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{{Infobox scientist
|name = Julius von Sachs
|image =Julius Sachs.jpg
|image_size =250px
|caption = Julius von Sachs
|birth_date = {{Birth-date|October 2, 1832|October 2, 1832}}
|birth_place = [[Wrocław|Breslau]], [[Kingdom of Prussia]]
|death_date = {{death-date|May 29, 1897|May 29, 1897}}
|death_place = [[Würzburg]], [[Kingdom of Bavaria]]
|residence =
|citizenship =
|nationality = [[Germany|German]]
|ethnicity =
|field = [[botany]]
|work_institutions = [[University of Bonn]] <br> [[University of Freiburg]] <br> [[University of Würzburg]]
|alma_mater = [[Charles University in Prague]]
|doctoral_advisor =
|doctoral_students =
|known_for =
|author_abbrev_bot =
|author_abbrev_zoo =
|influences = [[Jan Evangelista Purkyně]]
|influenced =
|prizes =
|religion =
|footnotes =
|signature =
}}'''Julius von Sachs''' (October 2, 1832 - May 29, 1897) was a [[Germany|German]] [[botanist]] from [[Wrocław|Breslau]], [[Prussian Silesia]].

At an early age he showed a taste for [[natural history]], becoming acquainted with the Breslau [[physiologist]] [[Jan Evangelista Purkyně]]. In 1851 he began studying at [[Charles University in Prague]]. In 1856 he graduated as doctor of philosophy, and then adopted a botanical career, establishing himself as ''[[Privatdozent]]'' for [[plant physiology]] in the [[Charles University in Prague|University of Prague]]. In 1859 he was appointed physiological assistant to the Agricultural Academy of Tharandt (now part of the [[Technical University of Dresden]]) at [[Julius Adolph Stöckhardt]]; and in 1862 he was called to be director of the [[Chemnitz University of Technology|Polytechnic at Chemnitz]], but was almost immediately transferred to the Agricultural Academy at Poppelsdorf (now part of the [[University of Bonn]]), where he remained until 1867, when he was nominated professor of botany in the [[University of Freiburg]]. In 1868 he accepted the chair of botany in the [[University of Würzburg]], which he continued to occupy (in spite of calls to all the important German universities) until his death.

Sachs achieved distinction as an investigator, a writer and a teacher; his name will ever be especially associated with the great development of plant physiology which marked the latter half of the 19th century, though there is scarcely a branch of botany to which he did not materially contribute. His earlier papers, scattered through the volumes of botanical journals and of the publications of learned societies (a collected edition was published in 1892-93), are of great and varied interest. Prominent among them is the series of "Keimungsgeschichten," which laid the foundation of our knowledge of microchemical methods, as also of the [[Morphology (biology)|morphological]] and physiological details of [[germination]].

Then there is his resuscitation of the method of "water-culture," and the application of it to the investigation of the problems of nutrition; and further, his discovery that the [[starch]]-grains to be found in [[chloroplasts]] are the first visible product of their assimilatory activity. His later papers were almost exclusively published in the three volumes of the ''Arbeiten des botanischen Instituts in Würzburg'' (1871–88). Among these are his investigation of the periodicity of growth in length, in connection with which he devised the self-registering [[auxanometer]], by which he established the retarding influence of the highly refrangible rays of the [[electromagnetic spectrum|spectrum]] on the rate of growth; his researches on [[heliotropism]] and [[geotropism]], in which he introduced the [[clinostat]]; his work on the structure and the arrangement of cells in growing-points; the elaborate experimental evidence upon which he based his "imbibition-theory" of the transpiration-current; his exhaustive study of the assimilatory activity of the green [[leaf]]; and other papers of interest.

Sachs' first published volume was the ''Handbuch der Experimentalphysiologie des Pflanzen'' (1865; French edition, 1868), which gives an admirable account of the state of knowledge in certain departments of the subject, and includes a great deal of original information. This was followed in 1868 by the first edition of his famous ''Lehrbuch der Botanik'', by far the best book of its kind. It is a comprehensive work, giving an able summary of the botanical science of the period, enriched with the results of many original investigations. The fourth and last German edition was published in 1874, and two English' editions were issued by the Oxford Press in 1875 and 1882 respectively.

The ''Lehrbuch'' was eventually superseded by the ''Vorlesungen uber Pflanzenphysiologie'' (1st ed., 1882; 2nd ed., 1887; Eng. ed., Oxford, 1887), a work more limited in scope, but yet covering more ground than its title would imply; though it is a remarkable book, it has not gained the general recognition accorded to the ''Lehrbuch''. Finally, there is the ''Geschichte der Botanik'' (1875); a brilliant and learned account of the development of the varitius branches of botanical science from the middle of the 16th century up to 1860, of which an English edition was published in 1890 by the Oxford Press. As a teacher Sachs exerted great influence, for his vigorous personality and his ready and lucid utterance enabled him not only to instruct, but to fire his students with something of his own enthusiasm.

A full account of Sachs' life and work was given by Professor Goebel, formerly his assistant, in ''Flora'' (1897), of which an English translation appeared in ''Science Progress'' for 1898. There is also an obituary notice of him in the ''Proc. Roy. Soc.'' vol. lxii.

Many pupils of Sachs like [[Julius Oscar Brefeld]], [[Francis Darwin]], [[Karl Ritter von Goebel]], [[Georg Albrecht Klebs]], [[Hermann Müller (Thurgau)|Hermann Müller-Thurgau]], [[Fritz Noll]], [[Wilhelm Pfeffer]], [[Karl Anton Eugen Prantl|Karl Prantl]], [[Christian Ernst Stahl]] and [[Hugo de Vries]] became later famous botanists.

The standard [[Binomial nomenclature#Authorship in scientific names|botanical author abbreviation]] '''Sachs''' is applied to [[species]] he described.


*[[1859]] : Physiologische Untersuchungen über die Keimung der Schmikbohne (Phaseolus multiflorus)
*[[1859]] : Ueber das abwechselnde Erbleichen und Dunkelwerden der Blätter bei wechselnder Beleuchtung
*[[1862]] : Ueber das Vergeilen der Pflanzen
*[[1863]] : Ueber den Einfluss des Tageslichtes auf die Neublidung unt Entfaltung verschiedener Pflanzenorgane
*[[1865]] : Handbuch der Experimentalphysiologie der Pflanzen
*[[1868]] : Lehrbuch der Botanik
*[[1871]]-[[1872]] : Die Geschichte der Botanik vom 16. Jahrhundert bis 1860
*[[1878]] : Ueber die Anordnung der Zellen in jüngsten Pflanzentheilen
*[[1882]] : Die Vorlesungen über "Pflanzenphysiologie
*[[1892]] : Gesammelte Abhandlungen über Pflanzenphysiologie
*[[1894]] : Mechanomorphosen und Phylogenie
*[[1896]] : ????Automorphosen

*{{Cite EB1911|wstitle=Sachs, Julius von}}
*{{cite journal
|title=[The plant physiologist Julius von Sachs and the academic education of women]
|journal=[[Wurzbg Medizinhist Mitt]]
| publisher = | location =
| pmid = 17153314
| bibcode = | oclc =| id = | url = | language = | accessdate = | laysummary = | laysource = | laydate = | quote =
*{{cite journal
|first=R B
|journal=[[Plant Physiol.]]
| publisher = | location =
| pmid = 16652596
| bibcode = | oclc =| id = | url = | language = | accessdate = | laysummary = | laysource = | laydate = | quote =

{{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]]. -->
| NAME = Sachs, Julius von
| DATE OF BIRTH = October 2, 1832
| PLACE OF BIRTH = [[Wrocław|Breslau]], [[Kingdom of Prussia]]
| DATE OF DEATH = May 29, 1897
| PLACE OF DEATH = [[Würzburg]], [[Kingdom of Bavaria]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Sachs, Julius von}}
[[Category:1832 births]]
[[Category:1897 deaths]]
[[Category:19th-century German people]]
[[Category:19th-century botanists]]
[[Category:Jewish scientists]]
[[Category:German botanists]]
[[Category:Botanists with author abbreviations]]
[[Category:German Jews]]
[[Category:Silesian Jews]]
[[Category:German nobility]]
[[Category:People from Wrocław]]
[[Category:People from the Province of Silesia]]
[[Category:Charles University in Prague alumni]]
[[Category:Academics of Charles University in Prague]]
[[Category:University of Freiburg faculty]]
[[Category:University of Würzburg faculty]]
[[Category:University of Bonn faculty]]
[[Category:Foreign Members of the Royal Society]]

[[ca:Julius von Sachs]]
[[de:Julius Sachs]]
[[es:Julius von Sachs]]
[[fr:Julius von Sachs]]
[[ko:율리우스 폰 작스]]
[[it:Julius Sachs]]
[[pl:Julius von Sachs]]
[[pt:Julius von Sachs]]
[[ru:Закс, Юлиус фон]]
[[sv:Julius von Sachs]]

Revision as of 18:47, 5 December 2011
