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Drug policy of China

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China uses various methods to carry out nationwide anti-drug publicity and education and popularize drug prevention knowledge. The main purpose is to strengthen citizens' anti-drug awareness and improve citizens' awareness of the harm of drugs. A major task of comprehensive anti-drug publicity and education is to popularize drug prevention knowledge, reveal the serious harm of drug abuse to individuals, families, and society, strengthen the anti-drug awareness of the entire population, especially young people, educate the public security bureau to combat drug-related crimes, and build an effective mechanism for the whole society to prevent drug abuse. Minimize the proportion of new drug addicts. It can be said that the anti-drug publicity and education work with preventive education as the main task is the fundamental solution to the anti-drug work, and its effect kills two birds with one stone.[1]



Eliminate drugs at their source


The Chinese government has made banning the cultivation of original drug plants a priority, and the National Narcotics Control Commission deploys nationwide efforts to eradicate drugs from banning drugs every year. Local governments in key mountainous and forested areas organize personnel to investigate and monitor the illegal cultivation of original drug plants in mountainous and forested areas every year.In 2008, a total of 62,000 drug crime cases were solved, 74,000 suspects were arrested, and 4.4 tons of heroin, 6.2 tons of methamphetamine and tablets, 1.078 million ecstasy pills, 5.3 tons of ketamine, 2.2 tons of marijuana, 1.4 tons of opium, and 0.8 tons of cocaine were seized. tons, 3.779 million poppy plants and 308,000 marijuana plants were eradicated.[2]

Prevent the entry of foreign drugs


China Customs cooperates with overseas law enforcement agencies to strictly prevent foreign drugs from entering China. Since 2022, China Customs has opened and investigated 1,037 drug smuggling cases, and seized 5.3 tons of various drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine.[3]


China actively supports and promotes sub-regional anti-drug cooperation activities initiated by the United Nations. China continues to strengthen bilateral and multilateral international anti-drug cooperation with foreign countries. Over the years, China has carried out various forms of anti-drug intelligence exchange, training and law enforcement cooperation with the United States, Canada, Japan, France, Australia, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and other countries.[4] Since 1996, China has also successively established a liaison officer system for anti-drug law enforcement cooperation in border areas with Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Russia and other countries. The police forces of China and the United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea and other countries have jointly cracked down on drug trafficking cases on many occasions through international anti-drug intelligence exchanges and judicial assistance, effectively combating transnational drug criminal activities.[5]

Chinese Customs has arrested drug smuggling cases over the years
2018 2019 2020 2022-2023.5
Number of cases caught(pieces) 596 735 610 1037
Total weight of drugs seized (tons) 4.61 2.77 1.6 5.3



The measures currently taken by China mainly include the following:

First, mobilize the whole country social forces participate. China gives full play to the joint efforts of education, civil affairs, industry and commerce, trade unions, the Communist Youth League, Women's Federation and other social member units, and actively cooperates with anti-drug departments and publicity departments at all levels on a regular basis through various activities such as knowledge competitions, special lectures, photo exhibitions, and street propaganda. Carry out publicity activities.

The second is to promote anti-drug education into classrooms and families. Some local schools have incorporated anti-drug education into the legal education system, arranging corresponding class hours each semester, combining knowledge of chemistry, biology and other subjects, and using modern information methods to teach, so that students can master the knowledge of the dangers of drugs.[6]

China believes that schools are an important place for drug prevention education and one of the most effective lines of defense in controlling the breeding of new drug addicts among young people. Drug abuse prevention education in schools aims to cultivate students' psychological quality to resist drug invasion and improve students' ability to identify and refuse drugs. Schools should make "anti-drug education" an important part of students' moral education in teaching courses, and should implement drug prevention theme education for primary and secondary school students, and make unremitting efforts to sound the alarm so that students can consciously take precautions at all times and everywhere. Further establish good school spirit and school discipline so that students can grow up healthily in fine traditions, good order, elegant environment and high-quality education.[7]

Macro perspectives


The effective management of drug crimes is related to national security. For a long time, China has adopted an anti-drug criminal policy of heavy penalties and severe penalties. In the context of the high cost and heavy burden of anti-drug justice, the current anti-drug criminal policy of severe punishment has failed to fully maximize the performance of drug crime governance: On the one hand, although the number of drug crime cases has been declining in recent years; the total number is still large; on the other hand, although the growth rate of drug addicts has slowed down, the number is still very large.[8]

Economic perspective

  • Low criminalization standards excessively occupy judicial resources

According to Article 347 of the "Criminal Law" of the People's Republic of China, Smuggling, selling, transporting, and manufacturing drugs, regardless of the quantity, should be investigated for criminal responsibility and given criminal penalties.[9] Therefore, many minor drug cases consume a lot of judicial resources of the anti-drug judicial organs.

Social and humanistic perspective


Understanding the essential characteristics of drug addicts and the phenomenon of drug abuse. In traditional concepts, drug addicts are often positioned as "bad guys" and "lawbreakers" and are ostracized by the entire society and punished by the law. After the promulgation of the Anti-Drug Law, drug addicts were given the triple role status of "offender", "patient" and "victim".[10]

In China, police officers at drug rehabilitation centers have developed comprehensive drug rehabilitation education content for drug addicts, including classroom teaching, physical rehabilitation training, psychological crisis intervention, vocational and technical training, auxiliary education activities, etc. It allows drug addicts to not only get rid of drug addiction, rebuild their confidence in a positive and healthy life, but also learn vocational skills to lay a solid foundation for returning to society.[11]


China has formulated a criminal policy to combat drug crimes with criminal law as the core. Be very tough on drug manufacturers and traffickers. Anyone with more than 1 kilogram of opium and 50 grams of heroin will be sentenced to death.[12]

See also



  1. ^ Li, Caizao (2021). "禁毒宣传教育在宣传方面存在的问题及对策" [Problems and Countermeasures in Propaganda of Anti-drug Publicity and Education]. 休闲 (27): 1. 我国运用各种方式进行全民禁毒宣传教育,普及毒品预防知识,其主要目的就是加强公民的禁毒意识,提升公民自觉禁止毒品危害的水平。进行全面禁毒宣传教育都一项主要任务就是普及毒品预防知识,揭破吸毒对个人、家庭、社会的严重危害,加强全民特别是青少年的禁毒意识,教育公安局与毒品违法犯罪行为作斗争,构建全社会预防毒品侵害的有效机制。把新增吸毒人员的比例减到最低。能够讲,以预防教育为主要任务的禁毒宣传教育工作是禁毒工作的治本之策,其效果一举两得。
  2. ^ 潘, 娟; 邹, 舟 (2010). "我国禁毒政策的沿革与发展" [The evolution and development of my country’s anti-drug policy]. 云南省政法干部学校云南大学法学院. 25 (3): 16–22. 2008年共破获毒品犯罪案件6.2万起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人7.4万名,缴获海洛因4.4吨、冰毒及片剂6.2吨、摇头丸 107.8万粒、氯胺酮5.3 吨、大麻2.2吨、鸦片1.4吨、可卡因0.8吨,铲除罂粟 377.9万株、大麻30.8万株。
  3. ^ "筑牢国门防线 海关缉毒取得新成效--经济·科技--人民网" [Building a solid defense line at the national border and customs anti-narcotics achieved new results--Economy·Technology--People's Daily Online]. finance.people.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-10-11. 2022年以来,共立案侦办走私毒品犯罪案件1037起,查获可卡因、冰毒等各类毒品5.3吨。
  4. ^ Zhuang, Shengchun. "中美等24国联手打击跨国毒品犯罪 国际合作不断推进" [24 countries including China and the United States join forces to combat transnational drug crimes, and international cooperation continues to advance]. china.cnr.cn. Retrieved 2023-10-30. 近年来,我国不断深化与其他国家的国际禁毒合作工作。中国国家禁毒委员会办公室有关负责人近日与来自美国、日本、阿富汗等23个国家的驻华使馆警务联络官和外交官在京联合召开会议,宣布正式启动"合力-2012"打击跨国毒品犯罪联合行动。
  5. ^ "《中国的禁毒》白皮书" ["China's Anti-Drug" White Paper]. www.cctv.com. Retrieved 2023-10-30.
  6. ^ 倪, 彤 (2012). "中美青少年禁毒教育模式浅探及比较思考" [A brief exploration and comparative reflection on anti-drug education models for adolescents in China and the United States]. 教育教学论坛. 我国目前采取的措施主要有如下几种 :一是动员全
    社会 力量参与 。我 国充分发挥 教育 、民政 、工商 、工会 、共青团、妇联等社会成员单位的合力作用 ,以知识竞赛 、专题讲座 、图片展览、街头宣传等形式多样的活动,积极配合各级禁毒部门和宣传部门定期开展宣传活动。二是推进禁毒教育进课堂、进家庭 。一些地方学校把禁毒教育纳入法制教育体系,每学期安排相应课时,结合化学、生物等学科知识,使用现代化信息手段进行教学授课 ,从而使学 生掌握毒 品危 害的知识 ,进一步 了学中,很多教师重视结论 ,轻视过程 ,走的是一条形而上的捷径,把推导知识的形成过程变成了刻板的背诵条文 ,在强调死记 硬背的过程中忽视 了对 于学生智力的开发。强调过程,就是强调学生要在探索未知的经历中获得新知识的体验过程。它能够让学生在探究的过程 中培养各方 面的能力 ,这样得 到 的数学知识也会更加牢固。诚然 ,在探索新知的过程 中最需要注意 的就是要把握好时间,切忌那种大撒手式的探究方式 ,学生花费了时间不说,还没有有效结果的产生。
  7. ^ "国际禁毒日 | 小心!有"毒"勿沾!" [International Day Against Drug Abuse | Beware! Don’t touch it if it’s “poisonous”! _The Paper·Government Affairs_The Paper News-The Paper]. www.thepaper.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-18. 中国认为学校是毒品预防教育的重要场所,是控制青少年新吸毒人员滋生的最有效防线之一。
  8. ^ 苏, 青 (2022年). "我国毒品问题治理政策的回顾与展望——以毒品治理现代化为基点" [Review and Prospect of my country's Drug Problem Governance Policies—Based on the Modernization of Drug Governance]. 《郑州轻工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (Social Science Edition)" (第1期). 毒品犯罪治理的有效管理关系到国家安全。长期以来,中国采取了重罚严惩的禁毒刑事政策。在禁毒司法成本高、负担重的背景下,当前的严厉处罚的禁毒刑事政策未能充分发挥毒品犯罪治理的绩效:一方面,尽管近年来毒品犯罪案件数量有所下降,但总量仍然很大;另一方面,尽管吸毒人员的增长率有所放缓,但数量依然非常庞大。
  9. ^ 王, 尚新. "关于刑法情节显著轻微规定的思考" [Thoughts on the obviously minor provisions of criminal law] (PDF). 法学研究. 第5期 (2001年). 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百四十七条规定,走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品,无论数量多少,都应当追究刑事责任,予以刑事处罚。According to Article 347 of the "Criminal Law" of the People's Republic of China, smuggling, selling, transporting, and manufacturing drugs, regardless of the quantity, should be investigated for criminal responsibility and given criminal penalties.
  10. ^ Lin, Mengchang (2014). "四川省推行"戒毒者生活导师计划"研究" [Research on the implementation of the "Life Mentor Program for Drug Rehabilitation" in Sichuan Province]. 犯罪与改造研究 (2): 4. 对吸毒者本质特征和吸毒现象的认识 在传统的观念中,吸毒者往往被定位于"坏人"和"违法者"的角色,受到整个社会的排斥和法律的惩戒.《禁毒法》颁布后,吸毒者被重新赋予"违法者"、"病人"、"受害者"的三重角色身份.
  11. ^ "女子戒毒所里的技能培训:为回归社会攒下信心-中新网" [Skills training in women’s drug rehabilitation centers: Building confidence for returning to society-China News]. www.chinanews.com.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-18. 戒毒所的民警为她们制定了全方位的戒毒教育内容,包含课堂化教学、体能康复训练、心理危机干预、职业技术培训、辅助教育主题活动等等。让戒毒人员既戒除毒瘾,重塑积极健康的生活信心,还能学会职业技能,为回归社会打好基础。
  12. ^ "【国际禁毒日】最高判死刑!关于毒品的这些题你都会答吗?" [[International Anti-Drug Day] The maximum penalty is death! Can you answer these questions about drugs? _The Paper·Government Affairs_The Paper News-The Paper]. www.thepaper.cn. Retrieved 2023-12-18. 非法持有鸦片一千克以上、海洛因或者甲基苯丙胺五十克以上或者其他毒品数量大的,处七年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处罚金