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'''Lionsgate Home Entertainment''' is the home [[video]] and [[DVD]] distribution arm of the Canadian-based [[Lions Gate Entertainment]]. Its library of more than 8000 films owes some of its size to output deals with other studios. Mainly concerned with the distribution of the Lions Gate film library, it also distributes [[Mattel]]'s [[Barbie]]-branded videos, as well as [[Clifford the Big Red Dog]] videos from [[Scholastic]] and [[Stickin' Around]] videos from [[Nelvana]].
'''Lionsgate Home Entertainment''' is the home [[video]] and [[DVD]] distribution arm of [[Lions Gate Entertainment]]. Its library of more than 8000 films owes some of its size to output deals with other studios. Mainly concerned with the distribution of the Lions Gate film library, it also distributes [[Mattel]]'s [[Barbie]]-branded videos, as well as [[Clifford the Big Red Dog]] videos from [[Scholastic]] and [[Stickin' Around]] videos from [[Nelvana]].

It was previously named Cinépix Film Properties Inc. (CFP). In 2001, in Québec, the company renamed it Crystial Films, and in Ontario and other Canadian countries, [[Maple Pictures]].
It was previously named Cinépix Film Properties Inc. (CFP). In 2001, in Québec, the company renamed it Crystial Films, and in Ontario and other Canadian countries, Maple Pictures.

Lionsgate Home Entertainment Movies are released on DVD and exclusively on [[Blu-ray Disc]].

The people at Lionsgate Home Entertainment seem to really hate [[ALF (TV series)|ALF]] fans for some reason.

==What people have to say about Lionsgates treatment towards ALF==
==TV series releases==

"This would have been the perfect opportunity for a small outfit like Shout! Factory, or the Canadian company which released 3 uncut episodes on DVD, but they pissed it away to a company with such unmitigated contempt for consumers, that is so blissfully unaware of its own arrogance and stupidity. That's worse than not having it at all."
* [[ALF (TV series)|ALF]]
* [[Boomtown (TV series)|Boomtown]]
* [[Moonlighting (TV series)|Moonlighting]]
* [[Saturday Night Live]]
* [[Saved by the Bell]]
* [[Speed Racer]]
* [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987 TV series)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]
* [[The Dead Zone (TV series)|The Dead Zone]]
* [[The Dresden Files (TV series)|The Dresden Files]]
* [[Weeds (TV series)|Weeds]]
* [[Will & Grace]]

"Yes! At least when Carsey-Werner released cut versions of season 1 of Roseanne and Cosby Show, they listened to the outcry of the fans and are now releasing future seasons uncut. Lion's Gate is just plain disrespectful to their fans."
==External links==
* [http://www.lionsgateshop.com/ Official website]

"I will never forgive any of the parties involved. Long-forgotten, poorly-made bombs get better DVD treatment than a successful show such as ALF? And they turn a blind eye to their own incompetence."
[[Category:Film distributors]]

[[Category:Media companies of Canada]]
“They're not even better quality; it's just easier for them to use the cut-up episodes and cheaper for them not to clear music. Check out the Canadian-only episode compilation "The ALF Files." Episodes are uncut and look terrific. For this manuever, Lions Gate = lame.”

“I refuse to buy season 1 & season 2. It seems that Lion's Gate didn't get the message & they keep using the same excuses.”

“They should hand the rights over to some QUALIFIED and COMPETENT dvd production company.”

“Multiply 3 x 24 and see what you are Missing in Minutes, then tell All Of Us That it's still NO Big Deal.

BTW-look at the Run Time on the back of The DVD Case it says 616 Minutes, Add it up sometime, that in itself is the 2nd Biggest LIE on the DVD Case, 616 is the Actual Run-Time for the Un-Cut Complete Versions, So you are being LIED to by Lions Gate and just Accepting it, The 1st is the word(Complete).

It's like someone saying that you just won $100.00 and when you go to get your Money they tell you that the Decimal Point was in the Wrong place and you Actually only Won $10.00. But hey that's OK with you, cause you don't mind being Shorted.”

“I've been waiting and waiting for ALF to come to DVD like all these other oldy but goodie shows. It finally arrives and all the episodes are edited and missing tons of funny moments!!! I was soooooooo disappointed I almost returned the DVDs. I used to worship this show as a kid and I usually taped each episode and watched it over and over again. Being so familiar with the episodes I noticed it immediately when a line or scene was gone! What a bummer - all these other TV shows are being released on DVD in their entirety - NO respect for the old Alfer or his fans!!! :-(“

“Love the show, but hate this DVD set. I can only hope Lion's Gate revisits this show on HD-DVD and does it right, with UNCUT episodes. Until I get whole episodes, I won't buy them.”

“It is very sad that Lions Gate released ALF in a syndicated version meaning that there is 4-5 minutes of original programming missing. Also it is sad that there are reviewers who give this 5 stars even though the program is not complete. To illustrate to those misguided 5 star reviewers next time you go to a baseball game stay for only for 7 innings, or next football game stay for only 3 quarters. Or next time you watch your favorite program turn it off with 5 minutes left. I will give you all a dollar, if you will use it to buy a clue.”

“In this day and age, there is no reason to present truncated episodes of a TV show on DVD. Well, okay, there are two reasons: cheapness (and we know Lion's Gate/Artisan is that) and a complete disdain for the audience (ditto). Shame on them.”

“In the case of "Too Close For Comfort" or "ALF", it is sheer stupidity mixed with a healthy dose of laziness and apathy. Compounding the felony (so to speak) were the fictional and pathetic excuses that Lion's Gate and Rhino produced to explain away the situation. It is this kind of conduct that really erodes the base of consumers who would be willing to lay their money down to support the industry in exchange for quality products.”

“Well although I didn't purchase season one due to the cuts, I heeded some of the members' advice and decided to give Lion's Gate the benefit of the doubt in the hopes that they'll do right by the second season. What a mistake that was!! If season 2 were to contain the broadcast episodes, I would've probably given in and purchased the first set. But now, forget it. They couldn't care less about the consumer. The outcry following the season one set was huge. It's obvious those cries have fallen on deaf ears. Shame. I would've loved to own this show, but it's not going to happen. Not while they insist on releasing the syndicated episodes.

I don't understand their logic. Releasing the syndicated eps because they look better. I'd frankly prefer inferior quality as opposed to lopped episodes. I think someone over there needs to wake up and smell the toast. No sale.”

“Well, I had been suckered in and bought season 1 on streetdate and watched it right away so I was S.O.L. Well, I had said that I'd not buy season 2 on release and wait and find out if the episodes were cut or not.

At least I know I won't have to wait to find out the answer...and I won't be buying this release. I can't and won't defend the studio this time because to me this doesn't make any good business sense. I'll defend a studio's decision even if as a fan I don't agree with or like it, if I think it’s a sound business decision but in this case I don't so I can't and won't defend them.”

“Same for me. It looks like Lion's Gate refuses to get the message. As Juan Books mentioned, we will have to add Lion's Gate to the list of companies who are our enemies."

“And it appears that, even though there was quite a bit of outrage when season 1 was released, Lions Gate doesn't give a sh*t, as they will release season 2 in the same fashion, according to tvshowsondvd.com
No way I'm gonna buy that one.”

“I love ALF, and was so excited when I heard Season One was coming, but I held off because of the cut episodes. I can't believe Lions Gate is doing this again! They haven't learned at all, or they just don't care. I wish Paul Fusco would pull the license, but I get the feeling he doesn't really care either. Lions Gate is a great company for movies, but terrible for DVDs.”

“I had received s.1 for Christmas but took it back knowing that they were cut episodes. It's ridiculous that after all the outcry they would have the nerve to put out s.2 with cut episodes. I really would like ALF on DVD but not a shoddy version.”

“I was talking to a friend tonight and he pointed out how preposterous that statement is, that 3rd generation syndication dubs are better quality than the 1-inch masters. Here I was all these years thinking that my masters were the best quality when I could have dubbed my tapes down 2 generations and they would have been better preserved.
Hey, Lions Gate, tell the truth. You don't have a one-inch machine and you're too cheap and too lazy to locate one. You have the syndication masters on nice, convenient Beta SP tapes and you don't have to put in any effort to use those so that's what you use.”

“Is Lion's Gate really using BetaSP tapes for their ALF source material? I know that the Dark Shadows DVDs are being sourced from BetaSP because I've seen a few of the telltale dropouts that occur when they don't keep the decks meticulously clean. But other than that, I had hoped that the majority of TV on DVD was being sourced from better component sources such as D1. It should also be pointed out that for the DVD release, Dark Shadows had fresh transfers made from the original master tapes. What tape format they were using in the late '60s is beyond me, but I believe videotape was in its infancy. If they can still get usable copies from these tapes (which were not stored under favorable conditions for a number of years), there's no reason they can't do the same with the ALF master tapes which are 20 years younger.

In any event, I didn't buy the first season of ALF and I won't be buying anything from Lion's Gate until they get off their rocker and do the right thing. They've had plenty of opportunity to rectify this situation and failed miserably.

“Well I complained to LGF and recived no response so what should do? Forgive? No way.

The companies think we are the 1% that care so to me they don't really care and anyone that takes pride in their company or job (the workers) should feel shame.

I work in the retail busniess and if I knew I was selling the customer CRAP product I would make sure it was NOT sold let alone on the shelf I take pride in my company and job. I have done this many times and my store owner thanks me for it when new gets out and guess what we don't sell the product.”

“As far as I'm concerned, if it's not uncut, ALF is not on DVD except in the single-disc VSC release. If only they had done the season set...”

“What really bothers me is that upon release of the first season, TVshowsonDVD posted a news item in reference to the syndicated episodes.....then Lion's Gate informs them to REMOVE the news item until a legitimate explanation can be given. Now here it is, January 2005, and we're still waiting for a response. They were quick to respond when the news item was posted, because of course, they wanted to cover their ass. But why aren't they just as quick to give us a reason why the syndicated episodes were used? They've had more than enough time. It's hard to defend a company who can't even give their customers that kind of decency.”

“Their excuse doesn't even make any sense. Why would the syndicated masters, which were copied from the originals, look better than the originals themselves? The quality of the Canadian "ALF Files" DVD (which had uncut episodes) looked pretty good to me.”

”Not releasing the original 24-25 minutes episodes Lionsgate are showing disrespect for ALF, american culture and last but not least: Their customers!

Only a Lionsgate-employée or a person who has never seen the original versions would even consider to give this garbage more than 2 stars.
Giving it 5 stars must be some kind of a joke! Why would anyone in their right mind give this message to Lionsgate: "We are satisfied with cut episodes - don't mind us, just carry on making cheap releases and make a lot of money"

“I bought Season 1 knowing full well that it was edited, as this was my favorite childhood sitcom and hadn't seen it regularly in years. Big mistake. The chopped up episodes, which were edited for syndication AND music, really bummed me out more than I thought they would. (at least one entire scene, along with portions of others were removed because of music issues!) This is not the same show I watched as a kid on NBC. I don't know why the hell Lions Gate licensed this series in the first place...they obviously don't care about the show, or its fans. I am NOT buying seasons 2-4 edited. Lions Gate are remastering Moonlighting and keeping its original music intact, which is great, but they're not doing squat for Alf. As an Alf fan, I am truly insulted by this nonsense...”

“Uncut in poor qaulity? BS Lions Gate, I'm not buying your story or these DVDs”

“Alf was always on my "maybe someday" DVD list. Mildly entertaining (in a silly way), the type of thing that I'd pop in every once in a long while when I just wanted to veg.

However, I wasn't on the fence for long. Lion's Gate made it painfully easy to make a decision -- I didn't buy Season 1. I won't be buying Season 2.

Syndicated cut episodes?!? Idiots.”

“How much money did Lion's Gate make in rentals for Fahrenheit 911, which they didn't even produce?

And how much would it cost to digitize 102 uncut half-hour shows?

The temptation to chew these people out verbally is strong and I'm doing all I can to resist. “

“I bought that set knowing full well that the episodes were the syndication edits as opposed to the original NBC versions, yet I bought it anyway. Alf was my favorite childhood show, and I still love it today, so there was no way I wasn't buying that set, especially since Alf isn't currently airing on TV. Well, I've had the set since early August...and yet I haven't even considered watching it yet. The fact that the episodes are syndication edits completely sours me on the set, and its been sitting on the shelf since I got it. (if the eps were indeed uncut, I would've had that whole set watched within a week of owning it)”

“I actually sent Lions Gate a 1-page handwritten letter back in September letting them know that I had pre-ordered Season 1 but cancelled it when I found out they used syndicated master tapes, and that if they wanted me to buy Season 2 (or any future DVD releases from them), they'd have to go back to the original network tapes. Now that I see how much they value their customers, I'm blacklisting their entire catalogue. They want to vote with their cheapness, laziness and lack of quality? Great, I just voted with my wallet.”

“That's why I'm so confused. ALF started around 86 or 87 because i remember watching it when I was in 7th grade. How in the hell can the originals be in bad shape when this show is less tha 20 years old?-lol Mind Boggling”

“I wish we could force every one not to but the DVDs. With this news I will never buy any products from lions gate unless they rectify ALF or another company makes uncut sets of it taking the rights from lions gate to further profit off of crap they pawn off to consumers”.

“I work in the industry and this story that they are using the pre-cut tapes because the originals are in poor shape is BS. The show is less than 20 years old and unless they took the 1-inch masters and stored them in some damp basement (highly unlikely), they will be fine. The Judy Garland Show was shot on 2-inch in 1963 and the transfers are pristine. LG is trying to claim that a show recorded 25 years later has deteriorated. Come on. They are too cheap and or too lazy to go through the trouble and expense of remastering the show from the original videotapes.”
www.hometheaterforum.com message board

“Edited syndicated versions? I think if you took a survey of any buyers of TV season sets..."Would you rather have a pristine set of edited shows or a less-than-pristine set of unedited shows?"...I'd bet that 90% or more would opt for the uncut versions. After all, how bad could a 15-year-old show be at this point? I'll buy this set just for the unaired pilot episode, but if Seasons 2, 3 & 4 are also the edited versions then I'll take a pass and just watch my old VHS tapes.”

“Lion's Gate is the perfect example of corporate hubris. They release cut episodes of ALF season 1, insist they were of better quality, force TVshowsondvd.com to remove their explanation, refuse to address complaints adequately, and continue on their merry arrogant way with season 2.”

"I do not buy any Lionsgate DVDs whatsoever because of the ALF debacle, and I never will. I don't go to their movies either because that was such a great insult, not only releasing syndicated versions but making FURTHER cuts to them, turning a deaf ear to the fans who complained."

I will never buy a Lions' Gate DVD or Blu-Ray until ALF is reissued uncut by some company anywhere on Earth."

"Ironically, ALF had been shown uncut in its first cycle on Hallmark Channel (when it was still Odyssey), and I managed to snag most of the episodes from there on SVHS. They even had the NBC "In Stereo Where Available" tags with the then-current Odyssey logo plastered over the peacock. So no-go. But I was lucky. Apparently many people didn't get the channel at the time. It looked pretty good (in spite of Time Warner Cable's reception problems with that channel), along with the 3-uncut-episode Canadian DVD, which makes Liar's Gate "the syndicated tapes were in better condition" excuse total BS."

"Lions Gate Home Entertainment: This is one lion who sure isn't king of the DVD jungle. They should be forbidden by law from ever releasing any TV show ever again. After the ALF debacle I will never, ever purchase anything from them again"

Revision as of 23:30, 20 April 2008

Lionsgate Home Entertainment is the home video and DVD distribution arm of Lions Gate Entertainment. Its library of more than 8000 films owes some of its size to output deals with other studios. Mainly concerned with the distribution of the Lions Gate film library, it also distributes Mattel's Barbie-branded videos, as well as Clifford the Big Red Dog videos from Scholastic and Stickin' Around videos from Nelvana.

It was previously named Cinépix Film Properties Inc. (CFP). In 2001, in Québec, the company renamed it Crystial Films, and in Ontario and other Canadian countries, Maple Pictures.

What people have to say about Lionsgates treatment towards ALF

"This would have been the perfect opportunity for a small outfit like Shout! Factory, or the Canadian company which released 3 uncut episodes on DVD, but they pissed it away to a company with such unmitigated contempt for consumers, that is so blissfully unaware of its own arrogance and stupidity. That's worse than not having it at all."

"Yes! At least when Carsey-Werner released cut versions of season 1 of Roseanne and Cosby Show, they listened to the outcry of the fans and are now releasing future seasons uncut. Lion's Gate is just plain disrespectful to their fans."

"I will never forgive any of the parties involved. Long-forgotten, poorly-made bombs get better DVD treatment than a successful show such as ALF? And they turn a blind eye to their own incompetence."

“They're not even better quality; it's just easier for them to use the cut-up episodes and cheaper for them not to clear music. Check out the Canadian-only episode compilation "The ALF Files." Episodes are uncut and look terrific. For this manuever, Lions Gate = lame.”

“I refuse to buy season 1 & season 2. It seems that Lion's Gate didn't get the message & they keep using the same excuses.”

“They should hand the rights over to some QUALIFIED and COMPETENT dvd production company.”

“Multiply 3 x 24 and see what you are Missing in Minutes, then tell All Of Us That it's still NO Big Deal.

BTW-look at the Run Time on the back of The DVD Case it says 616 Minutes, Add it up sometime, that in itself is the 2nd Biggest LIE on the DVD Case, 616 is the Actual Run-Time for the Un-Cut Complete Versions, So you are being LIED to by Lions Gate and just Accepting it, The 1st is the word(Complete).

It's like someone saying that you just won $100.00 and when you go to get your Money they tell you that the Decimal Point was in the Wrong place and you Actually only Won $10.00. But hey that's OK with you, cause you don't mind being Shorted.”

“I've been waiting and waiting for ALF to come to DVD like all these other oldy but goodie shows. It finally arrives and all the episodes are edited and missing tons of funny moments!!! I was soooooooo disappointed I almost returned the DVDs. I used to worship this show as a kid and I usually taped each episode and watched it over and over again. Being so familiar with the episodes I noticed it immediately when a line or scene was gone! What a bummer - all these other TV shows are being released on DVD in their entirety - NO respect for the old Alfer or his fans!!! :-(“

“Love the show, but hate this DVD set. I can only hope Lion's Gate revisits this show on HD-DVD and does it right, with UNCUT episodes. Until I get whole episodes, I won't buy them.”

“It is very sad that Lions Gate released ALF in a syndicated version meaning that there is 4-5 minutes of original programming missing. Also it is sad that there are reviewers who give this 5 stars even though the program is not complete. To illustrate to those misguided 5 star reviewers next time you go to a baseball game stay for only for 7 innings, or next football game stay for only 3 quarters. Or next time you watch your favorite program turn it off with 5 minutes left. I will give you all a dollar, if you will use it to buy a clue.”

“In this day and age, there is no reason to present truncated episodes of a TV show on DVD. Well, okay, there are two reasons: cheapness (and we know Lion's Gate/Artisan is that) and a complete disdain for the audience (ditto). Shame on them.”

“In the case of "Too Close For Comfort" or "ALF", it is sheer stupidity mixed with a healthy dose of laziness and apathy. Compounding the felony (so to speak) were the fictional and pathetic excuses that Lion's Gate and Rhino produced to explain away the situation. It is this kind of conduct that really erodes the base of consumers who would be willing to lay their money down to support the industry in exchange for quality products.”

“Well although I didn't purchase season one due to the cuts, I heeded some of the members' advice and decided to give Lion's Gate the benefit of the doubt in the hopes that they'll do right by the second season. What a mistake that was!! If season 2 were to contain the broadcast episodes, I would've probably given in and purchased the first set. But now, forget it. They couldn't care less about the consumer. The outcry following the season one set was huge. It's obvious those cries have fallen on deaf ears. Shame. I would've loved to own this show, but it's not going to happen. Not while they insist on releasing the syndicated episodes.

I don't understand their logic. Releasing the syndicated eps because they look better. I'd frankly prefer inferior quality as opposed to lopped episodes. I think someone over there needs to wake up and smell the toast. No sale.”

“Well, I had been suckered in and bought season 1 on streetdate and watched it right away so I was S.O.L. Well, I had said that I'd not buy season 2 on release and wait and find out if the episodes were cut or not.

At least I know I won't have to wait to find out the answer...and I won't be buying this release. I can't and won't defend the studio this time because to me this doesn't make any good business sense. I'll defend a studio's decision even if as a fan I don't agree with or like it, if I think it’s a sound business decision but in this case I don't so I can't and won't defend them.”

“Same for me. It looks like Lion's Gate refuses to get the message. As Juan Books mentioned, we will have to add Lion's Gate to the list of companies who are our enemies."

“And it appears that, even though there was quite a bit of outrage when season 1 was released, Lions Gate doesn't give a sh*t, as they will release season 2 in the same fashion, according to tvshowsondvd.com No way I'm gonna buy that one.”

“I love ALF, and was so excited when I heard Season One was coming, but I held off because of the cut episodes. I can't believe Lions Gate is doing this again! They haven't learned at all, or they just don't care. I wish Paul Fusco would pull the license, but I get the feeling he doesn't really care either. Lions Gate is a great company for movies, but terrible for DVDs.”

“I had received s.1 for Christmas but took it back knowing that they were cut episodes. It's ridiculous that after all the outcry they would have the nerve to put out s.2 with cut episodes. I really would like ALF on DVD but not a shoddy version.”

“I was talking to a friend tonight and he pointed out how preposterous that statement is, that 3rd generation syndication dubs are better quality than the 1-inch masters. Here I was all these years thinking that my masters were the best quality when I could have dubbed my tapes down 2 generations and they would have been better preserved. Hey, Lions Gate, tell the truth. You don't have a one-inch machine and you're too cheap and too lazy to locate one. You have the syndication masters on nice, convenient Beta SP tapes and you don't have to put in any effort to use those so that's what you use.”

“Is Lion's Gate really using BetaSP tapes for their ALF source material? I know that the Dark Shadows DVDs are being sourced from BetaSP because I've seen a few of the telltale dropouts that occur when they don't keep the decks meticulously clean. But other than that, I had hoped that the majority of TV on DVD was being sourced from better component sources such as D1. It should also be pointed out that for the DVD release, Dark Shadows had fresh transfers made from the original master tapes. What tape format they were using in the late '60s is beyond me, but I believe videotape was in its infancy. If they can still get usable copies from these tapes (which were not stored under favorable conditions for a number of years), there's no reason they can't do the same with the ALF master tapes which are 20 years younger.

In any event, I didn't buy the first season of ALF and I won't be buying anything from Lion's Gate until they get off their rocker and do the right thing. They've had plenty of opportunity to rectify this situation and failed miserably. ”

“Well I complained to LGF and recived no response so what should do? Forgive? No way.

The companies think we are the 1% that care so to me they don't really care and anyone that takes pride in their company or job (the workers) should feel shame.

I work in the retail busniess and if I knew I was selling the customer CRAP product I would make sure it was NOT sold let alone on the shelf I take pride in my company and job. I have done this many times and my store owner thanks me for it when new gets out and guess what we don't sell the product.”

“As far as I'm concerned, if it's not uncut, ALF is not on DVD except in the single-disc VSC release. If only they had done the season set...”

“What really bothers me is that upon release of the first season, TVshowsonDVD posted a news item in reference to the syndicated episodes.....then Lion's Gate informs them to REMOVE the news item until a legitimate explanation can be given. Now here it is, January 2005, and we're still waiting for a response. They were quick to respond when the news item was posted, because of course, they wanted to cover their ass. But why aren't they just as quick to give us a reason why the syndicated episodes were used? They've had more than enough time. It's hard to defend a company who can't even give their customers that kind of decency.”

“Their excuse doesn't even make any sense. Why would the syndicated masters, which were copied from the originals, look better than the originals themselves? The quality of the Canadian "ALF Files" DVD (which had uncut episodes) looked pretty good to me.”

”Not releasing the original 24-25 minutes episodes Lionsgate are showing disrespect for ALF, american culture and last but not least: Their customers!

Only a Lionsgate-employée or a person who has never seen the original versions would even consider to give this garbage more than 2 stars. Giving it 5 stars must be some kind of a joke! Why would anyone in their right mind give this message to Lionsgate: "We are satisfied with cut episodes - don't mind us, just carry on making cheap releases and make a lot of money"

“I bought Season 1 knowing full well that it was edited, as this was my favorite childhood sitcom and hadn't seen it regularly in years. Big mistake. The chopped up episodes, which were edited for syndication AND music, really bummed me out more than I thought they would. (at least one entire scene, along with portions of others were removed because of music issues!) This is not the same show I watched as a kid on NBC. I don't know why the hell Lions Gate licensed this series in the first place...they obviously don't care about the show, or its fans. I am NOT buying seasons 2-4 edited. Lions Gate are remastering Moonlighting and keeping its original music intact, which is great, but they're not doing squat for Alf. As an Alf fan, I am truly insulted by this nonsense...”

“Uncut in poor qaulity? BS Lions Gate, I'm not buying your story or these DVDs”

“Alf was always on my "maybe someday" DVD list. Mildly entertaining (in a silly way), the type of thing that I'd pop in every once in a long while when I just wanted to veg.

However, I wasn't on the fence for long. Lion's Gate made it painfully easy to make a decision -- I didn't buy Season 1. I won't be buying Season 2.

Syndicated cut episodes?!? Idiots.”

“How much money did Lion's Gate make in rentals for Fahrenheit 911, which they didn't even produce?

And how much would it cost to digitize 102 uncut half-hour shows?

The temptation to chew these people out verbally is strong and I'm doing all I can to resist. “

“I bought that set knowing full well that the episodes were the syndication edits as opposed to the original NBC versions, yet I bought it anyway. Alf was my favorite childhood show, and I still love it today, so there was no way I wasn't buying that set, especially since Alf isn't currently airing on TV. Well, I've had the set since early August...and yet I haven't even considered watching it yet. The fact that the episodes are syndication edits completely sours me on the set, and its been sitting on the shelf since I got it. (if the eps were indeed uncut, I would've had that whole set watched within a week of owning it)”

“I actually sent Lions Gate a 1-page handwritten letter back in September letting them know that I had pre-ordered Season 1 but cancelled it when I found out they used syndicated master tapes, and that if they wanted me to buy Season 2 (or any future DVD releases from them), they'd have to go back to the original network tapes. Now that I see how much they value their customers, I'm blacklisting their entire catalogue. They want to vote with their cheapness, laziness and lack of quality? Great, I just voted with my wallet.”

“That's why I'm so confused. ALF started around 86 or 87 because i remember watching it when I was in 7th grade. How in the hell can the originals be in bad shape when this show is less tha 20 years old?-lol Mind Boggling” www.hometheaterforum.com

“I wish we could force every one not to but the DVDs. With this news I will never buy any products from lions gate unless they rectify ALF or another company makes uncut sets of it taking the rights from lions gate to further profit off of crap they pawn off to consumers”.

“I work in the industry and this story that they are using the pre-cut tapes because the originals are in poor shape is BS. The show is less than 20 years old and unless they took the 1-inch masters and stored them in some damp basement (highly unlikely), they will be fine. The Judy Garland Show was shot on 2-inch in 1963 and the transfers are pristine. LG is trying to claim that a show recorded 25 years later has deteriorated. Come on. They are too cheap and or too lazy to go through the trouble and expense of remastering the show from the original videotapes.” www.hometheaterforum.com message board

“Edited syndicated versions? I think if you took a survey of any buyers of TV season sets..."Would you rather have a pristine set of edited shows or a less-than-pristine set of unedited shows?"...I'd bet that 90% or more would opt for the uncut versions. After all, how bad could a 15-year-old show be at this point? I'll buy this set just for the unaired pilot episode, but if Seasons 2, 3 & 4 are also the edited versions then I'll take a pass and just watch my old VHS tapes.”

“Lion's Gate is the perfect example of corporate hubris. They release cut episodes of ALF season 1, insist they were of better quality, force TVshowsondvd.com to remove their explanation, refuse to address complaints adequately, and continue on their merry arrogant way with season 2.”

"I do not buy any Lionsgate DVDs whatsoever because of the ALF debacle, and I never will. I don't go to their movies either because that was such a great insult, not only releasing syndicated versions but making FURTHER cuts to them, turning a deaf ear to the fans who complained."

I will never buy a Lions' Gate DVD or Blu-Ray until ALF is reissued uncut by some company anywhere on Earth."

"Ironically, ALF had been shown uncut in its first cycle on Hallmark Channel (when it was still Odyssey), and I managed to snag most of the episodes from there on SVHS. They even had the NBC "In Stereo Where Available" tags with the then-current Odyssey logo plastered over the peacock. So no-go. But I was lucky. Apparently many people didn't get the channel at the time. It looked pretty good (in spite of Time Warner Cable's reception problems with that channel), along with the 3-uncut-episode Canadian DVD, which makes Liar's Gate "the syndicated tapes were in better condition" excuse total BS."

"Lions Gate Home Entertainment: This is one lion who sure isn't king of the DVD jungle. They should be forbidden by law from ever releasing any TV show ever again. After the ALF debacle I will never, ever purchase anything from them again"