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List of works by Wulfstan of York

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Wulfstan II, Archbishop of York wrote some works in Latin, and numerous works in Old English, then the vernacular.[1] He has also been credited with a few short poems. His works can generally be divided into homiletic, legal, and philosophical (or socio-political) categories.



'Block' 1 ("Eschatological Homilies")

  • De Anticristo [1] (Latin, Bethurum Ia)[2]
  • De Anticristo [2] (Old English, Bethurum Ib)
  • Lectio Sancti Evangelii Secundum Matheum [3] (Old English, Bethurum II)
  • Secundum Lucam[4] (Old English, Bethurum III)
  • De Temporibus Anticristi [5] (Old English, Bethurum IV)
  • Secundum Marcum [6] (Old English, Bethurum V)

'Block' 2 ("The Christian Faith")

  • Incipiunt Sermones Lupi Episcopi (Old English, Bethurum VI)
  • De Fide Catholica (Old English, Bethurum VII)
  • To Eallum Folke (Old English, Bethurum VIIa)
  • Incipit de Baptisma (Latin, Bethurum VIIIa)
  • Dominica Quaterna vel Quando Volueris (Old English, Bethurum VIIIb)
  • Sermo de Baptismate (Old English, Bethurum VIIIc)
  • De Septiformi Spiritu (Old English, Bethurum IX; a reworking of a homily by Ælfric)
  • De Regula Canonicorum (Old English, Bethurum Xa; a translation of chapter 145 of the 816 Council of Aachen)
  • De Cristianitate (Latin, Bethurum Xb)
  • Her Ongynð Be Cristendome (Old English, Bethurum XC; a reworking of Xa and Xb)
  • Incipit de Visione Isaie Prophete Quam Vidit Super Idam et Hierusalem (Latin & Old English, Bethurum XI)
  • De Falsis Deis (Old English, Bethurum XII; a reworking of a homily by Ælfric)

'Block' 3 ("Archiepiscopal Functions")

  • Sermo ad Populum (Old English, Bethurum XIII)
  • Sermo in Quadragesima (Old English, Bethurum XIV)
  • Sermo de Cena Domini (Old English, Bethurum XV)
  • Verba Ezechielis Prophete de Pastoribus non recte Agentibus (Latin, Bethurum XVIa)
  • Verba Ezechielis Prophete de Pigris aut Timidis vel Negligentibus Pastoribus (Old English, Bethurum XVIb; a translation of XVIa)
  • Lectio Secundum Lucam (Old English, Bethurum XVII)
  • De Dedicatione Ecclesiae (Old English, Bethurum XVIII)

'Block' 4 ("Evil Days")

  • Be Godcundre Warnunge (Old English, Bethurum XIX)
  • Sermo Lupi ad Anglos [7] (Old English, Bethurum XX; in multiple versions written at different times)
  • Her is gyt Rihtlic Warnung ond Soðlic Myngung Ðeode to Ðearfe (Old English, Bethurum XXI)


  • Untitled (Napier I)[3]
  • Untitled (Napier XXIII)
  • Untitled (Napier XXIV)
  • To Folce (Napier XXV)
  • To Eallum Folce (Napier XXVII)
  • Be Mistlican Gelimpan (Napier XXXV)
  • To Eallum Folce (Napier XXXVI)
  • Her Is Gyt Oþer Wel God Eaca (Napier XXXVIII)
  • ?Ðis Man Gerædde, đa se Micela Here Com to Lande (Napier XXXIX)
  • Larspel and Scriftboc (Napier XLVII; first part only)
  • ?Larspel (Napier L)
  • To Eallan Folke (Napier LI)
  • To Mæssepreostum (Napier LII)
  • To Mæssepreostum (Napier LIII)
  • Sermo Lupi (Napier LIX)
  • Be Hæðendome (Napier LX)
  • Be Cristendome (Napier LXI)

  • ?Admonitio episcoporum utilis (Latin; ed. Hall;[4] in two versions)
  • ?Admonitio spiritalis doctrinae (Latin; ed. Cross[5])
  • ?Contra iniquos iudices et falsos testes (Latin; ed. Hall[6])
  • ?De adiutorio Dei et libero arbitrio (Latin; ed. Hall[7])
  • ?De blasphemia (Latin; ed. Elliot [8])
  • ?De coniugio antiquo (Latin; ed. Cross-Hamer[8])
  • ?De conversione et penitentia et communione (Latin; ed. Hall[9])
  • ?De decimis dandis (Latin; ed. Hall[10])
  • ?De diversitate ordinum (Latin; ed. Elliot [9])
  • ?De dominis et seruis (Latin; ed. Hall[11])
  • ?De ieiunio quattuor temporum (Latin; ed. Cross[12])
  • ?De paenitentia communi pro quacumque tribulatione (Latin; ed. Elliot [10])
  • ?De pastore et praedicatore (Latin; ed. Elliot [11])
  • ?De rapinis ecclesiasticarum rerum (Latin; ed. Cross;[13] in two versions)
  • ?De resurrectione mortuorum (Latin; ed. Hall[14])
  • ?De veneratione sacerdotum (Latin; ed. Elliot [12]; in multiple versions)
  • ?In nomine Domini (Latin; ed. di Sciacca[15])
  • ?Sermo ad coniugatos et filios (Latin; ed. Hall[16])
  • ?Sermo ad viduas (Latin; ed. Hall[17])
  • ?Sermo sancti Augustini de baptismo non iterando (Latin; ed. Hall[18])
  • Episcopus (Old English)[19]
  • The Laws of Edward and Guthrum (Old English)
  • ?The Northumbrian Priests' Law (Old English)
  • The Canons of Edgar (Old English)[20]
  • ?Collectio canonum Wigorniensis (Latin; a.k.a. Wulfstan's Canon Law Collection, or the Excerptiones pseudo-Ecgberhti)[21]
  • Ethelred's legislation, 1008, King's Enham (Latin & Old English; survives as VAtr, VIAtr, VIAtrLat, XAtr)
  • (Old English)
  • Mircna laga (Old English)
  • Norðleoda laga (Old English)
  • Ethelred's legislation, ca. 1009, Bath (Latin, VIIaAtr)
  • Hadbot (Old English)
  • Geþyncðo (Old English)
  • Grið (Old English)
  • Ethelred's legislation, 1014 (Old English, VIIIAtr, ?IXAtr)
  • Cnut's legislation, 1018 (Old English, Cn 1018)
  • Cnut's legislation, 1020 (Old English, Cn 1020)
  • Cnut's legislation (secular), ca. 1021 (Old English, ICn)
  • Cnut's legislation (ecclesiastical), ca. 1021 (Old English, IICn)

He also made revisions to

  • King Athelstan's tithe ordinance (IAs)
  • Edmund's London code (IEm)
  • Edgar's Andover code (II-IIIEg)


  • The Institutes of Polity I (Old English; original version)[22]
  • The Institutes of Polity II (Old English; revision)


  • Qui legis hunc titulum (Latin; verses praising Wulfstan)[23]
  • Poem on King Edgar's Succession (Old English; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle E, s.a. 959)[24]
  • Poem on King Edward's Succession (Old English; Anglo-Saxon Chronicle D, s.a. 975)[25]


  1. ^ An up-to-date list is provided by Sara M. Pons-Sanz, 'A Reconsideration of Wulfstan's use of Norse-Derived Terms: The Case of Þræl', pp. 6-7.
  2. ^ Dorothy Bethurum, The Homilies of Wulfstan; all homilies, unless otherwise noted, are found in Bethurum.
  3. ^ Arthur Napier, Wulfstan: Sammlung der ihm zugeschriebenen Homilien
  4. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 110–14.
  5. ^ James E. Cross, ‘A Newly-Identified Manuscript’, pp. 78–80.
  6. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 120–23.
  7. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 133–36.
  8. ^ James E. Cross & Andrew Hamer, eds., Wulfstan's Canon Law Collection, pp. 160–61.
  9. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 129–31.
  10. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 115–20.
  11. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 126–27.
  12. ^ James E. Cross, ‘A Newly-Identified Manuscript’, pp. 72–76.
  13. ^ James E. Cross, ‘Atto of Vercelli’, pp. 243–46
  14. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 131–33.
  15. ^ C. di Sciacca, ‘Ubi sunt piece’, p. 226.
  16. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 123–25.
  17. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 127–28.
  18. ^ Thomas N. Hall, ‘Wulfstan’s Latin Sermons’, pp. 136–39.
  19. ^ Felix Liebermann, ed., Die Gesetze Der Angelsachsen vol 1; all Wulfstan's legal works, unless otherwise noted, are found in Liebermann's edition.
  20. ^ Roger Fowler, ed., The Canons of Edgar
  21. ^ James E. Cross & Andrew Hamer, eds., Wulfstan's Canon Law Collection
  22. ^ Karl Jost, ed., Die Institutes of Polity, Civil and Ecclesiastical
  23. ^ Bethurum, The Homilies of Wulfstan, pp. 377-78
  24. ^ Michael Swanton, ed., The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, p. 114
  25. ^ Michael Swanton, ed., The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, p. 121




  • Wulfstan (1963). Whitelock, Dorothy (ed.). Sermo Lupi Ad Anglos (3rd ed.). London: Methuen.
  • Wulfstan (1959). Karl Jost (ed.). Die 'Institutes of Polity, Civil and Ecclesiastical': ein Werk Erzbischof Wulfstans von York. Swiss Studies in English; 47. Bern: A. Francke AG Verlag.
  • Wulfstan (1957). Dorothy Bethurum (ed.). The Homilies of Wulfstan. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Wulfstan (1883). Arthur Napier (ed.). Sammlung der ihm Zugeschriebenen Homilien nebst Untersuchungen über ihre Echtheit. Berlin: Weidmann.
  • Wulfstan (1999). Cross, James; Hamer, Andrew (eds.). Wulfstan's Canon Law Collection. Anglo-Saxon Texts; I. Cambridge, UK: D. S. Brewer.


  • Cross, James E. (1993). "Atto of Vercelli, De pressuris ecclesiasticis, Archbishop Wulfstan and "Wulfstan's Commonplace Book"". Traditio. 48: 237–46. doi:10.1017/S0362152900012927. S2CID 147881610.
  • Cross, James E. (1992). Townend, Matthew (ed.). "A Newly-Identified Manuscript of Wulfstan's "Commonplace Book", Rouen, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS. 1382 (U.109), fols. 173r–198v". ii: 63–83. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  • di Sciacca, Claudia (2007). "An unpublished Ubi sunt piece in Wulfstan's "Commonplace Book": Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 190, pp. 94–96". In P. Lendinara; L. Lazzari; M. A. D'Aronco (eds.). Form and content of instruction in Anglo-Saxon England in the light of contemporary manuscript evidence. Turnhout: Brepols. pp. 93–139.
  • Gatch, Milton McC. (1977). Preaching and Theology in Anglo-Saxon England: Ælfric and Wulfstan. Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. ISBN 9780802053473.
  • Hall, Thomas N. (2004). "Wulfstan's Latin Sermons". In Matthew Townend (ed.). Wulfstan, Archbishop of York: the Proceedings of the 2nd Alcuin Conference. Turnhout: Brepols. pp. 93–139.
  • Jost, Karl (1950). Wulfstanstudien. Bern: A. Francke.
  • Lerer, Seth (1999). "Old English and its Afterlife". In David Wallace (ed.). The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-44420-9.
  • Orchard, Adam (1991). "Wulstan the Homilist". In Michael Lapidge (ed.). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 978-0-631-22492-1.
  • Strayer, Joseph R., ed. (1989). "Wulfstan of York". Dictionary of the Middle Ages. Vol. 1 & 12. New York: Scribner.
  • Szarmach, Paul E.; Tavormina, M. Teresa; Rosenthal, Joel T., eds. (1998). "Wulfstan of York". Medieval England: an encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishers. ISBN 978-0-8240-5786-2.
  • Whitelock, D. (1942). Whitelock, Dorothy (ed.). "Archbishop Wulfstan, Homilist and Statesman". Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. Fourth Series. 24 (24): 25–45. doi:10.2307/3678467. JSTOR 3678467. S2CID 162930449.
  • Whitelock, Dorothy (1981). Councils and Synods, with other documents relating to the English Church, Volume 1: A.D. 871-1204 (pt. 1: 871-1066). Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Whitelock, Dorothy (1937). "A Note on the Career of Wulfstan the Homilist". The English Historical Review. 52: 460–65. doi:10.1093/ehr/LII.CCVII.460.
  • Whitelock, Dorothy (1965). "Wulfstan at York". In Jess B. Bessinger; Robert P. Creed (eds.). Franciplegius: medieval and linguistic studies in honor of Francis Peabody Magoun Jr. New York. pp. 214–231.{{cite encyclopedia}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Wilcox, Jonathan (2000). "The Wolf on Shepherds: Wulfstan, bishops, and the context of the Sermo Lupi ad Anglos". In Paul E. Szarmach (ed.). Old English Prose: basic readings. New York: Garland. pp. 395–418.
  • Wormald, Patrick (1978). "Æthelred the Lawmaker". In David Hill (ed.). Ethelred the Unready: papers from the Millenary Conference. BAR British Series; 59. Oxford: [British Archaeological Reports]. pp. 47–80.
  • Wormald, Patrick (1999). "Archbishop Wulfstan and the Holiness of Society". In D. Pelteret (ed.). Anglo-Saxon History: basic readings. New York. pp. 191–224.{{cite encyclopedia}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Wormald, Patrick (2004). "Archbishop Wulfstan: eleventh-century state-builder". In Matthew Townend (ed.). Wulfstan, Archbishop of York: the proceedings of the 2nd Alcuin Conference. Turnhout. pp. 9–27.{{cite encyclopedia}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Wormald, Patrick (2000). The Making of English Law: King Alfred to the twelfth century: Legislation and its Limits. Vol. 1. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Wormald, Patrick (2004). "Wulfstan (d. 1023)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/30098. Retrieved 30 March 2008.