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Community of Forn Sed Sweden

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Swedish Asatro Community
Community of Forn Sed Sweden
Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige
Founded atSweden
Membership (2023)
Official language
OwnerSveriges Asatrosamfund (1994–May 15, 2010)
Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige (May 15, 2010–present)
Website[Forn Sed Sverige]

The Community of Forn Sed Sweden (Swedish: Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige),[1] formerly the Swedish Asatro Community (Sveriges Asatrosamfund) is a heathen (Germanic neopagan) organization founded in 1994.



The Swedish Asatro Community (Swedish: Sveriges Asatrosamfund) was founded in 1994 as an outgrowth of a group that studied Norse history and culture from a non-religious point of view.[2] It became a registered religious organization in Sweden in 2007.[3][4][5][6]

The Swedish Asatro Community became one of the most important heathen organizations in Sweden,[2] and had grown from approximately 150 members in 1996 to approximately 450[7] when it formed the main subject of Fredrik Skott's study of neo-paganism in Sweden, Asatro i tiden, published in 2000, at which time it was the largest such organization in the country.[8] Skott found that the membership was two-thirds male, mostly in their thirties, and the most active lived in and around Stockholm, but that they represented a cross-section of Swedish society.[8]

In the 2000s, the organization was reduced by disagreements; some of the members who left in 2004 founded Nätverket Forn Sed [sv] (literally "The Network Ancient Custom").[7] But later in the decade it was growing again, along with a general growth of interest in heathenry in Sweden; in 2009 it had about 300 members.[9] At the May 15, 2010 Thing, the organization changed its name to Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige.[10] In 2017, according to a spokesperson, the membership accounted to about 400.[11] It had at that point been surpassed by the Nordic Asa-Community, founded in 2014, making the Community of Forn Sed Sweden the second largest heathen organization in the country.[11]

As of 2023, the official website says that the organization has around 650 members.[5]



Unlike some other heathen groups in Sweden, the Community of Forn Sed Sweden is conventionally organized.[12] The annual Thing elects the Board, called the Council, as well as making major decisions.[5] The Council includes a council goði and gyðja.[13] The organization divides the country for administrative purposes into three regions or goðorðs, Götaland, Svealand and Norrland, each of which has a goði and a gyðja,[14] and serves as an umbrella organization for local groups.[15][8][16]

The Community of Forn Sed Sweden publishes a periodical called Mimers Källa.[7][17]

Beliefs and religious activity


Members vary in their conception of the gods. Some perform offerings on their own in addition to the organization's collective blóts, which, like those of the Danish Forn Siðr organization and in conformity with Swedish law, are not animal sacrifices as they would historically have been.[16][18][8]

The organization held a ceremony at the Kings' Mounds at Gamla Uppsala in 2000 in celebration of the dissolution of the Swedish state church,[7][19][20] the first heathen blót at the site in more than 900 years.[21] It has since held open blóts there every spring and is perhaps best known for that.[3][6][16]

Goði for Svealand and former Chairman of the Board Henrik Hallgren has represented Ásatrú at the "Spirituality beyond Religions" international conference organized in Jaipur, India, in 2006 by the World Council of Elders of Ancient Traditions and Cultures, presenting a paper entitled "Ecological spirituality and Forn Sed,"[22] and in 2010, 2011, and 2012 presented programs on heathenry in the Vid dagens början series of religious and philosophical reflections on Sveriges Radio,[23][24] provoking criticism from Siewert Öholm that Ásatrú was not worthy of broadcasting.[25]

Politics and activism


The Community of Forn Sed Sweden requires its members to adopt a "non-racist and democratic" stance.[15][26] Its own statement is that while non-dogmatic, its value system is "based on a humanistic and democratic ethos that recognizes all human beings" and it "stand[s] for religious tolerance and religious freedom in a multicultural society."[27] It set up a níðstǫng on its site against racist and xenophobic misuse of Norse symbols, which has become "something of a marker" for the group.[28] It is also establishing itself as particularly gay-friendly.[29][30]

See also



  1. ^ Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige (Forn Sed Sweden) Archived 2013-12-15 at the Wayback Machine, retrieved 15 December 2013.
  2. ^ a b Fredrik Gregorius, "Modern asatro och dess historia," in Catharina Raudvere, Anders Andrén, and Kristina Jennbert-Spång, eds., Hedendomen i historiens spegel: bilder av det förkristna Norden, Vägar till Midgård 6, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2005, ISBN 978-91-85509-20-1, pp. 133–64, p. 150; GoogleBooks numbering p. 50 (in Swedish)
  3. ^ a b Ulf Törnberg, "Freja, Oden och Tor får officiell status," Archived 2011-08-11 at the Wayback Machine Sydsvenskan February 14, 2007.
  4. ^ Saga Sunniva Bergh, "Vårblotet i Gamla Uppsala," Gamla Uppsala För och Nu 2009[permanent dead link], Uppsala: Gamla Upsala Hembygdsförening, 2009, ISBN 978-9197439961, (pdf) pp. 21–24, p. 23 (in Swedish)
  5. ^ a b c "Om Samfundet Forn Sed". samfundetfornsed.se (in Swedish). Retrieved 15 December 2019.
  6. ^ a b Josef El Madhi, "Det våras för hedningarna: Efter tusen år av kristendom blotas det återigen vid högarna. Sveriges asatroendes samfund är numera officiellt erkänt av staten och det våras för hedningarna," Svenska Dagbladet April 9, 2007, updated September 27, 2007 (in Swedish)
  7. ^ a b c d Gregorius, p. 151, GoogleBooks p. 51.
  8. ^ a b c d Fredrik Skott, Asatro i tiden, Småskrifter utg. av Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, Dialekt-, ortnamns- och folkminnesarkivet i Göteborg 1, Gothenburg: Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, 2000, ISBN 978-91-7229-009-9; Review by Morten Warmind, Chaos: Dansk-norsk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier 37 (2002) pp. 158–59 (in Danish)
  9. ^ Marie Ström, "Asatron växer i landet," Upsala Nya Tidning April 10, 2009 (in Swedish)
  10. ^ Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige—Vårt nya namn, Nyheter, Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige, May 15, 2010 (in Swedish)
  11. ^ a b Tersmeden, Carl Bruno; Holmqvist, Tobias (May 16, 2017). "Nytt asa-samfund vill växa". svt.se (in Swedish). Retrieved November 10, 2019.
  12. ^ Mattias Gardell, Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism, Durham, North Carolina/London: Duke University, 2003, ISBN 978-0-8223-3059-2, p. 384, note 65.
  13. ^ Rådet, Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige, retrieved February 5, 2012 (in Swedish)
  14. ^ Godeord, Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige, retrieved February 5, 2012 (in Swedish)
  15. ^ a b Kennet Granholm, Embracing the Dark: The Magic Order of Dragon Rouge: Its Practice in Dark Magic and Meaning Making, Åbo: Åbo Akademi, 2005, ISBN 978-951-765-251-3, p. 105.
  16. ^ a b c Anna Westin, "Blot utan offer men på fullt allvar,", Upsala Nya Tidning March 29, 2005 (in Swedish)
  17. ^ Mimers Källa, Läs mer, Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige, retrieved February 6, 2012 (in Swedish)
  18. ^ Svanberg and Westerlund, p. 308
  19. ^ Ingvar Svanberg and David Westerlund, Religion i Sverige, Stockholm: Dialogos, 2008, ISBN 978-91-7504-199-5, p. 28 (in Swedish)
  20. ^ Bergh, p. 22.
  21. ^ Gamla Uppsala, Planeten Uppsala, retrieved February 6, 2012.
  22. ^ International Asatru Summercamp 2009, IASC Herald #2[permanent dead link], (pdf) p. 6.
  23. ^ Vid dagens början archive, Sveriges Radio, retrieved February 4, 2012 (in Swedish)
  24. ^ Ny "Vid dagens början", lördag 13:e november, "Vid dagens början"—Om den hedniska julen, 18/12 2010, I alvatid: Ett nytt "Vid dagens början," Nyheter, Samfundet Forn Sed Sverige, November 12, 2010, December 18, 2010, November 1, 2011 (in Swedish)
  25. ^ Stefan Arvidsson, Bokrecensioner: Britt-Mari Näsström: 'Nordiska gudinnor. Nytolkningar av den förkristna mytologin,'" Dagens Nyheter January 12, 2010 (in Swedish)
  26. ^ Warmind review of Skott, Asatro i tiden: "Der kræves et demokratisk sindelag for at være med, og racisme er ikke tilladt." - "You have to have a democratic spirit to be in it, and racism is not permitted."
  27. ^ Om Samfundet: "Samfundet har inga religiösa dogmer, däremot har vi en starkt uttalad värdegrund som utgår från en humanistisk och demokratisk livssyn och som erkänner alla människors lika värde oavsett kön, ursprung eller sexuell läggning. Samfundet och dess medlemmar ska också stå för religiös tolerans och religionsfrihet i det mångkulturella samhället."
  28. ^ Gregorius, pp. 151–52, GoogleBooks pp. 51–52.
  29. ^ Karin Hylander, "Homofolk tar plats i nyhedendomen," Svenska Dagbladet November 4, 2009 (in Swedish): "Sveriges Asatrosamfund håller på att etablera sig som en hbt-vänlig rörelse." - "The Swedish Asatro Community is in the process of establishing itself as a GLBT-friendly movement."
  30. ^ Karin Hylander, "Svagt stöd hos forskningen," Svenska Dagbladet November 4, 2009 (in Swedish), an interview with Fredrik Gregorius, author of a recent PhD dissertation on modern Ásatrú: " Även om hbt-anhängarna har ett starkt stöd i Sveriges asatrosamfund . . . . , mer nationalistiska nyhedniska grupper har lyft fram en mer negativ bild av homosexualitet." "Even though LGBT advocates have strong support in the Swedish Asatro Community . . . . , more nationalistic neo-heathen groups have emphasized a more negative view of homosexuality."