alfred the Great was the best thing after sliced bread for making England a kingdom, and then you quote them as saying "article by Foo Bar praising the expansion done by Alfred the Great's England as in being in line with the program of 'Scotland sucks - British Empire owns' hate group". Sure, Alfred is tangentially relevant to the hate group, but is it really a proper and/or useful description?
(In retrospect, the timeframe doesn't actually fit in this analogy, but that's not really a problem.)
So, if there is something actually wrong that this guy Merz did, please state so, don't insinuate or beat around the bush.
I should note that we had a brief discussion about this already at Talk:Ustase#Merz.27s_Eagles and I used the same argument at Talk:Vladimir Žerjavic. This is the Wikipedia NPOV policy. --Joy [shallot] 3 July 2005 17:46 (UTC)

One other thing about the comment of the user Mir_Harven. He compares the website pavelicpapers.com to anti-Semitic sites. Please clarify this (prove it). I find it amusing that a person like Mir_Harven who is a pathological anti-Semite (I can prove it) and a denier of Jewish Holocaust (I can prove that too with his own words) is comparing us to anti-Semites, even though he previously wrote that we are funded by Zionists who inflate the number of Jewish Holocaust victims. It seems that Mr. Mir_Harven, just like some of his favorite politicians, says one thing in English, but completely opposite for the home crowd in Croatian. And if the website in your own words (of both you) contains reliable info, what's the problem with it then? Perhaps my "biased" introductory texts, even though I wrote only one?

I reacted because you mentioned an untruth about me here that many people may read, and the purpose of my reaction is not to participate in any Wikipedia activities or editing of articles, but to cut you two guys to your size, since you've been poisoning this place for quite some time.

Sinisa Djuric [1] -- 2 July 2005 19:20 (UTC)

It's not been often that my edits were described as those of Mir Harven, especially not as "poisoning"; ask the random readers for an assessment and you'll see that I'm quite often the mediator, and disliked by nationalists from all sides. And you're accusing *me* of drawing conclusions according to nationality? Sorry if this sounds overly confrontational - but I'm really tired of this kind of irrational discussion. --Joy [shallot]

Any shrink in the vicinity ?

My, my...what a load of Serbian propagandist crap. Since my name is mentioned here, a few things gotta be said:

  • Viktor Novak was a renagade Croat, Yugoslav mason & anti-Catholic pamphleteer. His works (Magnum Crimen, Vuk i Hrvati, Magnum Tempus,..) are pure & unadulterated rubbish no serious historian mentions any time- except as an example of biased and rather crude propaganda. His work is not a part of curriculum in any Croatian university, nor anywhere in the world. Except (I guess) in Serbia, where «luminaries» like Vasilije Krestic set the tunes:http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.cgi?path=23806913658146
The term "renegade" implies that Viktor Novak became something else other than a Croat, which is nonsense. In your deranged mind a Croat person who writes against the Ustase at the same time stops being a Croat. Novak was a student of the most eminent Croatian historian Ferdo Sisic (he was Novak's mentor), he is also the author of several capital works on Croatian history, particularly Illyrism and bishop Strossmayer. The fact that any of his books are not cited at Croatian universities tells more about modern Croatian universities, rather than about Viktor Novak. Regarding the claim that he was an anti-Catholic writer - Novak was actually a Vatican student of paleography, and among the most eminent paleographers in Europe of his time, he never criticized any aspects of Catholic faith, but specific activities of Catholic clergy and their supreme hierarchy in the Vatican, therefore his works have nothing to do with books against Catholic faith. The accusation that he was a mason is typical for Ustase literature, but it is characteristic that this was never substantiated by any sort of evidence. And what if he was a mason, how would that discredit his work? Perhaps you could point me to a single serious criticism of Novak's books? It is typical for your sort of people

to defame an author, rather than criticize his work. Sinisa Djuric -- 7 July 2005 18:59 (UTC)

  • as for my alleged anti-Semitism (hm...how odd/of God/to choose/the Jews), my opinion on the Jewish chauvinism & detestable figures like Simon Wiesenthal or Efraim Zuroff is clear: these are examples of deranged chauvinist pathology. The same goes for the site pavelicpapers and similar propagandist rubbish. I'll repeat: I loathe Jewish chauvinism as exemplified in figures like Wiesenthal or Zuroff, and I find the Nobel peace-prize winner Elie Wiesel a laughable charlatan (this goes for a few other Nobel peace winners- Jimmy Carter could be a nice specimen). Also- I despise the Holocaust industry & agree with Norman Finkelstein on this matter, say, 80%. But- I doubt that the Jewish population (ca. 13-14 M in the planet), religion & history can be reduced to the obsessions of three of four names & their ideological lapdogs' rants.
Alleged anti-Semitism? Read your own words. You talk about an inflated number of Jewish Holocaust victims which means you deny the official numbers, that's definitely an anti-Semitic remark, aside from accusing the head of the Wiesenthal center of being a Jewish chauvinist. The irony is that a person like you edits Holocaust pages on Wikipedia. Sinisa Djuric -- 7 July 2005 18:59 (UTC)
  • the user Djuric (he's not a user, but, what the heck..) has got his own troubles with Serbian chauvinist poison. It's OK with me. Other peoples' ailments are their business. But- this splash of bile on Ivan Merz & other looney associations are not proper stuff for wikipedia. The wikipedia project is imagined to be a source of information & not a field for free play of associations based on junk historiography (Viktor Novak) and Serbian paranoia.Mir Harven 7 July 2005 13:23 (UTC)
I haven't edited any articles nor I intend to. One of the reasons I reacted here was the nonsense you keep writing here about our Holocaust project. You have stated on a number of occasions that you will delete any links to websites you don't like. This means you have a serious problem with a difference of opinion, therefore with Wikipedia policies as well. You also promote Nazis and their ideology on Wikipedia, such as Mile Budak. I haven't seen an example of my chauvinist poison, neither the proof for comparison with anti-Semites mentioned by you previously. It would be fair to clarify these issues. Sinisa Djuric -- 7 July 2005 18:59 (UTC)

Boring propaganda

I suppose the intention behind the reply on the comments regarding Greater Serbian numerology & a few Jewish chauvinist propagandists was to start a staircase-like bickering on the topics mentioned. Well- it won't happen.

  • Viktor Novak was primarily an anti-Catholic pamphleteer whose voluminous invectives don't (and didn't) deserve inclusion in the university curricula anywhere in the world. The user Djuric's comment on the impartiality & professional credibility of the contemporary Croatian universities is simply a testimony of Serbian chauvinist indoctrination & anti-Croat lunacy. Novak's pamphleteering is ignored everywhere (except in Serbia). His writings (the only exception is the edition of a paleographic work, the 11th century Supetar cartular which he co-edited with the linguist Petar Skok) have been treated as pieces of pro-Serbian propaganda ever since their appearance & have never been a part of Croatian universities curricula, not even during the era of communist SFRJ. Casual remarks on the various sites show exactly this:

http://www.culturewars.com/CultureWars/Archives/cw_feb98/surmanci.html «...The history of Yugoslavia, one quickly learns, is not something for those interested in a quick read. The more one delves into the issue, the more one comes away with the impression that there is no such thing as an impartial history of the region, certainly not during the period surrounding World War II. Parris, who is no exception to this rule, also claims that two priests took part in the massacre at Surmanci, one of whom also has a familiar name. Marko Zovko, it turns out, was a priest, but not a Franciscan like the more famous Jozo Zovko, the man who, in many ways, created the Medjugorje apparitions. Marko Zovko was the secretary to Bishop Cule, Misic’s successor. I learn this from the current Bishop of Mostar, Ratko Peric, who traces the Parris citation to Viktor Novak’s book Magnum Crimen, which was written to accompany Tito’s 1946 show trials. The purpose of both the book and the trials was to implicate the Church in the crimes of the Ustashe. As a result, Novak’s book has to be viewed with caution. This is the verdict not only of the current bishop of Mostar, but also Serb scholars as well. Miro Todorovich, editor of Measure, said no one, referring to the Serbs he knew, was willing to put his hand in the fire over Novak’s book. Srdja Trifkovic, also a Serb, who now teaches at Rose Hill College, an orthodox college in South Carolina, sees Magnum Crimen as “an attack on the role of the Catholic Church in Croatia, which Novak saw as the moving spirit behind the Ustasa atrocities.” When Serb nationalism reawoke in 1988, a reissue of Magnum Crimen was a huge best-seller in Belgrade despite the book’s high price. Bogdan Krizman called it, nonetheless, “a prominent Freemason’s settling of scores with the clericals.” Trifkovic has similarly unflattering things to say about Edmund Parris, claiming that his book Genocide in Satellite Croatia was ghost-written by Branko Miljus, a Serb emigre publicist, and dismisses Parris otherwise as the author of “several theological tracts critical of Roman Catholicism.»

It would be hard to include a book that hasn't been translated into English as a part of literature at Oxford or Yale for instance, but don't worry, soon that will change as well. This document for instance is interesting enough to be included in literature at Oxford university, and when Magnum Crimen is translated in its entirety, it will be interesting as well, because people will be able to judge it when they actually read it, not by other peoples' interpretations. Soon parts of the book will be available in English, and it will be interesting to hear you dispute anything that was written there. And again you don't judge the book itself, but the author trying to defame him. If the book was written to accompany the 1946 show trials (although it was published two years later), why did the Communists then ban the book? This certainly doesn't add up and contradicts your arguments. Quite simply you are attempting to defame and slander an author with outright fabrications, thereby his work as well, as I will demonstrate below, demolishing your case entirely. Sinisa Djuric -- 19:34, 10 July 2005 (UTC)
Usual Serbian crap. And they, in their self-deluded fanaticism, think that Novak's rubbish will alter any rational person's perception on anything ? Propagandists shitload galore had been translated into English- and, what ? Krestic, the SANU Memorandum, books by Dedijer & Smilja Avramov, etc. itd. And ? Btw- Novak's rubbish has been available in SFRJ all the time: I've read it during ex-Yu period. Geez...Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
Not exactly. The book was banned in 1948, but it was reprinted in 1986. I doubt that you read the book. As for your dimissal of the book, there are other publications to corroborate everything that was written there. For instance, we will also publish parts of the Ciano diary which corroborates everything Novak wrote in chapter XVI. You may also want to read "Dokumenti o protunarodnom radu jednog dijela katolickog klera", Zagreb 1946, which is filled with documents. And we will see when the book is published in English, how will anyone be able to dispute any documents published in it (živi bili, pa vidjeli). Sinisa Djuric
And, I guess, this verbal diarrhea should be addressed point by point ? No way. Inadvertently, the author has unmasked himself: the Ciano diaries, a Fascist "meditation" full of inconsistencies will, I have no doubt, have been a worthy companion to Novak's ramblings. As are Communist pamphlets published during the preparation of Stepinac's monster trial. I look forward to another display of Serbian mental disease. As for Novak's books- this crap was available in Croatian local libraries during the Titoist era. What sickos. They probably believe their own imaginings....Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
Well, conte Ciano wrote about his allies, namely Ante Pavelic and Vlatko Macek. I'm sure you'll find it interesting. You are certainly not someone who can judge whether it's reliable or not in that regard. As for Novak's book being available in Croatian libraries, this is something you can't prove, perhaps you can find a copy of a single book that was published prior to 1986. Actually in the 1986 edition you can read a preface by Jakov Blazevic (you know who that is) who specifically said that the book was banned by Yugoslav authorities. There's only the word of yourself to the contrary, a pathological anti-Semite/neo-Ustase Mile Budak fan/ Holocaust denier and an infantile mental case. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)

  • Or- http://www.hr/darko/etf/et112.html «On the other hand (also without precedent in the history of WW2), three months later, August 13, 1941, "An appeal to Serbian people" was signed by 545 leading Serbian intellectuals in Belgrade, including four archbishops, at least 81 university professors, artsits, etc. Two of the best known intellectuals are Aleksandar Belich, a linguist, one of the "scientific" founders of Greater Serbian programme, and Viktor Novak, who became ardent communist after 1945, and wrote a voluminous Magnum Crimen accusing the Catholic Church and Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac for "collaboration with ustashis" (its "reliability" is well known; of course, his books are extensively cited by Serbian sources)
  • So much for Viktor Novak.
Not if I can help it. You have no idea how glad I am that you pasted the above paragraph. The author of the mentioned "appeal to Serbian people" was one Milan Acimovic, the right had man of Serbian Nazi leader Dimitrije Ljotic, and the head of the puppet government in Serbia. In the time this "appeal" was written, and when you claim that it was signed by Viktor Novak and other prominent people, Viktor Novak was actually imprisoned in the Gestapo prison in Belgrade, in Aleksandrova street No. 10, from where he was later sent to concentration camp Banjica. So you have the nerve to claim that a man who was a Gestapo prisoner and Nazi concentration camp inmate signed an appeal in support of the Nazis! A really unprecedented defamation technique. This also gives a clue about other "signatories", many of whom were also prisoners of the Gestapo. The Germans themselves weren't impressed by Acimovic's performance, so they soon after this "appeal" they sacked him and appointed Milan Nedic as the head of the puppet government (btw, how come they haven't done this with Pavelic?). They also brought four reinforcement divisions (1 from Germany and 3 from France) to suppress the uprising in Serbia, which says enough about whatever you were trying to prove with the mentioned appeal (oh, and btw, how many German divisions were in Croatia at that time?). So much about your "appeal" and slander against Novak that he was a Nazi supporter.
Novak was a signatory of this appeal, whatever his (passing) troubles with the Gestapo might had been. As for other rubbish on German divisions etc.- enough to say that anti-German uprising in Serbia was crushed very effectively in 1941. & Serbs were timid until liberated in the mid-1944. But, this is not the place for jabber on WW2 & leitmotives of Serbian paranoia (this has been tackled elsewhere: http://www.hercegbosna.org/engleski/ww2.html). These people, seems to me, are not able to stick to the subject. Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
You really are unbelievable. Novak was one of the first ten citizens of Belgrade who were arrested by the Gestapo already in April 1941, and most of the war he spent in the Gestapo prison and in the Banjica concentration camp. Only in your deranged Ustase mind a person can be imprisoned and tortured by the Gestapo and at the same time support the Nazis. The reason they arrested him in the first place is that he wrote against the Hitlerites even before they invaded Yugoslavia. You neo-Ustase simply don't refrain from any sort of defamation to defend your positions. That will change when the book is published and you will not be able to refute a single word in it. Sinisa Djuric -- 18:52, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
Oh, I see- only in "deranged Ustase mind", combined with lies on Novak's status during WW2. Hm...really, to lose an expansionist war must hurt. Mucho, mucho. Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
I really feel like I'm dealing with a 33-year old man with a mind of a 12 year old. Only that explains your infantile rant and your idiotic explanations of everything as "Serbian lies", everything I said can be verified, and will be verified. When that is done, the only thing you'll be able to do is to rant here on Wikipedia or with your pals at http://www.crnalegija.com. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)

But you don't stop there, you have to claim that Novak became "ardent communist after 1945", of course after being a Nazi supporter (in your deranged mind). But your stupidity is only surpassed by your ignorance - Novak was never a member of the Communist party, and it would be interesting to hear your explanation why did the Communists ban Novak's book, since you claim that the book was a part of Communist propaganda and Novak a Communist propagandist and a free mason? It's simple - you haven't read the book, you barely know anything about it, so since you're not capable of criticising anything that was written there, in a real Stalinist manner you cite a web of elaborate fabrications (as demonstrated above) to defame an author and everything he wrote, even though his work consists more of documents rather than his own words. So much about Viktor Novak and so much about your deranged neo-Ustase mind. Sinisa Djuric -- 19:34, 10 July 2005 (UTC)
Novak was a member of the SANU during the Communist Yugoslavia period and his books had never been banned. Simply a Serbian lie. Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
It was banned by the Ministry of Interior of Croatia. It's irrefutable. Sinisa Djuric -- 18:52, 11 July 2005 (UTC)

Republics' ministries had no authority to ban books. Moronism easily exposed. Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
You'll be able to read two chapters that were censored by the Ministry of Interior of Croatia even before the book was published. Just don't tell me you were able to read these chapters as well during the entire Communist rule in Yugoslavia. Subsequently the book was banned on the entire territory of Yugoslavia as a work against "brotherhood and unity", even though that's what the book advocated in the first place. As for Novak being a member of SANU, yes he was, he was the founder of the historical institute of SANU, but as you may know there were scores of other Croats who were members of SANU (even Krleza was a honorary member). Besides, SANU itself was founded by a Croat scientist named Josip Pancic. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
  • as for «anti-Semitism» tag, things are clear: number of Serbian casualties is inflated, not Jewish. As accepted by all rational people around the globe- the number of Jewish victims of the Nazi genocide is somewhere between 4.5 M and 6 M, the figure most frequently quoted ca. 5.5 M. The fact that a few Jewish chauvinists like Simon Wiesenthal (a charlatan catapulted into orbit of global prominence by one or two Hollywood movies) & the heir to the throne of martyrological mythology Efraim Zuroff harp on imagined Croatian (Belarussian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian,..) «historical guilt» endlessly- means nothing. They are plain haters of Croats, Ukrainians, Lithuanians,... (take a pick) & their chauvinist paranoias are exposed elsewhere (for instance, Wiesenthal's despicable defamation of Ukrainians has been unmasked long since- http://www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/1986/188613.shtml , plus numerous other sources available on the Internet).
Oh? To quote you from above "number of Serbian casualties is inflated, not Jewish". But what do you write here in Croatian: "...similar to Efraim Zuroff, the director of the Wiesenthal Center - another chauvinist pathology with an inflation of Jewish victims..." This is the real you, these are your words, your ilk always says one thing in English and the opposite in Croatian. How is that called here on Wikipedia? Perhaps the word is propaganda, no? Sinisa Djuric -- 19:34, 10 July 2005 (UTC)
Do I need to repeat ? Zuroff is a Jewish chauvinist sicko & his dabbling in the number of victims in ex-Yu is pure & unadulterated crap. This goes for Wiesnthal centre and the number of victims they "advertise". The number of Jewish victims in the Jasenovac cc is inflated in Zuroff's propagandist warfare: the only reliable stuff on Jasenovac cc number of victims is the list that has cca. 56.000-57.000 names on it. Everything else is a speculation-but the speculation has limits: rational analysis shows that the overall count of victims in Jasenovac cc is somewhere between 60 and 80.000- while Zuroffs of this world would like, in their sick minds, to "push the limit" (out of the blue, just like that) to 100.000 and more. Now- this is a political-propagandist pornography, very similar to the "endeavors" of Milan Bulajic & comp. Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
I'll repeat your own words for you "another chauvinist pathology with an inflation of the number Jewish victims...". This is what you write in Croatian, but avoid commenting it in English when you are unmasked. You specifically said that the number of Jewish victims is inflated, which is certainly a reference to the entire Holocaust, since it would be incredible that you think that the number of 33 000 murdered Jews from the NDH is inflated. Can you deny your own words? Regarding Jasenovac, the list of some 80 000 victims has been reviewed several times and verified, that's certainly not a speculation and it's definitely higher than 57 000 from the 1963-64 census. Besides, the list from 1964 is available on the internet, and even many Croats couldn't find their relatives on it (myself as well). Sinisa Djuric -- 19:41, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
Yawn....Zuroff has tried to skyrocket the number of Jewish victims in Jasenovac cc and Croatia in general. As I said-he is a Jewish chauvinist sicko. Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
You can yawn all you like, but that won't change back your words, which now you are trying to deny. Not even Franjo Tudjman disputed the number of Jews murdered in the NDH, but evidently you think that can be done. Your words as quoted above are pretty clear, and evidently a reference to all Jewish victims of Holocaust. Aside from being an anti-Semite and a Holocaust denier, you are also a neo-Ustase who is trying to rehabilitate the author of Racial Lawsin the NDH, Mile Budak, the laws even more drastic the those from Nuremberg. This last thing you seem to be very proud of as you announced your article that would rehabilitate Budak as a victim of greater Serbia and the Communists. Your credibility is zero. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
  • Concerning the number of casualties during WW 2 in ex-Yugoslavia along ethnic lines is well established by Vladimir Zerjavic- whatever the likes of Zuroff or Wiesenthal may think & feel about it. Regarding Croatian writer Mile Budak: he is a victim of Yugoslav communist terror whose participation in the NDH regime wasn't anything one should be proud of-but he certainly was not a war criminal, unlike mass murderers Tito or Draža Mihailovic. Or, if the burden of culpability were to be judged impartially- Harry Truman or Winston Churchill. Despite hysterical propaganda against the cardinal Stepinac, the truth has come out. Budak's case, although different in not few traits, will certainly undergo historical reassessment in the future.
This is an important and broad subject that I don't have the time to discuss here, nor to argue with someone like you about it.
Aha. How predictable. Yawn...Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
But I can say one thing - if we take for granted that the Communists inflated the total number of causalties in Yugoslavia, does that automatically mean that Vladimir Zerjavic's numbers are correct, and that they cannot be disputed, that they should be regarded as a holy scripture on the subject? If we know that the number of 750 000 Serbs killed in the NDH is not correct, neither the number of 750 000 in Jasenovac, does that mean that Tudjman's or Zerjavic's numbers are automatically correct, and cannot be disputed? I'm asking this because I found errors and misleading data in Zerjavic's work, while Zerjavic himself found capital errors in Kocovic's work, but that didn't bother him to continue to verify his data with Kocovic's.
Yawn...Žerjavic is, for the time being, the most reliable source accepted everywhere around the globe. If/when his figures are corrected, that will happen as the result of serious historical & demographic analysis- and not as the "fruit" of obsessions stemming from Greater Serbia propaganda. Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
The only reason Zerjavic has even the least of credibility is the fact that unlike Tudjman, he didn't apply his methods to Holocaust as a whole, even though that can be done, and it wouldn't look too good for him. Hell, you can do it yourself. What is Zerjavic's briliant "serious" scientific method? - add 27-31 % to the number of accountable victims and that's basically it. So on Tudjman's number of 900 000 for the Jewish victims of Holocaust (he cited Raul Hilberg regarding these numbers, as prof. Josip Pecaric keeps repeating) you just add 27-31% and there you have Zerjavic's methods applied to the entire Holocaust. Mind the fact that Yad Vashem recorded 3 million names of Jewish victims, for Tudjman these were not reliable, just like 80 000 names collected for Jasenovac are not reliable for you. Sinisa Djuric -- 19:41, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
There are 59.000 victims in the Jasenovac -Gradina cc, not 80.0000 (if anyone considers Milan Bulajic seriously, they must be bonkers). As for Tudjman and Jewish victims- he never concluded that 900.000 Jews were murdered during WW2, but quoted estimates that range from 4.2 M upwards to show unreliability of such estimates. Onother Serbian misfire, I guess. http://www.jusp-jasenovac.hr/logor_en.php, http://www.bhdani.com/default.asp?kat=kol&broj_id=322&tekst_rb=7 Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
You may look for interviews of Slavko Goldstein, who stated that the list has been revised and that it may be considered as credible. You also may have seen his interview with Aleksandar Stankovic from a couple of months ago, again stating this fact. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
Another thing about the work of both of them, Kocovic honestly pointed out in the beginning of his work that his calculations are a middle value of the highest possible number and the lowest possible number, therefore it cannot be presented as "nit picking accurate" as some do. I won't discuss this here any further.
Interesting. Both Žerjavic and Kocovic have come to the figures that are actually much higher than those collected in the ex-Yu. It is much more probable that these figures are also inflated, as were those re war in Bosnia 1991-1995. Just, for the time being- these are the accepted figures. Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
You can actually find the list from 1964 on the internet. The list contains 647 000 names. It's been proven that the list is fallacious, as in several districts in Bosnia the census was not performed, while elsewhere it was found that it lacked many names of those who were undoubtedly killed. Even Zerjavic knew this, so that's why he added the 27-31%. Sinisa Djuric -- 19:41, 11 July 2005 (UTC)

Aha, conspiracy. From funny to hilarious. Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
Who said anything about a conspiracy? I merely said the list is incomplete, if you don't believe it, you can read Zerjavic's writings, where he too mentioned this fact. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)
Regarding Budak, again you proudly reveal your true face, perhaps some German would have similar things to say about Goebbels, but not many would do it as openly as you do. This term "historical reassessment" you're talking about is merely a euphemism for Holocaust Denial. Sinisa Djuric -- 19:34, 10 July 2005 (UTC)
Boring & inconsistent. First, I'm "hiding" something. I'm duplicitous. Then, I proudly reveal my true face. Well, pull yourself together. The days of Greater Serbia are over. I don't think there is much to discuss here: Novak is exposed, as are chauvinist, anti-Croat (Ukrainian, Balt,..) escapades of Wiesenthal & Zuroff and Serbian dabbling with numerology. Enuf. Mir Harven 12:51, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
You're the one who is inconsistent. You say one thing in Croatian and another in English. You still haven't explained your comment regarding the number of Jewish victims (though you said something completely opposite in English as if that was your real opinion), and you just keep ranting about Zuroff and Wiesenthal. And of course, as every self-respecting neo-Ustase, you can rationalize your every nonsense by shouting "greater Serbia". Sinisa Djuric -- 19:41, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
Deaf ? Stupid ? Retarded ? I said: the number of Serbian casualties during WW2 was probably close to the figures established by Žerjavic. The number of Jewish casualties is close to the figure, also, but the likes of Zuroff and Goldstein try to artificially pump up the figures. As simple as that. http://www.hic.hr/dom/393/dom10.htm, http://www.hkz.hr/1705.htm Ad nauseam...Mir Harven 21:10, 11 July 2005 (UTC)
No, the total number of Jewish victims in the NDH is identical by both Zerjavic's and Goldstein's data, as well as Zuroff's. You're just trying to rectify your statement about the Holocaust that I quoted earlier. And this persona you're now citing, Josip Pecaric, aside from rehabilitating Budak, now claims that even Pavelic tried to save the Jews. Perhaps, he too will be beatifed by the new Pope. S. Djuric -- 19:13, 12 July 2005 (UTC)

As for this user- he's got no logical capabilities, which is evident from the muddy statements he's inundated this place with. Finis.Mir Harven 9 July 2005 19:12 (UTC)


I have noticed some people undermining important info. Both Žerjavic and Kocevic had claimed that the count of death in the Independant State of Croatia is between 300,000 and 350,000. Someone had deleted that. And it was said that Franjo Tudman claimed that there were 28,000 killed in all of NDH; even though there were over 50,000 confirmed back then which was replaced with: "...even though this info was in display long before him." The changes must be done. I would consider also adding the fact that the Jewish Yugoslav population had fallen down to 20% as a result. Oh, and could you add http://www.hrvatskiustaskipokret.comto the links, please?HolyRomanEmperor 17:08, 24 August 2005 (UTC)

I agree with [[User:HolyRomanEmperor] that there were a lot pro-Ustasha Croatian editing and we should keep track to fight those Nazi editing. --Oldadamml 14:44, 11 November 2005 (UTC)

>>>note and comment by 'not signed author' deleted due to his, or hers illegality = not having signing it !!! --Votec 11:47, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

About Tudjman's estimates

I just want to stress out that Franjo Tuđman couldn't have visited the site in 1994 because the town of Jasenovac and the camp itself was liberated on May 1st 1995! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:40, 10 July 2008 (UTC)

Where does the Tudman estimate of 28000 come from? Tudman's own work Horrors of War gives an estimate of 30,000-40,000. The Franjo Tudman article of Wikipedia puts his estimate at 30,000-60,000. Does anyone have a source for the 28,000 number? It seems a little sketchy, as it's 2000 casualties less than his usual lowest estimate, and does not include any range. --Thewanderer 00:29, 25 August 2005 (UTC)

In the testimonies of Slavko Goldenstein one of the 20% Yugoslav Jews sruviving the Independant State of Croatia. 12:46, 25 August 2005 (UTC)

== Hmm ==

Ok, who is Mir Harven??? He speaks with words of total fascism, nationalist propaganda and nazism! HolyRomanEmperor 21:53, 28 August 2005 (UTC)

Mir Harven (a.k.a. Hroboatus) is a known Croatian Internet troll and webmaster of hercegbosna.org. Nikola 06:37, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
Mr. Smolenski........looking at you profile, you don't seem to be any different than the subject of this discussion.......same shit, different colors.......

Encyclopedic fact and representation -- hogwash

This article has so many contradictions it is really funny:

For instance: " On the night of August 29, 1942, bets were made among the prison guards as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates. One of the guards named Petar Brzica reportedly cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners with an especially designed butcher's knife (called srbosjek or Serb-cutter). Having been proclaimed the prize-winner of the competition, he was dubbed "King of the Cut-throats". A gold watch, a silver service, a roasted suckling pig, and wine were among his rewards. Historians have cast doubt on the number of inmates allegedly killed by Brzica, noting that Brzica would have had to kill 1.9 people per minute over a 12-hour period (with no breaks). "

Has really no place in the article as fact of abuse, but it really shows the fabrications that have been going on about the Jasenovac camp. For instance the super human effort required: 12 hours no break, slaughtering people machine like. Also, the other dead giveaway is the surname Brzica. Brz in the Croatian language means quick, so reall the persons name is Peter Quick, quite interesting and really co-incedental quick on the knife. Just like all people with the surname Rabbit have many children and persons with the surname Fox are sly. What an urban myth...

Yeah, that's an interesting interpretation I have to admit. Very nice try. Trouble is, the letter "z" in "Brzica" is pronounced "zh" as in the letter "G" in the English transliteration of the French word "Gendarme". The letter "z" in the Serbo-Croat word "Brz" (meaning "quick" or "quickly") is pronounced "z" as in the English transliteration "z" for "Zebra". So you cannot claim that your shortened version "brz" of the Croat surname "Brzica" translates to "quick" or "quickly". Nice try though. As far as "Serb nationalists" trying to "inflate the numbers of victims" as claimed by some Croat writers above, well as a matter of fact it was the Croat Ustasha officials in the NDH Independent State of Croatia themselves who were doing the "inflating" during World War 2:

"Hermann Neubacher,perhaps the most important of Hitler's troubleshooters in the Balkans,reports that although some of the perpetrators of the crime estimated the number of Serbs killed at one million, the more accurate figure is 750,000. One of Hitler's generals, Lothar Rendulic, who was in the area where the crimes were committed, estimates that in the first year of existence of the puppet state of Croatia [i.e. from April 10, 1941 to April 10,1942]at least a half million Orthodox Serbs were massacred, and that many others were killed in subsequent years." Quoted from French Roman Catholic Professor, Edmond Paris' book, "Genocide in Satellite Croatia" [The American Institute for Balkan Affairs,1962,Chicago, Illinois USA].

Take this direct quote for example from Hitler's personal assistant for South East European and Balkan affairs, Hermann Neubacher, in his book: "SonderAuftrag Suedost 1940-1945: Bericht eines fliegenden Diplomaten" [Goettingen-Berlin-Frankfurt, 1956]. On Page 31 he states:

"The Orthodox recipe of Ante Pavelic, Ustasha leader and Croatian chief, reminds one of the religious wars in their bloodiest aspects: one third must become Catholic, one third must leave the country and one third must die. The last item was executed. When the leading men of the Ustasha movement are stating that they have slaughtered one million Serbs (including infants, children, women and the aged), this in my opinion is a self-serving exaggeration. According to the reports that have reached me, my estimate is that the number of those defenseless slaughtered is some three quarter of a million".


Pete Robert North.

Mr. North, this is incorrect; the Z in Brzica has no diacritical mark, and is pronounced just like the english z. The character you are referring to is ž. Furthermore, the word brzica is defined in Željko Bujas' Croatian-English dictionary as a quickly moving storm or torrent. Challenging this story does not make anyone pro-Ustaše oe pro-nazi. If this claim is to be taken seriously, most people will demand solid documentation, which has so far not been offerred. -Mihovil


Croat nationalists think that by decreasing the number of victims can decrease the influence of Ustashe in WWII.. Serbian nationalists think that by increasing the number of victims can decrease the influence of Chetnici in WWII..

Both Ustashe and Chetniks were on the side od Nazi Germany, and killed and tortured many... Chetniks killed Ivan Goran Kovacic, the auter of the "Jama", maybe one of the best anti-war, anti-genocide poems... He was Croat, and he was writting about Ustasha's murders and tortures of Serbs.. in he's poem criminal(KRVNIK)doesn't have a name...

Evryone knows that! But rare are those people who want to look in the history, and say: "Yes, it was done, it was horrible, I am sorry, I'll give my best to make evryone remember of those terrible crimes.."

And don't forget...


And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls

It tolls for thee


Sir, your WW2 historical claims about the "Chetniks" (Royal Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland) being "on the side of" Nazi Germany is a BLATANT LIE as is your claim that the Royalist Yugoslav Serbs in WW2 (who you refer to as "Chetnici")were somehow equivalent to the Croat Nazi mass murderers known as the "Ustasha" who ran the Jasenovac death camp where hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, Roma & anti-Nazi Croats were brutally murdered in the most sadistic manner. To equate the Croat Ustasha with the Royalist Yugoslav Serbs [Chetniks] is an example of the highest level of "honesty" one can expect from the pro-Ustasha Nazi crowd here on Wikipedia.

See Baron Avro Manhattan's book: "The Vatican's Holocaust"


See: Sir David Martin's book: "The Web of Disinformation: Churchill's Yugoslav Blunder"

See Sir Michael Lee's book: "The Rape of Serbia"



Pete Robert North.


Also the contrary, Serbian nationalists are inflating the number in order to show proof that the Croatian nation as a whole is genocidal, and to have a claim that any Croatian government is a perpetuation of NDH, therefore of genocide. No one will know the real truth about the victims, how many were there but stating that 500.000 or 700.000 to 1.2 mil perished in the Jasenovac are a fabrication. If only 1 person perished under the circumstances of cruelty etc it is too many.

is this a joke?! Peter North!?!


I'd like to say that I firmly agree with the first person in almost every single thing she/he said. We should all say we're sorry and indeed we should also feel sorry. I'm a Serb and I am sorry. Moreover, it is the fact with Ivan Goran Kovacic, and KRVNIK (bad guy) has no name, he's not a Croat, nor a Serb. We've all been victims. The only thing I see as fals is this: while Ustase were pro Nazi Germany and genocidal, and Chetniks were only partially (at firs not, but, as time flew they became more and more colaborative, never completely, doe). Both did hidious crimes. In the end, the Partizans weren't much better, too.  :)

Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority, Jerusalem

"Largest concentration and extermination camp in Croatia, located 62 miles south of Zagreb. Jasenovac, which was actually a network of several subcamps, was established in August 1941 and dissolved in April 1945. The Nazis gave control of Jasenovac to the puppet Croatian government, which was run by the fascist Ustasa movement. A large number of Ustasa members served in the camp, most notably Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, who was notorious for killing prisoners with his bare hands.

Altogether, about 600,000 people were murdered at Jasenovac , including Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, and Croats who opposed the Ustasa government. Of that number, some 25,000 of the victims were Jews, most of whom had been brought to Jasenovac before August 1942 (at which point the Germans began deporting the Jews of Croatia to Auschwitz). Jews were brought to Jasenovac from all over Croatia. Most were killed on arrival; a small number of skilled professionals were kept alive to work at the camp. They endured horrible conditions and brutal treatment at the hands of the Ustasa guards. Near the end of the war, Jasenovac's administration blew up much of the camp and killed most of the prisoners in an attempt to conceal evidence of the mass murders that took place there."

From: http://www1.yadvashem.org/odot_pdf/Microsoft%20Word%20-%206358.pdf

On the whole thing

You ought to be ashamed of yourselves for pretending that Jasenovac never existed. Croats destroyed the entire place so as to leave the least evidence, they even destroyed the peaceful statue which a Serb put up in that area.

If the Croats think that they will clean themselves from the guilt this way, they are wrong.

Oh, and by the way, this is for Mir Haven: you seem to hate the Serbs a lot. Perhaps you have some Serbian roots in your family that you would gladly be rid of?

Allegations, doubts

Allegations and doubts shall not be entered in any article at all--Matt Parlow 02:50, 20 June 2006 (UTC)

category:History of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Panonian, please don't delete category:History of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Jasenovac is part of B-H history. modern BiH is based on ZAVNOBiH and Jasenovac was closed in 1945 (I guess), so RS and BiH aren't really on the same level here. --Ante Perkovic 22:27, 11 July 2006 (UTC)

Controversial topic

Oh, dear God. Auschwitz isn't a controversial topic, the Germans don't deny their crimes. ...--TheFEARgod 12:18, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

Aren't you even aware that Holocaust "denial" is a crime in today's Bundesrepublik, several countries in Europe, USA, Canada and Australia? So why should discussing Auschwitz be any more "controversial" than that of Jasenovac? Call me an anti-semite, Nazi sympathiser, Holo denier or whatever, but i won't accept propaganda and smear campagins masquerading as "history". I really don't care, and besides your attitude towards such dissenting views is very Orwellian.

Holocaust denial is not illegal in America, nor should it be. Free exchange of ideas promotes the interesting and enlightening and exposes the foolish to scrutiny. When people are free to question the Holocaust, they publicly show their bad logic, paucity of sources, misinterpretation of data, and bigoted agenda. They are harmless cranks like the Flat-Earth Society or Creationists who believe the earth is six thousand years old and dinosaurs went with Noah on the ark. All this quibbling over numbers is useless; will innocent people slaughtered with carving knives and mallets be less violated, less damning or less atrocious if you can prove their were ten thousand less of them? How many orders of magnitude does this atrocity have to be reduced before the nation can regain its pride? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:06, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Later events

Edits by unknown user are subject to bias so I tagged the section as NPOV. Expressions as: "What is interesting is that rebel Serbs..." with no reference, and "the stolen material" are what I mean.Biblbroks 11:53, 18 August 2006 (UTC)

I knew that about thousand of serbs would do so retarded fucking around in here, hey, shit happens.


I put accuracy tags on the main page for Srbosjek, and I'm putting them on this page as well. Mihovil 15:18, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

"Daj dragi katolički bože da svi jebeni Srbi krepaju!!!"?

Someone just added "Daj dragi katolički bože da svi jebeni Srbi krepaju!!!" to the beginning. Perhaps a translation would be benificial? This IS an English encyclopedia after all.... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Chessic (talkcontribs) 17:28, 27 December 2006 (UTC).

It means 'Dear catolic God make all fucking Serbs die'

I forgot to sign my post


Prisoners in Jasenovac were forced to drink water from Sava river with "hren".

Any idea what this means? Flapdragon 17:13, 31 January 2007 (UTC)

corrected the misspelled german general names.

'Hren' is a spice that is made from a root of a plant. It is white in colour and its taste is very hot and that is why is used in small amounts always with a big bait of food in order to neutralise the strong taste up a bit and to make it endurable to eat. I occasionally eat ren as it is good for your health. The thing with making prisoners to eat ren while drinking water is because eating ren without anything else would make you scream from extreme sensations in your brain and throat and it would also damage your digestive system taking it on empty stomach. I know this because when I took a jar of ren and put it about 4 inches off of my nose and barely inhaled(just to fell the smell) tears almost came from my eyes, and I felt strong burning-like sensations in my nose.Bocky 23:02, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

Jasenovac - allegations never proven in the court of law

Dr Mitov and Jasenovac (his off topic rumbling) - my response

Dr Mitov was influenced by Serbian mythology which claims that half a million people died in Jasenovac Concentration Camp, which is just another example of unprovable allegation. No international court has rulled that so many people died in Jasenovac, and I hate to say it, but I am sick of Serbian lies and propaganda regarding historic events that took place in the Balkans. Dr Mitov failed to acknowledge mass scale massacres committed by Serbian Christian Orthodox terrorists and butchers who slaughtered over 100,000 Bosniaks during World War II. Dr Mitov also failed to acknowledge that Serbian Christian Orthodox Terrorist Gavrilo Princip was responsible for starting World War I, and World War I pretty much pulled World War II. This statement is baseless. Of course - Dr Mitov, like most Serbs - are brainwashed by Serbian historiography and lies about alleged genocides against Serbs that never happened (no international court confirmed them - they are just plain allegations). If there was genocide against Serbs in the World War II, then there was certainly a genocide against Bosniaks in the World War II also - however, none of these allegations were proven, they are just allegations and one can use any number one sees fit. Bosniak Institute published documentation that Yugoslav/Serbian government kept secret and it involves the number of dead at Jasenovac Camp, which was well under 50,000 read here . Of course, Serbians are known to exagerate things, so they claimed 10 times more dead, and their allegations were never proved in the court of law, however Bosniak allegations of Genocide in Srebrenica were proven in the international courtroom at least 5 times so far!Bosniak 21:03, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

Gavrilo Princip? Seriously? A Bosnian Serb working with Bosniaks to assassinate the archduke in order to free "Yugoslavs" (including Croats) from Austrian domination? This is the guy you want to use for your example? Wow. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:15, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Bosniak Mythology: A Guide through Fiction

Wow are you ever a retard, Bosniak. No international organization proved that the Holcaust was an act of genocide because the act of genocide was BASED on the Holocaust. Neither is the Armenian Genocide, and neither is Darfur (I'm sure they're all just following the Serb tradition of faking genocide). Also, I don't see the 100,000 dead Bosniak's in Word War II as a result of Serb "terrorists" proven anywhere. By your standards, those 100,000 simply died of influenza, or maybe they committed mass suicide. Or...maybe they never existed (like the Bosniak "ethnicity"). Anyhow, if you don't want to be slaughtered don't take the side of the Nazis, that was probably a big mistake don't you think?
Also, I have to laugh at your impeccable knowledge of history. Yes Gavrilo Princip shot Duke Franz Ferdinand. No one denies that. Then again, the Versailles Treaty (ever heard of it?) puts all blame on GERMANY. Of course, neither is extremely accurate, but since you love to have things on paper then there you have it: it was the Germans. You don't seem to realize that the secret alliances created by the major European powers from 1870 up to the eve of the war played the biggest part. Read up on the Three Emperor's League, Austrian German Alliance, Alliance of the Three Emperors, Triple Alliance, Russian-German Reinsurance Treaty, Russian-French Alliance, Anglo-Japanese Alliance (Look at this..Japan!!!..and where do they come in play..WWII maybe?), Anglo-French Entente, Anglo-Russian Agreement, to name a few. Also, if you go to the Holocaust Museum in Israel there's a big layout on the floor of Europe and the concetration camps. Guess what's on there: JASENOVAC. Guess how many: 500,000.
World War II was started because of Hitler's hatred of the Versailles Treaty, which I'm sure you're well informed on about now, says the Germans caused the war. Since the Germans signed it it's pretty much a confession, HENCE, the "real" cause.
Anyhow remember: A Nazi past get's a Nazi's victims future. You can't call it genocide if you collaborated with Nazis and thus died. Live with it. Jedi Svinje 21:59, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

Added Sajmište concentration camp to “See also” section

Hi, I’ve added Sajmište concentration camp in Nedic Serbia to the “See also section” because this WWII concentration/death camp in former Yugoslavia had also a similar big number of fatal victims (aprox. 48000, most of them Serbians and Yugoslav Jews, too).--MaGioZal 19:52, 5 April 2007 (UTC)

Ustaše apologetics?

What place has that long paragraph about the Bleiburg massacre in this article? Is this an attempt to whitewash the Ustaše crimes? --Darth sidious42 09:19, 27 August 2007 (UTC)

User Votec

In my personal thinking this user is sockpuppet of user Velebit or somebody else which is blocked forever, but I will give reasons for reverting his changes:

Part which speak about Stepinac is if nothing esle wrong. He has given support to NDH, but after state is created. NDH is created in April 1941 and his words in March 1941 are not having anything with Jasenovac. If you want to use that I will use words of Einstein which are showing Serbian terror against Croats in Kingdom of Yugoslavia. All sources from site cp13.heritagewebdesign.com are bad faith sources because this is bad faith web page, so they will all be deleted.

In article is clear many time writen that Jasenovac have been extermination camp where Serbs and others have been killed so words like "The three newer camps continued to function and produce death until the end of the war" are clearly not needed.

From where is data that "Average prisoners life expectancy in the camp was not longer then 60 days". There is no source because of which it is deleted.

Why has been deleted part which speaks about badges ??

Again deleted statement which like source use cp13.heritagewebdesign.com

20 000 number children and source is cp13.heritagewebdesign.com. deleted.

Reverting in part Victim count estimations is not needed to explain.

Bleiburg is not for this article so it will not be reverted.

All changes by user Votec has been made using site which clearly say:

"4) To foster unity, justice and survival for the Serbian people and for their cultural heritage worldwide, wherever they live, and wherever it is threatened.

5) To mobilize the Serbian people, and all progressive political forces worldwide, in a political struggle to end the war currently being waged against the Serbs." [2]

Other data which has motivated this user is hate toward Žerjavec which is seen in this article and in his vandal attack on Žerjavec article. --Rjecina 04:02, 4 September 2007 (UTC)

Just for the honour of the answer :)...would it be user Rjecina...

For the very kind attention of the member calling himself Rjecina: be very certain and kind to spare me from your qualifications, in your 'comment above', in the style of 'sockpuppet' (even being Wikipedia therm of use...and for your kind interest I do not have double profile here) and consequently I should be disqualifying you of any civilised consideration for the verbal or written exchange, but for the honour of thousands executed people I will grace you with few words:

>>>first of all let me define your act here: Croat 'guarding'- deleting info-s from the sensitive site elaborating the horror's of the WWII and Holocaust committed against the Serbs and by the Croats, certanly questions the honesty of your motives and easily defines you as nothing more then >>> Holocaust denier.

>>>secondly, being addressing the Catholic Church (in your comment) I strongly believe that you consider yourself possibly being the dissent Christian...then following the fact: DO ACT Christiane = find yourself peace and love:)

Addressing my contribution please find:

>>>Role of Croatian Catholic Church and Stepinac, in the dark history of Croatian puppet Nazi state and consequently Jasenovac, was elaborated in the numbers of publications and books Worldwide and is highly controversial...nothing new about that...that is why 'note' have been added and certanly should be having its place there as per being the ideological masters behind the horror.

>>>as quoted by Rjecina:"Part which speak about Stepinac is if nothing esle wrong. He has given support to NDH, but after state is created. NDH is created in April 1941 and his words in March 1941 are not having anything with Jasenovac. If you want to use that I will use words of Einstein which are showing Serbian terror against Croats in Kingdom of Yugoslavia. All sources from site cp13.heritagewebdesign.com are bad faith sources because this is bad faith web page, so they will all be deleted."...in the answer: Stepinac had supported independent Nazi Croatian puppet state, before or after its foundation, the fact I do not want particularly to challenge and it is irrelevant, but the truth would be that he had supported it before and after...and most importantly the words by Stepinac being quoted in the article DO HAVE MAJOR IMPORTANCE in creating the preconditions and lately concentration camp itself: he, as per being religious figure, failed to preach for unity and tolerance of the Nations and in contrary his speeches(citation is just a single example) in-fired and inspired racial hatred (fact which is not obvious from the citation only to the sick-minded or genuine retards, kindly excuse my language and excuses to the retards!!!) and ultimately accelerated creation of the camp!!!...

...in addition to dear Rjecina claim, who would, in his childish retaliation, use the words of Einstein...kindly please use them (Wikipedia is not the place for 'group denials' and mediocre agrements)...I want to hear them!!!...of course,just in the context of relevant article and I certanly beleive this is not the one...and crucially with his 'childish' claim mentioning Einstein in relation to Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Rjecina accidentally discloses his real motive for involvement in this article and that is not to constructively improve it, but to 'guard some, only to him known, Croatian interest' and following that fact he is completely discredited to contribute in this article which elaborates major scale and internationally recognised WWII Holocaust and one of the darkest pages of Human history!!!

>>>as quoted by Rjecina: "All sources from site cp13.heritagewebdesign.com are bad faith sources because this is bad faith web page, so they will all be deleted."...in the answer: so :) dear Rjecina...in your inquisition work...are the pictures from this and same site, filmed in Jasenovac in the course the War and after liberation, also maybe 'bad faithed material', and as such entitled for your honourable deletion ? :)...not happy with the true reality of Jasenovac carnage?...need to hide something, maybe ?....so :)

>>>your choice to name 'bad faith' Web pages is...let me underline...just your choose and for your honourable attention, Web page named 'Jasenovac research Institute' hardly can be 'bad faith Web page' due to the fact, that with the arrguments and names, elaborates the horrors of the human history, but from your position of 'croatian guardian angel of denial' it certainly can be understand :)

>>>as Rjecina claims: "From where is data that "Average prisoners life expectancy in the camp was not longer then 60 days". There is no source because of which it is deleted."...answer would be as per: data comes from the accumulated human knowledge and certanly not only that we should be addressing another web pages...otherwise Wikipedia would turn into the mediocre copy machine...and for your kind attention this information is coming from the mouth of survivor and is well known even by the kids in the school classes.

>>>as per Rjecina: "Why has been deleted part which speaks about badges ??"...answer: I did have tried to gramatically improve the article, because it was written in relativly poor English and above information was added to it's chapter by the previous author without any concept and connection, but as per being constructive I will kindy 'paste' it back and try to context it...additionaly sentence with the wrong, hidden and double moral conotation was excluded from the citation:" There are various statistics and estimates about the number of victims who died in the Jasenovac camp, mainly due to lack of exact records, and to various interests involved in estimating them"..."and to various interests involved in estimating them" = there are no various interests in addressing the Holcoast!!!...there is only one following moral concept: NOT TO TRY TO CHALLENGE IT, DENY IT, FORGET IT, AND SURELY NOT TO MINIMISE IT!( this legacy of Holocaust and WWII is obviously not yet known in Balkan areas)...and as per such this short sentence is inadequate.

>>>surely believe, at this stage, very most of the points, from above Rjecina comment, have been addressed and just briefly concerning the mentioning of Zerjavic, I do certainly deeply resent any try of HOLOCAUST DENIAL which was the focus of his barbaric 'scientific' work and following your act here, dear Rjecina, I see you to be nothing but one ( denier )!!!

>>>as per Rjecina quote:

"All changes by user Votec has been made using site which clearly say:

"4) To foster unity, justice and survival for the Serbian people and for their cultural heritage worldwide, wherever they live, and wherever it is threatened.

5) To mobilize the Serbian people, and all progressive political forces worldwide, in a political struggle to end the war currently being waged against the Serbs."

...in the answer: First of all, not all the information I have contributed do address this site, just in contrary, and second of all, I do not find the single 'inadequate' word in the statements you quoted(though I never had a chance to read them , on the site mentioned, before you digged them out and stated): 'fostering the survival and preserving of cultural heritage' is what every Nation on the World should do. In contrary, your 'work' here Rjecina is focused to diminish and delete heritage of the history( be kind and read Mr. Wiesenthal statement on the subject of Jasenovac,I have added and quoted from 'Simon Wiesenthal Center' and you and AGAIN DELETED it too!!!)...

...and BTW, be so kind in your 'sweet' intention and do not quote 'goals of foundation' separately and without context:)

>>>as per kind reminder I did have accepted your 'adding'(to my info source), where you do claim that Rojnica was the major of Dubrovnik and incorporated to the article...but deleted your 'link' where you did link the Jasenovac site and mentioned chapter to irrelevant Croatian Web page with connotation-link to 'YouTube' and some primitive Serb-Craots Internet exchange!!!...Jasenovac web page and article should be treated with very much due respect, for your kind understanding !!!

>>>and very importantly and BTW your deliberate deletion of all the documented photos I have attached, which do represent and show the horror of the camp much better then the thousands of words(source by 'Jasenovac Memorial'), I do find sick and DANGEROUS for the future of human knowledge!!!

>>>Relevant: I do consider my contribution clearly constructive by adding the information from relevant sources like 'Simon Wiesenthal Center', adding the documented photos from 'Jasenovac Memorial' source and grammatically improving some chapters of the article. Due to all what just have been mention your 'deliberate' delation is undone.

And to sadly conclude: your work Rjecina, as per being the GUARDIAN OF THE HOLOCAUST DENIAL, is sad and disturbing. Find the peace and love...and become just the Rjeka or Rjec, or even beter, in your case, maybe diminutive Rjecica:) Best luck to you, God be with you to clear all the roads in front of.

--Votec 10:37, 4 September 2007

As quoted in article: "Helena Njirić won the first prize for the 2006 Zagreb Architectural Salon for her work on the museum."...is being 'deleted'... with the respect and regard to the work done by Ms. Helene Njiric mentioning any 'price winning and awarding' concerning the subject elaborated in this article, is unnecessary, inappropriate and inadequate. Hoping Ms. Njiric would certainly agree.

--Votec 12:18, 5 September 2007 (UTC)


There is 4 question about this.

  • 1 Can one user create 200 or more changes in 1 article.
  • 2 Can internet pages which are without question POV be sources for wikipedia. First "popular" page is cp13.heritagewebdesign.com which is having aim of "To mobilize the Serbian people, and all progressive political forces worldwide in a political struggle to end the war currently being waged against the Serbs" and second is Archives of the Republic of Srpska (http://www.arhivrs.org/o_arhivu.asp)

which is created in time when this "state" is making genocide !!

  • 3 About personal attacks on myself everything is possible to see on this page.
  • 4 First and last question is where are his neutral sources ! For statement prisoners life expectancy is 60 days his source is picture of prisoners ?? For statement that 20 000 children is killed his source are pictures of children ?? and this is going again, again and again ...If something like that is for wiki I give up --Rjecina 23:25, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
Last point which I have ulmost forget. Census 1931 Bosnia and Herzegovina is speaking of 1,028,139 Serbs [3] in this Yugoslav province which will in 1941 become part of NDH. Bosnia and Herzegovina census of 1948 is speaking of 1,136,116 Serbs. It is funny that after so great genocide about which user:Votec is writing that number of Serbs has gone up and not down. It is miracle !!!--Rjecina 02:18, 5 September 2007 (UTC)

In connection with request for 'mediation' by Votec due to vandalisation by user Rjecina

On Wednesday, September 5th I have requested the 'mediation' of the 'English speaking page administrator' due to the repeated vandalism and deliberate deletion of the chapters in this article( not only contributed by me, but in his vandalism, by everything what did not suite his fancy...deleation have happened twice and with his second deletion on September 5th at 23:35 user Rjecina deleted (-3034) contributions by me and other users by not giving the explanation!).

If you kindly look and follow mail exchange of user Rjecina with his fellow user Ante Perkovic( and on the profile of Ante Perkovic), you can simply find that they do claim that they are doing 'reversing wars'!!! In addition following their 'line of interest' ( which can easily be concluded following their discussions) they are 'single purpose members', and if I may use the therm 'self-made quasi WP historians'!!! Following their malicious work they do not deserve to be the part of this vibrant community.

In addition, following the history of discussions with the article 'Jasenovac Concetration Camp' I am free to conclude that this article has been constantly vandalised ( most horrible example being...(kindly read relevant comment in dicussion)...statement added on the page by irrelevant user: 'Dear Catholic God, make all fucking Serbs die!!!"

This article is not about Serbs, Croats or Jews...it is about HOLCOAST and humans being exterminated in the horror of thier coexistence and as such should be adequately protected.


Once when I started added to the article 4 days ago, I found article to be genuine ruine: written in pour English, with obvious numbers of delations in the chapters by various members with their various 'interests'...which have made article hardly cosequent and readable. As well, due to the primitive involvements of the numbers of users from all sides, the 'most elaborated' chapter was about recounting the victims, but not about, for example, the conditions in the camp, human suffering, history, background. Shameful!!!

My editing on article was focused on conecting 'the bits and peaces' in one readable story. I did have added historical facts about Zagreb's WWII archbishop Stepinac( using the info's from the relevant WP article about him). Also I have added 29 photos and related informations from the two Web pages:

<<http://www.arhivrs.org/index.asp>> "Archive of Republic Srpska" which is listed on UNESCO Archives portals!!!...and...

<<https://cp13.heritagewebdesign.com/~lituchy/index.php>> "Jasenovac Researh Instite" which on its first page states: "The Jasenovac Research Institute is a non-profit human rights organization and research institute committed to establishing the truth about the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and dedicated to the search for justice for its victims. The JRI promotes research and activities designed to enlighten the world to the crimes of genocide committed at Jasenovacorganisation and wartime Yugoslavia against Serbs, Jews and Romas and provides assistance to all groups and individuals who likewise seek justice for these victims."... cause I do certanly find noble and justify.

Both Web pages being mentioned, have been attacked by user Rjecina in his malitious manner and informations concerned and relevant( including the pictures of children being victims in camp DELETED by this vandal!!!).

As well I have deleted with explenation short sentence towards the end of the text, addressing the awards given, finding it inappropriate( reasons and notice for deletaion given at the end of my above comment, in section discussions ).


Following all above mentioned and the history of the article I do consider and kindly ask for this article to be fully protected. Certanly I do not expect, that version which is actuall now ( being last edited by myself and in my opinion still very poorly elaborating the subject) should be the protected one, but I do ask for your mediation in finding indepentent and prominent source ( for example, United States Holcoast Memorial Museums, which is having the info-s, certanly willingness to do so, and computer knowledge to contribute). After their contribution article should be fully protected.

I do respect Wikipedia philospohy of being the open information source, meant to built up the knowledge and share, but in the certain ocassion ( as I have noticed you have implemented it few times with 'difficult subject'...example 'Roma people' ) and this is certanly, in my opinion, the case ( due to the expolosion of primitive emotions accumulated and due to the wars in ex-Yugoslavia), I beleive that this would be the adequate solution.

If no, I am certain and positive that after this, or any other future conflict situation and mediations, this article will be repeaditly and repeditly vandalised and missused.

Holocaust thematic and Jasenovac as World Heritage Site do certainly ask for full protection.

Thanks for you readings and kindly advise with your point,

  • (addressed to administrator)

--Votec 17:22, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

Single answer to comment 'Mediation' by user Rjecina

...certanly you meant "there are...."

1. find the answer in the comment with my request for 'mediation' page.

2.adequate Web pages mentioned few times and available it in the comment above.

3. you have not been attacked in no way...following your 'unacceptable act' there is an argumented claim, in the comments above, that you are HOLOCAUST DENIER, and as per such legable in front of the law in the number of the countries around the World!!!


--Votec 17:43, 6 September 2007 (UTC)

Rjecina!!!...your are asked to comply and answer !!!

[[4]] [[5]] [[6]] [[7]] [[8]] [[9]] [[10]]

These are the children from Jasenovac...children whose childhood is taken from them...children whose future is taken from them...children whose lives are taken !!!

Rjecina!!!...I ASK FOR FEEDBACK !!!...what kind of emotion this photos evoke with you???...if any???....DENAIL ??? !!!

Votec 00:20, 7 September 2007 (UTC)


Omarska camp guard and detainees

and this and many similar like this http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/293/1963/1600/omarska_concentration_camp_2.1.jpg

This has been done only 15 years ago by Serbian forces so what ?? Picture are not showing anything. Pictures are not showing numbers of killed or anything else important. They are only showing that there has been crimes and nothing else. Do not worry. After you will be blocked I will revert all your changes. Before you this article has been writen with sort of Croato-Serb consensus and article will be returned to that. Rjecina 16:29, 7 September 2007 (UTC)


...well, thanks for 'delation' prospect...sound so...so similar like execution:)...you are doing it just right, Rjecina:)...history repeats...do they say so ?  :)

...concerning that any further addressing user Rjecina I do consider moral disgrace and genuine insult of the brain, my concern will be administrator's respond to my suggestion and request elaborated previously.

--Votec 18:13, 9 September 2007 (UTC)


...in connection with the photos posted by user Rjecina I would kindly like to stream the attention of users possibly interested in subject...to consult relevant BBC documenentary in the famous series called 'Panorama' about propaganda involvement in the course of ex-Yu wars...and there, to be found testemony of the German reporter who have been on the spot when this two photos have been shot... and who clearly states that this unfortunate (anorexic) gent was chosen placed, by certain photographer, in front of 'barbed wire' to produce wanted and obvious effect...though just meters left or right, there was a free and open passage around the 'wire' and this strech of the broken wire protection wall, in the mid of the camp, did not have any function... ...concluding afterwords that choice of the person was deliberate, because there were no starvation in that 'camp', or whatever was it...filmed footage, by BBC, continues and shows the inmates of this ,half naked gent...and there next to him...there was a group of man with the 'average weight' of few hondred pounds of kilos walking all over and around that 'fictive wire'...just for the kind attention concernig the subject... ...well, I hope that God can forgive you, dear user R.

...and btw, on this two photos mentioned Omarska camp, was, as it was presented in the mentioned program, Bosnian-Serbs controlled camp with Bosnian Muslims( possibly Croatian, too) POW.

--Votec 21:49, 9 September 2007 (UTC)


To Administrator:

Your or somebodies choice-claim to group and place this article in category: Wikipedia controversial topics IS INSULT!!!

This subject is certainly not controversial, but controversial and brutal is the way this article is treated here.

Holocaust is historical subject which should be treated with full, undeniable and due respect and not being left, like here, to be raped by human primitivism, ignorance and cruelty.


--Votec 00:36, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

Votec's totally disputed source

The user Votec has added the site https://cp13.heritagewebdesign.com as the prime source for many claims, which is the page to the Jasenovac Research Institute (JRI).

A simple look on the page confirms its "objectivity" and "neutrality".


Its victim list lists 21.318, but somehow gets the number of 700.000 in the text??? Of course, no source or research is offered for this number... Thats because no scientific study yet made has even come close to that number - Serb leaders in speeches at Kosovo Polje are not considered scientific sources :)

You seem to imply that some Serb leaders gave speeches at Kosovo Polje mentioning 700.000 Jasenovac victims? Please, provide source for that claim. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
I haven't put that in the article, have I? But seriously, if holding to these numbers, it would mean that only 3% of total victims are known... That's quite a low figure... Especially considering more serious name collection have reached about 70.000. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
Neither of the numbers is correct. The Belgrade Museum of Holocaust keeps the list of 80,000 Jasenovac victims. If, say, a low number of 250,000 victims is considered, it's a third of total - completely plausible. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
See section below to see how reliable some of those names are. I suppose we could ask our friend down there if he could pop over to the second list and check for his relatives. Neither is this really original. The list of 80,000 names was already much critisized by Croats and Bosnians (and some Croatian Serbs too) who found their relatives who moved away, were killed fighting or were even fighting for the NDH on that list. Quite a lot on the list never even saw Jasenovac. Side question: how much names do we need to prove false to make the list unreliable? Pick a number so we can get started on that... The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
It's two lists. The list of 650,000 names is criticised because it is misinterpreted as list of victims of Jasenovac when in fact it is a (partial) list of all victims of WWII. The list of 80,000 names is a completely separate list. Nikola 19:46, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

The numbers had been inflated and deflated by various fanatics at both sides. Some radicals say the "upper limit is 1.000 dead", radicals of other nationality say the "lower limit is 500.000 dead". It's obvious both are rather silly number-throwing. Names compiled of the victims are just below 80.000, while only four real researched works were ever made, those made by Croat Zerjavic and the Serb Bogocevic (which estimated 500.000 were killed in the ENTIRE NDH), the one of the official Yugoslav commission, which said 1.000.000 died OF ALL WAR RELATED CAUSES in ENTIRE Yugoslavia during WW2 (including soldiers, German retributions, etc).

These are not the only four works ever made. There is also that investigation by the National Committee of Croatia made right after the war, for example. There is a book floating somewhere on the Internet which compiles all the research on Jasenovac made in Yugoslavia. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
There have been quite a few works on the subject. For example, the first post-war study on concentration camps in Yugoslavia ranked Jasenovac THIRD biggest, behind Sajmište and another one (can't remember which). The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

All premier world historians and institutes, including US Genocide Memorial and Slavko Goldstein (a Croatian Jew who survived the camp as a child and is a premier source on the subject), have taken Zerjavic's and Bogocevic's figures as the most accurate and realistic. The only Holocaust rememberance site that says otherwise is the Yad Vashim center which doesn't even cite sources and on one page says about 600.000 were killed in entire NDH, and on the other 700.000 just in Jasenovac...???

All? First of all USHMM also didn't - its quote here doesn't mention any acceptance at all. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
All historians and institutes that study the subject are deeply divided on those numbers. If they weren't, we wouldn't be here commenting. Fact is, more and more historians and institues are revising their numbers, not just for Yugoslavia, but the entire Holocaust, as newer research, documents and scientific methods become available, enabling more correct calculations. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
I remain unimpressed. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
I'm not here to impress you. The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

JRI and the people there

But, back to the JRI.

The main contributor to the Institute, and one of its main board members, is Dr. Milan Bulajic. Apart from obvious nationality, he is/was the Director of the BELGRADE's Yugoslav Museum for Vitcims of Genocide and was one of the most notable proponents of Jasenovac and the "over half a million dead in Jasenovac alone" theory.

Nationality of certain Vladimir Žerjavić from ZAGREB is equally obvious. He also propells that awful "number of dead in Jasenovac was smaller than 100,000" theory. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
While Žerjavić is Croat, unlike Bulajić, he doesn't cite numbers out of thin air (making "theories"), but produced a very simple mathematical calculation that proved that the number of dead Serbs in NDH couldn't have been higher then 600.000... The calculation is simple and easy to prove for anyone who finished elementary school, unlike Bulajic's "scientific" work without any evidence. Now, it is possible that mathematics is also guilty of pro-Croat bias :) but unfortunatly a Serb historian also reached the same numbers. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
Bulajic uses a calculation to reach his result too. Both of them rest their calculations on false premises. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
How do you know? Nowhere has he noted how he came to these numbers... And what are false premises? Which one of Žerjavić's (and Kočević's very near) methods do you dispute: a) Yugoslav 1931 and 1948 population census, b) official Yugoslav average growth rate or c) the way the end result is calculated by a very simple mathematical formula X = a + b% (for n times where n = 1948-1931) The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
I read about it. It is a false premise that Yugoslav average growth rate could be used to give meaningful result. Nikola 19:52, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Bulajic was the Director of the "War Crimes Commission" of the FRY, an organization formed by SLOBODAN MILOSEVIC in early 1990s Serbia to "prove" the crimes the world has comitted against Serbs. You can read about his "glorius" record here [11]. Bulajic published most of his books and works during the war era, with characteristic "objective" Serb opinion at the time. The publisher for most of his book is listed as: "The Ministry of Information of the Republic of Serbia"...

Now that is the most neutral review, by one of the most neutral persons who could make one. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
You are not implying that the woman who wrote the article made up facts listed there (i.e. Bulajic's work being one-sided, not allowing Hague investigators to reach crime scenes, not being cooperative, etc.). If you feel that way, we can probbably find some UN sources that could collaborate that... You know how UN works: write everything down 30 times :) The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
The woman is known for her bias. I could disagree with practically every statement in her article. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
Didn't know you know her work. OK, all this dirt I collected on Bulajic was a result of only one-hour long web search. I'm sure I can find another 50 things if I dig in another hour, but I think I've made enough points to totally discredit this guy. If I do that and find more things, I'm going to have go delete each JRI-related statement on Wiki. The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Not surprisingly, the same guy says Srebrenica didn't happen (surprise, surprise) [12] (in fact, is/was a member of a Srebrenica revisionist group) and opposed his former master's extradiction to the Hague - [13].

No comment on this one, Nikola? The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
No, why would it matter? And by the way, what does this tar-and-feathering of Bulajic has to do with anything? Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
It raises a question of motives. You don't read very attentively, but I agree, what does Bulajic - one of a three-man board member of the JRI - has to do with JRI as a source???? Can't really see anything wrong with that :) Obviously you don't, since you defend the guy like he is your relative or something :) The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
I have clearly said that he is wrong, and now you say that I am defending him as if he is my relative? Your comments make no sense. Nikola 20:46, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

One of the institution he is strongly linked with is the SANU - Serb ultra-right wingers who published that nasty paper which is signalled as the begining of the Yugoslav breakup and war... He also supports the very intellectual work of Vojislav Seselj [14].

Claims that Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts is ultra-right is ultra-ridiculous. Oh, and that nasty paper was never published or indeed made. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
Ah, denying SANU documents are we? :) Or living in blissful ignorance... Yes, it was never published because it was leaked out while it was only drafted up and caused such reactions it was buried away. You can read all this on the relevant article. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
So, it was never published and never made. And it wasn't ultra-right. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
It was made, just not published. And it wasn't ultra-right, it just called everyone around Serbs genocidal and called for remaking borders by force. That's not ultra-right, it's ultra-stupid. The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
It was not finished; therefore, it was not made. It did not say what you claimed it did anyway. Nikola 19:52, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Bulajic and some others, as well as the entire JRI was invovled in a scandal when it was revelaed they FORGED DOCUMENTS (read the saga here)!!!!

The document you linked to actually says that claims of forgery were false? Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
You seem to be in a loss. If a Croat writes an article, its automatically biased, and when a Serb writes one its treated as automatic truth... ? :( Confused. But never mind, the article is just proof of what I wrote, that "Bulajic was INVOLVED in a scandal". Unlike some, I do not presume his guilt (it appears that the case is still at court), but whenever a historian is accused of forging documents, it is a very big accusation that should be taken seriously and investigated. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
Eh, no. Some people attempted to involve Bulajic in a scandal. That is not to say that any scandal actually existed. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
Ahem. Read the upper statement again. The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Bulajic also wrote something about Jews at Jasenovac in one of his books ([15]), which drew a fair amount of criticism from Jewish organizations. But the Jews weren't the only ones, Bulajic (of course) accused the Vatican of being Hitler's pet.

What, he only accused them, he didn't said it outright? Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
Not at all surprised you agree with what he has to say. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

All in all, the guy had a very eventful career. For all of this, no serious Genocide Research group can quote this guy as a reliable source.

Another person linked to JRI is Petar Makara, the starter of the radical Serb site srpska-mreza.com (most here will know that's site's pedigree). One of the links above credits this site with "most of their information"...

No word on this either? The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
Why the hell is that important? Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
If you're not going to read, I don't need to bother rewritting everything all the time. If Žerjavić would name a pro-Ustaša site as his main source, you would be all over that, wouldn't you? Why do you even argue, you're obviously Bulajic's greatest fan, no need to argue with us "unbelivers". :) The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Bulajic was also criticized for his quote: "inventions and lies" by many people, notably Zerjavic ([16] and [17]; read the later for the entire numbers saga)

Apart from being criticized for his inflated numbers, he did slip a few times, and accidentally told the truth at least once ([18]). There you are, a radical Serb saying the number of killed there was 77,743. What better source :)

Milan Bulajic was never director of the Museum of Genocide Vitcims in Vilius, Lithuania. Someone seriously screwed up something on that page. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
One mistake doesn't discredit the entire article. Quote of his number of killed is what is important. The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
One mistake in the quote discredits the quote. There is no evidence that Bulajic ever said that. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
So now what, you want a source to collaborate a source... Then you'll be asking for a source for that. Does this mean you dispute EVERYTHING Holocausereaveled.org wrote??? Because there is quite a lot of things taken from there that are used on the article. Perhaps those pages had mistakes too??? The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
This is one of the more nonsensical ones. Nikola 20:47, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

The page itself

Neither has the page been updated since 2005, to note how 'serious' its work is... and no contact information is accessable.

This line especially serves as a revalation to the site's motives: "We founded the Jasenovac Research Institute in 1998 to make the truth about the Holocaust in Yugoslavia known to the world. We believe that learning the lessons of Jasenovac is indispensable not only to obtaining justice and recognition for its victims, both living and dead, but also for understanding the true context and history of war crimes and civil wars in Balkan history."

Definition: Historical Revisionists (there's a surprise)

Actually, lowering the number of Jasenovac victims is historical revisionism, since higher number has been accepted until recently. Nikola 15:21, 16 September 2007 (UTC)
You are not reading. Historical Revisionism of RECENT history. From the line above (as well as the "liberation" below), it is obvious the page holds opinions supportive of the Serb cause in the 1990s, "understanding the true context of war crimes" sounds like saying Vukovar, Srebrenica, Sarajevo and a thousand other names are actually the "wrong context". The Spanish Inquisitor 10:27, 18 September 2007 (UTC)
Recent history can't be revised because it was never agreed upon in the first place.
I think the international courts that estamblished some 60 guilty verdicts against Serb military and political leaders can be called "agreed upon". Unless of course for people like Bulajic (and you?) who deny the places named above ever existed. The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
I think that veracity of these international courts is also not agreed upon. Nikola 20:49, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
Bottom line: yes, Bulajic's work is disputed, and it is disputed in Serbia as well. It is not disputed because Bulajic is or isn't a member of some committee or because it is used or isn't used by some website, but because significant errors are noted in it. But as long as we have ridiculous estimates here, such as the one by Zerjavic, I see no reason not to mention Bulajic's estimate as well. Nikola 19:49, 19 September 2007 (UTC)
You are definately not being serious. If you want to see what Croatian numbers are ridiculous, look at the guy who wrote that Jasenovac was a labor camp. Žerjavić and Kočević (whome people like you just ignore, because he's your compatriot and doesn't just repeat lies, but is unconviniantly Serb and can't be accused of being an Ustaša / Holocaust-denier) had their work printed all over the world and accepted as closest to the truth as we'll ever get. Through I doubt you will, take a look here Žrtve licitiranja - Sahrana jednog mita, Bogoljub Kočović The Spanish Inquisitor 06:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
Why a Serb couldn't be an Ustasha or Holocaust denier? (Hint: Sekula Drljević.) Claims about their work being accepted as closest to the truth are false. Their work has serious and known errors. Nikola 03:17, 22 September 2007 (UTC)

Oh, and of course, there's this line "The Serbian forces liberated Jasenovac Memorial Park on October 8, 1991." which shows the pages full objectivity.

As far as I'm concerned this is no source, but a propaganda pamflet.

The Spanish Inquisitor 10:48, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

Oh, and his second "objective" source is http://www.arhivrs.org - ARHIV REPUBLIKE SRPSKE (formed in 1992) :)))) The Spanish Inquisitor 10:53, 11 September 2007 (UTC)
Some of this data, backed with very usefull references could also be used on Veljko Bulajić page. --Ante Perkovic 12:00, 11 September 2007 (UTC)

Having read a few of user Votec's edits, I wonder: why this user hasn't been blocked indefinitely ? His "contributions" are examples of harsh and primitive Serbian ultra-nationalist paranoia, using wikipedia only to promote the sick ideology. I implore Serbian wikipedians to use their authority to get rid of this kind of deranged propaganda. Mir Harven 18:01, 12 September 2007 (UTC)


Very much kindly and genuinly I would ask user Mir Harven to be very much sure to release me of his primitive qualifications, and as well of his execution treats, and I will be shortly, starting from October 20th, addresing his 'edit' and edits in previous comments in more details, due to the fact that I am at the moment not-available.

--Votec 20:16, 12 September 2007 (UTC)


This user is just a propagandist whose "contribs" amount to nothing more than waste of time rational people got to spend in fighting off the poisonous (and unverified) claims re all things Croatian. If there is an example of Croatopathology (not phobia, that's too benign), this is a good one. Well, then, we'll got to spend some energy on disinfection work, I guess. Mir Harven 14:54, 13 September 2007 (UTC)

Cracked the Jasenovac Research Institute

The Jasenovac Research Institute is a joke, and I've proven it (by accident). As I was looking up some of my Home Guard ancestors disappearances after 1945, I somehow was led to the Jasenovac Victims List. On it are five of my family members. The problem is, I already have detailed accounts of where know these guys ended up - and it certainly wasn't Jasenovac. The second problem is... two of the names actually refer to the same person. If that's not reason enough to assume that there are wide-ranging forgeries on the list, I don't know what it. Thewanderer 15:36, 18 September 2007 (UTC)

I'm actually not surprised. A while ago, Croatian media found many names were fakes (from the longer, Belgrade list). Apart from people finding ancestors that moved out of the country, they found an old Croatian Serb that was on the list as he was living near Knin. Needless to say, the poor guy was very upset to find out he's dead... :) The Spanish Inquisitor 07:04, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
If it's not too private to ask, are these relatives of yours Croatian nationality? If they are, the list-makers must have been very desperate... The Spanish Inquisitor 07:04, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Alright let´s put that in the article and cite you as sources, that´s really reliable. Paulcicero 09:47, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Nice idea, but wouldn't quite work with us. Let's try some published and well researched sources :)
- Slobodna Dalmacija
- AMAC News portal
Both list actual researched examples by name, not just claims.
If you're more interested to the subject, check out these people also finding their family: [19], [20], [21] (here's a nice info, the page used to list 630.000 names :o but they removed most... perhaps due to the reactions it caused?)
That's not quite source material, but make for an inspired reading. 5000 Serbs named Josip and about 50 people with a Pavelić surname and another 20 Kvaterniks found their end there :o
The Spanish Inquisitor 11:05, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
Haha that´s some nice sources =)! Paulcicero 12:02, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
I don't actually belive you even bothered reading. But, what does that mean? Slobodna is only reliable when talking about dead Serbs in Medak? Or should we delete that too? The Spanish Inquisitor 12:38, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
Certainly is far more reliable then veritas.co.yu or srpska-mreza which YOU use routinely as sources. But never mind, silly remains silly :) The Spanish Inquisitor 12:39, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
Such ignorance Paulcicero 13:10, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Indeed. That is not the list of Jasenovac victims (though even a list of Jasenovac victims is bound to contain a number of Croats, so above "arguments" are still moot), that is partial list of all killed in WWII. See [22], also [23]. Nikola 19:39, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Of course it is. The problem is, that this "Institute" presented it as the list of Jasenovac victims. Following a media campaign which revealed it, they went off-line for half a year and then returned with 97% of the names deleted. That's how reliable this "source" is. The Spanish Inquisitor 07:34, 21 September 2007 (UTC)
No they didn't present it as the list of Jasenovac victims, and no they didn't return it with 97% of names deleted, the list is still there in entirety[24]. Nikola 03:13, 22 September 2007 (UTC)

Votec's work is for reverting

I happened to came across this by accident. One of the things Votec changed was the quote of the US Holocaust Museum, the article states:

Further research on the victims of the Ustaša regime in Croatia during World War II is necessary to enable historians and demographers to determine more precisely the number of those who perished under the rule of the Independent State of Croatia. Due to differing views and lack of documentation, estimates for the number of Serbian victims in Croatia range widely, from 25,000 to more than one million. The estimated number of Serbs killed in Jasenovac ranges from 25,000 to 700,000. <NOTE THIS PART> Germans and Ustaša killed approximately 32,000 Jews from Croatia between 1941 and 1945. etc...

The "conveniantly" deleted the part that reads as follows: The most reliable figures place the number of Serbs killed by the Ustaša between 330,000 and 390,000, with 45,000 to 52,000 Serbs murdered in Jasenovac..

This is accessable by going to [25] and selecting History - Part V.

Checking other things he deleted.... right: more of such things. Misquoted and deleted sources, POV labling... I just though he added one disputed source, but actually did much more damage. This stuff has to go ASAP. This guy has like three pages of such edits in two days. We should restore to the pre-Spt 3rd (his) version. The Spanish Inquisitor 14:04, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

I say, remove the quote completely, for shame it gives to the USHMM. The partial list of victims is larger than their "most reliable figures". Nikola 19:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)

Serbian Myth About Jasenovac

Serb editors have conveniently "avoided" reporting the following figure from the United States Holocaust Museum about Serb victims of Holocaust: "The most reliable figures place the number of Serbs killed by the Ustaša between 330,000 and 390,000, with 45,000 to 52,000 Serbs murdered in Jasenovac." Serb editors have deleted this part from the article because it's more convenient to believe in a myth of 700,000 Serbs dead even though the United States Holocaust museum has stated that the most reliable figures place the number of Serbs killed in Jasenovac to 45,000-52,000. Source http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/jasenovac/frameset.html?L= .

One more thing: The Bosniak Institute in Zürich published in 1998 a list of all registered victims of the two concentration camps on the basis of data drawn from the Office for Statistics in Belgrade. This gives a figure of 59,188 known deaths at Jasenovac and Stara Gradiška, of which 33,944 were Serbs.

PS: Bosniak victims of Jasenovac have not been mentioned. Also, 103,000 Bosniaks were murdered by Serbian Chetniks who collaborated with Nazi's who killed Jews and Bosniaks. It seems that history from Serbian sources differs a lot from the facts on the ground. Hmmm... interesting. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Bosniak (talkcontribs) 20:57, 13 October 2007 (UTC)

Lets note that at the time of this report (1998) Bosnia and Serbia were in what can best be described a tenous peace. They had just emerged from a brutal conflict, and so it makes sense that both would try to slander each other. Bosnianks want to give serbs a bad name: stamp them as nazis. Simple propaganda logic, and not what i would consider a reliable source. RedStarBelgradeFC (talk) 03:01, 5 December 2007 (UTC)


I have today reverted text by user:Votec. My intention is not to start discussion about number of victims or something else but only to point how user:votec version of article has been without sources. Like "sources" he has used photo what is not accepted on wikipedia. My only other change is deleting of table holocaust because it is accepted that there have been only 6 holocaust camps. This is from other wiki discussions about holocaust on english wikipedia. --Rjecina 14:46, 23 October 2007


Holocaust is accepting "only" 6 extermination camps. This are Auschwitz · Bełżec · Chełmno · Majdanek · Sobibór and Treblinka US Holocaust museum . I am interested to know how many times there will be need to delete Jasenovac from this list. If somebody else sure that Jasenovac need to be only list he need only to say that so we will go to Arbitration Committee for decision.-- Rjecina 21:58, 7 November 2007 (UTC)

For God's sake are you trying to say Jasenovac wasn't part of the Holocaust??? See Holocaust Era in Croatia: Jasenovac 1941 - 1945 from the same source you cited, the United States Holocaust Museum. --PaxEquilibrium 15:51, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
Even you accept that Jasenovac is not 1 of 6 historical Holocaust extermination camps [26] !! Jasenovac will become Holocaust extermination camps only when Vuk Drašković ex foreign minister (until this year) of Serbia will show evidence that Serbs are "Serbs are the thirteenth, lost and the most ill-fated tribe of Israel" (V.D. words). Until then Jasenovac is not accepted to be Holocaust extermination camps.-- Rjecina 18:35, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

I pay my respect to the victims of Jasenovac

Hard words aside as I am sick of Serbian propaganda against my people. BUT I pay my respect to the victims of Jasenovac. I pay respect for all mistreated people of Jasenovac. I have courage to pay respect for Serbian victims, but unfortunately, they don't want to pay respect for my victims - victims of Srebrenica. Nevertheless, I ask nothing in return. May victims of Jasenovac rest in peace. Bosniak 05:29, 8 November 2007 (UTC)

This is a very admirable attitude and this way of respectful thinking will be the first step to reconciliation. Arguing about numbers should come AFTER respecting the victims, and talking about what was done TO YOU should come after admitting what you have done. May the victims of Jasenovac, Srebrenica, and all the others of the region rest in peace. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:31, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

Request for comment about Jasenovac Holocaust concentration camp

Holocaust is accepting "only" 6 extermination camps. This are Auschwitz · Bełżec · Chełmno · Majdanek · Sobibór and Treblinka US Holocaust museum . -- Rjecina 18:45, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

  • That article appears to discuss German extermination camps and says nothing about the possibility of non-German extermination camps. It's not clear that the Museum (though a scholarly institution), intends that article to be definitive on the question what is and what is not an extermination camp. Where do other scholarly works place the Jasenovac camp? Mackensen (talk) 19:22, 9 November 2007 (UTC)
Sorry I have made mistake in writing. Question is if Jasenovac is Holocaust extermination camp or not. Nobody question fact that it is extermination camps -- Rjecina 19:46, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

Here's a review of journal articles that I've located:

  • Denich, Bette. "Dismembering Yugoslavia: Nationalist Ideologies and the Symbolic Revival of Genocide." American Ethnologist, Vol. 21, No. 2. (May, 1994), pp. 367-390.
    • "As Communist rule entailed ideological control over the representation of the past, those horrifying events that would disrupt interethnic cooperation were not to be mentioned, except in collective categories, all "victims of fascism" on one side, and all "foreign occupiers and domestic traitors" on the other side. Among the monuments that proliferated to commemorate heroic battles and fallen warriors against fascism, a magnificent memorial park and abstract sculpture, in the form of a giant flower, were erected at Jasenovac, the site of the largest extermination camp operated by the Hitlerite independent State of Croatia to effect a final solution against Jews, Gypsies, and the specifically Yugoslav category of Serbs." (370)
  • Vulliamy, Ed. "Bosnia: The Crime of Appeasement." International Affairs. Vol. 74, No. 1. (Jan., 1998), pp. 73-91.
    • "It turned out that [Kovacevic] was not-as he had said in 1992 born in the Jasenovac concentration camp set up by Croats in the Second World War for Serbian prisoners, but had been taken there as a child." (85)
    • "After another glass to steel the spirit, unsurprisingly his own childhood in Jasenovac came back to mind. 'Six hundred thousand were killed in Jasenovac,' he mused, a little quieter for a moment. 'I was taken there as a baby by my aunt. My mother was in the mountains, hiding. We remember everything,history is made that way.'" (85)
  • Hayden, Robert M. "Constitutional Nationalism in the Formerly Yugoslav Republics." Slavic Review. Vol. 51, No. 4. (Winter, 1992), pp. 654-673.
    • "Croatia also presents a loaded political context fraught with nationalist strife since about 13 percent of the population are Serbs who remember well the genocidal campaign against them by the "Independent State of Croatia" set up by the Germans but run by Croat fascists in 1941-1945." (657)
  • Boose, Lynda E. "Crossing the River Drina: Bosnian Rape Camps, Turkish Impalement, and Serb Cultural Memory." Signs. Vol. 28, No. 1, Gender and Cultural Memory. (Autumn, 2002), pp. 71-96.
    • "But in ways disjunct enough to suggest once again a dangerous displacement at work, the epithet Ustashe was used as often against Bosnian Muslims as against Croats, and the illogical reference to Jasenovac, the most notorious of the Croatian Ustashe death camps, came up frequently as a justifying rationale for concentration camps holding Muslims and for the Serb massacre of Muslims at Srebrenica." (77-78)

There are more, but this sampling suggests to me that scholars agree on three points: (1) actions taken by the Croats against the Serbs between 1941 and 1945 were genocide, (2) the Croats acted in cooperation with the Nazis, (3) Jasenovac was an integral part of this campaign of mass-murder. That being said, scholars consider the "Holocaust" a discrete historical event in which six million Jews were massacred by Nazi Germany, and exclude the five million non-Jews from that term. There's no obvious connection between the Nazi program and the Croat program, beyond the connections between the two Fascist governments. Jasenovac certainly wasn't part of the Nazi camp system. Mackensen (talk) 20:03, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

My finding has been this:
Britannica about Holocaust extermination camps [27] .
Yad Vashem which is not very nice toward Jasenovac (they write that 600,000 people is killed in Jasenovac but 500,000 in all NDH) is not saying that Jasenovac is Holocaust extermination camp [28] !!!
Only possible conclusion for me is that Jasenovac has not been Holocaust extermination camp...-- Rjecina 20:20, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

I do not think that by adding {{The Holocaust}} to this page we are asserting that this camp was part of the Holocaust. As I see it, this template is a useful navigation device, similar to a "See also" section, that enable our readers to find related information. ≈ jossi ≈ (talk) 22:22, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

  • From RfC. The template is misleading and should be removed. It suggests that this was part of the Holocaust campaign, which it wasn't. On a side note, I see some problems with POV wording here. For example, this one article uses the word "cruel" more than The Holocaust article and all of the Extermination camp articles put together (5 times in this article, and 3 in the other seven). It's a POV word that doesn't illuminate anything. If it was cruel, that will be apparent to the reader without using the word. The exception to avoiding using such words is inside of quotes, which one of the three Holocaust uses is, but none are in this article. Sχeptomaniacχαιρετε 23:42, 9 November 2007 (UTC)
Right or wrong, the term "Holocaust" specifically refers to the acts of Nazi Germany against European Jews. Therefore I think the inclusion of the Holocaust template for this article is confusing. - Ledenierhomme 20:48, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
I agree with Ledenierhomme, the term Holocaust should not be applied for other ethnicities. It has been traditionally refering only to the destruction of European Jews. AccountInquiry (talk) 17:45, 24 November 2007 (UTC)


I'm going to reorganize the victim counts section, as the current large block of text is a mess, and makes it harder to verify and compare claims. --Thewanderer (talk) 01:18, 29 November 2007 (UTC)


It is funny to look on new ways in which nationalistic editors are trying to push bad faith edits with POV numbers. You want that picture with number of 840 000 killed be in article without comments in time when nobody outside Serbia and Republika Srpska accept this numbers. In article it is clearly writen that number of people killed in Jasenovac is between 50 000 (Holocaust museum) and 500 000 (Yad Vashem Center). Only because of that this picture with Serbian fantasy number of 840 000 need to be deleted because it is clearly POV, but we are good so we are not deleting...

Other comment is about place of this "memorial to the victims of Jasenovac". Write only this about place of memorial is misleading because reader will think that it has happened in Jasenovac which is false.

I am interested to see how is possible to defeat this 2 arguments about picture. For me this is nothing else but new version of fantasy Jasenovac Holocaust Extermination camp --Rjecina 18:36, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

Do you not mean Yugoslavian fantasy? :) I've never seen a Serb claim the 840,000, just Yugoslavian papers from SFRY. --PaxEquilibrium (talk) 18:52, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
Sorry but this is Serbian fantasy. In article is clearly writen that Yugoslav official number of victims in Jasenovac has been 500,000. --Rjecina 19:11, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
Which Serbs wrote that? And I have a move (you can even see it on youtube) from the late 1940s or early 1950s, which states 840,000 dead in Jasenovac. Also the official Yugoslavian estimate was 700,000, but it collapsed to 660,000. Remember how a monument to the Jasenovac victims was supposed to be raised in Jasenovac, but Tudjman's moves and insistence prevented it? It was supposed to contain that figure. --PaxEquilibrium (talk) 19:31, 12 December 2007 (UTC)


Tagged for its part in WWII, questions or comments about this tagging can be asked on the main project page. TomStar81 (Talk) 06:49, 18 December 2007 (UTC)