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/* On-Wiki calculator script. See [[Template:Calculator]]. Created by [[User:Bawolff]]. Forked from https://mdwiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-calculator.js (released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 and 4.0 International Public License). See original source for attribution history
 * This script is designed with security in mind. Possible security risks:
 *  * Having a formula that executes JS
 *  ** To prevent this we do not use eval(). Instead we parse the formula with our own parser into an abstract tree that we evaluate by walking through it
 *  ** Form submission & DOM clobbering - we prefix the name (and id) attribute of all fields to prevent conflicts
 *  ** Style injection - we take the style attribute from an existing element that was sanitized by MW. We do not take style from a data attribute.
 *  ** Client-side DoS - Formulas aren't evaluated without user interaction. Formulas have a max length. Max number of widgets per page. Ultimately, easy to revert slow formulas just like any other vandalism.
 * Essentially the code works by replacing certain <span> tags with <input>, parsing a custom formula language, setting up a dependency graph based on identifiers, and re-evaluating formulas on change.
(function () {

	var itemList = {};
	var backlinks = {};
	var inProgressRefresh;
	var mathFuncs = [ 'abs', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'ceil', 'cos', 'cosh', 'exp', 'floor', 'hypot',
		'log', 'log10', 'log2', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'random', 'round', 'sign', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trunc' ];
	var otherFuncs = [ 'ifzero', 'coalesce', 'iffinite', 'ifnan', 'ifpositive' ];
	var allFuncs = mathFuncs.concat(otherFuncs);

	// Start parser code.
	var Numb = function(n) {
		if ( typeof n === 'number' ) {
			this.value = n;
		this.value = parseFloat(n);
	Numb.prototype.toString = function () { return 'Number<' + this.value + '>'; }

	var Ident = function(n) {
		this.value = n;
	Ident.prototype.toString = function () { return 'IDENT<' + this.value + '>'; }

	var Operator = function(val, args) {
		this.op = val;
		this.args = args;
	var Null = function() { }

	var Parser = function( text ) {
		this.text = text;

	var terminals = {
		'IDENT': /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/,
		'NUMBER': /^-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][0-9]+)*/,
		'WS': /^\s*/,
		'PLUSMINUS': /^[+-]/,
		'pi': /^(?:pi|π)(?![A-z_0-9-])/i,
		'Infinity': /^Infinity(?![A-z_0-9-])/i,
		'-Infinity': /^Infinity(?![A-z_0-9-])/i,
		'NaN': /^NaN(?![A-z_0-9-])/i,
		'MULTIPLYDIV': /^[*\/%×÷]/i,

	Parser.prototype = {
		check: function(id) {
			if ( terminals[id] ) {
				return !!(this.text.match(terminals[id]))	
			return this.text.startsWith( id )
		consume: function(id) {
			if ( terminals[id] ) {
				var res = this.text.match(terminals[id]);
				this.text = this.text.substring( res[0].length );
				return res[0];
			if ( this.text.startsWith( id ) ) {
				this.text = this.text.substring(id.length);
				return id;
			throw new Error( "Expected " + id);

		parse: function () {
			if ( this.text === undefined || this.text === '' ) return new Null();
			this.consume( 'WS' );
			res = this.expression();
			if( this.text.length !== 0 ) {
				throw new Error( "Unexpected end of text" );
			return res;

		expression: function () {
			var text2, res, res2;
			res = this.term();
			this.consume( 'WS' );
			while ( this.check( "PLUSMINUS" )) {
				var op = this.consume( "PLUSMINUS" );
				res2 = this.term();
				res = new Operator( op, [ res, res2 ] );
			return res;

		argList: function () {
			var args = [];
			this.consume( 'WS' );
			if ( this.check( ')' ) ) {
				this.consume( ')' );
				return args;
			args[args.length] = this.expression();
			this.consume( 'WS' );

			while ( this.check( ',' ) ) {
				this.consume( ',' );
				this.consume( 'WS' );
				args[args.length] = this.expression();
			this.consume( 'WS' );
			this.consume( ')' );
			return args;
		term: function () {
			var text2, res, res2;
			res = this.factor();
			this.consume( 'WS' );
			while ( this.check( "MULTIPLYDIV" )) {
				var op = this.consume( "MULTIPLYDIV" );
				if ( op === '×' ) op = '*';
				if ( op === '÷' ) op = '/';
				res2 = this.term();
				res = new Operator( op, [ res, res2 ] );
			return res;
		factor: function () {
			if ( this.check( 'pi' ) ) {
				this.consume( 'pi' );
				return new Numb( Math.PI )
			if ( this.check( 'Infinity' ) ) {
				this.consume( 'Infinity'  );
				return new Numb( Infinity );
			if ( this.check( '-Infinity' ) ) {
				this.consume( '-Infinity'  );
				return new Numb( -Infinity );
			if ( this.check( 'NaN' ) ) {
				this.consume( 'NaN'  );
				return new Numb( NaN );

			for ( var i in allFuncs ) {
				if ( this.check( allFuncs[i] + '(' ) ) {
					this.consume(allFuncs[i] + '(');
					var argList = this.argList()
					return new Operator( allFuncs[i], argList );

			if ( this.check( 'IDENT' ) ) {
				return new Ident( this.consume( 'IDENT' ) );
			if ( this.check( 'NUMBER' ) ) {
				return new Numb( this.consume( 'NUMBER' ) );

			if ( this.check( '(' ) ) {
				this.consume( '(' );
				res = this.expression();
				this.consume( ')' );
				return res;
			throw new Error( "Expected term");
	// End parser code.

	// Evaluate the value of an AST at runtime.
	var evaluate = function( ast ) {
		if ( ast instanceof Numb ) {
			return ast.value;
		if ( ast instanceof Ident ) {
			var elm = document.getElementById( 'calculator-field-' + ast.value );
			if ( elm.tagName === 'INPUT' ) {
				if ( elm.type === 'radio' || elm.type === 'checkbox' ) {
					return elm.checked ? 1 : 0;
				return parseFloat( elm.value );
			} else {
				return parseFloat( elm.textContent );
		if ( ast instanceof Operator ) {
			evaledArgs = ast.args.map( evaluate );
			if ( mathFuncs.indexOf(ast.op) !== -1 ) {
				return Math[ast.op].apply( Math, evaledArgs );
			if ( 'coalesce' === ast.op ) {
				for ( var k = 0; k < evaledArgs.length; k++ ) {
					if ( !isNaN( evaledArgs[k] ) ) {
						return evaledArgs[k];
				return NaN;
			if ( 'ifzero' === ast.op ) {
				if ( evaledArgs.length !== 3 ) {
					return NaN;
				return Math.abs( evaledArgs[0] ) < 1e-15 ? evaledArgs[1] : evaledArgs[2];
			if ( 'iffinite' === ast.op ) {
				if ( evaledArgs.length !== 3 ) {
					return NaN;
				return isFinite( evaledArgs[0] ) ? evaledArgs[1] : evaledArgs[2];
			if ( 'ifnan' === ast.op ) {
				if ( evaledArgs.length !== 3 ) {
					return NaN;
				return isNaN( evaledArgs[0] ) ? evaledArgs[1] : evaledArgs[2];
			if ( 'ifpositive' === ast.op ) {
				if ( evaledArgs.length !== 3 ) {
					return NaN;
				return evaledArgs[0] >= 0 ? evaledArgs[1] : evaledArgs[2]

			if ( evaledArgs.length !== 2 ) {
				throw new Error( "Unexpected number of args for " + ast.op );
			if ( ast.op === '*' ) return evaledArgs[0]*evaledArgs[1];
			if ( ast.op === '/' ) return evaledArgs[0]/evaledArgs[1];
			if ( ast.op === '+' ) return evaledArgs[0]+evaledArgs[1];
			if ( ast.op === '-' ) return evaledArgs[0]-evaledArgs[1];
			if ( ast.op === '%' ) return evaledArgs[0]%evaledArgs[1];
			throw new Error( "Unrecognized operator " + ast.op );
		return NaN;

	// Start dependency graph code

	var getIdentifiers = function( tree ) {
		if ( tree instanceof Ident ) {
			return new Set([tree.value]);
		if ( tree instanceof Operator ) {
			var res = new Set([]);
			for ( var i = 0; i < tree.args.length; i++ ) {
				getIdentifiers( tree.args[i] ).forEach( function (x) { res.add(x) } );
			return res;
		return new Set();

	var buildBacklinks = function (items) {
		var backlinks = {};
		for ( var item in items ) {
			var idents = getIdentifiers( items[item] );
			// Set does not do for..in loops, and this version MW forbids for..of
			idents.forEach( function (ident) {
				if ( !backlinks[ident] ) {
						backlinks[ident] = [];
				backlinks[ident].push( item );
			} );
		return backlinks;

	// End dependency graph code

	// Start code that does setup and HTML interaction.
	var setup = function() {
		var elms = Array.from( document.getElementsByClassName( 'calculator-field' ) );
		if (elms.length > 200) {
			console.log( "Too many calculator widgets on page" );
		for ( var i in elms ) {
			elm = elms[i];
			var formula = elm.dataset.calculatorFormula;
			if ( formula && formula.length > 2000 ) {
				console.log( "Skipping element with too long formula" );
			var type = elm.dataset.calculatorType;
			var readonly = !!elm.dataset.calculatorReadonly;
			var id = elm.id;
			var defaultVal = elm.textContent;
			if ( type === undefined || !id.match( /^calculator-field-[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/ ) ) {
				console.log( "Skipping " + id );

			try {
				var formulaAST = (new Parser( formula )).parse();
			} catch( e ) {
				console.log( "Error parsing formula of " + id + ": " + e.message );
			if ( type !== 'plain' ) {
				var input = document.createElement( 'input' );
				input.className = 'calculator-field';
				input.readOnly = readonly
				input.value = parseFloat(defaultVal);
				input.style.cssText = elm.style.cssText; // This should be safe because elm's css was sanitized by MW
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorSize ) {
					var size = parseInt( elm.dataset.calculatorSize );
					input.size = size
					// Browsers are pretty inconsistent so also set as css
					input.style.width = type === 'number' ? ( size + 2 ) + 'ch' : size + 'ch';
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorSize ) input.size = elm.dataset.calculatorSize
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorMax ) input.max = elm.dataset.calculatorMax
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorMin ) input.min = elm.dataset.calculatorMin
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorPlaceholder ) input.placeholder = elm.dataset.calculatorPlaceholder
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorStep ) input.step = elm.dataset.calculatorStep
				// Name is primarily for radio groups. Prefix to prevent dom clobbering or in case it ends up in a form somehow.
				if ( elm.dataset.calculatorName ) input.name = 'calcgadget-' + elm.dataset.calculatorName
				if ( type === 'number' || type === 'text' || type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox' ) {
					input.type = type;
				if ( type === 'radio' || type === 'checkbox' ) {
					input.onchange = changeHandler; // some browsers dont fire oninput for checkboxrs/radio
					if ( !isNaN( defaultVal ) && Math.abs( defaultVal ) > 1e-15 ) {
						input.checked = true;
				input.id = elm.id;
				elm.replaceWith( input );
				elm = input;
				input.oninput = changeHandler;
			var itemId = id.replace( /^calculator-field-/, '' );
			itemList[itemId] = formulaAST;
		backlinks = buildBacklinks( itemList );

	var changeHandler = function(e) {
		console.log( "Change happened!" );
		inProgressRefresh = {};
		var itemId = e.target.id.replace( /^calculator-field-/, '' );
		inProgressRefresh[itemId] = true;
		for ( var i in backlinks[itemId] ) {
			refresh( backlinks[itemId][i] );
		if ( e.target.type === 'radio' ) {
			// when a radio element gets checked, others get unchecked.
			var otherElms = document.getElementsByName( e.target.name );
			for ( var l = 0; l < otherElms.length; l++ ) {
				if ( otherElms[l].id === e.target.id ) {
				var oElmId = otherElms[l].id.replace( /^calculator-field-/, '' );
				if ( backlinks[oElmId] ) {
					for ( var k in backlinks[oElmId] ) {
						refresh( backlinks[oElmId][k] );
		inProgressRefresh = undefined;

	var refresh = function (itemId) {
		if ( !itemList[itemId] || itemList[itemId] instanceof Null ) {
			// This should not happen.
			console.log( "Tried to refresh field with no formula" );
		if ( inProgressRefresh[itemId] ) {
			console.log( "Loop Detected! Skipping " + itemId );
		inProgressRefresh[itemId] = true;
		var res = evaluate( itemList[itemId] );
		var elm = document.getElementById( "calculator-field-" + itemId );
		if ( elm.tagName === 'INPUT' ) {
			elm.value = res;
			if ( elm.type === 'radio' || elm.type === 'checkbox' ) {
				elm.checked = !isNaN( res ) && Math.abs( res ) > 1e-15
		} else {
			elm.textContent = res;
		for ( var i in backlinks[itemId] ) {
			refresh( backlinks[itemId][i] );

	$( setup );
} )();