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Draft:Arkansas legislators in 1971

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(Includes officers)

Ray S. Smith Jr., Mrs. Jim Childers, Preston C. Bynum, Ivan Rose, Steve A. Smith, Roger V. Logan Jr., Ron Archer, L.L. “Doc” Bryan, Vada Sheid, Robert N. Cherry, Jesse C. Hayes, Hugh L. Kincaid, Charles W. Stewart, Rudy Moore Jr., Sterlin Hurley[1][2], John E. Miller, Leroy Blankenship[3], Roscoe Delano Brown, Jerry Bookout, Andrew Schug, Kenneth R. Camp, B. G. Hendrix, George E. Nowotny Jr.,

Bernice Kizer[4], Bill Stancil, Clovis Bryant, Charles W. Boyce, Paul X. Williams Jr., A.J. “Arch” Troxell,[5][6] Cecil L. Alexander, Paul Henry, Albert “Tom” Collier, P. K. Holmes William H. “Bill” Thompson, James H. Roberts, Charles R. Moore, W.R. “Bill” Nicholson, Walter M. Day, Charles Roy Lutes, Raymond A. Black, Ray S. Smith Jr., W.R. “Bill” Randall, Ode Maddox, Felver A. Rowell Jr., W.E. “Bill” Beaumont Jr., Harry W. Carter,

Gayle Windsor Jr., Paul Meers, Leon Holsted, Cal Ledbetter Jr., Joel Y. Ledbetter, Ralph Patterson, B. D. “Doug” Brandon, David R. Kane, Bob Traylor Jr., John B. Plegge[7], Art Givens, John Paul Capps, William F. Foster, James E. “Jim” Harris, John P. Bethall, Wayne Hampton, Kirby Meacham, J. L. “Jim” Shaver Jr., H. Woody Clark, Wayne N. Courtney, Lloyd C. McCuiston Jr.,

A. Jan Thomas Jr., R. A. “Doc” Caldwell, Ernest Cunningham, James L. Linder, J.B. Smith, Charles A. Conditt, George W. Davis, C.C. “Corky” Carlton, Lacy Landers, James C. Cole, Carl Fowler, G.W. “Buddy” Turner Jr., Boyce Alford, Dr. Sturgis Miller, Frank B. Henslee, R. Gean McDonald, Mac McLarty, Chas. L. “Chuck” Honey, Darrell “Sam” Hasley, Thomas E. Sparks, James Matthews, Jimmie D. McKissack, David G. Orr, Charles “Bubba” Wade Jr.,

Auby Rowe Jr., Donald L. “Don” Corbin, Julian D. Streett, Grady P. Arrington, Bobby G. Newman, Joseph K. Mahony II,[8] R. L. Goodwin, N.B. “Nap” Murphy, John M. Lipton, Bennie Ryburn Jr., Bill Holloway,

Kay Agee, Lucille Autry, Mandy Alford, Mary B. Allen, Mildred Adams, Vera Mae Baldridge, Joy Dillahunty, Harryette Dorchester, Helen Dwiggins, Carlene Feild, Nancy O. Gates, Alma Gauldin, Norma Gershner, Mary Gilpin, Clair Reece Gladden,

Jeanne M. McDaniel, Marilyn W. McGrew, Mrs. Ode Maddok, Alma Mathis, Ruth Means, June Morris, Jackie Myers, Charles Reeder, Jimmie Joyce Richards, Sue Riley, Dr. Fred R. Harrison, Talbot Field Jr., Aileen Bishop, Susan Boatright, Charlotte Brown, Catherine Brownlee, Juanda Briggs, Betty Compton, Helen Goodwin, Beverly Haddox, Jewel D. Hayes, Mary Jo Horton, David Ivy, Myrline Jernigan, Jeanne B. Lancaster, Lea Landers, Paul McClure, Bernice F. Sanders, Bonnie Shaver, Harold Simon, Joe Simpson, Carolyn Smith, Elizabeth Smits, Sue Smith, Charlene Stuart, Judy Stafford, and Helen Swesey[9]

Auby Rowe Jr.[10]


  1. ^ Butcher, Charles (31 December 1975). "1975 House of Representatives composite photo of the Seventieth General Assembly of the State of Arkansas". Arkansas General Assembly Composite Images, 1866-2023.
  2. ^ businessman and politician who appears to have a hwy named after him
  3. ^ "Declaration of U.S. Policy of Population Stabilization by Voluntary Means, 1971: Hearings, Ninety-second Congress, First Session, on S.J. Res. 108". 1972.
  4. ^ "Encyclopedia of Arkansas".
  5. ^ https://books.google.com/books?id=m_QYAQAAMAAJ&q=arch+troxell&dq=arch+troxell&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizuJv02uyJAxXKfDABHSkyAaYQ6AF6BAgFEAI
  6. ^ Daniels, Charlie (July 2009). The Historical Report of the Arkansas Secretary of State 2008. University of Arkansas Press. ISBN 9780615232140.
  7. ^ https://www.arkansasonline.com/obituaries/2021/aug/12/john-plegge-2021-08-12/
  8. ^ https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/joseph-kirby-jodie-mahony-12332/
  9. ^ Butcher, Charles (31 December 1971). "1971 House of Representatives composite photo of the Sixty-Eighth General Assembly of the State of Arkansas". Arkansas General Assembly Composite Images, 1866-2023.
  10. ^ "Arkansas Democrat Gazette".

This draft is in progress as of May 12, 2023.