English: Photo of Harry Caray in the Cardinals' announcing booth. He had just caught a foul ball with his net, which he kept with him, no matter for what team he was announcing.
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The original description page was here. All following user names refer to en.wikipedia.
Upload date | User | Bytes | Dimensions | Comment
2011-08-02 01:25 (UTC) | We hope | 158320 (bytes) | 960×781 | Uploaded uncropped fron of photo in error--this is the cropped version
2011-08-02 01:24 (UTC) | We hope | 101609 (bytes) | 1024×840 | Photo cropped and minor flaws fixed. Previous upload was to establish date, source and that there are no copyright marks on the photo.
2011-08-02 01:22 (UTC) | We hope | 130596 (bytes) | 2048×842 | {{Information |Description=Photo of Harry Caray in the Cardinal's announcing booth. He had just caught a fly ball with his net which he kept with him no matter what team he was announcing for. |Source=[http://cgi.ebay.com/1957-Harry-Caray-Famous-Baseball-
Harry Caray in the announcing booth at a St. Louis Cardinals with his famous net for catching foul balls. He caught one this day in 1957.
(Original text) : Photo cropped and minor flaws fixed. Previous upload was to establish date, source and that there are no copyright marks on the photo.
(Original text) : {{Information |Description=Photo of Harry Caray in the Cardinal's announcing booth. He had just caught a fly ball with his net which he kept with him no matter what team he was announcing for. |Source=[http://cgi.ebay.com/1957-Harry-Cara