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Some interpret the Hebrew construction differently, a song of several songs, and argue for a degree of independence between sections within the Song.{{Who|date=October 2008}}<!-- While I'm sure that someone says this, it could only be out of ignorance. Unless a reliable, reputable source is found to show that this is a widespread ignorance, this statement should be be removed. -->
Some interpret the Hebrew construction differently, a song of several songs, and argue for a degree of independence between sections within the Song.{{Who|date=October 2008}}<!-- While I'm sure that someone says this, it could only be out of ignorance. Unless a reliable, reputable source is found to show that this is a widespread ignorance, this statement should be be removed. -->

=== Solomon ===
==== Solomon as author ====
Some people translate the first clause of the title as "which is of Solomon," meaning that the book is authored by [[Solomon]]. [[Rabbi Hiyya]] the Great said Solomon first wrote [[Proverbs]], then The Song of Songs, and afterward Ecclesiastes. [[Rabbi Jonathan]] said Solomon first wrote The Song of Songs, then Proverbs, then Ecclesiastes. The [[Talmud]], however, states the order of the canon, listing Proverbs first, then [[Ecclesiastes]], and then The Song of Songs.

==== Solomon as audience ====
Others translate the first clause as "which is for Solomon," meaning that the book is dedicated to Solomon.{{Who|date=October 2008}} It was common practice in ancient times for an anonymous writer seeking recognition for his work to write [[Eponymous author|eponymously]] in the name of someone more famous. Some read the book as contrasting the nobility of monogamous love with the debased nature of promiscuous love, and suggest that the book is actually a veiled criticism of Solomon, who, according to {{bibleverse|1|Kings|11:3}}, had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines.

=== God ===
Another approach to the authorship is that offered by [[Rashi]], consistent with allegorical interpretations, rendering the narrator "he to whom peace belongs", i.e: God. The Hebrew name of Solomon, ''Shlomo'', can also be inflected to mean the constructed form of the noun ''[[shalom]]'', peace, which through noun declension can be [[Hebrew grammar#Possession|possessive]]. This means that the author is in fact Solomon, but he narrates the book from the perspective of God, who is conversing with the Jewish people, his allegorical bride.


The text, read without allegory as a celebration of sexual love, alternates between the speeches of a woman and her lover. A series of [[antiphon]]al remarks are provided by the "daughters of Jerusalem." The woman's brothers have a few lines near the conclusion of the Song.{{Fact|date=December 2008}} Most scholars also see some verses as the voice of a narrator.{{Who|date=December 2008}}

Views vary regarding authorship and composition of the Song. Some{{Who|date=June 2008}} have suggested the Song is composed from a collection of originally more independent poetry.

==Interpretation and use==

Although it is commonly held that an [[allegory|allegorical interpretation]] justified its inclusion in the [[Biblical canon]], scholarly discussion hasn't reached any consensus yet on the ''Song of Songs'' and leaves other possibilities open.<ref> Garrett, Duane A. Song of Songs. Word Biblical Commentary 23B. Nashville: Nelson, 2004, 15. </ref>

===Jewish tradition===

According to Jewish tradition in the [[Midrash]] and the [[Targum]], the book is an [[allegory]] of God's love for the Children of Israel. In keeping with this understanding, it is read by [[Sephardic]] and [[Mizrahi]] Jews on Sabbath eve, to symbolize the love between the Jewish People and God that is also represented by Sabbath. Most traditional Jews also read the Song on the Sabbath of [[Chol HaMoed]] of [[Passover]], or on the seventh day of the holiday, when the [[Song of the sea]] is also read.


The Song of Songs is perhaps the most important Biblical text for the [[Kabbalah]]. Following the writing and dissemination of the [[Book of the Zohar]] in the 14th and 15th centuries, Jewish mysticism took on a strongly erotic element, and the Song of Songs came to be regarded as an example of sacred [[erotica]]. In Zoharic Kabbalah, God is represented by a system of ten [[sephirot]], or spheres, each symbolizing a different aspect of God, who is perceived as both male and female. The [[Shechina]], or indwelling of God on earth, was identified with the sephira [[Malchut]], which is female in essence, and symbolizes both the Jewish people and the female sexual organs. Malchut was, in turn, identified with the woman in the Song of Songs. Her beloved was identified with the sephira [[Yesod]], which represents God's foundation and the phallus or male essence. The text thus became a description of an act of divine eroticism, symbolizing--depending on the interpreter--the creation of the world, the passage of the Sabbath, the covenant with Israel, or the coming of the Messianic age. "[[Lecha Dodi]]" a 16th century liturgical song with strong Kabbalistic and messianic symbolism, contains many passages, including its opening words, taken directly from the Song of Songs. {{Fact|date=February 2009}}

===Christian tradition===

The ''Song of Songs'' is not directly quoted by [[New Testament]] writers, but is possibly alluded to on a number of occasions.{{Fact|date=October 2008}}

In a Christian tradition that began with [[Origen]], the Song is regarded as an allegory of the relationship of Christ and the Church, or else Christ and the individual believer (see the [[Sermon]]s on the Song of Songs by [[Bernard of Clairvaux]] which is the outcome of abundant patristic and early medieval commentary).{{Fact|date=September 2008}} This type of allegorical interpretation was applied later to even passing details in [[parable]]s of [[Jesus]]. Other prominent and accessible commentaries are those of [[Apponius]] and [[Nilus of Ancyra]] ([[Sources Chrétiennes]]) and [[Gregory of Nyssa]] and [[Rupert of Deutz]] ([[Fontes Christiani]]).

[[Pope Benedict XVI]]'s encyclical ''[[Deus Caritas Est]]'' (God is Love) of 2006 refers to the ''Song of Songs'' in both its literal and allegorical meaning, stating that erotic love (''eros'') and self-donating love (''agape'') is shown there as the two halves of true love, which is both giving and receiving.<ref>Pope Benedict XVI. (2005). Encyclical Letter: Deus Caritas Est (Part 1, Section 6). Libreria Editrice Vaticana. [http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20051225_deus-caritas-est_en.html]</ref>

===Messianic interpretation===

It has been suggested that the book is a [[Messiah|messianic]] text,<ref>James Hamilton, “The Messianic Music of the Song of Songs”, Westminster Theological Journal 68 (2006): 333.</ref> in that the lover can be interpreted as the Messiah. It could refer to the Messiah because it often speaks of the Davidic king, Solomon. [[Nathan (prophet)|Nathan]]’s prophecy in {{bibleverse|2|Samuel|7|nrsv}} showed that the promised Messiah would issue from the progeny of David. Each Davidic king was viewed as a potential Messiah, so the Song’s speaking of the Temple-builder Solomon would bring to readers’ minds their Messianic hopes.<ref>Ibid., 336.</ref> When the Song references “mighty men” ({{bibleverse-nb||Song|3:7|nrsv}}), it brings to mind David and his mighty men ({{bibleverse|2|Samuel|23|nrsv}}). Describing the lover as “ruddy” ({{bibleverse-nb||Song|5:10|nrsv}}) again brings to mind David (c.f. {{bibleverse|1|Samuel|16:12|nrsv}}). The Aramaic Jewish targums also interpreted the lover as the awaited Messiah.<ref>[[Sigmund Mowinckel]], ''He That Cometh'', (New York: Abingdon Press, 1954), 283.</ref> All these references to kingship, to shepherding, to David, and to Solomon, bring to mind the expected Messiah.

In the [[New Testament]], [[Jesus]] later claimed his identity as Messiah when he presented himself as greater than Solomon ({{bibleverse||Matthew|12:42|nrsv}}) because, as the builder of the Temple, Solomon was an “obvious messianic model”.<ref>[[N. T. Wright]], Jesus and the Victory of God, (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996), 535.</ref>

The king's garden (for example {{bibleverse-nb||Song|5:1|nrsv}}) can be viewed in the light of the [[Garden of Eden]] ({{bibleverse||Genesis|2:8-25|nrsv}}),<ref>Francis Landy, “The Song of Songs and the Garden of Eden” Journal of Biblical Literature 98:4 (December 1979): 524.</ref> bringing to mind the Messiah who was expected to restore Israel to an Edenic state. The lovers are portrayed as having overcome the alienation produced by the [[Fall of Man|Fall]]. The state of woman whose “desire shall be for your husband” ({{bibleverse||Genesis|3:16|nrsv}}) has even been reversed: “his desire is for me” ({{bibleverse-nb||Song|7:10|nrsv}}).<ref>James Hamilton, op. cit., 344.</ref>

===Other interpretations===

Historians have noted that the ''Song of Songs'' closely resembles the Egyptian love poetry of its time.<ref>Fox, M.V. ''The Song of Songs and Ancient Egyptian Love Songs''. University of Wisconsin Press, 1985</ref>

[[Feminist theology|Feminist theologians]] have interpreted the ''Song of Songs'' as a positive representation of sexuality and egalitarian gender relations within the Bible.<ref>Carr, David. ''The Erotic Word''. Oxford University Press January 2005</ref>

[[The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]], the largest denomination in the [[Latter Day Saint movement]], does not recognize the book as authoritative,<ref>[http://scriptures.lds.org/bds/sngfslmn Bible Dictionary: Song of Solomon<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> although it is included in the Church's [[Standard Works|canon]] and printed in Church-published copies of the Bible.

==References in art, literature and music==
* <em>The Spiritual Canticle </em> by [[St. John of the Cross]] is heavily influenced by the Song of Songs
* ''[[Song of Solomon (novel)|Song of Solomon]]'' - 1977 novel by [[Toni Morrison]], published 1978.
* [[Black Madonna]]s illustrate a line in the Song of Songs 1:5: "I am black, but beautiful, O daughters of Jerusalem ..." This is inscribed in Latin on some: Nigra sum sed formosa.
* [[Johann Sebastian Bach|J.S. Bach's]] [[Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme|Cantata No. 140]], while mainly based on the [[Parable of the Ten Virgins]], also uses words and imagery from the Song of Songs.<ref>{{cite book |last= Herz |first= Gerhard |title= Bach: Cantata No. 140 |year= 1972 |publisher= W.W. Norton and Company}}</ref>
* ''[[La Sulamite]]'' by [[Emmanuel Chabrier]], with words by [[Jean Richepin]] is based on the Song of Songs.
* [[Karen Young (Canadian singer)|Karen Young]] made an album, with the Latin title of this book, Canticum Canticorum (also known as [[Oratorio]]), with twenty songs drawn from the whole book. The choreography from Canadian dancer [[Gioconda Barbuto]] based on this album was captured on film by [[Pepita Ferrari]].
*In the [[Jehovah's Witness]] song book, song number eleven is entitled "The Shullamite Remnant" and is based on the Song of Songs, quoting some of the verses verbatim, including Song of Songs 8:6, 7.
* [[Israel]]i pop superstar [[Ofra Haza]] recorded the song entitled "שיר אהבה" (Love Song) on her 1988 album "[[Shaday]]". The song, sung [[a cappella]], is a direct quotation of Song of Songs 8:6-7.
* [[Kate Bush]] wrote a song called ''The Song Of Solomon'', containing lines from the book, which appears on her 1993 album ''[[The Red Shoes]]''.
* Gothic rock band [[Christian Death]] on their 1987 LP "The Scriptures" featured a track entitled "Song of Songs" which is almost a literal translation of the book in modern English.
* British electric folk band [[Steeleye Span]] on their 1977 album [[Storm Force Ten]] featured a tracked entitled "Awake, Awake" which is based on the Song of Songs.
* Israeli musician [[Idan Raichel]] recorded the song "הינך יפה" (Thou Art Beautiful) for his 2002 debut album The Idan Raichel Project. The song is largely based on a cross-section of verses assembled from the Song of Songs.
* [[Flos Campi]] by the English composer [[Ralph Vaughan-Williams]] is based on the book.
* [[Sinéad O'Connor]]’s ”Dark I Am Yet Lovely” on [[Theology (album)|Theology]] (2007) is a treatment of the Song.
* The text of [[Daniel Pinkham]]'s ''Wedding Cantata'' is taken from the Song of Songs.
* Leeds band [[Pale Saints]] recorded a song called ''Song of Solomon'' on their 1994 album ''Slow Buildings''.
* Birmingham singer [[Stephen Duffy]] had a hit song ''Kiss Me'' whose refrain was a rewording of lines from the first chapter of the Song of Songs ("Kiss me with your mouth/your love is better than wine").
* [[Brion Gysin]] used the King James translation of the Songs of Songs in the [[cut-up]] poem ''The Poem of Poems'' (1958-1961)
* ''The song of Solomon and how she sang it to me'' is sung by [[David Tibet]] on his [[Current 93]] 1996 untitled split EP, commonly known as the ''Seven Seals'' album.
* In [[Geoffrey Chaucer]]'s, '[[The Canterbury Tales]]', there are numerous references. The most notable of these is in The Miller's Tale in Absolon's attempted wooing of Alisoun.
* [[Eliza Gilkyson]] has set lines from chapter 2 to original music and recorded it as "Rose of Sharon" on her '''Redemption Road''' CD (1996).
* [[Robert Burns]]'s poem "The Bonniest Lass" from the collection The Merry Muses of [[Caledonia]] refers to it as "the smuttiest sang that e'er was sung".
* [[John Zorn]]'s "Shir Ha-Shirim" premiered in February 2008.<ref>Allan, J. [http://www.amplifiermagazine.com/reviews/live/john_zorns_shir_hashirim_live.php Reviews: Live - John Zorn Abron Arts Centre] ''Amplifier Magazine'', February 22, 2008.</ref> The piece is inspired by the '''''Song of Songs''''' and is performed by an amplified quintet of female singers with female and male narrators performing the "Song of Solomon". A performance at the [[Guggenheim Museum]] in November 2008 featured choreography for paired dancers from the [[Khmer Arts Ensemble]] by [[Sophiline Cheam Shapiro]].<ref>Smith, S. [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/27/arts/music/27work.html?_r=1&scp=2&sq=John%20Zorn&st=cse An Unlikely Pairing on Common Ground] ''NY Times'', November 27, 2008.</ref>

==References in film==
* ''[[Nammukku paarkkaan munthiri thoppukal]]'', a ''Malayalam'' (from ''Kerala'', ''India'') movie, has its title based on the Song of Songs;Chapter 7:12.
* ''[[The Wisdom of Crocodiles]]'', (a.k.a. ''[[Immortality]]''), paraphrases Song of Songs 3:6 & 4:3,5,7.
* ''[[The Woman in the Window]]'' (1944), Professor Richard Wanley pulls this book off a shelf in the gentleman's club and sits to read it after his friends leave early in the film.
* ''[[Keeping Mum]]'' (2005) features selected phrases.
* In ''[[Miller's Crossing]]'' (1990), [[Tom Reagen]] mentioned it sarcastically to [[Verna Bernbaum]].
* In ''[[El crimen del Padre Amaro]]'' (''[[The Crime of Father Amaro]]'') (2002), a Mexican film (script by [[Vicente Leñero]], based on the homonymus novel written in 1875 by [[José Maria de Eça de Queiroz]]) about a love relationship between a priest and a woman, father Amaro recites it to his secret lover.
* In ''[[Once Upon a Time in America]]'' (1984), a Sergio Leone film, Deborah Gelly (Elizabeth McGovern) recites it to 'Noodles' (Robert DeNiro).

==See also==
*[[4Q106]], [[4Q107]], [[4Q108]], [[6Q6]] (portions of Song in [[Dead Sea Scrolls]])
*[[Hortus conclusus]]
*[[Rose of Sharon]]



==External links==
{{wikisource|Bible (World English)/Song of Solomon|Song of Solomon}}
[[Judaism|Jewish]] translations and commentary:
* [http://www.chabad.org/library/archive/LibraryArchive2.asp?AID=15780 Shir Hashirim - Song of Songs - Job (Judaica Press)] translation with [[Rashi]]'s commentary at Chabad.org
* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=968&letter=S ''Jewish Encyclopedia'':] ''Song of Songs''

[[Christian]] translations and commentary:
* [http://www.judahsglory.com/spice.html ''Spices in the Song of Solomon'':] ''Song of Songs, Shir Hashirim''
* [http://www.judahsglory.com/flora.html ''Flora and Fauna in the Song of Solomon'':] ''Song of Songs, Shir Hashirim''
*[http://www.gospelhall.org/bible/bible.php?passage=Song+1 ''Online Bible'' at GospelHall.org]
* [http://www.biblegateway.com/bible?language=English&Version=NIV&passage=SongOfSongs ''Song of Songs'' at Bible Gateway] (various versions)
*[http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03302a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia]
*[http://www.wlsessays.net/node/1818 Summary Interpretation of the Song of Solomon] by H. Speckard

*Garrett, Duane A. Song of Songs. Word Biblical Commentary 23B. Nashville: Nelson, 2004.
*Linafelt, Tod. "Biblical Love Poetry (...and God)". Journal of the American Academy of Religion 70 (2) 2002.
*Pope, Marvin H. ''Song of Songs: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary''. [[Anchor Bible Series|Anchor Bible]] 7C. 2 volumes. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1977.
*Theo Kobusch, Metaphysik, C. Metaphysik als Exegese des Hohenliedes, in Der Neue Pauly, Band 15, La-Ot, Stuttgart Weimar 2001.

''Canticum Canticorum. Eloge De L'amour. La Cantique Des Cantiques à la Renaissance,'' [[Capilla Flamenca]], 2004 (Eufoda 1359).

*[http://www.archive.org/details/ShirHaShirim-TheSongOfSolomon_565 Audio Reading of the Song of Solomon] by Rafi Metz [in Hebrew]


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{{Books of the Bible}}

[[Category:Books of the Hebrew Bible]]
[[Category:Erotic poetry]]

[[ar:سفر نشيد الأنشاد]]
[[ca:Càntic dels Càntics]]
[[cs:Píseň písní]]
[[cy:Caniad Solomon]]
[[de:Hohes Lied]]
[[es:Cantar de los Cantares]]
[[eo:Alta Kanto de Salomono]]
[[fa:غزل غزل‌های سلیمان]]
[[fr:Cantique des cantiques]]
[[gd:Dàn Sholaimh]]
[[hr:Pjesma nad pjesmama]]
[[id:Kitab Kidung Agung]]
[[it:Cantico dei cantici]]
[[he:שיר השירים]]
[[jv:Kidung Agung]]
[[sw:Wimbo Ulio Bora]]
[[la:Canticum Canticorum]]
[[lt:Giesmių giesmė]]
[[mk:Песна над песните]]
[[pl:Pieśń nad pieśniami]]
[[pt:Cântico dos Cânticos]]
[[ro:Cântarea Cântărilor]]
[[ru:Песнь песней Соломона]]
[[simple:Song of Songs]]
[[sl:Visoka pesem]]
[[sr:Песма над песмама]]
[[fi:Laulujen laulu]]
[[sv:Höga Visan]]
[[tl:Awit ng mga Awit]]
[[yi:שיר השירים]]

Revision as of 14:19, 18 February 2009

Template:Books of the Old Testament

The Song of Songs (Hebrew title Template:Hebrew, Shir ha-Shirim), is a book of the Hebrew BibleTanakh or Old Testament—one of the five megillot (scrolls). It is also known as the Song of Solomon or as Canticles, the latter from the shortened and anglicized Vulgate title Canticum Canticorum, "Song of Songs" in Latin.[1] It is known as Aisma in the Septuagint, which is short for ῏Αισμα ᾀσμάτων, Aisma aismatôn, "Song of Songs" in Greek.[2]

The Song of Songs is interpreted in some traditions as an allegorical representation of the relationship of God and Israel as husband and wife.[3] Literally, however, the main characters of the Song are simply a woman and a man, and the poem suggests movement from courtship to consummation. It is one of the shortest books in the Bible, consisting of only 117 verses. According to Ashkenazi tradition, it is read on the Sabbath that falls during the intermediate days of Passover. In the Sephardi Jewish community it is recited every Friday night.


Depiction of the royal couple in a twelfth-century manuscript

The name of the book comes from the first verse, "The Song of songs, which is Solomon's."

"Song of songs" is a Hebrew grammatical construction denoting the superlative; that is, the title attests to the greatness of the song, similar to "the lord of lords", "the king of kings" or "holy of holies" (used of the inner sanctuary of the Jerusalem temple). Rabbi Akiba declared, "Heaven forbid that any man in Israel ever disputed that the Song of Songs is holy. For the whole world is not worth the day on which the Song of Songs was given to Israel, for all the Writings are holy and the Song of Songs is holy of holies." (Mishnah Yadayim 3:5). Similarly, Martin Luther called it das Hohelied (the high song). This is still its name in German, Swedish and in Dutch.

Some interpret the Hebrew construction differently, a song of several songs, and argue for a degree of independence between sections within the Song.[who?]


  1. ^ newadvent.org
  2. ^ Rahlfs (ed.), Septuaginta, Volume 2, (Stuttgart: de:Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1979), p. 260.
  3. ^ Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies - Home page