Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
// The Wikipedia Adventure Mission 5
( function ( window, document, $, mw, gt ) {
//automatic api:edit function to send yourself messages
function sendTalkMessage( targetPage, msgPage, linkTo, overwrite, isTalkPost) {
if(!mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
alert( "Please login." );
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// Don't send duplicate badges/talk posts
window.location.href = linkTo;
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// Check for duplicate badges literally
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'action' : 'edit',
'title' : targetPage,
'text' : text,
'summary' : 'New Message (simulated automatically as part of [[WP:The Wikipedia Adventure|The Wikipedia Adventure]])',
'token' : result.tokens.csrftoken
} ).done( function () {
window.location.href = linkTo;
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name: 'twa5',
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title: 'We\'re on! ',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="right">[[File:TWA_guide_right_top.png|link=]]</div>SocraTease riddled us with a puzzling question: How do we know if information on Wikipedia is true?<br><br>This is a special question--that needs a special place to get a wise answer.<br><br>'),
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title: 'What\'s this Teahouse place?',
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name: '<big>←</big>',
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name: 'Drink some Tea',
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title: 'Teahouse = Awesome.',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="left">[[File:TWA_guide_left_top.png|link=]]</div>Asking for help is part of becoming a great editor. There\'s a lot to learn here, and lots of people who will lend you a hand.<br><br>'),
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name: 'Share the riddle with Teahouse',
action: 'next',
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}, {
title: 'Ask away!',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br>Truth and Wikipedia<br><br>"Hi, I\'m new here and trying to learn more about Wikipedia. I was wondering, how do you know that anything on Wikipedia is *true*?"<br><br>'),
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name: 'Post it!',
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title: 'Asking is Awesome',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('NEW TOOL EARNED: <b>Researcher Badge</b><div class="center">[[File:TWA badge 7.png|250px|link=]]</div><br>Hey, you got a notification that someone replied to your Teahouse question<br>'),
attachTo: '',
position: 'topRight',
autoFocus: 'yes',
overlay: false,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
buttons: [ {
name: '<big>←</big>',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/Teahouse' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=4'
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name: 'Check out the reply',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/Teahouse/2' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=6'
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false,
}, {
title: 'This is important',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="right">[[File:TWA_guide_right_top.png|link=]]</div>So, we only write what we can verify in a published source. Not your own experience, original research, or personal opinions. Just published info.<br><br>'),
overlay: false,
attachTo: '',
position: 'bottomRight',
closeOnClickOutside: false,
buttons: [ {
name: '<big>←</big>',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/Teahouse/1' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=5'
} , {
name: 'Dig into Verifiability*',
onclick: function() { sendTalkMessage( 'User:' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ), 'Wikipedia:TWA/Badge/7template2' , mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/5/V' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=7', false, false); }
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
}, {
title: 'Challenge yourself BELOW...',
description: 'Hint: you can learn as much from getting it wrong as getting it right. And you can always try again!',
overlay: false,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
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buttons: [ {
name: '<big>←</big>',
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title: 'You\'ve got Verifi-ability',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('NEW TOOL EARNED: <b>Verifiability Badge</b><div class="center">[[File:TWA badge 8.png|250px|link=]]</div><br>Let\'s put this new knowledge to use!<br>'),
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closeOnClickOutside: false,
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name: '<big>←</big>',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/5/V' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=7'
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name: 'Check your messages*',
onclick: function() { sendTalkMessage( 'User talk:' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) + '/TWA', 'Wikipedia:TWA/MyTalk/5' , mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=9', false, true); }
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allowAutomaticOkay: false
} , {
title: 'Seeking sources',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="left">[[File:TWA_guide_left_top.png|link=]]</div>Let\'s see what GaiaGirl came up with</br>'),
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action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/5/Start' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=8'
} , {
name: 'Head to Earth\'s talk page*',
onclick: function() { sendTalkMessage( 'User talk:' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ) + '/TWA/Earth', 'Wikipedia:TWA/Earth/Talk/1' , mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=10', true, true); }
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
} , {
title: '3 Sources',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="left">[[File:TWA_guide_left_top.png|link=]]</div>It looks like GaiaGirl gave you some options.<br><br>Verifiability tells us we want published reliable sources with a reputation for fact-checking and accuracy. Sources we can rely on.<br><br> '),
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url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=9'
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name: 'Which one of these would be best??',
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} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
}, {
title: 'Challenge yourself BELOW...',
description: 'Hint: you can learn as much from getting it wrong as getting it right. And you can always try again!',
position: 'bottom',
overlay: false,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
allowAutomaticOkay: false,
buttons: [ {
name: '<big>←</big>',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=10'
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title: 'You\'re getting pretty reliable yourself',
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url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/5/RS' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=11'
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name: 'Reply to GaiaGirl*',
onclick: function() { sendTalkMessage( 'User:' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ), 'Wikipedia:TWA/Badge/9template2' , mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/5/Start' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=13', false, false); }
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}, {
title: 'What now?',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="right">[[File:TWA_guide_right_top.png|link=]]</div>Now that we have the source, what do we do with it?<br><br>First, let\'s leave a note on the talk page telling GaiaGirl86 about our thoughts.<br><br>Hmm... what to say?<br><br>'),
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name: 'Reply to GaiaGirl',
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url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Wikipedia:TWA/5/Reply' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=14'
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
} , {
title: 'Challenge yourself BELOW...',
description: 'Hint: you can learn as much from getting it wrong as getting it right. And you can always try again!',
position: 'bottom',
overlay: false,
closeOnClickOutside: false,
allowAutomaticOkay: false,
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name: '<big>←</big>',
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title: 'Reply to GaiaGirl',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br>Click REPLY so you can leave your reply to GaiaGirl<br><br>'),
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overlay: false,
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allowAutomaticOkay: false,
buttons: [ {
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title: 'Copy your message into the textbox',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br><div align="right">[[File:TWA_guide_right_top.png|link=]]</div>Nature Reviews Earth and Environment looks like a solid and relevant source with a good reputation. I think we can rely on it more than the others for this article. Nice research!<br>'),
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url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=15'
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name: 'Copied',
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name: '<big>←</big>',
action: 'externalLink',
url: mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:MyTalk/TWA/Earth' ) + '?tour=twa5&step=15'
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name: 'Journey deeper*',
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title: 'Mission 5 complete!',
description: new gt.WikitextDescription('<br>[[File:Northern mountains (short).ogg]]<br><b>Journey on to mission 6...</b>'),
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name: 'Congrats me!',
action: 'end'
} ],
allowAutomaticOkay: false
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