Module:Lua call
![]() | This module is rated as alpha. It is ready for third-party input, and may be used on a few pages to see if problems arise, but should be watched. Suggestions for new features or changes in their input and output mechanisms are welcome. |
This module allows you to call any one single preinstalled Lua function, so that you don't need to write a module for one desired feature.
[edit]{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|arbitrary variables|parameters|functioncall}}
The arbitrary variables are any key of your choice =
any value of your choice. Values are interpreted as strings unless tonumber(value)
isn't nil
, i.e. numbers should be converted to the numeric type. No effort is made to interpret tables.
The parameters all begin with reserved_
, which arbitrary variable should use.
sets which output from the function you want, and defaults to 1. For example, setting it to 2 for mw.ustring.gsub will return the number of replacements made.reserved_debug
- nonzero value forces display of a not particularly useful debug text
The functioncall is written as,b,c)
where means something in the Extension:Scribunto/Lua reference manual and a,b,c are the arbitrary variable names you've chosen.
[edit]{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|a=test |b=7|string.rep(a,b)}}
→ test test test test test test test{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|pattern=(%a)|replace=%1.|string=I can't get no satisfaction|mw.ustring.gsub(string,pattern,replace)|reserved_return=1}}
→ I. c.a.n.'t. g.e.t. n.o. s.a.t.i.s.f.a.c.t.i.o.n.{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|pattern=(%a)|replace=%1.|string=I can't get no satisfaction|mw.ustring.gsub(string,pattern,replace)|reserved_return=2}}
→ 22{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|value=1.4512|math.ceil(value)}}
→ 2{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|value=1.4512|math.modf(value)}}
→ 1{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|value=1.4512|math.modf(value)|reserved_return=2}}
→ 0.4512{{#invoke:LuaCall|main|mw.text.nowiki(s)|s={{URL|1=}}}}
→ <span class="url">[ www<wbr/>.amazon<wbr/>.com]</span>
→ 007f{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|math.modf|1.4512}}
→ 1{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|math.modf|1.4512|return=2}}
→ 1
[edit]The module may generate script errors — whenever your call is not valid Lua code, you see the error you would normally have. For example,
Lua error at line 36: bad argument #2 to 'reserved_call' (number expected, got no value).
because the second value is lacking. No effort is made to trap these.
local p={}
function p.main(frame)
local parent = frame.getParent(frame) or {}
local reserved_value = {}
local reserved_function, reserved_contents
for k, v in pairs(parent.args or {}) do
_G[k] = tonumber(v) or v -- transfer every parameter directly to the global variable table
for k, v in pairs(frame.args or {}) do
_G[k] = tonumber(v) or v -- transfer every parameter directly to the global variable table
--- Alas Scribunto does NOT implement coroutines, according to
--- this will not stop us from trying to implement one single lousy function call
if _G[1] then
reserved_function, reserved_contents = mw.ustring.match(_G[1], "^%s*(%a[^%s%(]*)%(([^%)]*)%)%s*$")
if reserved_contents then
local reserved_counter = 0
reserved_counter = reserved_counter + 1
reserved_value[reserved_counter] = _G[mw.ustring.match(reserved_contents, "([^%,]+)")]
reserved_contents = mw.ustring.match(reserved_contents, "[^%,]+,(.*)$")
until not reserved_contents
local reserved_arraypart = _G
while mw.ustring.match(reserved_function, "%.") do
reserved_functionpart, reserved_function = mw.ustring.match(reserved_function, "^(%a[^%.]*)%.(.*)$")
reserved_arraypart = reserved_arraypart[reserved_functionpart]
local reserved_call = reserved_arraypart[reserved_function]
if type(reserved_call) ~= "function" then
return tostring(reserved_call)
reserved_output = {reserved_call(unpack(reserved_value))}
return reserved_output[reserved_return or 1]
local function tonumberOrString(v)
return tonumber(v) or v:gsub("^\\", "", 1)
local function callWithTonumberOrStringOnPairs(f, ...)
local args = {}
for _, v in ... do
table.insert(args, tonumberOrString(v))
return (f(unpack(args)))
-- ipairsAtOffset
-- This is an iterator for arrays. It can be used like ipairs, but with
-- specified i as first index to iterate. i is an offset from 1
local function ipairsAtOffset(t, i)
local f, s, i0 = ipairs(t)
return f, s, i0+i
local function get(s)
local G = _G; for _ in mw.text.gsplit(
mw.text.trim(s, '%s'), '%s*%.%s*'
) do
G = G[_]
return G
-- call
-- This function is usually useful for debugging template parameters.
-- Prefix parameter with backslash (\) to force interpreting parameter as string.
-- The leading backslash will be removed before passed to Lua function.
-- Example:
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.log|a|1|2|3}} will return results of mw.log('a', 1, 2, 3)
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.logObject|\a|321|\321| \321 }} will return results of mw.logObject('a', 321, '321', ' \\321 ')
-- This example show the debugging to see which Unicode characters are allowed in template parameters,
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0061}}}} return 97
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0000}}}} return 65533
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0001}}}} return 65533
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0002}}}}}} return 0xfffd
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x007e}}}}}} return 0x007e
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x007f}}}}}} return 0x007f
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x0080}}}}}} return 0x0080
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|call|string.format|0x%04x|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.codepoint|{{#invoke:LuaCall|call|mw.ustring.char|0x00a0}}}}}} return 0x00a0
return callWithTonumberOrStringOnPairs(get(frame.args[1]),
ipairsAtOffset(frame.args, 1)
--local TableTools = require('Module:TableTools')
-- get
-- Example:
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|get| math.pi }} will return value of math.pi
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|math|pi}} will return value of math.pi
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|get| math |pi}} will return value of _G[' math '].pi
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|_G| math.pi }} will return value of _G[' math.pi ']
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|obj.a.5.c}} will return value of obj.a['5'].c
-- {{#invoke:LuaCall|get|obj|a|5|c}} will return value of obj.a[5].c
function p.get(frame)
-- #frame.args always return 0, regardless of number of unnamed
-- template parameters, so check manually instead
if frame.args[2] == nil then
-- not do tonumber() for this args style,
-- always treat it as string,
-- so 'obj.1' will mean obj['1'] rather obj[1]
return get(frame.args[1])
local G = _G
for _, v in ipairs(frame.args) do
G = G[tonumberOrString(v)]
return G
-- invoke
-- This function is used by Template:Invoke
function p.invoke(frame)
local pframe, usedpargs = frame:getParent(), {}
-- get module and function names from parent args if not provided
local pfargs = setmetatable({frame.args[1], frame.args[2]}, {__index = table})
if not pfargs[1] then
pfargs[1], usedpargs[1] = pframe.args[1], true
if not pfargs[2] then
pfargs[2], usedpargs[2] = pframe.args[2], true
elseif not pfargs[2] then
pfargs[2], usedpargs[1] = pframe.args[1], true
-- repack sequential args
for i, v in ipairs(pframe.args) do
if not usedpargs[i] then
usedpargs[i] = true
-- copy other args
for k, v in pairs(pframe.args) do
if not pfargs[k] and not usedpargs[k] then
pfargs[k], usedpargs[k] = v, true
-- #invoke off parent frame so the new frame has the same parent
return pframe:callParserFunction{name = '#invoke', args = pfargs}
return p