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ΠΑΣΑ τέχνη καὶ πᾶσα μέθοδ(ος), ὁμοίως δὲ πρᾶξίς τε (καὶ) (προ)αίρεσις, ἀγαθ(οῦ) τινὸς ἐφίε(σθαι) δοκεῖ. διὸ καλῶς ἀπεφ(ήν)αν(το) τἀγαθόν, (οὗ) πάντα ἐφίε(ται). διαφορὰ δέ (τι)ς φαίνε(ται) (τῶν) τελῶν: τὰ (μὲν) γάρ εἰσιν (ἐν)έργ(ει)αι, τὰ (δὲ) παρ' αὐτὰς ἔργα (τι)νά. ὧν δ' εἰσὶ τέλη τινὰ (παρ)ὰ τὰς πράξ(ει)ς, (ἐν) τ(ού)(το)ις βελτίω πέφυκε (τῶν) (ἐν)(ερ)γειῶν τὰ (ἔρ)γα.

The text is from the opening of the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle. I indicated ligatures by parentheses; some may think I underestimated, others overestimated—indeed, a few cases could have been closely-spaced non-ligatures. → AllanBz  —15:31, 13 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]