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Talk:Eritrean–Ethiopian War

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Former good article nomineeEritrean–Ethiopian War was a Warfare good articles nominee, but did not meet the good article criteria at the time. There may be suggestions below for improving the article. Once these issues have been addressed, the article can be renominated. Editors may also seek a reassessment of the decision if they believe there was a mistake.
Article milestones
December 16, 2012Good article nomineeNot listed

Eritrean Casualities


I am confused as to how the figure of 150,000 dead Eritreans is being used as a reliable number. Upon looking at the "sources" it states that the figure was claimed by 'some people' without a definitive person or organization being mentioned. All other sources of casualties have this set as a minimal benchmark. If there are no objections I wish to have this figure removed due to lack of definitive source. Ericandude (talk) 12:33, 8 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Ethiopia started the 1998-2000 Badme war, and attacked Eritrea at first by killing eight Eritrean soldiers near Eritrean Badme


There was no Eritrean invasion on Ethiopia.

Ethiopia invaded Eritrea. The TPLF led Ethiopian army invaded Eritrean As Murug in 1997.

The tplf led Ethiopian army occupied Eritrean Badme until 2020.

The TPLF led Ethiopian army started the 1998 border when they killed several Eritrean soldiers near Eritrean-Badme on May 6 1998.

So how has Eritrea invaded Ethiopia when Badme is Eritrean land, Ethiopia/TPLF have opened the fire at first killing erirean soldiers on Eritrean soil. Even having entered Admurug eritea in 1997.

And during the 1998-2000 border the Ethiopian army invaded Eritrea occupied 1/4th of Eritrea including gash Barka and Akele Guzay the southern highlands. They invaded erirea through the Ethiopian-Eritrean border and Eritrean Sudanese border.

The General of the Ethiopia army Berhanu Jula, UN official Joseph Legwaila, Leaked conversation of meles Zenawi, Globalsecurity.org, Herman J Cohen and the Ethiopian American development council all stated that Ethiopia/TPLF started the war.

I can provide you all links to it in case you want to edit this misleading claim about David attacking Goliath at first

The international community awarded Badme to Eritrea, so Ethiopia was the aggressor == And international commission did not investigate the advance of the Ethiopian army in Admurug Eritrea in 1997, besides that 1/4 of Eritrea Gash Barka to Akele Guzay were under Ethiopian occupation, so who has invaded who?

An American security think thank Globalsecurity.org stated that Tplf led Ethiopian army started the first strike which led to the 1998 border war. According to several historical sources, on 6 May 1998 Ethiopian troops shot Eritrean soldiers near Badme. This incident provoked a heavy military response from Eritrea, soon matched by Ethiopia, which quickly escalated into war. Source: Globalsecurity.org https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/eritrea.

Leaked conversation of UN official Joseph Legweila stated that Ethiopia was the aggressor of the 1998 border war. According to leaked conversation of UN official Joseph Legwaila (by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks), Ethiopia/TPLF hesitated to withdraw from Badme because it would have made Ethiopia appear as the instigator& aggressor of the 1998-2000 Ethiopia-Eritrean border war. Qoute: ‘Ethiopia cannot accept Badme as Eritrean territory, Legwaila explained, as doing so would compel Ethiopia to recognize that it was the aggressor when entering Badme during 1998 hostilities.‘

3. former Ethiopian general/TPLF official General Tsadkan who led the invasion on Eritrea in 1998 advised Meles Zenawi to invade Eritrea and seize the Assab port

Former US Secretary for African affairs Herman J Cohen: ‘Meles started the war‘ Letter of the Ethiopian American development council to President Joe Biden (2021) : ‚cross border conflict with Eritrea in the late 1990s instigated by the TPLF.‘ https://aepact.org/an-open-letter-to-president-joseph-r-biden-jr-from-the-prime-minister-abiy-ahmed-of-ethiopia-september-17-2021-addis-ababa/?

Ethiopian Field Marshall Berhanu Jula of the Ethiopian army about the 1998-2000 border war: In 1998 TPLF leaders ordered us to attack Eritrea & then told the world Eritrea attacked Ethiopia https://x.com/Sanpaulo888/status/1717919069326778385 2003:CB:4F24:5000:55BF:4885:9ECA:A4ED (talk) 18:46, 7 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Discrete diplomatic efforts failed to defuse the Eritrea-Ethiopia crisis as it was building up in 1997-98. After a series of armed incidents during which several Eritrean officials were murdered near the disputed village of Badme , the Eritrean army rolled into the area with a large mechanized force and took the village. Shortly afterward, Ethiopia , claiming it had been invaded, declared “total war” on Eritrea and mobilized its armed forces for a full-scale assault.
https://fpif.org/eritreaethiopia_war_looms/ 2003:CB:4F24:5000:55BF:4885:9ECA:A4ED (talk) 18:49, 7 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Former US Secretary for African affairs Herman J Cohen: ‘Meles started the war‘. He said this in an interview with Ethiopian news media ESAT. 2003:CB:4F24:5000:55BF:4885:9ECA:A4ED (talk) 18:52, 7 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Herman J Cohen: fmr US assistant Secretary for African affairs & US ambassador to Ethiopia:
The TPLF waged a totally unjustified and destructive war against #Eritrea during 1998-2002. For that reason, Eritrea will not cease its operations in Tigray until the TPLF is fully dissolved and disbursed. 2003:CB:4F24:5000:55BF:4885:9ECA:A4ED (talk) 18:54, 7 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

= Wikipedia editors can you report neutral about Eritrea?

In the headline you state the international court made Eritrea responsible for the war? But only down below you state that the same international court admitted that disputed territories where the war started were Eritrean lands (Badme)? And only down below you state that Ethiopian troops killed several Eritrean soldiers near Ethiopian occupied Eritrean Badme which caused the 1998-2000 border war 2003:CB:4F24:5000:C8A6:78E:C19F:36A7 (talk) 09:58, 9 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Is possible that you can add to the headline that Ethiopia occupied Eritrean Badme and killed eight Eritrean soldiers on May 6 1998. Source: Globalsecurity.org https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/eritrea.htm


Is it also possible that you can add to the headline that the Ethiopian army marched to Eritrean village of Ad Murug in 1997.

August 1997, Ethiopian troops occupied the Eritrean village of Adi Murug under the pretext of pursuing "terrorists". In the same month Ethiopia expelled Eritrean citizens from their homes around Badme. These expulsions and the destruction of crops and other property continued throughout the next year. Two rounds of fighting followed in 1998 and 1999. http://www.eritrea.be/old/eritrea-ethiopia.htm

Is also possible that you can add to the headline that the TPLF government of Ethiopia issued a new Tigray map in 1997 which shows Badme on Ethiopian side of the border?

The new Tigray map Ethiopian territorial claims are based on a recently published new map of the Tigray administrative zone. In the map shown below the new 1997 Ethiopian map (f.e. as posted by the Ethiopian Embassy in Sweden and the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia) is superimposed on the map of Eritrea in the CIA fact book of Eritrea. It can be easily seen that by drawing this new map Ethiopia is administratively occupying a part of Gash Setit and parts of Akule Guzai, violating the legal borders, established by treaties signed with Italy in 1900, 1902 and 1908. (anyone can compare this new Tigray map to any other map on the internet and simply verify it is a fabrication of the Ethiopian government, see e.g. the "political map of Ethiopia" used in Ethiopian geography books in the 70's).


The whole page on the Ethiopia-Eritrea war is not accurate, up to date and needs to be rewritten.


Dear Wikipedia editors can you re write the Wikipedia page on the Ethiopia-Eritrea war of 1998.

many claims and many source are not accurate and aren’t actual.

you have used claims used by the Ethiopian gov, the conflict party and state this here as a fact.

Let me mention some examples.

For example you mentioned the air bombings during the 1998 Ethiopian Eritrean border, and you accused Eritrea of bombing Ethiopia at first (kindergarten in Tigray) and you stated that Ethiopia made retaliatory air strikes in Asmara.

But Susan Rice the former Secretary of State of African Affairs has stated in her report in 1999 on the 1998 Ethiopian Eritrean border war, that Ethiopia bombed the Asmara air port of Eritrea at first and then Eritrea bombed Ethiopia.

Also the real time news like Associated Press who were in Eritrea when the Asmara air port was bombed stated that.

but you Wikipedia you just stated the claim of Ethiopia/TPLF based of Ethiopias claim of EEBC commission.

Susan Rice and AP News stated that Ethiopia bombed Eritrea at first.

Secondly you said Eritrea triggered the war by invading Ethiopia based of an article from BBC. Badme was not Ethiopia. Badme was an Eritrean region occupied by Ethiopia.

Even if you use the IC resolution as the evidence you should then mention in the headline that it was Ethiopias claim it Ethiopia was attacked. But also that Ethiopia occupied Eritrean Badme, killed Eritrean soldiers. And advanced to Badme and Ad Murug in 1997 already

TPLF has initiated the first strike by killing eight Eritrean soldiers on May 6 1998.

4. Wikipedia you claimed that Ethiopias parliament didn’t declare war on Eritrea on May 13 1998, and you referred to Ethiopias claims on the EEBC commission.

but Ethiopias claim during the commission doesn’t rule out that the Ethiopian parliament has made a resolution which called for an all out war with Eritrea.

in the headline you claim that Ethiopia advanced to Eritrea, down below you state that Ethiopia controlled 1/4 of Eritrea?

Now tell me isn’t this an invasion?

and in the background of the war you stated that the deportations of former Ethiopian Derg soldiers and their associated fueled the relations between Ethiopia and Eritrea?

but the source Perlez Janes from New York Times states it was Ethiopian Derg soldiers and their relative who were repatriated to Ethiopia.

how does the deportations of an occupation army from Ethiopia to Eritrea cause border skirmishes between Ethiopia and Eritrea?

but you left out the part that Ethiopian PM Meles Zenawi kicked out nearly 100.000 Eritrean civilians from Ethiopia, civilians who were not members of the Eritrean EPLF army while in 1991 Ethiopian soldiers and Ethiopian officials were deported from Eritrea.

there is a lot of misinformation and politically motivated information here that needs to be corrected 2003:CB:4F24:5000:4473:4B22:9A5:8A49 (talk) 13:14, 10 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Also you left out the war crimes the ethiopian army did in Eritrea, the extrajudicial killings, rapings, air bombings, lootings, the destruction of Geez monument in Senafe, the ethiopian occupation of Gash Barka (Barentu, Badme, Tessenei, Onhajer) Seraye and Akele Guzay Eritrean Highlands such as Tserona, Adi Keyih, Senafe)

I am ready to share all my links with you.

== Us state Département and US Secretary for African affairs Susan Rice stated that the Ethiopian army bombed Asmara air port at first in June 5 1998. Please correct your sources.this is not first time, you deliberately, shared false information about the Ethiopian invasion on Eritrea of 1998-2001.

As the ground fighting escalated, in June of 1998, Ethiopia launched airstrikes against Asmara airport. Eritrea made retaliatory strikes against the Ethiopian towns of Mekele and Adigrat, south of Zela Ambessa, hitting a school. Both sides then agreed to a U.S.-brokered airstrike moratorium, and fighting decreased to occasional exchanges of artillery and small-arms fire over a 9-month period. https://1997-2001.state.gov/policy_remarks/1999/990525_rice_eewar.html 2003:CB:4F13:1200:71BB:47D6:F396:5E60 (talk) 08:14, 13 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]