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Differential graded algebra

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In mathematics, in particular in homological algebra, algebraic topology, and algebraic geometry, a differential graded algebra (or DG algebra, or DGA) is an algebraic structure often used to model topological spaces. In particular, it is a graded associative algebra with a chain complex structure that is compatible with the algebra structure. A noteworthy example is the de Rham alegbra of differential forms on a manifold. DGAs have also been used extensively in the development of rational homotopy theory.



Let be a graded algebra. We say that is a differential graded algebra if it is equipped with a map of degree (homological grading) or degree (cohomological grading). This map is a differential, giving the structure of a chain complex or cochain complex (depending on the degree of ), and satisfies a graded Leibniz rule. In what follows, we will denote the "degree" of a homogeneous element by .

Explicitly, the map satisfies

  1. , often written .
  2. .

A differential graded augmented algebra (or augmented DGA) is a DG algebra equipped with a DG morphism to the ground ring (the terminology is due to Henri Cartan).[1]

Categorical Definition


One can define a DGA more abstractly using category theory. There is a category of chain complexes over , often denoted , whose objects are chain complexes and whose morphisms are chain maps, i.e., maps compatible with the differential. We can define a tensor product on chain complexes by

which makes into a symmetric monoidal category. Then, a DGA is simply a monoid object in the category of chain complexes.

Maps of DGAs


A linear map between graded vector spaces is said to be of degree n if for all . When considering (co)chain complexes, we restrict our attention to chain maps, that is, those that satisfy . The morphisms in the category of DGAs are those chain maps which are of degree 0.

Homology and Cohomology


Associated to any chain complex is its homology. Since , it follows that is a subset of . Thus, we can form the quotient

This is called the th homology group, and all together they form a graded vector space , and in fact this is a graded algebra.

Similarly, one can associate to any cochain complex its cohomology, i.e., the th cohomology group is given by

These once again form a graded vector space .

Kinds of DGAs


Commutative Differential Graded Algebras


A commutative differential graded algebra (or CDGA) is a differential graded algebra, , which satisfies a graded version of commutativity. Namely,

for homogeneous elements . Many of the DGAs commonly encountered in math happen to be CDGAs.

Differential Graded Lie Algebras


A differential graded Lie algebra (or DGLA) is a DG analogue of a Lie algebra. That is, it is a differential graded vector space, , together with an operation , satisfying graded analogues of the Lie algebra axioms. Let

  1. Graded skew-symmetry: for homogeneous elements .
  2. Graded Jacobi identity: .
  3. Graded Leibniz rule: .

An example of a DGLA is the de Rham algebra tensored with an ordinary Lie algebra . DGLAs arise frequently in deformation theory where, over a field of characteristic 0, "nice" deformation problems are described by Maurer-Cartan elements of some suitable DGLA.[2]

Formal DGAs


We say that a DGA is formal if there exists a morphism of DGAs (respectively ) that is a quasi-isomorphism.



Trivial DGAs


First, we note that any graded algebra has the structure of a DGA with trivial differential, i.e., . In particular, the homology/cohomology of any DGA forms a trivial DGA, since it is still a graded algebra.

The Free DGA


Let be a (non-graded) vector space over a field . The tensor algebra is defined to be the graded algebra

where, by convention, we take . This vector space can be made into a graded algebra with the multiplication given by the tensor product . This is the free algebra on , and can be thought of as the algebra of all non-commuting polynomials in the elements of .

One can give the tensor algebra the structure of a DGA as follows. Let be any linear map. Then, this extends uniquely to a derivation of of degree by the formula

One can think of the minus signs on the right-hand side as occurring because "jumps" over the elements , which are all of degree 1 in . This is commonly referred to as the Koszul sign rule.

One can extend this construction to differential graded vector spaces. Let be a differential graded vector space, i.e., and . Here we work with a homologically graded DG vector space, but this construction works equally well for a cohomologically graded one. Then, we can endow the tensor algebra with a DGA structure which extends the DG structure on V. This is given by

This is analogous to the previous case, except that now elements of are not restricted to degree 1 in , but can be of any degree.

The Free CDGA


Similar to the previous case, one can also construct a free CDGA on a vector space. Given a graded vector space , we define the free graded commutative algebra on it by

where denotes the symmetric algebra and denotes the exterior algebra. If we begin with a DG vector space (either homologically or cohomologically graded), then we can extend to such that is a CDGA in a unique way.

de-Rham algebra


Let be a manifold. Then, the differential forms on , denoted by , naturally have the structure of a DGA. The grading is given by form degree, the multiplication is the wedge product, and the exterior derivative becomes the differential.

These have wide applications, including in derived deformation theory.[3] See also de Rham cohomology.

Singular cohomology


The singular cohomology of a topological space with coefficients in is a DG-algebra: the differential is given by the Bockstein homomorphism associated to the short exact sequence , and the product is given by the cup product. This differential graded algebra was used to help compute the cohomology of Eilenberg–MacLane spaces in the Cartan seminar.[4][5]

Koszul complex


One of the foundational examples of a differential graded algebra, widely used in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, is the Koszul complex. This is because of its wide array of applications, including constructing flat resolutions of complete intersections, and from a derived perspective, they give the derived algebra representing a derived critical locus.

Minimal DGAs


We say that a DGA is minimal if

  1. It is free as a graded algebra.
  2. and
  3. , where consists of all the parts of degree .

Minimal Models


Oftentimes, the important information contained in a chain complex is its cohomology. Thus, the natural maps to consider are those which induce isomorphisms on cohomology, but may not be isomorphisms on the entire DGA. We call such maps quasi-isomorphisms.

Every simply connected DGA admits a minimal model.[6]

When a DGA admits a minimal model, it is unique up to a non-unique isomorphism.[7]

See also



  1. ^ Cartan, Henri (1954). "Sur les groupes d'Eilenberg-Mac Lane ". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 40 (6): 467–471. doi:10.1073/pnas.40.6.467. PMC 534072. PMID 16589508.
  2. ^ Kontsevich & Soibelman, p. 14.
  3. ^ Manetti, Marco. "Differential graded Lie algebras and formal deformation theory" (PDF). Archived (PDF) from the original on 16 Jun 2013.
  4. ^ Cartan, Henri (1954–1955). "DGA-algèbres et DGA-modules". Séminaire Henri Cartan. 7 (1): 1–9.
  5. ^ Cartan, Henri (1954–1955). "DGA-modules (suite), notion de construction". Séminaire Henri Cartan. 7 (1): 1–11.
  6. ^ Griffiths & Morgan 2013, p. 100.
  7. ^ Loday & Vallette 2012, p. 29.

