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Talk:Alta (river)

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Dubious claim


In 1628 the river was the place of a defeat of Polish hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski from the Zaporozhian Cossacks under Taras Triasylo.

As far as I am aware, in 1628 Koniecpolski was occupied with the Polish-Swedish war, and Taras was still a relative nobody and his rebellion hasn't started till 1630.-- Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus | talk  00:45, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • Just a faithful translation of the Brockhaus and Efron article. Have to check with other sources Alex Bakharev 01:05, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]
    • I am not saying its impossible, but as far as I know (having written FAed bio of Konecpolski), it is very likely an error. Probably in date - if we can check when Koniecpolski and Taras fought neear Auta, we will probably find it was few years later.-- Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus | talk  02:07, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]
      • Brockhaus and Efron or ru:Тарасова ночь write:
        Тарасова ночь(иначе Переяславская) — поражение, нанесенное казаками полякам 1628 г. в окрестностях Переяславля, осажденного польским коронным гетманом Конецпольским. Малороссийский гетман Тарас Трясило, собрав до 30 тыс. казаков, поспешил на выручку города и укрепился в стане между Трубежем и Алтою. Почти ежедневные нападения поляков были отбиваемы артиллерией Тараса. Настал польский праздник панске-цяло, поляки веселились, не приняв мер предосторожности; казаки подползли ночью к их стану и на рассвете с двух сторон ударили на неприятеля. Одних польских дворян погибло до 300 чел.; множество ратников утонуло в реке, остальные разорялись; весь обоз и артиллерия Конецпольского достались казакам.
        Taras night (or Pereyaslav night) is the defeat of Poles by cossacks in 1628 near Pereyaslav sieged by Polish hetman Koniecpolski. Malorossian hetman Taras Tryasilo gathered up to 30 thousands cossacks, rushed to help the town and put his defneces between Alta River and Trubizh River. Almost daily attacks were deflected by the artillery of Taras. Then there was time of Polish holiday Panske-Tziyalo (sp?), Poles were merrymaking without putting their guards, cossacks sneaked up at night to their camp and on the dawn attacked from two sides. Only Polish nobles were killed up to 300 people, many soldiers drawn in the river, the others run; all the supplies and artillery of Koniecpolski were taken by cossacks.
      • Apparently there is a poem by Taras Shevchenko about the events Alex Bakharev 04:53, 6 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]