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Shit is a word used wikipedia.
:''This article is about the word "shit". For egestion of bodily wastes, see [[feces]] and [[defecation]].''
'''Shit''' is a [[vulgar]] [[word]] ([[swear word]]) in [[English language|Modern English]]. In other terms it refers to bodily [[fecal]] matter and in [[Latin]] terms for many common objects and bodily functions. It can also be used as ''slang'', describing an unpleasant and unfit person and thereafter became the accepted English [[noun]].

Scholars trace the word back to [[Old Norse]] origin (''skīta''), and it is virtually certain that it was used in some form by preliterate [[Germanic peoples|Germanic]] tribes at the time of the [[Roman Empire]]. It was originally adopted into [[Old English language|Old English]] as ''scitte'', eventually morphing into [[Middle English]] ''schītte''. The word may be further traced to Proto-Germanic *''skit''-, and ultimately to [[Proto Indo-European language|Proto-Indo-European]] *''skheid''-, ". Ancient Greek language had 'skor' (root 'skat-' from which modern Greek 'skatá'). The words 'skítur' (noun) and 'skíta' (verb), still exist in the Icelandic language today, and in other Scandinavian languages variations of 'skit' are also often used.

The word ''shit'' (or sometimes ''shite'' - to rhyme with bite - in Scotland, Ireland, Northern England and Wales) is used by English speakers, but it is usually avoided in formal speech.

In the word's literal sense, it has a rather small range of common usages. An unspecified or collective occurrence of feces is generally ''shit'' or ''some shit''; a single deposit of feces is sometimes ''a shit'' or ''a piece of shit'', and to defecate is ''to shit'', or ''to take a shit''. While it is common to speak of shit as existing in ''a pile'', ''a load'', ''a hunk'' and other quantities and configurations, such expressions flourish most strongly in the figurative. For practical purposes, when actual defecation and excreta are spoken of in English, it is either through creative euphemism or with a vague and fairly rigid literalism. Substitutes for the word ''shit'' in English include ''sugar'' and ''shoot''.

''Shit'' carries an encompassing variety of figurative meanings. Of these, perhaps the most common are generic expressions of displeasure (as in, ''Shit!''), fear (''Oh, shit!''), or surprise (''Holy shit!'').

Interestingly, in slang, prefixing the article ''the'' to ''shit'' gives it a completely opposite definition, meaning "The Best", as in "[[Altered Beast]] is '''the''' shit," or "[[The Oregon Trail (computer game)|Oregon Trail]] is '''the''' dope shit."

''Shit'' denotes trouble, as in, ''I was in a lot of shit''; low quality, as in, ''That [[disk drive]] is shit'' (see "piece of shit" below); unpleasantness, as in, ''Those pants look like shit'', or ''This brown stuff tastes a bit like shit''; or falsehood or insincerity, as in, ''Don't give me that shit,'' or ''You're full of shit'' or surprised anger ''Jim is totally going to flip his shit when he sees that we wrecked his marriage.'' Sometimes using shit to denote anger will be heard in the phrase ''shit a brick''. The word ''[[bullshit]]'' also denotes false or insincere discourse. (''[[Horseshit]]'' is roughly equivalent, while ''[[chickenshit]]'' means ''cowardly'', ''[[batshit]]'' indicates a person is crazy, and ''going [[apeshit]]'' indicates a person is entering a state of high excitement or unbridled rage.). ''Are you shitting me!?'' is a question sometimes given in response to an incredible assertion. An answer that reasserts the veracity of the claim is, ''I shit you not''.

The expression ''no shit?'' (a contraction of ''no bullshit?'') is used in response to a statement that is extraordinary or hard to believe. Alternatively the maker of the hard to believe statement may add "no shit" to reinforce the sincerity or truthfulness of their statement, particularly in response to someone expressing disbelief at their statement. "No shit" is also used sarcastically in response to a statement of the obvious, as in ''no shit Sherlock''.

''Shit'' can also be used to establish superiority over another being. The most common phrase is "Eat Shit!" symbolizing the hatred toward the recipient. Some other personal word may be added such as "Eat my shit" implying truly personal connotations. As an aside, the above is actually a contraction of the phrase "eat shit and die!". It is often said without commas as a curse; they with the other party to perform exactly those actions in that order. However, the term was originally "Eat, Shit, and Die" naming the three most basic things humans have to do, and it is common among soldiers.

''Shit'' can also be used as a comparative noun; for instance, ''This show is funny shit'' or ''This test is hard shit'', or ''That was stupid shit''. These three usages (with ''funny'', ''hard'', and ''[[stupid]]'' or another [[synonym]] of ''stupid'') are heard most commonly in the United States. Note that ''shit'' is both a positive and negative thing in these examples, ''shit'' being apparently very funny (a positive thing) and in the second and third examples very hard (as in, difficult- a negative thing to be) or very stupid. Note also that in a phrase like this, the speaker doesn't include the term ''as'' before the comparison; saying that something is ''as funny as shit'' would sound like a criticism to anyone reading the term (''shit'' not being a very funny thing to be), although if spoken could be understood along with the spirit it's said in. Using the ''as'' changes these phrases from a simple colloquialism to a literal statement.

''Shit'' can comfortably stand in for the terms ''bad'' and ''anything'' in many instances (''Dinner was good, but the movie was shit.'' ''You're all mad at me, but I didn't do shit!''). Many usages are idiomatic. The phrase, ''I don't give a shit'' denotes [[indifference]]. ''I'm shit out of luck'' usually refers to someone who is at the end of their wits or who has no remaining viable options. ''That little shit shot me in the [[ass]]'', suggests a mischievous or contemptuous person. However, in such a nominative construction, ''crap'' (as in, ''That little crap shot me in the ass'') is not accepted in [[vernacular]] English. Of further note is that ''little shit'' is common as a term of opprobrium, while ''big shit'' is unfamiliar, and that direct scatological appellations are rarely applied to females, for whom gender-specific terms such as ''[[bitch]]'' or ''[[cunt]]'' more readily accrue. (However, in Britain and Australia, the term ''[[cunt]]'' is used to refer to [[men]] very much more frequently than to [[women]])

The term ''piece of shit'' is generally used to classify a product or service as being sufficiently below the writer's understanding of generally accepted quality standards to be of negligible and perhaps even negative value.The term ''piece of shit'' has greater precision than ''shit'' or ''shitty'' in that ''piece of shit'' identifies the low quality of a specific component or output of a process without applying a derogatory slant to the entire process. For example, if one said ''"The inner city youth orchestra has been a remarkably successful initiative in that it has kept young people off the streets after school and exposed them to culture and discipline, thereby improving their self esteem and future prospects. The fact that the orchestra's recent rendition of Tchaikovsky's Manfred Symphony in B minor was pretty much a piece of shit should not in any way detract from this."'' The substitution of ''shit'' or ''shitty'' for ''pretty much a piece of shit'' would imply irony and would therefore undermine the strength of the statement.

In ''Get your shit together!'' the word 'shit' may refer to some set of personal belongings or tools, or to one's wits, composure, or attention to the task at hand. ''He doesn't have his shit together'' suggests he is failing rather broadly, with the onus laid to multiple personal shortcomings, rather than bad luck or outside forces. ''Shit'' can even be a plain, neuter pronoun for basically anything in vulgar speech. For instance, in ''There is some serious shit going down'' shit can easily be replaced by ''stuff'' with no real loss of meaning (the same goes for ''Get your shit together!'' and the like).

To "shoot the shit" refers to having a friendly but pointless conversation. "Come by my place some time and we'll shoot the shit."

"When the shit hits the fan" is usually used to refer to a specific time of confrontation or trouble, which requires decisive action. This is often used in reference to combat situations and the action scenes in movies, but can also be used for everyday instances that one might be apprehensive about. "I don't want to be here when the shit hits the fan!" indicates that the speaker is dreading this moment (which can be anything from an enemy attack to confronting an angry parent or friend). "He's the one to turn to when the shit hits the fan." is an indication that the person being talked about is dependable and will not run from trouble or abandon their allies in tough situations. The concept of this phrase is simple enough, as the actual substance striking the rotating blades of a fan would cause a messy and unpleasant situation (much like being in the presence of a [[manure spreader]]). Whether or not this has actually happened, or if the concept is simply feasible enough for most people to imagine the result without needing it to be demonstrated, is unknown. Another example might be the saying "Shit rolls down hill" particularly illustrating, the consequences of putting your superiors in a bad position at work. There are a number of anecdotes and jokes about such situations, as the imagery of these situations is considered to be funny. This is generally tied-in with the concept that disgusting and messy substances spilled onto someone else are humorous.

While the most common uses of ''shit'' are figurative, the unpleasant substance to which the term literally refers is seldom entirely absent, and thus most uses of ''shit'' have some degree of [[pejorative|pejoration]]. But this is far from a universal rule: In some styles of discourse, ''shit'' can replace nearly any noun. In the sentence, "I bought a bunch of shit at the store today", ''shit'' is merely a casual intensification of the term, ''stuff''. Similarly, ''Check that shit out!'' connotes surprise at some sort of stuff or activity that could very well be pleasant. ''Give me a bite of that shit'' implies a deliciousness notably absent from the literal substance. It's common for someone to refer to an unpleasant thing as ''hard shit'' (''You got a speeding ticket? Man, that's some hard shit''), but the phrase ''tough shit'' is used as an unsympathetic way of saying ''too bad'' to whomever is having problems (''You got arrested? Tough shit, man!'') or as a way of expressing to someone that they need to stop complaining about a negative thing that occurred to them and just deal with it (Billy: ''I got arrested because of you!'' Tommy: ''Tough shit, dude, you knew you might get arrested when you chose to come with me.'') Note that in this case, as in many cases with the term, ''tough shit'' is often said as a way of pointing out someone's fault in his/her own current problem. To drug users, shit almost always refers to a drug being discussed. This was a secret code in the early 60s, and though most people now understand phrases like "I bought some good shit today, I can't wait to try it", the phrase is still common.

Perhaps the only constant [[connotation]] that ''shit'' reliably carries is that the referent to which it applies holds some degree of emotional intensity for the speaker. Whether offense is taken at hearing the word varies greatly according to listener and situation, and is related to age and [[social class]]: [[elderly]] speakers and those of (or aspiring to) higher [[socioeconomic]] strata tend to use it more privately and selectively than younger and more [[blue-collar]] speakers. Moreover, in some colloquial speech, calling something or someone ''the shit'' is laudatory. For instance, ''Dave's new car is the shit,'' suggests that Dave's new car is very good, or very cool. This meaning is also essentially a substitution for the term ''stuff'', but is also similar to the vernacular usage of ''bad'' to mean ''dangerous and deserving of respect.'' ''Crap'' is unknown in such locutions.

To "ruin someone's shit" or "destroy someone's shit" or to "fuck up someone's shit" etc. is often used to say some "shit" is going down and you probably need to call the police. Also, it can mean some one is going to get beat up or in a friendlier environment it can just mean to win convincingly so much so that derisive comments are required.

In polite company, sometimes the [[backronym]] ''Sugar Honey in Tea'' or ''Sugar Honey Iced Tea'' is used.

''Shit'' (like ''[[fuck]]'') is often used more to add emphasis than meaning: ''Shit! I was so shit-scared of that shithead that I shit-talked him into dropping out of the karate match.'' The term, ''to [[trash-talk|shit-talk]]'', connotes bragging or exaggeration (whereas ''to talk shit'' primarily means ''to gossip [about someone in a damaging way]'' or to talk in a boastful way about things which are erroneous in nature), but in such constructions as the above, the word ''shit'' often functions as an [[interjection]]. Euphemisms for ''shit'' in this usage include ''shoot'', ''shucks'', and in [[Hiberno-English]] ''[[sugar]]'' and its [[Irish language|Irish]] equivalent ''siúcra'' ({{pronounced|ʃuːkrə}}.

''Shit'' itself can be a quasi-euphemism, many [[illicit drug]]s (notably [[hashish]]) being referred to as ''shit''. To be ''shitfaced'' is to be extremely [[drunk]].

"Shit" can also be combined with other words to denote the type of feces one has. For instance, "Snake shit" describes feces that are long and slender in shape thus reminiscent of a snake's appearance. "Shapeepee" or "Shit pee pee" is another word for [[diarrhea]] or can be used to describe feces that are almost entirely of liquid composition.

===The verb ''to shit''===
The [[verb]], ''to shit'', is most commonly used to refer to the literal act of [[defecation]]. However, it can also mean ''to treat badly'' or ''to humiliate'' (''I got shit on for being late,'' ''He shat all over my project''), or to produce something carelessly (''I was hoping for a project we could all be proud of, but Dave just goes and shits something out at the last minute'').

The [[preterite]] and [[past participle]] of ''shit'' are attested as ''shat'', ''shit'', or ''shitted'', depending on dialect and, sometimes, the rhythm of the sentence. In the Prologue of the [[Canterbury Tales]], ''shitten'' is used as the past participle; however this form is very rare in modern English. In American English ''shit'' as a past participle is always correct, while ''shat'' is generally acceptable and ''shitted'' is uncommon.

===Other parts of speech===
Non-native English speakers should take note that ''shit'' and ''[[fuck]]'' often serve different uses as expletives, such that (for instance) the present active [[participle]], ''shitting'', is rarely used emphatically. Ex.: In the sentence, ''I was so shit-scared of that shithead that I shit-talked him into dropping out of the shitting karate match,'' the phrase, ''shitting karate match'', would be incomprehensible to native speakers except in suggesting a singularly unsanitary form of karate. (In the UK, phrases such as ''shitting hell'' as an emphatic are not unknown.) A correct and clear vulgarism would be, ''the fucking [[karate]] match.'' Similarly, ''shit'' is never used as an infix: While ''in-fucking-credible'' is comprehensible English, ''in-shitting-credible'' is not. ''Shit you!'' is likewise a puzzling and ineffective expression of defiance. It is not uncommon, however, to encounter an adjective or noun constructed partially of the word shit, such as "Shittastic", "Shittacular" or "Shituation."

Sometimes in family [[movies]], some actors let the word shit slip, but then stretch it into a harmless word. An example of this occurring are in [[Spy Kids]], where Carmen is heard to say, "Oh, [[shiitake|shit...take]] mushrooms." The euphemism was also written into ''[[Spy Kids#Spy Kids 2: Island Of Lost Dreams (2002)|Spy Kids 2]]'', where Carmen says, "You are full of shiitake mushrooms." (The crowd was offended anyway.){{Fact|date=August 2007}}

* "For-shits-and-giggles" is an activity done on a whim or for no apparent reason. Example: I ran around the campus for-shits-and-giggles.
* In parts of Canada, a "shit-disturber" is a person who deliberately causes trouble or who is aggravating.
* A "shit stirrer" is used to mean the same thing in England, [[Ireland]], as well as in Australia.
* A "shitload" or a "shit-ton" is a whole bunch of something, e.g. "I have a shitload of laundry to do today" or "I have hardly any wine, but I have shit tons of beer in the house".
* "Shitkickers" are construction boots, large boots in general, or cowboy boots, or the cowboy himself (particularly if the person wearing the cowboy boots does not actually herd cattle).
* A "shit-kicking job" refers to low-paid blue-collar work, or an employee low in a company hierarchy, e.g. "no I am not a manager, I'm just a shit kicker".
* "Shit in a bag and punch it" is a common colloquial phrase to indicate frustratation with a situation or question, e.g., "John has been arrested again", "Oh, shit in a bag and punch it."
* In the US military, the meal chipped beef (or hamburger meat) in gravy on toast is often referred to as "shit on a shingle".
*The term "dipshit" is used to describe someone who is considered to be stupid or a moron, while "dipshittery" can be used to describe general stupidity, e.g., "Can you believe that new policy, that is just plain dipshittery."
* "Shit off a shovel" is used in the United Kingdom as a euphemism for speed. It is a visual metaphor projecting the image the moist faeces slipping off the smooth metal surface of the gardening instrument with little or no resistance.

Some users of English in the Far East use the expression ''nose shit'' to describe the fragments of dried nasal mucus which occasionally exit (deliberately or accidentally) from the nostrils. Similarly, expressions ''eye shit'' and less commonly ''ear shit'' describe discharge of the eye, dried or still moist, and ear wax, respectively. These are all direct [[calques]] of the Chinese expressions for these bodily outputs.

===Usage in acronyms===
The acronym form, "S.H.I.T." often figures into jokes, like: ''Special High Intensity Training'' (a well-known joke used in job applications) ''Special Hot Interdiction Team'' (a mockery on [[SWAT]]), ''Super Hackers Invitational Tournament,'' and/or any [[college]] name that begins with an S-H (like ''Sam Houston Institute of Technology'' or ''South Harmon Institute of Technology'' in the [[2006]] film [[Accepted]]). South Hudson Institute of Technology has sometimes been used to describe the [[United States Military Academy]] at West Point.[] It is an urban myth{{Fact|date=July 2007}} that [[Grampian Television]] was almost called Scottish Highlands and Islands Television, until they realised what their acronym would spell.

[[The Simpsons]]' [[Apu]] was a graduate student at Springfield Heights Institute of Technology.

==Usage in English media==
Recently the word has become increasingly acceptable on American [[cable television]] and [[satellite radio]], which are not subject to [[Federal Communications Commission|FCC]] regulation. In other English-speaking countries, such as Canada, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, and Australia, the word is allowed to be used in [[broadcast television]] by the regulative councils of each area, as long as it is used in late hours when young people are not expected to be watching.

====United Kingdom====
It is believed that the first person on British TV to say "shit" was [[John Cleese]] of the ''[[Monty Python]]'' comedy troupe in the late 1960s, as he, himself, mentions in a eulogy to [[Graham Chapman]].

====United States====

Another good example is the episode of ''[[South Park]]'' "[[It Hits the Fan]]," originally aired on June 20, 2001. It is one of the most notable episodes of the show, due to its repeated use of the word shit. (To be precise, the word is used 162 times; a counter in the corner of the screen tallies the repetitions.) The moral of this episode (signaled by the "cheesy" music and Stan or Kyle saying "I learned something today") is that swearing is okay occasionally, but if it is done over and over and over, it takes away from a word's impact and the word gets very, very boring. However, these shows all appear on American cable networks, outside the influence of the [[FCC]], so their censorship is strictly voluntary.{{fact|date=April 2008}}

In the United States, although the use of the word shit is still mostly considered inappropriate on non-cable network television (while its [[synonym]] ''[[wikt:crap|crap]]'' is largely immune to U.S. censorship), the FCC has allowed a handful of exceptions. The [[October 14]], [[1999]] episode of ''[[Chicago Hope]]'' is believed to be the first show (excluding [[Documentary film|documentaries]]) on U.S. network television to contain the word shit in uncensored form. (The South Park episode mentioned above, ''It Hits the Fan,'' was a parody of the hype over the Chicago Hope episode, in which "shit" was uttered but one time over the course of an hour<ref>[http://www.reason.com/news/show/116787.html "South Park Libertarians", Reason Magazine]</ref>.)

Shit was one of the original "[[Seven dirty words|Seven Words You Can Never Say On TV]]", a comedy routine by American Comedian [[George Carlin]].

Another example of the word shit being allowed on U.S. network television is found on the [[ER (TV series)|ER]] episode "[[On the Beach (ER episode)|On the Beach]]". During this episode, Dr. [[Mark Greene]], experiencing the final stages of a deadly [[brain tumor]], shouts the word in anger after suddenly collapsing to the floor while attempting to get out of bed. Although the episode was originally aired uncensored, the audio has since been edited from syndicated reruns, silencing out the word.

In the song "[[Man in the Box]]" by [[Alice in Chains]], the line "Buried in my shit" was played unedited over most rock radio stations. Often such words in pop songs are blurred together and cannot be understood sufficiently to be recognized by fans, much less cause offense to censors. However, many large pop hits have nevertheless included the word. [[Pink Floyd]]'s hit "Money," originally released in 1973, refers to "[[bullshit]]," a slightly less offensive form. The song is played in edited form on the radio.

In [[Steve Miller (musician)|Steve Miller]]'s "Jet Airliner," many radio stations leave in the line "funky shit going down in the city." Likewise, the [[Bob Dylan]] song "Hurricane" has a line about having no idea "what kind of shit was about to go down." Both of these songs were released with a "[[radio edit]]" version (replacing the words "funky shit" in the Miller song with "funky kicks"), although the original version is occasionally played by satellite radio and smaller community stations throughout the United States. Another version of "Jet Airliner" exists in which the word "shit" is merely faded out; this version airs on [[KTWL]] and, perhaps, other stations.

The 1980 hit album [[Hi Infidelity]] by American rock group [[REO Speedwagon]] contained a song called "Tough Guys," which had the line "she thinks they're full of shit." This was not a major hit from the album, though it did get radio play.

However, American terrestrial radio stations with any significant audience must abide by [[FCC]] guidelines on obscenity to avoid punitive fines, unlike satellite radio. These guidelines do not define exactly what constitutes obscenity, but it has certainly been interpreted by some commissioners as including any form of words like shit and fuck, for whatever use, rude or not. Thus the word shit is actually less likely to be heard today in music than a decade or two ago, although still quite common for movies. In the album version of her song "[[Hollaback Girl]]", [[Gwen Stefani]] repeatedly utters the phrase "This shit is bananas!" but the music video had the phrase "This shhh is bananas," where "shit" was the only word deemed worthy of censorship. The song title "[[...On the Radio (Remember the Days)]]" by [[Nelly Furtado]] was censored and was replaced by the original title "Shit on the Radio (Remember the Days)." This also happened to "[[That's That Shit]]" by [[Snoop Dogg]] featuring [[R. Kelly]], which became "[[That's That]]." In [[Avril Lavigne]]'s song "My Happy Ending," the [[Radio Disney]] edit of the song replaces "all the shit that you do" with "all the stuff that you do." Likewise, in the recent song "[[London Bridge (Fergie song)|London Bridge]]" by [[the Black Eyed Peas]] member [[Stacy Ferguson|Fergie]], the phrase "Oh Shit" is repeatedly used as a background line. A radio edit of this song replaced "Oh Shit" with "Oh Snap." Terrestrial radio is also decreasingly popular for the type of music and talk programming where the word might be used, perhaps due to fears among station managers of hefty FCC fines.

On December 3, 1994, [[Green Day]] performed "[[Geek Stink Breath]]," on [[Saturday Night Live]], shit was not edited from tape delay live broadcast. The band did not appear on the show again until April 9, 2005.

In some non-English-speaking countries, ''shit'' has come to be used freely without fear of censorship, most likely resulting from its frequent export in American pop culture. In [[Japan]], for example, the word has even been known to appear in children's programs, such as the television [[anime]] series ''[[Sonic X]],'' in which [[Sonic the Hedgehog (character)|Sonic the Hedgehog]] casually uses the [[interjection]] numerous times, along with other token English phrases like "Let's Go" and "Don't Worry."
In one of his many concert performances comedian George Carlin once said in talking about expressions such as "Take a shit." "You don't take a shit, you leave a shit!"
==See also==
*[[Seven dirty words]]
*[[Shit happens]]
*[[It Hits the Fan]]
*[[Cheers (album)|Shit Hits the Fan]]
*Also a pseudonym for Take 21, a Brisbane local band.
*"Shitwood" and [[stinkwood]] are names for the plants ''[[Gyrocarpus]] jacquini'' and ''Gyrocarpus americanus'' [http://toptropicals.com/cgi-bin/garden_catalog/cat.cgi?uid=Gyrocarpus_jacquini].

*Douglas Harper [http://www.etymonline.com/baloney.php Ingenious Trifling]. Online Etymology Dictionary. retrieved October 24, 2006.

==External links==
*[http://art.enonym.com Shit as Art]
*[http://www.bartleby.com/61/roots/IE464.html Indo-European Roots: skei-]




Revision as of 14:09, 15 June 2008

Shit is a word used wikipedia.