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List of terms referring to an average person

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The following is a list of terms referring to an average person. Many are used as placeholder names.



By culture




Fulān (male: ‏فلان‎), Fulāna (female: فلانة),[2] also (male with family name: Fulān al-Fulani)[3]


  • María Victoria Villareal[4] is used in the National Identity Cards (DNI) specimens, born in 60's. However, she was replaced with others.
  • Virgilio Portillo is a non-citizen, generally appear as Paraguayan nationality.
  • Manuela Martínez or Fernández (Depending on DNI version), is a girl that has "MANU", in her signature.[5]
  • Juan Pérez is used colloquially as a generic male full name.
  • Fulano, Mengano, Zutano, three fake names, were used in the past as 'some guy,' as in "On his way to work he ran into Fulano [some guy] and they spoke for a while."




  • Hans Meier / Maier / Mayer[6]
  • Herr und Frau Österreicher (Mr and Mrs Austrian)[7]

Belgium (Dutch)



  • Pepito or Pepita Pérez (lit. "Little Joe Pérez" or "Little Josephine Pérez"), used due to its alliterative sound.[citation needed]


  • Jan Novák ("John/Jon Newman"), Jana Nováková ("Jane Newman"); the most common Czech name and surname[citation needed]
  • Otakar Všudybyl ("Ottokar Waseverywhere")[8] and Jana Zcestovalá ("Jane Welltraveled"),[9] used on travelcards or ID cards samples
  • BFU (Běžný Franta Uživatel, "Basic User Frank"), meaning "brain free user"[10]






  • Matti Meikäläinen (male) Maija Meikäläinen (female).[16]


  • Usable as a common word: Pierre-Paul-Jacques (with the meaning of "Someone");[17]
  • Random people (similar to Average John/Jane): Monsieur/Madame Tout-le-monde[citation needed] (Mr/Mrs Everyone), Untel/Unetelle (Mr/Mrs NoName; literally, “a such” and thus similar to the English “so-and-so”),[18] Madame Michu (only female),[19] (M./Mme) Tartempion (familiar and a little satirical);[20]
  • Other:
    • (M./Mme) Machin/Machine (familiar terms, used when one does not wish take the trouble to think of a more specific term);[21]
    • (Un) Gazier originally, a man who worked in gas transport; nowadays, it is a familiar way to say "Someone" (mostly for a man; this term is rare for women, and in such case, the correct word is the feminine form "Gazière").[22]
    • (Un) Quidam: someone whose identity is unknown or cannot be disclosed.[23]

See also fr:wikt:Tartempion#Synonymes


  • Max Mustermann (Max Sample Man, for men), Erika Mustermann (Erika Sample Man, for women), since 1978. More recently, other first names have also been used in specific context, such as Leon Mustermann (sample children's passport),[24] Cleopâtre Mustermann (sample travel document for foreigners),[25] or Manu Musterperson (Manu Sample Person, as a gender-neutral form).[26]
  • de:Otto Normalverbraucher for economics related purposes

Greater China


Mainland China

  • 劉一 (pinyin: Líu Yī), 陳二 (Chén Èr), 張三 (Zhāng Sān), 李四 (Lǐ Sì), 王五 (Wáng Wǔ), 趙六 (Zhào Lìu), 孫七 (Sūn Qī), 周八 (Zhōu Bā), 吳九 (Wǔ Jiǔ), 鄭十 (Zhèng Shí), all following the scheme of a common surname followed by a number
  • 冬冬 (Dōngdōng), 妞妞 (Niǔniǔ), 妮妮 (Níní) for children[28][29]

Hong Kong

  • 陳大文 (Jyutping: can4 daai6 man4) (male) and 陳小美 (Jyutping: can4 siu2 mei5) (female)
  • 樂永晴 (Jyutping: lok6 wing5 cing4) or Lok Wing Ching, the name currently used on the sample identity card.[30]


  • 志明 (pinyin: Zhìmíng, POJ: Chì-bêng) (male) and 春嬌 (pinyin: Chūnjiāo, POJ: Chhun-kiau) (female)

India (and Pakistan)

  • Aam Aadmi -- literally meaning "ordinary person" in Hindi
  • Ashok Kumar has been used in multiple court cases as a placeholder name as well[31]
  • In Pakistan, mainly where the languages are more influenced by Persian, they use Falan as a placeholder more commonly


  • Tadhg an mhargaidh[32] ("Tadhg of the market")


  • Mario Rossi,[33] a very common name
  • Pinco Pallino,[34] a made up name
  • Tal dei Tali,[35] a made up name with the meaning of “so-and-so of all the so-and-sos”, i.e., a particular so-and-so)
  • Signor Nessuno[36] ("Mr. Nobody")
  • "Tizio,[37] Caio[38] e Sempronio[39]" equivalent to "Tom, Dick and Harry". Originated from Tiberius, Gaius and Sempronius Gracchus.







Fulano,[43] mengano,[44] zutano,[45] and perengano[46] are words that are used to refer to someone when their name is not known or is not wanted to be said.




  • Lagbaja, literally ‘someone’ in the Yoruba language.


  • Ola Nordmann (male), Kari Nordmann (female), common Norwegian first names and a surname that literally translates to "Norwegian"

Persian-speaking countries (e.g. Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan)

  • فلانی (Folānī): Loan word from Arabic, which is used in Persian for both male and female subjects.[47]
  • یارو (Yarū): Mainly derogatory, and associated strongly with the Tehrani dialect. Is used to mean "that person over there".[48]




  • Jan Kowalski (male), Anna Kowalska (female), the second most common Polish surname.
  • For a broader representation of average Poles "Kowalski" may be grouped with some other common surnames, such as Nowak (the most common Polish surname), Malinowski, or Wiśniewski: "Imagine our neighbors, the Kowalskis or Nowaks, who earn PLN 100 less per month than we do".[49]
  • Iksiński a surname formed in accordance with the rules of creating Polish surnames with the common suffix -ski/-ska, but the basis for its creation was the letter X (pronounced "iks" in Polish), which is used to denote unknowns (e.g. in mathematical operations). It is used especially in situations where one wants to emphasise that the person one is talking about is not anyone in particular or that the identity of that person cannot be given.[50][51] When talking about another such person in a single utterance, one can use the surname Igrekowski,[52] which is derived from the letter Y (pronounced in Polish as "igrek"). Both surnames also have female forms, Iksińska and Igrekowska respectively. No living Polish citizen bears these surnames (as of 2024).[53][54][55][56]


  • Fulano (from Arabic), Sicrano (unknown etymology), Beltrano (from given name Beltrão)[57] "Fulano, Sicrano e Beltrano" equivalent to "Tom, Dick and Harry"
  • Zé Ninguém (literally Joe Nobody), equivalent to “Mister Nobody”


  • Cutărescu, general term used in order to avoid a specific surname; a no-name[58]



Common placeholder first names in Russia are Ivan and Pyotr, due to their ubiquity. Their placeholder function may be seen in old Russian textbooks: in arithmetical problems or sentences to illustrate grammar.[59]

The name "Vasya Pupkin" (Russian: Вася Пупкин) may be used to denote an average random or unknown person in the colloquial speech.[60][61]

For a group of average persons or to stress the randomness of a selection, a triple common Russian surnames are used together in the same context: "Ivanov, Petrov, or Sidorov". This is a relatively new phenomenon that was unknown in the early 20th century. Ivanov, being derived from the most common first name, is a placeholder for an arbitrary person. In its plural form, "Ivanovs", it may be used as a placeholder for a group of people.[59] There is a military joke: The sergeant asks the rookies: "Your surnames!" - "Ivanov!", "Petrov!", "Sidorov!" - "Are you brothers?" - "No, we are namesakes, sir!"[62]



Petar Petrović is the most often used name in examples of how to fill out documents, payment slips etc, alongside the street name Petra Petrovića and the town of Petrovac.[63][64] Other names: Jovan Jovanović, Marko Marković, Lazar Lazarević, Ivan Ivanović.[63]


  • Fulano, from Arabic, Mengano, Zutano. "Fulano, Mengano y Zutano" equivalent to "Tom, Dick and Harry"




  • Somchai (common name for male – literally meaning "appropriate for a man"), Somsri (common, if somewhat dated, name for female), Sommai (common names of either gender), nai-gor (นาย equivalent to 'Mr. A')[67]

United Kingdom




United States and Canada

Social Security card featuring John Q. Public



See also



  1. ^ "Cambridge Dictionary - Normie". Cambridge Dictionary.
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