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[[File:1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW.JPG|thumb|During the early 1920s, Samuel Gompers resided in this [[Dupont Circle]] home in [[Washington, D.C.]]]]
[[File:1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW.JPG|thumb|During the early 1920s, led the federation of labor aint that crazy he had hope
Among the things we advocate is that women should have equal suffrage with men. . . . We not only work for equality of suffrage, but work to fight and obtain equal wages for her. (Samuel Gompers Papers, Vol 3:Rocky Mountain News, Feb. 28, 1891)

like my aka ARM PITS
The worst crime against working people is a company which fails to operate at a profit.
(Samuel Gompers, said in 1908 - Quotation #23111 from Rand Lindsly's Quotations)

What does labor want? We want more school houses and less jails. More books and less guns.
More learning and less vice. More leisure and less greed. More justice and less revenge.
We want more ... opportunities to cultivate our better natures. (Samuel Gompers Memorial
San Antonio, Texas)

There are about 8,000,000 negroes in the United States, and, my friends, I not only have not the power to put the negro out of the labor movement, but I would not, even if I did have the power. ... Why should I do such a thing? . . . . I would have nothing to gain, but the movement would have much to lose. Under our policies and principles we seek to build up the labor movement, instead of injuring it, and we want all the negroes we can possibly get who will join hands with organized labor. (Samuel Gompers Papers, Vol 8: St. Louis Globe Democrat, Nov. 18, 1910)

[[File:Samuel-gompers-house.JPG|thumb|left|150px|The [[Samuel Gompers House]] was declared a [[National Historic Landmark]] in 1974.]]
And what have our unions done? What do they aim to do? To improve the standard of life, to uproot ignorance and foster education, to instill character, manhood and independent spirit among our people; to bring about a recognition of the interdependence of man upon his fellow man. We aim to establish a normal work-day, to take the children from the factory and workshop and give them the opportunity of the school and the play-ground. In a word, our unions strive to lighten toil, educate their members, make their homes more cheerful, and in every way contribute an earnest effort toward making life the better worth living. (McClure's Magazine, Feb. 1912)

*Colored workmen have not been asking that equal rights be accorded to them as to white workmen, but [they] somehow convey the idea that they are to be petted or coddled and given special consideration and special privilege. Of course that can't be done.
:Quoted in ''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'', September 3, 2007. <ref>[http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110010554 Affirmative Action's Strange Career] from the [[Wall Street Journal]]</ref>
*Our movement is of the working people, for the working people, by the working people.{{Citequote|date=September 2007}}
*The trade union movement represents the organized economic power of the workers... It is in reality the most potent and the most direct social insurance the workers can establish.{{Citequote|date=September 2007}}


Revision as of 21:40, 25 January 2010

Samuel Gompers
Samuel Gompers
Born(1850-01-27)January 27, 1850
DiedDecember 13, 1924(1924-12-13) (aged 74)
OccupationLabor leader
Spouse(s)Sophia Julian
Gertrude Gleaves Neuscheler

Samuel Gompers[1] (January 27, 1850[2] – December 13, 1924) was an American labor union leader and a key figure in American labor history. Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor (AFL), and served as the AFL's president from 1886-1894 and from 1895 until his death in 1924. He promoted harmony among the different craft unions that comprised the AFL, trying to minimize jurisdictional battles. He promoted "thorough" organization and collective bargaining to secure shorter hours and higher wages, the first essential steps, he believed, to emancipating labor. He also encouraged the AFL to take political action to "elect their friends" and "defeat their enemies." During World War I, Gompers and the AFL worked with the government to avoid strikes and boost morale, without undermining union wage and hour standards. During that period, the AFL saw membership rise.

Early life

Gompers was born on January 27, 1850 in London, England, into a Jewish family which had recently arrived from the Netherlands. He attended the Jewish Free School until age 10 when he left to become an apprentice, first as a shoemaker and then as cigar maker. The family immigrated to the United States in 1863, settling on Manhattan's Lower East Side in New York City. He married Sophia Julian in 1866 and became a U.S. citizen in 1872.[2]

He joined Local 15 of the Cigarmakers' International Union in 1864, and was elected president of Local 144 in 1875. He was elected second vice-president of the international union in 1886, and first vice-president in 1896. He served in this capacity until his death on December 13, 1924. In 1877, the union nearly collapsed. Gompers and his friend Adolph Strasser used Local 144 as a base to rebuild the Cigarmakers' Union, introducing a high dues structure and implementing programs to pay out-of-work benefits, sick benefits, and death benefits for union members in good standing. He told the workers they needed to organize because wage reductions were almost a daily occurrence. The capitalists were only interested in profits, "and the time has come when we must assert our rights as workingmen. Every one present has the sad experience, that we are powerless in an isolated condition, while the capitalists are united; therefore it is the duty of every Cigar Maker to join the organization. ... One of the main objects of the organization," he concluded, "is the elevation of the lowest paid worker to the standard of the highest, and in time we may secure for every person in the trade an existence worthy of human beings."[3]


His philosophy of labor unions centered on economic ends for workers, such as higher wages, shorter hours, and safe working conditions so that they could enjoy an "American" standard of living—a decent home, decent food and clothing, and money enough to educate their children.[4] He thought economic organization was the most direct way to achieve these improvements, but he did encourage union members to participate in politics and to vote with their economic interests in mind.

Samuel Gompers inspired later generations of labor leaders, such as George Meany, who paid tribute to Samuel Gompers as a European immigrant who pioneered a distinctly American brand of unionism.[5]

His belief led to the development of procedures for collective bargaining and contracts between labor and management which are still in use today. In practice, AFL unions were important in industrial cities, where they formed a central labor office to coordinate the actions of different AFL unions. Issues of wages and hours were the usual causes of strikes, but many strikes were assertions of jurisdiction, so that the plumbers, for example, used strikes to ensure that all major construction projects in the city used union plumbers. In this goal they were ideally supported by all the other construction unions in the AFL fold.[6]

Leading the AFL

Gompers helped found the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions in 1881 as a coalition of like-minded unions. In 1886 it was reorganized into the American Federation of Labor, with Gompers as its president. He would remain president of the organization until his death (with the exception of one year, 1895).

Under Gompers's tutelage, the AFL coalition gradually gained strength, undermining that previously held by the Knights of Labor, which as a result had almost vanished by 1900. He was nearly jailed in 1911 for publishing with John Mitchell a boycott list, but the Supreme Court overturned the sentence in Gompers v. Buck's Stove and Range Co..

Fighting radicals

Gompers's trade union philosophy and his devotion to collective bargaining with business proved to be too conservative for more radical leaders who established the Industrial Workers of the World organization in 1905 with the goal of organizing the entire working class. Their long-term goal was to destroy capitalism.[7] Gompers vigorously fought his competitors, who had almost entirely vanished by 1920, largely due to government repression for their militant opposition to the U.S. entry into the war and their leadership of industry strikes during wartime. He likewise fought the socialists, who believed workers and unions could never co-exist with business interests and wanted to use the labor unions to advance their more radical political causes, typified by the presidential campaigns of Eugene V. Debs. By 1920 Gompers had largely marginalized their role to a few unions, notably coal miners and the needle trades.


Gompers, like most labor leaders of his era, opposed unrestricted immigration from Europe because it lowered wages, and opposed all immigration from Asia because it lowered wages and represented (to him) an alien culture that could not be easily assimilated. He and the AFL strongly supported the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that banned the immigration of Chinese.[8] The AFL was instrumental in passing immigration restriction laws from the 1890s to the 1920s, such as the 1921 Emergency Quota Act and the Immigration Act of 1924, and seeing that they were strictly enforced. At least one study concludes that the link between the AFL and the Democratic Party rested in large part on immigration issues, as the owners of large corporations wanted more immigration and thus supported the Republican party.[9] Other scholars have seriously questioned this conclusion, arguing it oversimplifies the politics and unity of labor leaders and the major parties. As one reviewer argued in the Journal of American History, major Republican leaders such as President William McKinley and Senator Mark Hanna made pro-labor statements, many unions supported their own independent labor parties, and unity within the AFL was never as extensive as claimed.[10]

Gompers also opposed annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines in 1898, arguing this constituted imperialism and would lead to an influx of cheap labor.[11]

Political involvement

During the Spanish-American War, Gompers joined the Anti-Imperialist League to denounce America's efforts at colonization. During World War I Gompers was a strong supporter of the war effort. He was appointed by President Wilson to the Council of National Defense, where he chaired the Labor Advisory Board. He attended the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 as an official advisor on labor issues.

The grave of Samuel Gompers


Gompers had suffered from diabetes, heart failure and renal failure for nearly a year. He collapsed in Mexico City on Saturday, December 6, 1924 while attending a meeting of the Pan-American Federation of Labor.[12] His condition was recognized as critical and that he might not survive for long. Gompers expressed the desire to die on American soil, and he was placed aboard a special train and sped toward the border. [13] Samuel Gompers was buried at the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Sleepy Hollow, New York.


[[File:1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW.JPG|thumb|During the early 1920s, led the federation of labor aint that crazy he had hope

like my aka ARM PITS


[[Image:Samuel Gompers Memorial.JPG|thumb|Samuel Gompers Memorial near 11th and Massachusetts Avenue, NW in Washington, D.C.]] The United States Navy destroyer tender USS Samuel Gompers was named in his honor.

A bronze monument honoring Gompers by the sculptor Robert Aitken resides in Gompers Square on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington, D.C., ironically located across from the headquarters of the libertarian Cato Institute.

In San Antonio, Texas, a statue (controversial for its design) was dedicated in Gompers' honor near the riverwalk and convention center.

On September 3, 2007, a life-size statue of Gompers was unveiled at Gompers Park which is on the northwest side of Chicago. Gompers Park was named after the labor leader in 1929. This is the first statue of a labor leader in Chicago. Local unions throughout Chicago donated their time and money to build the monument.[14]

Additionally, there are many schools named after Gompers, including schools on the far southside of Chicago, Illinois; The Bronx, New York; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; as well as elementary schools in Detroit, Michigan; San Diego, California; and Lakewood, California; and a middle school in Watts, Los Angeles, California. There is also an apartment complex of the New York City Housing Authority named after Samuel Gompers.[15]


  1. ^ His name sometimes appears as "Samuel L. Gompers", however he had no middle name.
  2. ^ a b Fink, Biographical Dictionary of American Labor, 1984.
  3. ^ Mandel, Samuel Gompers: A Biography, 1963, p. 22.
  4. ^ Bernard Mandel, "Gompers and Business Unionism, 1873-90." Business History Review 28:3 (September 1954)
  5. ^ June 18, 1961 entry in Journals of David E. Lilienthal, 1971.
  6. ^ Philip Taft, The A.F. of L. in the Time of Gompers (1957); Mandel (1954)
  7. ^ Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History of the Industrial Workers of the World. (2000)
  8. ^ Thousands of Chinese entered the U.S. illegally, but nearly all lived and worked in Chinatowns where they did not compete with union labor. The restrictions were repealed in 1943.[citation needed]
  9. ^ Mink, Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development: Union, Party, and State, 1875-1920, 1986.
  10. ^ Asher, "Review: Gwendolyn Mink, Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development: Union, Party, and State, 1875-1920," Journal of American History, March 1988.
  11. ^ Whittaker, "Samuel Gompers, Anti-Imperialist," Pacific Historical Review, November 1969.
  12. ^ The cause of the collapse was probably myocardial infarction, although no medical diagnosis was ever reported.
  13. ^ "End Comes On Home Soil," Associated Press, December 14, 1924.
  14. ^ "Samuel Gompers Statue Unveiled," press release, Office of Ald. Margaret Laurino, City of Chicago, September 3, 2007.
  15. ^ http://www.dol.gov/oasam/programs/laborhall/1989_gompers.htm


  • Babcock, Robert H. Gompers in Canada: A Study in American Continentalism before the First World War. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974. ISBN 0802021425
  • Bernstein, Irving. The Lean Years: A History of the American Worker, 1920-1933. Paperback ed. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1972. (Originally published 1960.) ISBN 0395136571
  • Bernstein, Irving. "Samuel Gompers and Free Silver, 1896." Mississippi Valley Historical Review. 29:3 (December 1942).
  • Buhle, Paul. Taking Care of Business: Samuel Gompers, George Meany, Lane Kirkland, and the Tragedy of American Labor. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1999. ISBN 1583670041
  • Currarino, Rosanne. "The Politics of 'More': The Labor Question and the Idea of Economic Liberty in Industrial America." Journal of American History. 93:1 (June 2003).
  • Fink, Gary M., ed. Biographical Dictionary of American Labor. Westport, Ct.: Greenwood Press, 1984. ISBN 0313228655
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 1: From Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Federation of Labor. New York: International Publishers, 1947. ISBN 071780089X; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 2: From the Founding of the American Federation of Labor to the Emergence of American Imperialism. New York: International Publishers, 1955. ISBN 071780092X; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 3: The Policies and Practices of the American Federation of Labor, 1900-1909. New York: International Publishers, 1964. ISBN 0717800938; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 4: Industrial Workers of the World. New York: International Publishers, 1965. ISBN 0717800946; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 5: The AFL in the Progressive Era, 1910-1915. New York: International Publishers, 1980. ISBN 0717805700; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 6: On the Eve of America's Entrance into World War I, 1915-1916. New York: International Publishers, 1982. ISBN 0717806022; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 7: Labor and World War I, 1914-1918. New York: International Publishers, 1987. ISBN 0717806383; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 8: Postwar Struggles, 1918-1920. New York: International Publishers, 1988. ISBN 0717806537; very hostile to Gompers
  • Foner, Philip S. History of the Labor Movement in the United States. Vol. 9: The T.U.E.L. to the End of the Gompers Era. New York: International Publishers, 1991. ISBN 0717806731; very hostile to Gompers
  • Greene, Julie. Pure and Simple Politics: The American Federation of Labor and Political Activism, 1881-1917. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN 0521433983
  • Grubbs, Jr. Frank L. The Struggle for Labor Loyalty: Gompers, the A. F. of L., and the Pacifists, 1917-1920. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1968.
  • Livesay, Harold C. Samuel Gompers and Organized Labor in America. Boston: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers, Inc., 1987. ISBN 0316528730
  • Mandel, Bernard. Samuel Gompers: A Biography. New York: Penguin Group, 1963. ISBN 0873380843, standard biography contents and sample pages
  • Mandel, Bernard. "Gompers and Business Unionism, 1873-90." Business History Review. 28:3 (September 1954).
  • Mandel, Bernard. "Samuel Gompers and the Negro Workers, 1886-1914." Journal of Negro History. 40:1 (January 1955).
  • Mink, Gwendolyn. Old Labor and New Immigrants in American Political Development: Union, Party, and State, 1875-1920. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1986. ISBN 0801418631
  • Montgomery, David. The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925. New York: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1987. ISBN 0521225795
  • Reed, Louis. The Labor Philosophy of Samuel Gompers;; Columbia University Press, 1930. 194 pp.. contents and sample pages
  • "Samuel Gompers Statue Unveiled." Press release. Office of Ald. Margaret Laurino, City of Chicago. September 3, 2007. Accessed September 9, 2007.
  • Taft, Philip. The A.F. of L. in the Time of Gompers. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957. ISBN 0374977348
  • Van Tine; Warren R. The Making of the Labor Bureaucrat: Union Leadership in the United States, 1870-1920 (1973) contents and sample pages
  • Whittaker, William George. "Samuel Gompers, Anti-Imperialist." Pacific Historical Review. 38:4 (November 1969).

Primary sources

  • Gompers, Samuel. Seventy Years of Life and Labor. Abridged ed. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1984. (Originally published in 1925.) ISBN 0875461123
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 1: The Early Years of the American Federation of Labor, 1887-90. Stuart Bruce Kaufman, Grace Palladino, Dorothee Schneider, and Peter J. Albert, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1987. ISBN 0252013506 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 2: Unrest and Depression, 1891-94. Stuart Bruce Kaufman and Peter J. Albert, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1989. ISBN 0252015460 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 3: The Making of a Union Leader, 1850-86. Stuart Bruce Kaufman, ed. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1991. ISBN 0252011376 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 4: A National Labor Movement Takes Shape, 1895-98. Stuart Bruce Kaufman, Grace Palladino and Peter J. Albert, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1992. ISBN 0252017684
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 5: An Expanding Movement at the Turn of the Century, 1898-1902. Stuart Bruce Kaufman, Grace Palladino and Peter J. Albert, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1996. ISBN 0252020081 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 6: The American Federation of Labor and the Rise of Progressivism, 1902-6. Stuart B. Kaufman, Grace Palladino and Peter J. Albert, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1995. ISBN 025202303X excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 7: The American Federation of Labor Under Siege, 1906-09. Stuart B. Kaufman, Grace Palladino, Peter J. Albert, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1998. ISBN 0252023803 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 8: Progress and Reaction in the Age of Reform, 1909-13. Peter J. Albert and Grace Palladino, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2000. ISBN 0252025644 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. The Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 9: The American Federation of Labor at the Height of Progressivism, 1913-17. Peter J. Albert and Grace Palladino, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2003. ISBN 0252027558 excerpt and text search
  • Gompers, Samuel. The Samuel Gompers Papers, Volume 10: World War I, 1917-18. Grace Palladino, Peter J. Albert and Mary Jeske, eds. Champaign, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2007. ISBN 0252030419

See also

Template:Organized labour portal

Preceded by
AFL President
1886 – 1894
Succeeded by
Preceded by AFL President
1895 – 1924
Succeeded by
Awards and achievements
Preceded by Cover of Time Magazine
1 October 1923
Succeeded by