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{{History of Australia}}
The '''history of Australia from 1901–1945''' begins with the [[Federation of Australia|federation]] of the colonies to create the Commonwealth of Australia. The young nation joined Britain in the [[World War I|First World War]], suffered in the global [[Great Depression]] and again joined Britain in the [[World War II|Second World War]] against [[Nazi Germany]] in 1939. [[Imperial Japan]] launched air raids and submarine raids against Australian cities during the [[Pacific War]].

[[File:Australia states evolution.gif|left|thumb|Australian states and territories since Federation]]

{{main|Federation of Australia}}<!--should most of this be migrated to 1851-1900?-->

At the beginning of the 20th century, nearly two decades of negotiations on federation concluded with the approval of a federal constitution by all six Australian colonies and its subsequent ratification by the [[Parliament of the United Kingdom|British parliament]] in 1900. This resulted in the creation of one federal Australian state on 1 January 1901. Federation was a symbol of unity and gave people the chance to be 'Australian'.

[[Melbourne]] was chosen as the temporary seat of government while a purpose-designed capital city, [[Canberra]], was constructed. The future [[George V|King George V]], then the Duke of York, opened the first [[Parliament of Australia]] on 9 May 1901, and his successor, (later to be [[George VI|King George VI]]) opened the first session in Canberra during May 1927. Australia became officially autonomous in both internal and external affairs with the passage of the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act on 9&nbsp;October 1942. The [[Australia Act 1986]] eliminated the last vestiges of British legal authority at the Federal level. (The last state to remove recourse to British courts, Queensland, did not do so until 1988).Edmund Barton became the first prime minister

==Early 20th century==

[[File:Opening of the first parliament.jpg|thumb|left|300px|Opening of the first [[Parliament of Australia]] in 1901]]

The [[Commonwealth of Australia]] came into being when the [[Constitution of Australia|Federal Constitution]] was proclaimed by the [[Governor-General of Australia|Governor General]], [[John Hope, 1st Marquess of Linlithgow|Lord Hopetoun]], on 1&nbsp;January 1901. The first [[Elections in Australia|Federal elections]] were held in March 1901 and resulted in a narrow majority for the [[Protectionist Party]] over the [[Free Trade Party]] with the [[Australian Labor Party]] (ALP) polling third. Labor declared it would offer support to the party which offered concessions and [[Edmund Barton]]'s Protectionists formed a government, with [[Alfred Deakin]] as [[Attorney-General of Australia|Attorney-General]].<ref name="autogenerated2">http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A080275b.htm?hilite=alfred%3Bdeakin</ref>

Barton promised to "create a high court,... and an efficient federal public service.... He proposed to extend conciliation and arbitration, create a uniform railway gauge between the eastern capitals,<ref>however it was not until the 1960s that this occurred</ref> to introduce female federal franchise, to establish a... system of old age pensions."<ref>Frank Crowley(1973)''Modern Australia in Documents; 1901-1939. Volume 1.''p.1. Wren Publishing, Melbourne. ISBN 0-85885-032-X</ref> He also promised to introduce legislation to safeguard "[[White Australia policy|White Australia]]" from any influx of Asian or Pacific Island labour.

The Labor Party (the spelling "Labour" was dropped in 1912) had been established in the 1890s, after the failure of the [[1890 Australian maritime dispute|Maritime]] and [[1891 Australian shearers' strike|Shearer's]] strikes. Its strength was in the [[Australian labour movement|Australian Trade Union movement]] "which grew from a membership of just under 100,000 in 1901 to more than half a million in 1914."<ref>Stuart MacIntyre (1986) p.86.</ref> The platform of the ALP was [[democratic socialist]]. Its rising support at elections, together with its formation of federal government in 1904 under [[Chris Watson]], and again in 1908, helped to unify competing conservative, [[free market]] and [[liberalism|liberal]] anti-socialists into the [[Commonwealth Liberal Party]] in 1909. Although this party dissolved in 1916, a successor to its version of "liberalism" in Australia which in some respects comprises an alliance of [[John Stuart Mill|Millsian]] liberals and [[Edmund Burke|Burkian]] conservatives united in support for [[individualism]] and opposition to [[socialism]] can be found in the modern [[Liberal Party of Australia|Liberal Party]].<ref>{{cite news| url=http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/opinion/we-believe-the-liberal-party-and-the-liberal-cause/story-e6frg6zo-1225791120808 | title=We believe: the Liberal party and the liberal cause | date=26 October 2009 | work=The Australian}}</ref> To represent rural interests, the [[National Party of Australia|Country Party]] (today's National Party) was founded in 1913 in Western Australia, and nationally in 1920, from a number of state-based farmer's parties.<ref name="Aitkin, 1972; Graham, 1959">Aitkin, (1972); Graham, (1959)</ref>

[[File:EBarton2.jpg|thumb|thumb|[[Edmund Barton]] (left), the first [[Prime Minister of Australia]], with [[Alfred Deakin]], the second Prime Minister.]]
[[File:8hourday.jpg|thumb|Procession in support of an eight hour work day, 4 October 1909]]

The [[Immigration Restriction Act 1901]] was one of the first laws passed by the new [[Parliament of Australia|Australian parliament]]. Aimed to restrict immigration from Asia (especially China), it found strong support in the national parliament, arguments ranging from economic protection to outright racism.<ref>Frank Crowley(1973)p.13</ref> The law permitted a dictation test in any European language to be used to in effect exclude non-"white" immigrants. The ALP wanted to protect "white" jobs and pushed for more explicit restrictions. A few politicians spoke of the need to avoid hysterical treatment of the question. Member of Parliament Bruce Smith said he had "no desire to see low-class Indians, Chinamen or Japanese... swarming into this country.... But there is obligation...not (to) unnecessarily offend the educated classes of those nations"<ref>Bruce Smith (Free Trade Party) Parliamentary Debates cited in D.M.Gibb (1973)'' The Making of White Australia''.p.113. Victorian Historical Association. ISBN</ref> Donald Cameron, a member from Tasmania, expressed a rare note of dissension:
{{cquote|[N]o race on... this earth has been treated in a more shameful manner than have the Chinese.... They were forced at the point of a bayonet to admit Englishmen... into China. Now if we compel them to admit our people... why in the name of justice should we refuse to admit them here?<ref>Donald Cameron (Free Trade Party) Parliamentary Debates, cited in D.M.Gibb (1973)p.112</ref>}}

Outside parliament, Australia's first Catholic [[Cardinal (Catholicism)|cardinal]], [[Patrick Francis Moran]] was politically active and denounced anti-Chinese legislation as "unchristian".<ref>http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A100563b.htm?hilite=cardinal%3Bmoran</ref> The popular press mocked the cardinal's position and the small European population of Australia generally supported the legislation and remained fearful of being overwhelmed by an influx of non-British migrants from the vastly different cultures of the highly populated empires to Australia's north.

The law passed both houses of Parliament and remained a central feature of Australia's immigration laws until abandoned in the 1950s. In the 1930s, the [[Joseph Lyons|Lyons government]] unsuccessfully attempted to exclude [[Egon Kisch]], a Czechoslovakian communist author from entering Australia by means of a 'dictation test' in [[Scottish Gaelic]]. The [[High Court of Australia]] ruled against this usage, and concerns emerged that the law could be used for such political purposes.<ref>Stuart MacIntyre (1986) ''The Oxford History of Australia'', Volume 4 1901-1942 p.310. Oxford University Press, Melbourne. ISBN 0-19-554612-1</ref><ref>http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A150043b.htm</ref>

Before 1901, units of soldiers from all six Australian colonies had been active as part of British forces in [[Second Boer War|the Boer War]]. When the British government asked for more troops from Australia in early 1902, the Australian government obliged with a national contingent. Some 16,500 men had volunteered for service by the war's end in June 1902.<ref>Frank Crowley(1973) p.22</ref> But Australians soon felt vulnerable closer to home. The [[Anglo-Japanese Alliance]] of 1902 "allowed the [[Royal Navy]] to withdraw its capital ships from the Pacific by 1907. Australians saw themselves in time of war a lonely, sparsely populated outpost."<ref>Bill Gammage "The Crucible: The establishment of the Anzac tradition 1899-1918" in M.McKernan and M. Browne (eds)(1988)''Australia:Two centuries of War and Peace''. p.157 Australian War Memorial and Allen and Unwin Australia. ISBN 0-642-99502-8</ref> The impressive visit of the US Navy's [[Great White Fleet]] in 1908 emphasised to the government the value of an [[History of the Royal Australian Navy|Australian navy]]. The Defence Act of 1909 reinforced the importance of Australian defence, and in February 1910, [[Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener|Lord Kitchener]] provided further advice on a defence scheme based on [[Conscription in Australia|conscription]]. By 1913, the Battle Cruiser [[HMAS Australia (1911)|Australia]] led the fledgling [[Royal Australian Navy]]. Historian [[Bill Gammage]] estimates on the eve of war, Australia had 200,000 men "under arms of some sort".<ref>Bill Gammage (1988) p.157</ref>

Historian [[Humphrey McQueen]] has it that working and living conditions for Australia's working classes in the early 20th century were of "frugal comfort."<ref>Humphrey McQueen(1986)''Social Sketches of Australia 1888-1975'' p. 42. Penguin Books, Melbourne. ISBN 0-14-004435-3</ref> While the establishment of an [[Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904|Arbitration court for Labour disputes]] was divisive, it was an acknowledgement of the need to set [[Industrial award]]s, where all wage earners in one industry enjoyed the same conditions of employment and wages. The [[Harvester Judgment]] of 1907 recognised the concept of a basic wage and in 1908 the Federal government also began an old age pension scheme. Thus the new Commonwealth gained recognition as a laboratory for social experimentation and positive liberalism.<ref name="autogenerated2"/>

Catastrophic droughts plagued some regions in the late 1890s and early 20th century and together with a growing [[Rabbits in Australia|rabbit plague]], created great hardship in rural Australia. Despite this, a number of writers "imagined a time when Australia would outstrip Britain in wealth and importance, when its open spaces would support rolling acres of farms and factories to match those of the United States. Some estimated the future population at 100&nbsp;million, 200&nbsp;million or more."<ref>Stuart Macintyre (1986) p.198</ref> Amongst these was [[E. J. Brady]], whose 1918 book ''Australia Unlimited'' described Australia's inland as ripe for development and settlement, "destined one day to pulsate with life."<ref>Stuart Macintyre (1986) p.199</ref>

{{main|Anglican Church of Australia|Roman Catholicism in Australia}}
In the early years of the century the [[Anglican Church of Australia|Church of England in Australia]] transformed itself in its patterns of worship, in the internal appearances of its churches, and in the forms of piety recommended by its clergy. The changes represented a heightened emphasis on the sacraments and were introduced by younger clergy trained in England and inspired by the Oxford and Anglo-Catholic movements. The church's women and its upper and middle class parishes were most supportive, overcoming the reluctance of some of the men. The changes were widely adopted by the 1920s, making the Church of England more self-consciously "Anglican" and distinct from other Protestant churches.<ref>David Hilliard, "The Transformation of South Australian Anglicanism, c.1880-1930," ''Journal of Religious History,'' Feb 1986, Vol. 14 Issue 1, pp 38-56</ref><ref>Robert Withycombe, "The Anglican Episcopate in England and Australia in the Early Twentieth Century: Towards a Comparative Study," ''Journal of Religious History,'' June 1990, Vol. 16 Issue 2, pp 154-172</ref> Controversy erupted, especially in New South Wales, between the politically liberal proponents of the [[Social Gospel]], who wanted more Church attention to the social ills of society, and conservative elements. The opposition of the strong conservative evangelical forces within the Sydney diocese limited the liberals during the 1930s, but their ideas contributed to the formation of the influential post-World War II Christian Social Order Movement.<ref>Joan Mansfield, "The Social Gospel and the Church of England in New South Wales in the 1930s," ''Journal of Religious History,'' June 1985, Vol. 13 Issue 4, pp 411-433</ref>

Attempts to unite the Congregationalist, Methodist, and Presbyterian churches failed in 1901-13 and again in 1917-25; they succeeded only in 1977, with the organisation of the [[Uniting Church in Australia]]. The efforts early in the century were impeded by weak organization within each denomination. Interdenominational differences over organization, the status of the ministry, and (to a lesser extent) doctrine also stood in the way. By 1920, the theological liberalism of unionist leaders made the entire movement suspect to orthodox members, especially Presbyterians. Most important was the opposition and apathy of the general membership of the churches. The leaders who designed plans for union had ignored the laity in the decision-making process and had failed to develop practical cooperation at the local level.<ref>C. Uidam, "Why the Church Union Movement Failed in Australia, 1901-1925," ''Journal of Religious History,'' June 1985, Vol. 13 Issue 4, pp 393-411</ref>

So in Australia's [[Roman Catholicism in Australia|Catholic Church]] was based, until fairly late in the 20th century, upon working-class Irish communities. [[Patrick Francis Moran|Patrick Cardinal Moran]] (1830–1911), the Archbishop of Sydney 1884–1911, believed that Catholicism would flourish with the emergence of the new nation through Federation in 1901, provided that his people rejected "contamination" from foreign influences, such as anarchism, socialism, modernism and secularism. Moran distinguished between European socialism as an atheistic movement and those Australians calling themselves "socialists;" he approved the objectives of the latter while feeling that the European model was not a real danger in Australia. Moran's outlook reflected his whole-hearted acceptance of Australian democracy and his belief in the country as different and freer than the old societies from which its people had come.<ref>A. E. Cahill, "Catholicism and Socialism: The 1905 Controversy in Australia," ''Journal of Religious History,'' June 1960, Vol. 1 Issue 2, p88-101</ref> Moran thus welcomed the Labor Party, and the Church stood with it in opposing conscription in the referenda of 1916 and 1917.<ref>Mark Hearn, "Containing 'Contamination': Cardinal Moran and Fin de Siècle Australian National Identity, 1888–1911," ''Journal of Religious History,'' March 2001, Vol. 34 Issue 1, pp 20-35</ref> The hierarchy had close ties to Rome, which encouraged the bishops to support the British Empire and emphasize Marian piety.<ref>Patrick O'Farrell, ''The Catholic Church and community: an Australian history'' (1992)</ref>

== First World War ==
{{main|Military history of Australia during World War I}}
[[File:Anzac Beach 4th Bn landing 8am April 25 1915.jpg|thumb|The Australian 4th Battalion lands at the [[Gallipoli]] Peninsula on 25 April 1915.]]
Australia sent many thousands of troops to fight for Britain during the [[World War I|First World War]] between 1914 and 1918. Thousands lost their lives at [[Battle of Gallipoli|Gallipoli]], on the [[Turkey|Turkish]] coast and many more in France. Both Australian victories and losses on World War I battlefields contribute significantly to Australia's national identity. By war's end, over 60,000 Australians had died during the conflict and 160,000 were wounded, a high proportion of the 330,000 who had fought overseas.<ref name="awm.gov.au">Australian War Memorial http://www.awm.gov.au/atwar/ww1.asp</ref>

Australia's annual holiday to remember its war dead is held on [[ANZAC Day]], 25 April, each year, the date of the first landings at Gallipoli, in Turkey, in 1915, as part of the allied invasion that ended in military defeat. [[Bill Gammage]] has suggested that the choice of 25 April has always meant much to Australians because at Gallipoli, "the great machines of modern war were few enough to allow ordinary citizens to show what they could do." In France, between 1916 and 1918, "where almost seven times as many (Australians) died,... the guns showed cruelly, how little individuals mattered."<ref>Bill Gammage "The Crucible: "The establishment of the Anzac tradition 1899-1918" in M.McKernan and M. Browne(eds)(1988)p.166</ref>

[[The Sydney Morning Herald]] referred to the outbreak of war as Australia's "Baptism of Fire."<ref>Bill Gammage "The Crucible: "The establishment of the Anzac tradition 1899-1918" in M.McKernan and M. Browne(eds)(1988)p.159</ref> 8,141 men<ref>Australian War Memorial http://www.awm.gov.au/encyclopedia/gallipoli/</ref> were killed in 8 months of fighting at [[Battle of Gallipoli|Gallipoli]], on the [[Turkey|Turkish]] coast. After the [[First Australian Imperial Force|Australian Imperial Forces]] (AIF) was withdrawn in late 1915, and enlarged to five divisions, most were moved to France to serve under [[British Expeditionary Force (World War I)|British command]].

The AIF's first experience of warfare on the [[Western Front (World War I)|Western Front]] was also the most costly single encounter in Australian military history. In July 1916, at [[Battle of Fromelles|Fromelles]], in a diversionary attack during the [[Battle of the Somme]], the AIF suffered 5,533 killed or wounded in 24 hours.<ref>Bill Gammage (1974)''The Broken Years.''p.158-162 Penguin Australia ISBN 0-14-003383-1</ref> Sixteen months later, the five Australian divisions became the [[Australian Corps]], first under the command of [[William Birdwood, 1st Baron Birdwood|General Birdwood]], and later the Australian [[John Monash|General Sir John Monash]]. Two bitterly fought and divisive [[Conscription in Australia|conscription referendums]] were held in Australia in 1916 and 1917. Both failed, and Australia's army remained a volunteer force. Monash's approach to the planning of military action was meticulous, and unusual for military thinkers of the time. His first operation at the relatively small [[Battle of Hamel]] demonstrated the validity of his approach and later actions before the [[Battle of St. Quentin Canal|Hindenburg Line]] in 1918 confirmed it.

[[File:Hughes Welcomehome Parispeaceconference.jpg|thumb|200px|Australian soldiers carrying Prime Minister [[Billy Hughes]], the 'little digger', down [[George Street, Sydney]] after his return from the [[Paris Peace Conference, 1919]].]]

In 1919, Prime Minister [[Billy Hughes]] and former Prime Minister Joseph Cock travelled to Paris to attend the [[Paris Peace Conference, 1919|Versailles peace conference]].<ref>http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A090395b.htm?hilite=billy%3Bhughes</ref> Hughes's signing of the [[Treaty of Versailles]] on behalf of Australia was the first time Australia had signed an international treaty. Hughes demanded heavy reparations from Germany and frequently clashed with U.S. President [[Woodrow Wilson]]. At one point Hughes declared: "I speak for 60 000 [Australian] dead".<ref>David Lowe, "Australia in the World", in Joan Beaumont (ed.), ''Australia's War, 1914-18'', Allen & Unwin, 1995, p. 132</ref> He went on to ask of Wilson; "How many do you speak for?"

Hughes demanded that Australia have independent representation within the newly formed [[League of Nations]] and was the most prominent opponent of the inclusion of the Japanese racial equality proposal, which as a result of lobbying by him and others was not included in the final Treaty, deeply offending Japan. Hughes was concerned by the rise of Japan. Within months of the declaration of the European War in 1914; Japan, Australia and New Zealand seized all German possessions in the South West Pacific. Though Japan occupied German possessions with the blessings of the British, Hughes was alarmed by this policy.<ref name=Lowe129>Lowe, "Australia in the World", p.129.</ref> In 1919 at the Peace Conference the Dominion leaders, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia argued their case to keep their occupied German possessions of German Samoa, German South West Africa, and German New Guinea; these territories were given a "Class C Mandates" to the respective Dominions. In a same-same deal Japan obtained control over its occupied German possessions, north of the equator.<ref name=Lowe129/>

In 1916 the Labor Prime Minister, [[Billy Hughes]], decided that conscription was necessary if the strength of Australia's military forces at the front was to be maintained. The Labor Party, Irish Australians, Catholics and the trade unions (heavily overlapping categories) were bitterly opposed to conscription, and Hughes and his followers were expelled from the party when they refused to back down. In 1916 and again in 1917 the voters rejected conscription in national plebiscites. (See History of [[Australian Conscription]]) Hughes united with the Liberals to form the [[Nationalist Party of Australia|Nationalist Party]], and remained in office until 1923, when he was succeeded by [[Stanley Bruce]]. Labor remained weak and divided through the 1920s. The new [[National Party of Australia|Country Party]] took many country voters away from Labor, and in 1923 the Country Party formed a coalition government with the Nationalists.

Fisher argues that the government aggressively promoted economic, industrial, and social modernization in the war years.<ref>Gerhard Fischer, "'Negative integration' and an Australian road to modernity: Interpreting the Australian homefront experience in World War I," ''Australian Historical Studies,'' (April 1995) 26#104 pp 452-76</ref> However, he says there was a cost in terms of a neglect in liberal-democratic values. That is, liberalism, pluralism, and respect for cultural diversity gave way to policies of exclusion and repression. He says the war turned a peaceful nation into "one that was violent, aggressive, angst- and conflict-ridden, torn apart by invisible front lines of sectarian division, ethnic conflict and socio-economic and political upheaval." The nation was fearful of enemy aliens—especially Germans, regardless of how closely they identified with Australia. The government interred 2900 German-born men (40% of the total) and deported 700 of them after the war.<ref>Graeme Davidson et al., ''The Oxford Companion to Australian History'' (2nd ed. 2001) p 283-4</ref> Irish nationalists and labor radicals were under suspicion as well. Racist hostility was high against toward nonwhites, including Pacific Islanders, Chinese and Aborigines. The result, Fischer says, was a strengthening of conformity to imperial/British loyalties and an explicit preference for immigrants from the British Isles.<ref>Fischer, "'Negative integration' and an Australian road to modernity" p. 452 for quote</ref>

==Inter-war years==

===The 1920s ===

[[File:WMcWilliams.JPG|upright|150px|thumb|[[William McWilliams]], [[National Party of Australia|Country Party (National)]] founder and leader 1920–1921.]]
[[File:Edith Cowan.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Edith Cowan]] (1861–1932) was elected to the [[West Australian Legislative Assembly]] in 1921 and was the first woman elected to any Australian Parliament.]]

After the war, Prime Minister [[Billy Hughes]] led a new conservative force, the [[Nationalist Party of Australia|Nationalist Party]], formed from the old [[Commonwealth Liberal Party|Liberal party]] and breakaway elements of Labor (of which he was the most prominent), after the deep and bitter split over [[Conscription in Australia|Conscription]]. An estimated 12,000 Australians died as a result of the [[1918 flu pandemic|Spanish flu pandemic]] of 1919, almost certainly brought home by returning soldiers.<ref>Jan Bassett (1986) p.236</ref>

Following the success of the [[Russian Revolution (1917)|Bolshevik Revolution]] in Russia the [[Communist Party of Australia]] was formed in 1920 and, though remaining electorally insignificant, it obtained some influence in the [[Trade Union]] movement and was banned during [[World War II]] for its support for the [[Hitler-Stalin Pact]] and the [[Robert Menzies|Menzies Government]] unsuccessfully tried to ban it again during the [[Korean War]]. Despite splits, the party remained active until its dissolution at the end of the [[Cold War]].<ref>http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A160470b.htm</ref><ref>http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/43958/Australian-Communist-Party</ref>

The Country Party (today's [[National Party of Australia|National Party]]) formed in 1920 to promulgate its version of [[agrarianism]], which it called "[[Countrymindedness]]". The goal was to enhance the status of the graziers (operators of big sheep ranches) and small farmers, and secure subsidies for them.<ref>Rae Wear, "Countrymindedness Revisited," (Australian Political Science Association, 1990) [http://apsa2000.anu.edu.au/confpapers/wear.rtf online edition]</ref> Enduring longer than any other major party save the Labor party, it has generally operated in [[Coalition (Australia)|Coalition]] with the [[Liberal Party of Australia|Liberal Party]] (since the 1940s), becoming a major party of government in Australia - particularly in Queensland.

Other significant after-effects of the war included ongoing industrial unrest, which included the [[1923 Victorian Police strike]].<ref>Lloyd Robson (1980) p.18</ref> Industrial disputes characterised the 1920s in Australia. Other major strikes occurred on the waterfront, in the coalmining and timber industries in the late 1920s. The union movement had established the [[Australian Council of Trade Unions]] (ACTU) in 1927 in response to the Nationalist government's efforts to change working conditions and reduce the power of the unions.

[[Jazz]] music, entertainment culture, new technology and consumerism that characterised the 1920s in the USA was, to some extent, also found in Australia. [[Prohibition]] was not implemented in Australia, though anti-alcohol forces were successful in having hotels closed after 6&nbsp;pm, and closed altogether in a few city suburbs.<ref>Lloyd Robson (1980) p.45</ref>

The fledgling [[Australian cinema|film industry]] declined through the decade, over 2&nbsp;million Australians attending cinemas weekly at 1250 venues. A [[Royal Commission]] in 1927 failed to assist and the industry that had begun so brightly with the release of the world's first feature film, [[The Story of the Kelly Gang]] (1906), atrophied until its [[Australian New Wave|revival in the 1970s]].<ref>Lloyd Robson (1980) p.48</ref><ref>Also see for example - Eric Reade (1979) ''History and Heartburn; The Saga of Australian Film 1896-1978.'' Harper and Row, Sydney. ISBN 0-06-312033-X</ref>

[[File:Rev John Flynn 1929.jpg|thumb|150px|upright|<center>[[John Flynn (minister)|The Revd John Flynn]], founder of the [[Royal Flying Doctor Service]].]]

[[Stanley Bruce]] became Prime Minister in 1923, when members of the Nationalist Party Government voted to remove W.M. Hughes. Speaking in early 1925, Bruce summed up the priorities and optimism of many Australians, saying that "men, money and markets accurately defined the essential requirements of Australia" and that he was seeking such from Britain.<ref>''The Argus'', 9 April 1925, cited in Lloyd Robson (1980) p.76</ref> The migration campaign of the 1920s, operated by the Development and Migration Commission, brought almost 300,000 Britons to Australia,<ref>Stuart MacIntyre (1986) p.200-201</ref> although schemes to settle migrants and [[Soldier settlement (Australia)|returned soldiers]] "on the land" were generally not a success. "The new irrigation areas in [[Western Australia]] and the Dawson Valley of [[Queensland]] proved disastrous"<ref>Josie Castle "The 1920s" in R. Willis, et al(Eds)(1982),p.285</ref>

In Australia, the costs of major investment had traditionally been met by state and Federal governments and heavy borrowing from overseas was made by the governments in the 1920s. A [[Loan Council]] set up in 1928 to coordinate loans, three quarters of which came from overseas.<ref>Josie Castle "The 1920s" in R. Willis, et al. (Eds) (1982), p.253</ref> Despite [[Imperial Preference|Imperial preference]], a balance of trade was not successfully achieved with Britain. "In the five years from 1924... to... 1928, Australia bought 43.4% of its imports from Britain and sold 38.7% of its exports. Wheat and wool made up more than two thirds of all Australian exports," a dangerous reliance on just two export commodities.<ref>Stuart MacIntyre (1986) p.204</ref>

Australia embraced the new technologies of transport and communication. Coastal sailing ships were finally abandoned in favour of steam, and improvements in rail and motor transport heralded dramatic changes in work and leisure. In 1918 there were 50,000 cars and lorries in the whole of Australia. By 1929 there were 500,000.<ref>Josie Castle "The 1920s" in R. Willis, et al(Eds)(1982), p.273</ref> The stage coach company [[Cobb and Co]], established in 1853, finally closed in 1924.<ref>Jan Bassett (1986) p. 56-7</ref> In 1920, the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Service (to become the Australian airline [[Qantas|QANTAS]]) was established.<ref>Jan Bassett (1986) p. 213</ref> The Reverend John Flynn, founded the [[Royal Flying Doctor Service]], the world's first air ambulance in 1928.<ref>http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A080554b.htm?hilite=john%3Bflynn</ref> Dare devil pilot, Sir [[Charles Kingsford Smith]] pushed the new flying machines to the limit, completing a round Australia circuit in 1927 and in 1928 traversed the Pacific Ocean, via Hawaii and Fiji from the USA to Australia in the aircraft ''Southern Cross''. He went on to global fame and a series of aviation records before vanishing on a night flight to Singapore in 1935.<ref>http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A090602b.htm?hilite=charles%3Bkingsford%3Bsmith</ref>

===Dominion status===
[[File:ImperialConference.jpg|thumb|left|200px|King [[George V of the United Kingdom|George V]] (front, centre) with his prime ministers. Standing (left to right): [[Walter Stanley Monroe|Monroe]] ([[Prime Minister of Newfoundland|Newfoundland]]), [[Gordon Coates|Coates]] ([[Prime Minister of New Zealand|New Zealand]]), [[Stanley Bruce|Bruce]] ([[Prime Minister of Australia|Australia]]),
[[J. B. M. Hertzog|Hertzog]] ([[Prime Minister of South Africa|Union of South Africa]]),
[[W. T. Cosgrave|Cosgrave]] ([[President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State|Irish Free State]]). Seated: [[Stanley Baldwin|Baldwin]] ([[Prime Minister of the United Kingdom|United Kingdom]]), King George V, [[William Lyon Mackenzie King|King]] ([[Prime Minister of Canada|Canada]]).]]

Australia achieved status as an independent sovereign nation after World War II, under the [[Statute of Westminster 1931|Statute of Westminster]]. This formalised the [[Balfour Declaration of 1926]], a report resulting from the [[1926 Imperial Conference]] of [[British Empire]] leaders in [[London]], which defined [[Dominion]]s of the British empire in the following way
{{cquote|They are autonomous Communities within the [[British Empire]], equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to [[the Crown]], and freely associated as members of the [[Commonwealth of Nations|British Commonwealth]] of Nations.<ref>Cited in Jan Bassett (1986) p.271. It has also been argued that the signing of the [[Treaty of Versailles]] by Australia shows defacto recognition of sovereign nation status.See Sir Geoffrey Butler KBE,MA and Fellow, Librarian and Lecturer in International Law and Diplomacy of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge author of "A Handbook to the League of Nations.</ref>}}
However, Australia did not ratify the [[Statute of Westminster 1931|Statute of Westminster]] until 1942. According to historian [[Frank Crowley]], this was because Australians had little interest in redefining their relationship with Britain until the crisis of World War II.<ref>Frank Crowley(1973) P.417</ref>

The [[Australia Act 1986]] removed any remaining links between the British Parliament and the Australian states.

From 1 February 1927 until 12 June 1931, the Northern Territory was divided up as [[North Australia]] and [[Central Australia]] at [[20th parallel south|latitude 20°S]]. New South Wales has had one further territory surrendered, namely [[Jervis Bay Territory]] comprising 6,677 hectares, in 1915. The external territories were added: [[Norfolk Island]] (1914); [[Ashmore Island]], [[Cartier Islands]] (1931); the [[Australian Antarctic Territory]] transferred from Britain (1933); [[Heard Island]], [[McDonald Islands]], and [[Macquarie Island]] transferred to Australia from Britain (1947).

The [[Capital districts and territories|Federal Capital Territory]] (FCT) was formed from New South Wales in 1911 to provide a location for the proposed new federal capital of [[Canberra]] ([[Melbourne]] was the seat of government from 1901 to 1927). The FCT was renamed the [[Australian Capital Territory]] (ACT) in 1938. The [[Northern Territory]] was transferred from the control of the South Australian government to the Commonwealth in 1911.

=== Great Depression: the 1930s ===
{{Main|Great Depression in Australia}}

[[File:EnidJoseph.jpg|thumb|upright|left|Prime Minister [[Joseph Lyons]] (1931-39), pictured with his politically active wife [[Enid Lyons]]. The [[Lyons Government|Lyons United Australia Party Government]] stewarded Australia through its recovery from the Great Depression.]]

Australia's dependence on primary exports such as wheat and wool was cruelly exposed by the [[Great Depression]] of the 1930s, which produced unemployment and destitution even greater than those seen during the 1890s. The [[Australian Labor Party|Labor Party]] under [[James Scullin]] won the 1929 election in a landslide, but was quite unable to cope with the Depression. Labor split into three factions and then lost power in 1932 to a new conservative party, the [[United Australia Party]] (UAP) led by [[Joseph Lyons]], and did not return to office until 1941. Australia made a very slow recovery from the Depression during the late 1930s. Lyons died in 1939 and was succeeded by [[Sir Robert Menzies|Robert Menzies]].

[[File:Unemployed marching to see Mitchell, 1931.jpg|thumb|In 1931, over 1000 unemployed men marched from the Esplanade to the Treasury Building in [[Perth, Western Australia]] to see [[Premier of Western Australia|Premier]] [[James Mitchell (Australian politician)|Sir James Mitchell]].]]
[[File:Sydney Harbour Bridge opening.jpg|thumb|float|Ribbon ceremony to open the [[Sydney Harbour Bridge]] on 20 March 1932. Breaking protocol, the soon to be dismissed Premier [[Jack Lang (Australian politician)|Jack Lang]] cuts the ribbon while Governor [[Philip Game]] looks on.]]

Exposed by continuous borrowing to fund capital works in the 1920s, the Australian and state governments were "already far from secure in 1927, when most economic indicators took a turn for the worse. Australia's dependence of exports left her extraordinaily vulnerable to world market fluctuations," according to economic historian Geoff Spenceley.<ref>Geoff Spenceley (1981)''The Depression Decade.'' p.14, Thomas Nelson, Australia. ISBN 0-17-006048-9</ref> Debt by the state of [[New South Wales]] accounted for almost half Australia's accumulated debt by December 1927. The situation caused alarm amongst a few politicians and economists, notably Edward Shann of the [[University of Western Australia]], but most political, union and business leaders were reluctant to admit to serious problems.<ref>Geoff Spenceley (1981) p.15-17</ref> In 1926, ''Australian Finance'' magazine described loans as occurring with a "disconcerting frequency" unrivalled in the British Empire: "It may be a loan to pay off maturing loans or a loan to pay the interest on existing loans, or a loan to repay temporary loans from the bankers....<ref>''Australian Finance'', London, 1926, cited in Geoff Spenceley (1981)p.14</ref> Thus, well before the [[Wall Street Crash of 1929]], the [[Australian economy]] was already facing significant difficulties. As the economy slowed in 1927, so did manufacturing and the country slipped into recession as profits slumped and unemployment rose.<ref>Henry Pook (1993)''Windows on our Past; Constructing Australian History''. p.195 Oxford University Press, Melbourne. ISBN 0-19-553544-8</ref>

At elections held in October 1929 the [[Australian Labor Party|Labor Party]] was swept to power in a landslide, the former Prime Minister [[Stanley Bruce]] losing his own seat. The new Prime Minister [[James Scullin]] and his largely inexperienced Government were almost immediately faced with a series of crises. Hamstrung by their lack of control of the Senate, a lack of control over the Banking system and divisions within their Party over how best to deal with the situation, the government was forced to accept solutions that eventually split the party, as it had in 1917. Some gravitated to New South Wales Premier Lang, other to Prime Minister Scullin.

Various "plans" to resolve the crisis were suggested; [[Otto Niemeyer|Sir Otto Niemeyer]], a representative of the English banks who visited in mid 1930, proposed a deflationary plan, involving cuts to government spending and wages. Treasurer [[Ted Theodore]] proposed a mildly inflationary plan, while the Labor [[Premier of New South Wales]], [[Jack Lang (Australian politician)|Jack Lang]], proposed a radical plan which repudiated overseas debt.<ref>Jan Bassett(1986) p.118-9</ref> The "Premier's Plan" finally accepted by federal and state governments in June 1931, followed the deflationary model advocated by Niemeyer and included a reduction of 20% in government spending, a reduction in bank interest rates and an increase in taxation.<ref>John Close "The Depression Decade" in R. Willis, et al(Eds)(1982), p.318</ref> In March 1931, Lang announced that interest due in London would not be paid and the Federal government stepped in to meet the debt. In May, the Government Savings Bank of New South Wales was forced to close. The Melbourne Premiers' Conference agreed to cut wages and pensions as part of a severe deflationary policy but Lang, renounced the plan. The grand opening of the [[Sydney Harbour Bridge]] in 1932 provided little respite to the growing crisis straining the young federation. With multi-million pound debts mounting, public demonstrations and move and counter-move by Lang and the Scullin, then Lyons federal governments, the [[Governor of New South Wales]], [[Philip Game]], had been examining Lang's instruction not to pay money into the Federal Treasury. Game judged it was illegal. Lang refused to withdraw his order and, on 13 May, he was [[Lang Dismissal Crisis|dismissed by Governor Game]]. At June elections, Lang Labor's seats collapsed.<ref>http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A090666b.htm?hilite=jack%3Blang</ref>

May 1931 had seen the creation of a new conservative political force, the [[United Australia Party]] formed by breakaway members of the [[Australian Labor Party|Labor Party]] combining with the [[Nationalist Party of Australia|Nationalist Party]]. At Federal elections in December 1931, the United Australia Party, led by former Labor member [[Joseph Lyons]], easily won office. They remained in power under Lyons through Australia's recovery from the Great Depression and into the early stages of the World War II under Robert Menzies.

[[File:Bradman chaired.jpg|thumb|left|21-year-old [[Don Bradman]] is chaired off the cricket pitch after scoring a world record 452 runs not out in 1930. Sporting success lifted Australian spirits through the Depression years.]]
[[File:Phar Lap.jpg|thumb|250px|[[Phar Lap]], c. 1930.]]

Lyons favoured the tough economic measures of the "[[Premiers' Plan]]", pursued an orthodox fiscal policy and refused to accept NSW Premier Jack Lang's proposals to default on overseas debt repayments. According to author [[Anne Henderson]] of the [[Sydney Institute]], Lyons held a steadfast belief in the need to balance budgets, lower costs to business and restore confidence and the Lyons period gave Australia stability and eventual growth between the drama of the Depression and the outbreak of the Second World War. A lowering of wages was enforced and industry tariff protections maintained, which together with cheaper raw materials during the 1930s saw a shift from agriculture to manufacturing as the chief employer of the Australian economy - a shift which was consolidated by increased investment by the commonwealth government into defence and armaments manufacture. Lyons saw restoration of Australia's exports as the key to economic recovery.<ref name="Joseph Lyons 2011">[[Anne Henderson]]; ''Joseph Lyons: The People's Prime Minister''; NewSouth; 2011.</ref> The [[Lyons government]] has often been credited with steering recovery from the depression, although just how much of this was owed to their policies remains contentious.<ref>See for example John Close "The Depression Decade" in R. Willis, et al. (Eds) (1982), p.318</ref> [[Stuart Macintyre]] also points out that although Australian [[Gross domestic product|GDP]] grew from £386.9&nbsp;million to £485.9&nbsp;million between 1931-2 and 1938-9, real domestic product per head of population was still "but a few shillings greater in 1938-39 (£70.12), than it had been in 1920-21 (£70.04).<ref>Stuart MacIntyre(1986) p.287</ref>

There is debate over the extent reached by unemployment in Australia, often cited as peaking at 29% in 1932. "Trade Union figures are the most often quoted, but the people who were there…regard the figures as wildly understating the extent of unemployment" wrote historian [[Wendy Lowenstein]] in her collection of oral histories of the Depression.<ref>[[Wendy Lowenstein]] (1978) ''Weevils in the Flour: an oral record of the 1930s depression in Australia.'' p.14, Scribe Publications, Fitzroy. ISBN 0-908011-06-7</ref> However, David Potts argues that "over the last thirty years …historians of the period have either uncritically accepted that figure (29% in the peak year 1932) including rounding it up to 'a third,' or they have passionately argued that a third is far too low."<ref>David Potts. "A Reassessment of the extent of Unemployment in Australia during the Great Depression" in ''Australian Historical Studies''. Vol 24, No 7, p.378. Also see David Potts (2006) "The Myth of the Great Depression." Scribe Press, Carlton North. ISBN 1-920769-84-6</ref> Potts suggests a peak national figure of 25% unemployed.<ref>David Potts p.395</ref>

Extraordinary sporting successes did something to alleviate the spirits of Australians during the economic downturn. In a [[Sheffield Shield]] cricket match at the [[Sydney Cricket Ground]] in 1930, [[Don Bradman]], a young New South Welshman of just 21 years of age wrote his name into the record books by smashing the previous highest batting score in first-class cricket with 452 runs not out in just 415 minutes.<ref>http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/donbradman/</ref> The rising star's world beating cricketing exploits were to provide much needed joy to Australians through the emerging [[Great Depression]] and post-World War II recovery. Between 1929 and 1931 the racehorse [[Phar Lap]] dominated Australia's racing industry, at one stage winning fourteen races in a row.<ref>http://museumvictoria.com.au/pharlap/horse/winner.asp</ref> Famous victories included the 1930 [[Melbourne Cup]], following an assassination attempt and carrying 9 stone 12 pounds weight.<ref>http://museumvictoria.com.au/pharlap/horse/cup.asp</ref> Phar Lap sailed for the United States in 1931, going on to win North America's richest race, the [[Agua Caliente Handicap]] in 1932. Soon after, on the cusp of US success, Phar Lap developed suspicious symptoms and died. Theories swirled that the champion race horse had been poisoned and a devoted Australian public went in to shock.<ref>http://museumvictoria.com.au/pharlap/leaving/death.asp</ref> The [[1938 British Empire Games]] were held in Sydney from 5–12 February, timed to coincide with Sydney's sesqui-centenary (150 years since the foundation of British settlement in Australia).

==Second World War==
{{Main|Military history of Australia during World War II|Axis naval activity in Australian waters|Proposed Japanese invasion of Australia during World War II}}

[[File:StateLibQld 1 249505 J.D. discussing the Depression with Billy Hughes and Dick Casey.jpg|thumb|left|UAP Minister and veteran World War I Prime Minister [[Billy Hughes]] (left) with [[Richard Casey]] and [[John Lavarack]] c. 1933. Hughes opposed the policy of "appeasement" favoured by the Western powers and warned of an Australia ill-prepared for the [[World War II|coming war]].]]
[[File:HMAS Sydney (AWM 301473).jpg|thumb|The light cruiser [[HMAS Sydney (1934)|HMAS ''Sydney'']], lost in a [[Battle between HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran|battle]] in the Indian Ocean, November 1941.]]

===Defence policy in the 1930s===

Defence issues became increasingly prominent in public affairs with the rise of [[fascism]] in Europe and [[Empire of Japan|militant Japan]] in Asia.<ref>http://primeministers.naa.gov.au/primeministers/lyons/in-office.aspx</ref> Prime Minister Lyons sent veteran World War I Prime Minister [[Billy Hughes]] to represent Australia at the 1932 League of Nations Assembly in Geneva and in 1934 Hughes became Minister for Health and Repatriation. Later Lyons appointed him Minister for External Affairs, however Hughes was forced to resign in 1935 after his book ''Australia and the War Today'' exposed a lack of preparation in Australia for what Hughes correctly supposed to be a coming war. Soon after, the Lyons government tripled the defence budget.<ref name="ReferenceC">Brian Carroll; From Barton to Fraser; Cassell Australia; 1978</ref> With Western Powers developing a policy of [[appeasement]] to try to satisfy the demands of Europe's new dictators without war, Prime Minister Lyons sailed for Britain in 1937 for the coronation of [[George VI of the United Kingdom|King George VI]], en route conducting a diplomatic mission to Italy on behalf of the British Government, visiting [[Benito Mussolini]] with assurances of British friendship.<ref name="ReferenceC"/>

Until the late 1930s, defence was not a significant issue for Australians. At the 1937 elections, both political parties advocated increased defence spending, in the context of increased [[Japan]]ese aggression in [[China]] and [[Germany]]'s aggression in [[Europe]]. There was a difference in opinion over how the defence spending should be allocated however. The UAP government emphasised cooperation with Britain in "a policy of imperial defence." The lynchpin of this was the British naval base at [[Singapore Naval Base|Singapore]] and the [[Royal Navy]] battle fleet "which, it was hoped, would use it in time of need."<ref>John Robertson (1984) ''Australia goes to War, 1939-1945''. p.12. Doubleday, Sydney. ISBN 0-86824-155-5</ref> Defence spending in the inter-war years reflected this priority. In the period 1921-1936 totalled £40&nbsp;million on the [[Royal Australian Navy]] (RAN), £20&nbsp;million on the [[Australian Army]] and £6&nbsp;million on the [[Royal Australian Air Force]] (RAAF) (established in 1921, the "youngest" of the three services). In 1939, the Navy, which included two heavy cruisers and four light cruisers, was the service best equipped for war.<ref>Department of Defence (Navy) (1976) ''An Outline of Australian Naval History''. p.33 Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. ISBN 0-642-02255-0</ref>

Scarred by the experiences of World War I, Australia reluctantly prepared for a new war, in which the primacy of the British [[Royal Navy]] would indeed prove insufficient to defend Australia from attack from the north. Billy Hughes was brought back into cabinet by Lyons as Minister for External Affairs in 1937.<ref name="ReferenceC"/> From 1938, Lyons used Hughes to head a recruitment drive for the Australian Defence Force.<ref name="Joseph Lyons 2011"/> Prime Minister Lyons died in office in April 1939, with Australia just months from war, and the United Australia Party selected [[Robert Menzies]] as its new leader. Fearing Japanese intentions in the Pacific, Menzies established independent embassies in Tokyo and Washington in order to receive independent advice about developments.<ref name="primeministers.naa.gov.au">http://primeministers.naa.gov.au/primeministers/menzies/in-office.aspx#section1</ref>

[[Gavin Long]] argues that the Labor opposition urged greater national self-reliance through a build up of manufacturing and more emphasis on the Army and RAAF, as Chief of the General Staff, [[John Lavarack]] also advocated.<ref>Gavin Long (1952) ''To Benghazi. Australia in the War of 1939-1945''. Vol. 1. Series One; Army. p.22-23. Australian War Memorial, Canberra.</ref> In November 1936, Labor leader [[John Curtin]] said "The dependence of Australia upon the competence, let alone the readiness, of British statesmen to send forces to our aid is too dangerous a hazard upon which to found Australia's defence policy.".<ref>John Robertson (1984) p.12</ref> According to John Robertson, "some British leaders had also realised that their country could not fight Japan and Germany at the same time." But "this was never discussed candidly at…meeting(s) of Australian and British defence planners", such as the [[1937 Imperial Conference]].<ref>John Robertson "The Distant War: Australia and Imperial defence 1919-1914." In M. McKernan and M. Browne (1988) p.225</ref>

By September 1939 the Australian Army numbered 3,000 regulars.<ref>John Robertson (1984) p.17</ref> A recruiting campaign in late 1938, led by Major-General [[Thomas Blamey]] increased the reserve militia to almost 80,000.<ref>Gavin Long (1952) p.26</ref> The first division raised for war was designated the 6th Division, of the 2nd AIF, there being 5 Militia Divisions on paper and a 1st AIF in the First World War.<ref>John Robertson (1984) p.20. Thus Australian battalions of World War II carried the prefix 2/ to distinguish them from battalions of World War I</ref>


[[File:Menzies Churchill WW21941.jpg|thumb|200px|left|upright|Prime Minister [[Robert Menzies]] and British Prime Minister [[Winston Churchill]] in 1941.]]

On 3 September 1939, the Prime Minister, [[Robert Menzies]], made a national radio broadcast:

{{cquote|My fellow Australians. It is my melancholy duty to inform you, officially, that, in consequence of the persistence by Germany in her [[invasion of Poland]], [[Great Britain]] has declared war upon her, and that, as a result, Australia is also at war.<ref>Frank Crowley (1973) ''Modern Australia in Documents 1939-1970''. p.1. Wren Publishing , Melbourne. ISBN 0-85885-032-X</ref>}}

Thus began Australia's involvement in the six year global conflict. Australians were to fight in an extraordinary variety of locations, from withstanding the advance of Hitler's [[Panzer]]s in the [[Siege of Tobruk]]; to turning back the advance of the [[Imperial Japanese Army]] in the [[New Guinea Campaign]]. From bomber missions over Europe and Mediterranean naval engagements, to facing Japanese mini-sub raids on Sydney Harbour and devastating air raids on the city of Darwin.

[[File:9 Div Tobruk(AWM 020779).jpg|thumb|A patrol from the 2/13th Infantry Battalion at Tobruk in [[North Africa]], (AWM 020779). The 1941 [[Siege of Tobruk]] saw an Australian garrison halt the advance of Hitler's Panzer divisions for the first time since the commencement of the war.]]
[[File:Australian troops at Milne Bay.jpg|thumb|Australian troops at Milne Bay, New Guinea.The Australian army was the first to inflict defeat on the [[Imperial Japanese Army]] during [[World War II]] at the [[Battle of Milne Bay]] of Aug-Sep 1942.]]

The recruitment of a volunteer military force for service at home and abroad was announced, the [[2nd Australian Imperial Force]], and a citizen militia organised for local defence. Troubled by Britain's failure to increase defences at Singapore, Menzies was cautious in committing troops to Europe. By the end of June 1940, France, Norway and the Low Countries had fallen to [[Nazi Germany]] and Britain, stood alone with its [[Dominion]]s. Menzies called for "all out war", increasing Federal powers and introducing conscription. Menzies' minority government came to rely on just two independents after the [[Australian federal election, 1940|1940 election]]

In January 1941, Menzies flew to Britain to discuss the weakness of Singapore's defences. Arriving in London during [[The Blitz]], Menzies was invited into [[Winston Churchill]]'s [[United Kingdom coalition government (1940–1945)|British War Cabinet]] for the duration of his visit. Returning to Australia, with the threat of Japan imminent and with the Australian army suffering badly in the [[Battle of Greece|Greek]] and [[Battle of Crete|Crete]] campaigns, Menzies re-approached the Labor Party to form a War Cabinet. Unable to secure their support, and with an unworkable parliamentary majority, Menzies resigned as Prime Minister. The Coalition held office for another month, before the independents switched allegiance and [[John Curtin]] was sworn in Prime Minister.<ref name="primeministers.naa.gov.au"/> Eight weeks later, Japan [[attack on Pearl Harbor|attacked Pearl Harbor]].

From 1940 to 1941, Australian forces played prominent roles in the fighting in the [[Mediterranean Theatre of World War II|Mediterranean theatre]], including [[Operation Compass]], the [[Siege of Tobruk]], the [[Balkans Campaign (World War II)|Greek campaign]], the [[Battle of Crete]], the [[Syria-Lebanon campaign]] and the [[Second Battle of El Alamein]].

A garrison of around 14,000 Australian soldiers, commanded by Lieutenant General [[Leslie Morshead]] was besieged in [[Tobruk, Libya]] by the German-Italian army of General [[Erwin Rommel]] between April and August 1941. The Nazi propagandist [[Lord Haw Haw]] derided the defenders as 'rats', a term the soldiers adopted as an ironic compliment: "[[The Rats of Tobruk]]". Vital in the defence of Egypt and the Suez Canal, the Siege saw the advance of the German army halted for the first time and provided a morale boost for the [[British Commonwealth]], which was then standing alone against Hitler.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/encyclopedia/tobruk/</ref>

With most of Australia's best forces committed to fight against Hitler in the Middle East, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, the US naval base in Hawaii, on 8 December 1941 (eastern Australia time). The British battleship [[HMS Prince of Wales (53)|HMS Prince of Wales]] and battlecruiser [[HMS Repulse]] sent to defend Singapore were sunk soon afterwards. Australia was ill-prepared for an attack, lacking armaments, modern fighter aircraft, heavy bombers, and aircraft carriers. While demanding reinforcements from Churchill, on 27 December 1941 Curtin published an historic announcement:<ref name="ReferenceA">http://primeministers.naa.gov.au/primeministers/curtin/in-office.aspx</ref>

{{cquote|"The Australian Government... regards the Pacific struggle as primarily one in which the [[United States]] and Australia must have the fullest say in the direction of the democracies' fighting plan. Without inhibitions of any kind, I make it clear that Australia looks to [[United States|America]], free of any pangs as to our traditional links or kinship with the United Kingdom."<ref>Cited in Frank Crowley (1973) Vol 2, p.51</ref>}}

British Malaya quickly collapsed, shocking the Australian nation. British, Indian and Australian troops made a disorganised last stand at Singapore, before surrendering on 15 February 1942. 15,000 Australian soldiers became [[prisoners of war]]. Curtin predicted that the 'battle for Australia' would now follow. On 19 February, [[Darwin, Northern Territory|Darwin]] suffered a devastating [[Air raids on Darwin, 19 February 1942|air raid]], the first time the Australian mainland had ever been attacked by enemy forces. Over the following 19 months, [[Japanese air attacks on Australia, 1942-43|Australia was attacked from the air]] almost 100 times.

Three reinforced infantry battalions awaited the advancing Japanese in an arc across Australia's north: [[Sparrow Force]] on Timor, [[Gull Force]] on Ambon and [[Lark Force]] on New Britain.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/units/unit_21798.asp</ref> These "bird forces" were overwhelmed: in early 1942, Lark Force was defeated in the [[Battle of Rabaul (1942)]] and Gull Force surrendered in the [[Battle of Ambon]] and through 1942-3, Sparrow Force engaged in a prolonged guerilla campaign in [[Battle of Timor]]. Captured [[Australian Prisoners of War]] suffered severe ill-treatment in the Pacific Theatre. Around 160 men of Lark Force were bayonetted after capture at Toll Plantation, while 300 of the surrendering Gull Force were summarily executed in the [[Laha Massacre]] and 75% of their comrades perished due to ill-treatment and the conditions of their incarceration.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/units/unit_11273.asp</ref><ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/units/event_415.asp</ref> In 1943, 2,815 Australian Pows died constructing Japan's [[Burma-Thailand Railway]]<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/exhibitions/stolenyears/ww2/japan/burmathai/</ref> In 1944, the Japanese inflicted the [[Sandakan Death March]] on 2,000 Australian and British prisoners of war - only 6 survived. This was the single worst war crime perpetrated against Australians in war.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/exhibitions/stolenyears/ww2/japan/sandakan/</ref>

[[File:POWs Burma Thai RR.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Netherlands and Australian [[Prisoners of War|PoWs]] at Tarsau, in [[Thailand]] in 1943. 22,000 Australians were captured by the Japanese, of whom around 8000 subsequently died.]]
[[File:Curtinmacarthur.jpg|right|thumb|200px|[[United States Army|U.S. General]] [[Douglas MacArthur]], Commander of Allied forces in the Pacific, with Australian Prime Minister [[John Curtin]].]]

Two battle hardened Australian divisions were already steaming from the Mid-East for Singapore. Churchill wanted them diverted to Burma, but Curtin refused, and anxiously awaited their return to Australia. U.S. President [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]] ordered his commander in the Philippines, General [[Douglas MacArthur]], to formulate a Pacific defence plan with Australia in March 1942. Curtin agreed to place Australian forces under the command of General MacArthur, who became "Supreme Commander of the South West Pacific". Curtin had thus presided over a fundamental shift in Australia's foreign policy. MacArthur moved his headquarters to Melbourne in March 1942 and American troops began massing in Australia. In late May 1942, Japanese [[midget submarine]]s sank an [[HMAS Kuttabul (ship)|accommodation vessel]] in a daring raid on [[Attack on Sydney Harbour|Sydney Harbour]]. On 8 June 1942, two Japanese submarines briefly shelled Sydney's eastern suburbs and the city of Newcastle.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/japsubs/midgetsubs.htm |title=Midget Submarines history at |publisher=Home.st.net.au |date= |accessdate=29 April 2010}}</ref>

[[File:Centaur (ARTV09088).png|thumb|200px|alt=A painting showing a hospital ship on fire and sinking. In the foreground, a man and a woman cling to a spar to keep afloat, while other people are shown leaving the ship by lifeboat or jumping overboard. The poster is captioned across the top with the words "WORK • SAVE • FIGHT", and across the bottom with "and so AVENGE THE NURSES!"|A propaganda poster calling for Australians to avenge the 1943 sinking of Australian Hospital Ship ''[[AHS Centaur|Centaur]]'' off the Queensland coast.]]

In an effort to isolate Australia, the Japanese planned a seaborne invasion of [[Port Moresby]], in the Australian [[Territory of New Guinea]]. In May 1942, the [[United States Navy|U.S. Navy]] engaged the Japanese in the [[Battle of the Coral Sea]] and halted the attack. The [[Battle of Midway]] in June effectively defeated the Japanese navy and the Japanese army launched a land assault on Moresby from the north.<ref name="ReferenceA"/> Between July and November 1942, Australian forces repulsed Japanese attempts on the city by way of the [[Kokoda Track campaign|Kokoda Track]], in the highlands of [[New Guinea]]. The [[Battle of Milne Bay]] in August 1942 was the first Allied defeat of Japanese land forces.

Meanwhile in North Africa, the [[Axis Powers]] had driven Allies back in to Egypt. A turning point came between July and November 1942, when [[9th Division (Australia)|Australia's 9th Division]] played a crucial role in some of the heaviest fighting of the [[First Battle of El Alamein|First]] and [[Second Battle of El Alamein]], which turned the [[North Africa Campaign]] in favour of the Allies.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/encyclopedia/el_alamein/reading.asp</ref>

Concerned to maintain British commitment to the defence of Australia, Prime Minister Curtin announced in November 1943 that [[Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester]] was to be appointed [[Governor General of Australia]]. The brother of [[King George VI]] arrived in Australia to take up his post in January 1945. Curtin hoped this might influence the British to despatch men and equipment to the Pacific, and the appointment reaffirmed the important role of the Crown to the Australian nation.<ref>http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A140317b.htm?hilite=duke%3Bof%3Bgloucester</ref>

On 14 May 1943, the [[AHS Centaur|Australian Hospital Ship Centaur]], though clearly marked as a medical vessel, was sunk by a Japanese submarine off the Queensland coast. Of the 332 persons on board including doctors and nurses, just 64 survived and only one of the ship's nursing staff, [[Ellen Savage]]. The war crime further enraged popular opinion against Japan.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/blog/2008/05/14/the-sinking-of-the-centaur/</ref><ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/encyclopedia/centaur/</ref>

The [[Battle of Buna-Gona]] between November 1942 and January 1943, saw Australian and United States forces attack the main Japanese beachheads in New Guinea, at Buna, Sanananda and Gona. Facing tropical disease, difficult terrain and well constructed Japanese defences, the allies only secured victory with heavy casualties.<ref>http://www.awm.gov.au/units/event_340.asp</ref> The battle set the tone for the remainder of the [[New Guinea Campaign]]. The offensives in Papua and New Guinea of 1943–44 were the single largest series of connected operations ever mounted by the Australian armed forces.<ref name="ReferenceB">http://www.awm.gov.au/wartime/23/new-guinea-offensive/</ref> The Supreme Commander of operations was the United States General [[Douglas Macarthur]], with Australian General [[Thomas Blamey]] taking a direct role in planning and operations being essentially directed by staff at New Guinea Force headquarters in Port Moresby.<ref name="ReferenceB"/> Bitter fighting continued in New Guinea between the largely Australian force and the Japanese [[Eighteenth Army (Japan)|18th Army]] based in New Guinea until the [[Japanese surrender]] in 1945.

MacCarthur excluded Australian forces from the main push north into the Philippines and Japan. It was left to Australia to lead [[amphibious assault]]s against Japanese bases in [[Borneo campaign (1945)|Borneo]]. Curtin suffered from ill health from the strains of office and died weeks before the war ended, replace by [[Ben Chifley]].

Of Australia's wartime population of 7&nbsp;million, almost 1&nbsp;million men and women served in a branch of the services during the six years of warfare. By war's end, gross enlistments totalled 727,200 men and women in the [[Australian Army]] (of whom 557,800 served overseas), 216,900 in the RAAF and 48,900 in the RAN. Over 39,700 were killed or died as prisoners of war, about 8,000 of whom died as prisoners of the Japanese.<ref>Jan Bassett (1986) p.228-229. Also see Gavin Long (1963)'' The Final Campaigns'', Australia in the War of 1939-1945, Series 1, Volume 7, p.622-637.Australian War Memorial, Canberra.</ref>

===The Homefront===
{{Main|Australian home front during World War II}}
[[File:He's coming South.jpg|thumb|left|1942 Australian propaganda poster used on the homefront. Australia feared invasion by [[Imperial Japan]] following the [[Fall of Singapore]].]]

The Australian economy was markedly affected by World War II.<ref>Bolton cited in John Close "Australians in Wartime" in Ray Willis et al (eds) (1982) p.209</ref> Expenditure on war reached 37% of GDP by 1943-4, compared to 4% expenditure in 1939-1940.<ref>John Robertson (1984) p.198.</ref> Total war expenditure was £2,949&nbsp;million between 1939 and 1945.<ref>Gavin Long (1973) ''The Six Years War'' p. 474. Australian War Memorial, Canberra. ISBN 0-642-99375-0</ref>

[[File:Victory job (AWM ARTV00332).jpg|thumb|Australian women were encouraged to contribute to the war effort by joining one of the female branches of the armed forces or participating in the labour force]]
[[File:Darwin 42.jpg|thumb|The [[Bombing of Darwin]], 19 February 1942.]]
[[File:Kuttabul (AWM 042975).jpg|thumb|The ''Kuttabul'', sunk by a [[Attack on Sydney Harbour|Japanese midget submarine attack]] on Sydney Harbour, 1942.]]

Although the peak of Army enlistments occurred in June–July 1940, when over 70,000 enlisted, it was the Curtin Labor Government, formed in October 1941, that was largely responsible for "a complete revision of the whole Australian economic, domestic and industrial life."<ref name="John Robertson 1984 p.195">John Robertson (1984) p.195</ref> Rationing of fuel, clothing and some food was introduced, (although less severely than in Britain) Christmas holidays curtailed, "brown outs" introduced and some public transport reduced. From December 1941, the Government evacuated all women and children from Darwin and northern Australia, and over 10,000 refugees arrived from South East Asia as Japan advanced.<ref>John Robertson (1984) p.202-3</ref> In January 1942, the Manpower Directorate was set up "to ensure the organisation of Australians in the best possible way to meet all defence requirements."<ref name="John Robertson 1984 p.195"/> Minister for War Organisation of Industry, [[John Dedman]] introduced a degree of austerity and government control previously unknown, to such an extent that he was nicknamed "the man who killed Father Christmas."

In May 1942 uniform tax laws were introduced in Australia, as state governments relinquished their control over income taxation, "The significance of this decision was greater than any other… made throughout the war, as it added extensive powers to the Federal Government and greatly reduced the financial autonomy of the states."<ref>Frank Crowley (1973) Vol 2, p.55</ref>

Manufacturing grew significantly because of the war. "In 1939 there were only three Australian firms producing machine tools, but by 1943 there were more than one hundred doing so."<ref>John Close "Australians in Wartime" in Ray Willis et al (eds) (1982) p.210</ref> From having few front line aircraft in 1939, the RAAF had become the fourth largest allied Air force by 1945. A number of aircraft were built under licence in Australia before the war's end, notably the [[Bristol Beaufort|Beaufort]] and [[Beaufighter]], although the majority of aircraft were from Britain and later, the USA.<ref>John Robertson (1984) p.189-190</ref> The [[CAC Boomerang|Boomerang fighter]], designed and built in four months of 1942, emphasised the desperate state Australia found itself in as the Japanese advanced.

Australia also created, virtually from nothing, a significant female workforce engaged in direct war production. Between 1939 and 1944 the number of women working in factories rose from 171,000 to 286,000.<ref>John Close "Australians in Wartime" in Ray Willis et al (eds) (1982) p.211</ref> Dame [[Enid Lyons]], widow of former Prime Minister [[Joseph Lyons]], became the first woman elected to the [[Australian House of Representatives|House of Representatives]] in 1943, joining the Robert Menzies' new centre-right [[Liberal Party of Australia]], formed in 1945. At the same election, [[Dorothy Tangney]] became the first woman elected to the [[Australian Senate|Senate]].

==See also==
* [[History of Australia since 1945]]


==Bibliography and further reading==
* Bramble, Tom. ''Trade Unionism in Australia: A History from Flood to Ebb Tide'' (2008) [http://www.amazon.com/dp/0521888034/ excerpt and text search]
* Bridge, Carl ed., ''Munich to Vietnam: Australia's Relations with Britain and the United States since the 1930s,'' Melbourne University Press 1991
* Casey, R. G. "Australia in World Affairs," ''International Affairs'' (1937) 16#5 pp.&nbsp;698–713 [http://www.jstor.org/stable/2603816 in JSTOR]
* Davison, Graeme, John Hirst, and Stuart Macintyre, eds. ''The Oxford Companion to Australian History'' (2001) online at [[OUP]] also [http://www.amazon.com/dp/019551503X/ excerpt and text search]
* Day, David. ''Reluctant Nation: Australia and the Allied Defeat of Japan 1942-45'' (1992)
* Dennis, Peter, Jeffrey Grey, Ewan Morris, and Robin Prior. ''The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History.'' 1996)
* Edwards, John. ''Curtin's Gift: Reinterpreting Australia's Greatest Prime Minister,'' (2005) [http://www.questia.com/read/108661368 online edition]
* Hearn, Mark, Harry Knowles, and Ian Cambridge. ''One Big Union: A History of the Australian Workers Union 1886-1994'' (1998)
* Jupp, James, ed. ''The Australian People: An Encyclopedia of the Nation, its People and their Origins'' (2nd ed. 2002) 960pp [http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0521807891/ excerpt and text search]
* McDonald, John. ''Federation: Australian Art and Society, 1901-2001. Natl. Gallery of Australia, 2002. 264 pp.
* Macintyre, Stuart. ''The Oxford History of Australia: Volume 4: 1901-42, the Succeeding Age'' (1993)
* McLean, Ian W. "Consumer Prices and Expenditure Patterns in Australia 1850-1914." ''Australian Economic History Review''(1999) 39(1): 1-28; includes a consumer price index (CPI) for the period 1850 to 1914. Issn: 0004-8992 Fulltext: [[Ebsco]]
* Samuels, Selina, ed. ''Australian Writers, 1915-50.'' (2002). 510 pp.
* Ward, Russell. ''A Nation for a Continent: The History of Australia, 1901-1975'' (1977)
* Ward, Smart. ''Australia and the British Embrace: The Demise of the Imperial Ideal'' (2001)
* Watt, Alan. ''The Evolution of Australian Foreign Policy 1938–1965,'' Cambridge University Press, 1967
* Welsh, Frank. ''Australia: A New History of the Great Southern Land'' (2008)

===Primary sources===
* Kemp, Rod, and Marion Stanton, eds. ''Speaking for Australia: Parliamentary Speeches That Shaped Our Nation'' Allen & Unwin, 2004 [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=110168653 online edition]

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