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My Khakassia

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Моя Хакасия
English: 'My Khakassia'

Former regional anthem of Khakassia, Russia
Also known asKhakas: Хакас Республиказы Гимн
Russian: Гимн Республики Хакасии
LyricsOlga Krivenko
MusicTatiana Shalginova
Relinquished11 February 2015
Succeeded byState Anthem of the Republic of Khakassia

"My Khakassia" (Russian: Моя Хакасия), originally titled was the regional anthem of Khakassia, a republic of Russia. It was adopted in 2007 and relinquished on 11 February 2015, when the current State Anthem of the Republic of Khakassia was officially adopted.[1]



"My Khakassia" won a contest in 2007, in which it was selected to be the regional anthem of Khakassia. However, a new contest was held in 2013, in which another song was selected to be the new regional anthem; thus replacing "My Khakassia".[1]


Khakas and Russian English
Cyrillic script Latin script

Чайылған ӱнніг халын тайға
Чарых ӱннең яңыланды.
Чылтырапчатхан ах тасхыллар
Чалахай ӧңнең чарылдырды.

𝄆 Ах порчо чіли сiліг ӧңде,
Арғал чоннарым, öңненiңер!
Амал часкалығ хонииңарда
Алтын-кӱмӱснең сулғаныңар! 𝄇

Шёпот тайги, запах степей,
Море жарков, крик журавлей.
К сопкам летит песня моя,
Всё о тебе, Хакасия!

𝄆 Хакасия, край мой Добра и Любви!
К тебе возвращаюсь хоть с края земли!
Твой ласковый голос, как звон серебра,
Хакасия, край мой, Любви и Добра! 𝄇

Şaiylğan ünnıg halyn taiğa
Şaryh ünneñ iañylandy.
Şyltyrapşathan ah tashyllar
Şalahai öñneñ şaryldyrdy.

𝄆 Ah porşo şıli sılıg öñde,
Arğal şonnarym, öñnenıñer!
Amal şaskalyğ honiiñarda
Altyn-kümüsneñ sulğanyñar! 𝄇

Şöpot taigi, zapah stepei,
More jarkov, krik juravlei.
K sopkam letit pesnia moia,
Vsö o tebe, Hakasia!

𝄆 Hakasia, krai moi Dobra i Lübvi!
K tebe vozvraşçаius hot s kraia zemli!
Tvoi laskovyi golos, kak zvon serebra,
Hakasia, krai moi, Lübvi i Dobra! 𝄇

The dense taiga's voice continuously echoeth,
The bright voice of the echo respondeth.
White mountain peaks glittering,
With pretty heavenly lights shining.

𝄆 Like sheen flowers on this fine land,
O mighty people, prosper!
May thy life be forever joyous,
May my land of gold be prosperous! 𝄇

The whisper of taigas, the scent of steppes fair,
The shining lakes, the cranes ablare.
My song flieth o'er the hills,
All about thee, Khakassia!

𝄆 Khakassia, my land of goodness and love!
I shall to thee return till the earth's demise!
Thy gentle voice like silver chime,
Khakassia, my land of love and goodness 𝄇

Alternate lyrics

Khakas and Russian English
Cyrillic script Latin script

Алтон азырлығ ағын суғлар
Адам чирінде чайылзын!
Ах чазыларның аллығ тынызы
Алып чоннарға кӱзін пирзін!

Край белоснежных Саянских вершин
Древний и юный, ты в мире один!
В священных курганах вся мудрость твоя,
Хакасия край мой родная земля!

Эта земля дом наш родной
Связаны мы единой судьбой!
Пусть обретёт счастье навек
Каждый живущий здесь человек!

𝄆 Хакасия край мой, добра и любви
Живут здесь, как братья, народы твои!
Трудом, созиданьем прославим тебя,
Хакасия край мой, святая земля! 𝄇

Alton azyrlyğ ağyn suğlar
Adam şirınde şaiylzyn!
Ah şazylarnyñ allyğ tynyzy
Alyp çonnarğa küzın pirzın!

Krai belosnejnyh Saianskih verşin
Drevnii i iunyi, ty v mire odin!
V svışçennyh kurganah vsia mudrost tvoia,
Hakasia krai moi rodnaia zemlia!

Eta zemlia dom naş rodnoi
Sviazany my edinoi sudboi!
Pust obretöt sçastie navek
Kajdyi jivuşçii zdes çelovek!

𝄆 Hakasia krai moi, dobra i lübvi
Jivut zdes, kak bratia, narody tvoii!
Trudom, sozidaniem proslavim tebia,
Hakasia krai moi, svıtaia zemlia! 𝄇

With sixty streams of running rivers,
May they spread around the motherland!
The wide breadth of flowering steppes,
Give strength to glorious peoples!

Land of snow-white Sayan peaks,
Ancient and young, thou art one and only!
All thy wisdom is in sacred mounds,
Khakassia is my native land!

This land is our home
We are bound by one destiny!
May thou find everlasting happiness
For each person living here!

𝄆 Khakassia, my land of goodness and love
Like brothers do thy peoples live!
By labour, by creation we shall glorify thee,
Khakassia is my land, my holy land! 𝄇

See also



  1. ^ a b "State Anthem of Khakassia 2007–2015 (Russian Version) "Моя Хакасия"". YouTube. Anthempire. 16 June 2022.