File talk:CMR - 88mm.JPG
Model No.
This picture appears to be the "Flak 37" model of the German 88mm gun, although it has a one-piece, Flak 18 model barrel. The three-piece Flak 36-37 barrel has a distinctive barrel nut near the center of the barrel.
The Flak 37 model has an advanced (for 1937) electrical system for estimating the aiming point for anti-aircraft (or even anti-ship) use. Part of a rectangular indicator box can apparently be seen just to the right of the roundish sight mechanism. The top of the sight mechanism cover can be seen just beyond, the two horizontal cylinders, pointing to the left. Beyond the gun, there would be the two characteristic rectangular boxes each with dial indicators behind an oval shaped glass viewport. The aiminging point would be estimated by other "predictor" equipment and the information fed to the gun through electrical cables to the various indicator dials on the gun. The aiming point was sometimes one km in front of a bomber at altitude! WonderWheeler (talk) 04:25, 23 June 2008 (UTC)