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A '''developed country''' or "'''more developed country'''" (MDC), is a sovereign state which has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less developed nations. Most commonly the criteria for evaluating the degree of economic development is [[gross domestic product|gross domestic product (GDP)]], the [[per capita income]], level of industrialization, amount of widespread infrastructure and general standard of living.<ref>http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/developed-economy.asp#axzz1legO8olO</ref> Which criteria is to be used and which countries are classified as being developed is a contentious issue.

Developed countries have [[Post-industrial society|post-industrial]] economies, meaning the [[service sector]] provides more wealth than the [[industrial sector]]. They are contrasted with [[developing country|developing countries]], which are in the process of [[industrialization]], or undeveloped countries, which are pre-industrial and almost entirely agrarian. According to the [[International Monetary Fund]], advanced economies comprise 65.8% of global nominal GDP and 52.1% of global GDP (PPP) in 2010.<ref>[http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2011/02/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=30&pr.y=7&sy=1980&ey=2016&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=001%2C110&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPSH&grp=1&a=1 IMF GDP data (September 2011)]</ref> In 2011, The ten largest advanced economies by either nominal GDP or GDP (PPP) are the [[United States]], [[Japan]], [[Germany]], [[France]], the [[United Kingdom]], [[Italy]], [[Canada]], [[Spain]], [[South Korea]], and [[Australia]].<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=82&pr.y=8&sy=2011&ey=2011&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=193%2C158%2C122%2C542%2C124%2C137%2C156%2C181%2C423%2C138%2C935%2C196%2C128%2C142%2C939%2C182%2C172%2C576%2C132%2C936%2C134%2C961%2C174%2C184%2C532%2C144%2C176%2C146%2C178%2C528%2C436%2C112%2C136%2C111&s=NGDPD%2CPPPGDP&grp=0&a=|title=Gross domestic product, current prices & Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) valuation of country GDP|work=World Economic Outlook Database, April 2012|publisher=[[International Monetary Fund]]|date=April 2012|accessdate=2012-05-23}}</ref><ref>http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2012/01/weodata/index.aspx</ref>

==Similar terms==
Terms similar to "developed country" include "advanced country", "industrialized country", "'more developed country" (MDC), "more economically developed country" (MEDC), "Global North country", "first world country", and "post-industrial country". The term industrialized country may be somewhat ambiguous, as [[industrialization]] is an ongoing process that is hard to define. The term MEDC is one used by modern geographers to specifically describe the status of the countries referred to: more economically developed. The first industrialized country was the United Kingdom, followed by Belgium. Later it spread further to Germany, United States, France and other [[Western Europe]]an countries. According to some [[economist]]s such as [[Jeffrey Sachs]], however, the current divide between the developed and developing world is largely a phenomenon of the 20th century.<!--

START REF--><ref name="The End of Poverty">{{cite book | last = Sachs | first = Jeffrey | authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 2005 | title = [[The End of Poverty]] | publisher = The Penguin Press | location = New York, New York | isbn = 1-59420-045-9}}</ref><!--END REF


==Definition and criteria==
Economic criteria have tended to dominate discussions. One such criterion is income per capita; countries with high [[gross domestic product]] (GDP) per capita would thus be described as developed countries. Another economic criterion is [[industrialization]]; countries in which the [[tertiary sector of industry|tertiary]] and [[quaternary sector of industry|quaternary sectors of industry]] dominate would thus be described as developed. More recently another measure, the [[Human Development Index]] (HDI), which combines an economic measure, national income, with other measures, indices for life expectancy and education has become prominent. This criterion would define developed countries as those with a very high (HDI) rating. However, many anomalies exist when determining "developed" status by whichever measure is used.{{Examples|date=June 2010}}

[[Kofi Annan]], former Secretary General of the United Nations, defined a developed country as follows: "A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment."<ref>http://www.unescap.org/unis/press/G_05_00.htm</ref> But according to the [[United Nations Statistics Division]],
:There is no established convention for the designation of "developed" and "developing" countries or areas in the [[United Nations]] system.<ref name="unstated.un.org">{{cite web|url=http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm#ftnc|title=Composition of macro geographical (continental) regions, geographical sub-regions, and selected economic and other groupings (footnote C)|date=revised 17 October 2008|publisher=[[United Nations Statistics Division]]|accessdate=2008-12-30}}</ref>
And it notes that
: The designations "developed" and "developing" are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgement about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process.<ref name="unstats.un.org">http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm</ref>
The UN also notes
:"In common practice, [[Japan]] in [[Asia]], [[Canada]] and the [[United States]] in [[northern America]], [[Australia]] and [[New Zealand]] in [[Oceania]], and [[Europe]] are considered "developed" regions or areas. In international trade statistics, the [[Southern African Customs Union]] is also treated as a developed region and [[Israel]] as a developed country; countries emerging from the [[former Yugoslavia]] are treated as developing countries; and countries of [[eastern Europe]] and of the [[Commonwealth of Independent States]] (code 172) in Europe are not included under either developed or developing regions."<ref>http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49regin.htm#developed archived [http://www.webcitation.org/652OsrnRM] 28 Jan 2012</ref><!--

According to the classification from [[International Monetary Fund]] before April 2004, all the countries of [[Eastern Europe]] (including Central European countries that still belong to the Eastern Europe Group in the UN institutions) as well as the former [[Soviet Union]] (USSR) countries in Central Asia ([[Kazakhstan]], [[Uzbekistan]], [[Kyrgyzstan]], [[Tajikistan]] and [[Turkmenistan]]) and [[Mongolia]], were not included under either developed or developing regions, but rather were referred to as "[[transition economy|countries in transition]]"; however they are now widely regarded (in the international reports) as "developing countries".
In the 21st century, the original [[Four Asian Tigers]],<ref name=tigers>http://www.businesspme.com/uk/articles/economics/78/East-Asian-Tigers-.html</ref> (which are [[Hong Kong]],<ref name=tigers /><ref name=qq /> [[Singapore]],<ref name=tigers /><ref name=qq /> [[South Korea]]<ref name=tigers /><ref name=DAC /><ref name=qq /><ref>http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1018.html</ref><ref>http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/98c62f1c-850f-11dd-b148-0000779fd18c.html</ref> and [[Republic of China|Taiwan]]<ref name=tigers /><ref name=qq />) are considered "developed" regions or areas, along with [[Cyprus]],<ref name=qq /> [[Czech Republic]],<ref name=qq /><ref name=HighOECD /> [[Estonia]],<ref name=qq /><ref name=HighOECD /> [[Israel]],<ref name=qq /><ref name=HighOECD /> [[Malta]],<ref name=qq /> [[Poland]]<ref name=HighOECD />, [[Slovakia]]<ref name=qq /><ref name=HighOECD /> and [[Slovenia]].<ref name=qq /><ref name=HighOECD />-->

==Human Development Index (HDI)==
{{Main|Human Development Index|List of countries by Human Development Index}}

[[File:2011 UN Human Development Report Quartiles.svg|400px|thumb|World map by quartiles of Human Development Index in 2011.{{Legend|#003399|Very High}} {{Legend|#3072D9|High}} {{Legend|#A8C3FF|Medium}} {{Legend|#E6EDFF|Low}} {{Legend|#858585|Data unavailable}}]]

The UN HDI is a statistical measure that gauges a country's level of human development. While there is a strong correlation between having a high HDI score and a prosperous economy, the UN points out that the HDI accounts for more than income or productivity. Unlike GDP per capita or per capita income, the HDI takes into account how income is turned "into education and health opportunities and therefore into higher levels of human development."

Since 1990, [[Norway]] (2001–2006, 2009–2011), [[Japan]] (1990–91 and 1993), [[Canada]] (1992 and 1994–2000) and [[Iceland]] (2007–08) have had the highest HDI score. The top 47 countries have scores ranging from 0.793 in [[Barbados]] to 0.943 in [[Norway]].

Many countries listed by IMF or<!--

START REF--><ref>The official classification of "advanced economies" is originally made by the [[International Monetary Fund]] (IMF). The IMF list doesn't deal with non-IMF members. The [[Central Intelligence Agency]] (CIA) intends to follow IMF list but adds few economies which aren't dealt with by IMF due to their not being IMF members. By May 2001, [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-b.html the advanced country list of the CIA] was more comprehensive than the original IMF list. However, since May 2001, three additional countries ([[Cyprus]], [[Malta]] and [[Slovenia]]) have been added to the original IMF list, thus leaving the CIA list not updated.</ref><!--END REF

--> CIA as "advanced" (as of 2009), possess an HDI over 0.788 (as of 2010). Many countries<!--

START REF--><ref>Namely sovereign states, i.e., excluding [[Macau]]: In 2003 the government of Macau calculated its HDI as being 0.909 (the UN does not calculate Macau's HDI); In January 2007, the [http://english.people.com.cn/200701/29/eng20070129_345749.html People's Daily] reported (from ''China Modernization Report 2007''): "In 2004... Macau... had reached the level of developed countries". However, Macau is not recognized by any international organisation as a developed/advanced territory, while the [http://www.unctad.org/en/docs/tdstat30_enfr.pdf UNCTAD] organisation (of the [[United Nations|UN]]), as well as the [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-b.html CIA], classify Macau as a "developing" territory. The [http://web.worldbank.org/servlets/ECR?contentMDK=20421402&sitePK=239419#High_income World Bank] classifies Macau as a high income economy (along with developed economies as well as with few developing economies).</ref><!--END REF

--> possessing an HDI of 0.788 and over (as of 2010), are also listed by IMF or CIA as "advanced" (as of 2009). Thus, many "advanced economies" (as of 2009) are characterized by an HDI score of 0.9 or higher (as of 2007).

The latest index was released on 2 November 2011 and covers the period up to 2011. The following are the 47 countries in the top [[quartile]] and classified as possessing a "Very high human development".<!--

START REF--><ref name="UNDP">[http://hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2011_EN_Table1.pdf]</ref><!--END REF

{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!scope="col" colspan="2"| Rank
!scope="col" rowspan="2" width="250"| Country
!scope="col" colspan="2"| HDI
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>New 2011 Estimates for 2011</small><br /><ref name="UNDP"/>
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>Change compared to new 2011 data for 2010</small><ref name="UNDP"/>
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>New 2011 Estimates for 2011</small><br /><ref name="UNDP"/>
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>Change compared to new 2011 data for 2010 </small><br /><ref name="UNDP"/>
| 1 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Norway}} || 0.943 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 2 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Australia}} || 0.929 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 3 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Netherlands}} || 0.910 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 4 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|United States}} || 0.910 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 5 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|New Zealand}} || 0.908 || {{steady}}
| 6 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Canada}} || 0.908 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 7 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Ireland}} || 0.908 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 8 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Liechtenstein}} || 0.905 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 9 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Germany}} || 0.905 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 10 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Sweden}} || 0.904 || {{increase}} 0.003
| 11 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Switzerland}} || 0.903 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 12 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Japan}} || 0.901 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 13 || {{increase}} <small>(1)</small> ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Hong Kong}} || 0.898 || {{increase}} 0.004
| 14 || {{decrease}} <small>(-1)</small> ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Iceland}} || 0.898 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 15 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|South Korea}} || 0.897 || {{increase}} 0.003
| 16 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Denmark}} || 0.895 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 17 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Israel}} || 0.888 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 18 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Belgium}} || 0.886 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 19 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Austria}} || 0.885 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 20 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|France}} || 0.884 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 21 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Slovenia}} || 0.884 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 22 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Finland}} || 0.882 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 23 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Spain}} || 0.878 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 24 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Italy}} || 0.874 || {{increase}} 0.001
{|class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
!scope="col" colspan="2"| Rank
!scope="col" rowspan="2" width="250"| Country
!scope="col" colspan="2"| HDI
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>New 2011 Estimates for 2011</small><br /><ref name="UNDP"/>
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>Change compared to new 2011 data for 2010</small><ref name="UNDP"/>
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>New 2011 Estimates for 2011</small><br /><ref name="UNDP"/>
!scope="col" width="75"| <small>Change compared to new 2011 data for 2010</small><br /><ref name="UNDP"/>
| 25 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Luxembourg}} || 0.867 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 26 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Singapore}} || 0.866 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 27 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Czech Republic}} || 0.865 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 28 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|United Kingdom}} || 0.863 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 29 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Greece}} || 0.861 || {{decrease}} 0.001
| 30 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|United Arab Emirates}} || 0.846 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 31 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Cyprus}} || 0.840 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 32 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Andorra}} || 0.838 || {{steady}}
| 33 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Brunei}} || 0.838 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 34 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Estonia}} || 0.835 || {{increase}} 0.003
| 35 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Slovakia}} || 0.834 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 36 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Malta}} || 0.832 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 37 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Qatar}} || 0.831 || {{increase}} 0.006
| 38 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Hungary}} || 0.816 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 39 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Poland}} || 0.813 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 40 || {{increase}} <small>(1)</small> ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Lithuania}} || 0.810 || {{increase}} 0.005
| 41 || {{decrease}} <small>(-1)</small> ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Portugal}} || 0.809 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 42 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Bahrain}} || 0.806 || {{increase}} 0.001
| 43 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Latvia}} || 0.805 || {{increase}} 0.003
| 44 || {{steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Chile}} || 0.805 || {{increase}} 0.003
| 45 || {{increase}} <small>(1)</small> ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Argentina}} || 0.797 || {{increase}} 0.003
| 46 || {{decrease}} <small>(-1)</small> ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Croatia}} || 0.796 || {{increase}} 0.002
| 47 || {{Steady}} ||style="text-align:left"| {{flag|Barbados}} || 0.793 || {{increase}} 0.005

==Average disposable wage of OECD members==
{{Main|List of countries by average wage}}
While [[GDP per capita]] is often used to measure how developed a country is, it includes components that do not directly contribute to a citizen's well-being. However, breaking down GDP to its components and measuring only [[wages and salaries]] gives a more accurate picture of the living standard of a country. Unlike the [[gross]] wage, which can be an inaccurate indicator of the well-being of a citizen since it does not represent the full amount of money the worker will be left to consume on goods or services, the [[disposable]] wage excludes compulsory deductions such as [[income tax]], municipal tax, provincial/state income tax, social security (pension plan, medicare) and compulsory insurance, thus measuring only the direct earnings of the citizen. The list below has compulsory deductions applied with rates obtained from the 2010 [[OECD]] Tax Database, which includes figures for all personal compulsory payments assuming that the citizen is single with no children, with an income level 100% of the average wage.<ref>[http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/41/20/47497577.xls OECD Tax Database - Table S.2 - Average net personal compulsory payment rate (single, no children, 100% AW)]</ref> The gross employment income are shown for reference and all monetary values are based on the OECD's [[purchasing power parity]] exchange rates. Note that the OECD does not publish data for some countries and hence they are not listed.

{|table class="wikitable sortable" style="margin-right:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align: right"
! Rank
! Country
! Disposable $<br>2010<ref>Gross wage - Compulsory deduction.</ref>
! Disposable $<br>growth<ref>Disposable income in 2010 - Disposable income in 2009.</ref>
! Compulsory<br>deduction<ref>[http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/41/20/47497577.xls OECD Tax Database - Table S.2 - Average net personal compulsory payment rate (single, no children, 100% AW)]</ref>
! Gross $<br>2010<ref>[http://stats.oecd.org/Index.aspx OECD Statistics -> Data by theme -> Labour -> Earnings -> Average annual wages]</ref>

|1 || align="left"| {{flag|United States}} || 40,560 || 271 {{increase}} || 22.9% || 52,607
| 2 || align="left"| {{flag|Luxembourg}} || 38,301 || -45 {{decrease}} || 26.5% || 52,110
| 3 || align="left" | {{flag|Ireland}} ||38,128 || 422 {{increase}} || 21.8% || 48,757
| 4 || align="left" | {{flag|Switzerland}} || 35,265 || -245 {{decrease}} || 29.2% || 49,810
| 5 || align="left" | {{flag|Australia}} || 33,360 || 544 {{increase}} || 21.6% || 42,550
| 6 || align="left" | {{flag|United Kingdom}} || 32,786 || -664 {{decrease}} || 25.5% || 44,008
| 7 || align="left" | {{flag|Canada}} || 32,047 || 336 {{increase}} || 22.2% || 41,191
| 8 || align="left" | {{flag|Norway}} || 31,489 || 558 {{increase}} || 28.7% || 44,164
| 9 || align="left" | {{flag|South Korea}} || 29,268 || 1,311 {{increase}} || 11.9% || 33,221
| 10 || align="left" | {{flag|Netherlands}} || 28,773 || -101 {{decrease}} || 37.0% || 45,671
| 11 || align="left" | {{flag|Austria}} || 28,269 || 68 {{increase}} || 32.7% || 42,005
| 12 || align="left" | {{flag|Sweden}} || 27,656 || 45 {{increase}} || 24.9% || 36,826
| 13 || align="left" | {{flag|France}} || 27,526 || 229 {{increase}} || 27.8% || 38,124
| 14 || align="left" | {{flag|Japan}} || 26,849 || 540 {{increase}} || 20.8% || 33,900
| 15 || align="left" | {{flag|Denmark}} || 26,562 || 176 {{increase}} || 38.5% || 43,190
| 16 || align="left" | {{flag|Spain}} || 26,386 || -198 {{decrease}} || 21.6% || 33,656
| 17 || align="left" | {{flag|Finland}} || 25,316 || 275 {{increase}} || 29.1% || 35,707
| 18 || align="left" | {{flag|Belgium}} || 24,910 || -312 {{decrease}} || 42.1% || 43,023
| 19 || align="left" | {{flag|Germany}} || 23,302 || 45 {{increase}} || 39.2% || 38,325
| 20 || align="left" | {{flag|Italy}} || 22,925 || 176 {{increase}} || 29.8% || 32,657
| 21 || align="left" | {{flag|Greece}} || 22,317 || -1,622 {{decrease}} || 18.8% || 27,484
| 22 || align="left" | {{flag|Portugal}} || 17,866 || -50 {{decrease}} || 22.9% || 23,173
| 23 || align="left" | {{flag|Czech Republic}} || 15,955 || 126 {{increase}} || 22.5% || 20,587
| 24 || align="left" | {{flag|Slovakia}} || 14,694 || 540 {{increase}} || 21.5% || 18,719
| 25 || align="left" | {{flag|Poland}} || 13,197 || 109 {{increase}} || 28.2% || 18,380
| 26 || align="left" | {{flag|Hungary}} || 12,843 || -340 {{decrease}} || 31.2% || 18,667

==Other lists of developed countries==

Only three institutions have produced lists of "developed countries". The three institutions and their lists are the UN list (shown above), the CIA<!--START REF--><ref name=cia>{{cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-b.html|title=Appendix B. International Organizations and Groups. [[World Factbook]].|author=CIA|year=2008|accessdate=2008-04-10}}</ref> list and the FTSE Group's list, whose list is not included because its association of developed countries with countries with both high incomes and [[developed market]]s is not deemed as directly relevant here.<ref>http://www.ftse.com/Indices/Country_Classification/Downloads/FTSE_Country_Classification_Sept_09_update.pdf The Developed Countries Glossary entry reads: "The following countries are classified by FTSE as developed countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong (People's Republic of China), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Republic of China (Taiwan), South Korea, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States."</ref> However many institutions have created lists which are sometimes referred to when people are discussing developed countries. The [[International Monetary Fund]] (IMF) identifies 35 "advanced economies",<ref name=qq /><ref name="sanmarino"/> The [[Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development|OECD]], also widely known as the "developed countries club"<ref>http://www.hungarianquarterly.com/no160/104.shtml</ref><ref>http://www.indianexpress.com/old/ie/daily/19971214/34850733.html</ref><ref>http://www.esri.go.jp/en/forum1/minute/minute26-e.html</ref> has 34 members. The [[World Bank]] identifies 66 "high income countries". The EIU's Quality-of-life survey and a list of countries with welfare states are also included here. The criteria for using all these lists and for countries' inclusion on these lists are often not properly spelt out, and several of these lists are based on old data.

===IMF advanced economies===
[[Image:IMF advanced economies 2008.svg|thumb|right|300px|{{legend|#0000FF|Countries described as Advanced Economies by the IMF.}}]]

According to the IMF the following 35 economies are classified as "advanced economies":<!--

START REF--><ref name=qq>[http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2011/02/pdf/text.pdf IMF Advanced Economies List. World Economic Outlook, September 2011, p. 168]</ref><!--END REF


{{Div col begin|cols=3}}
* {{flagcountry|Australia}}
* {{flagcountry|Austria}}
* {{flagcountry|Belgium}}
* {{flagcountry|Canada}}
* {{flagcountry|Cyprus}}
* {{flagcountry|Czech Republic}}
* {{flagcountry|Denmark}}
* {{flagcountry|Estonia}}
* {{flagcountry|Finland}}
* {{flagcountry|France}}
* {{flagcountry|Germany}}
* {{flagcountry|Greece}}
* {{flagcountry|Hong Kong}}
* {{flagcountry|Iceland}}
* {{flagcountry|Ireland}}
* {{flagcountry|Israel}}
* {{flagcountry|Italy}}
* {{flagcountry|Japan}}
* {{flagcountry|Luxembourg}}
* {{flagcountry|Malta}}
* {{flagcountry|Netherlands}}
* {{flagcountry|New Zealand}}
* {{flagcountry|Norway}}
* {{flagcountry|Portugal}}
* {{flagcountry|San Marino}}<ref name="sanmarino">[http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2011/02/pdf/text.pdf [[World Economic Outlook]], [[International Monetary Fund]], September 2011, p. 165.</ref>
* {{flagcountry|Singapore}}
* {{flagcountry|Slovakia}}
* {{flagcountry|Slovenia}}
* {{flagcountry|South Korea}}
* {{flagcountry|Spain}}
* {{flagcountry|Sweden}}
* {{flagcountry|Switzerland}}
* {{flagcountry|Taiwan}}
* {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}
* {{flagcountry|United States}}
{{Div col end}}

The CIA has modified an older version of the IMF's list of Advanced Economies, noting that the IMF's Advanced Economies list "would presumably also cover"<ref name=cia /> some smaller countries. These include:

{{seealso|The World Factbook list of developed countries}}

|• {{flagcountry|Andorra}} ||• {{flagcountry|Bermuda}} || • {{flagcountry|Faroe Islands}} ||• {{flagcountry|Holy See}} || • {{flagcountry|Liechtenstein}} || • {{flagcountry|Monaco}}

=== Development Assistance Committee members ===
[[Image:DAC members.svg|thumb|right|300px|Member nations of the [[Development Assistance Committee]].]]
There are 24&nbsp;members — 23 selected [[OECD]] member countries and the [[European Commission]]—in the [[Development Assistance Committee]],<ref name=DAC>http://www.oecd.org/document/38/0,3343,en_2649_34603_1893350_1_1_1_1,00.html</ref> a group of the world's major donor countries that discuss issues surrounding [[development aid]] and [[poverty reduction]] in [[developing countries]].<ref name = "dac_dat">[http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/3/38/1896808.pdf DAC website >> "The DAC in Dates"], On the DAC's self-description, see the introductory letter. On other events, refer to the relevant section by date.</ref> The following OECD member countries are DAC members:

17 countries in [[Europe]]:
{{div col begin|cols=3}}
* {{flagcountry|Austria}} (since 1965)
* {{flagcountry|Belgium}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|Denmark}} (since 1963)
* {{flagcountry|Finland}} (since 1975)
* {{flagcountry|France}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|Germany}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|Greece}} (since 1999)
* {{flagcountry|Ireland}} (since 1985)
* {{flagcountry|Italy}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|Luxembourg}} (since 1992)
* {{flagcountry|Netherlands}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|Norway}} (since 1962)
* {{flagcountry|Portugal}} (since 1961)<sup>1</sup>
* {{flagcountry|Spain}} (since 1991)
* {{flagcountry|Sweden}} (since 1965)
* {{flagcountry|Switzerland}} (since 1968)
* {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}} (since 1961)
{{div col end}}

2 countries in [[Asia]]:
* {{flagcountry|Japan}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|South Korea}} (since 2010)

2 countries in [[Americas|America]]:
* {{flagcountry|Canada}} (since 1961)
* {{flagcountry|United States}} (since 1961)

2 countries in [[Oceania]]:
* {{flagcountry|Australia}} (since 1966)
* {{flagcountry|New Zealand}} (since 1973)

<small><sup>1</sup> Joined the DAC in 1961, withdrew in 1974 and re-joined in 1991.</small>

===World Bank high-income economies===
{{main|World Bank high-income economy}}

According to the World Bank there are 71 "high-income economies"<ref>http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups#High_income</ref>.

=== High-income OECD members ===
There are 31 members in the High-income OECD category, as determined by the World Bank.<ref name=HighOECD>http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-classifications/country-and-lending-groups#OECD_members</ref> Some countries consider this category - regulatorily, e.g. Germany (the only one in European Union), which - permits foreigners (coming from outside the [[Schengen zone]] and the [[European Union]]) to enter Germany on a 90 day '''visa-free''' period of stay with the intention of '''working''' in Germany during that period - if and only if that foreigner is a national of a High-income OECD country (while permits for the residents of the Shengen zone or the European Union - are not restricted to the 90 day period).<ref>[http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/EN/EinreiseUndAufenthalt/StaatenlisteVisumpflicht_node.html Federal Foreign Office of Germany: Table of countries whose citizens require/do not require visas to enter Germany]</ref>

The High-income OECD membership is as follows:

24 countries in [[Europe]]:
{{div col begin|cols=3}}
* {{flagcountry|Austria}}
* {{flagcountry|Belgium}}
* {{flagcountry|Czech Republic}}
* {{flagcountry|Denmark}}
* {{flagcountry|Estonia}}
* {{flagcountry|Finland}}
* {{flagcountry|France}}
* {{flagcountry|Germany}}
* {{flagcountry|Greece}}
* {{flagcountry|Hungary}}
* {{flagcountry|Iceland}}
* {{flagcountry|Ireland}}
* {{flagcountry|Italy}}
* {{flagcountry|Luxembourg}}
* {{flagcountry|Netherlands}}
* {{flagcountry|Norway}}
* {{flagcountry|Poland}}
* {{flagcountry|Portugal}}
* {{flagcountry|Slovakia}}
* {{flagcountry|Slovenia}}
* {{flagcountry|Spain}}
* {{flagcountry|Sweden}}
* {{flagcountry|Switzerland}}
* {{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}
{{div col end}}

3 countries in [[Asia]]:
* {{flagcountry|Israel}}
* {{flagcountry|Japan}}
* {{flagcountry|South Korea}}

2 countries in [[Americas|America]]:
* {{flagcountry|Canada}}
* {{flagcountry|United States}}

2 countries in [[Oceania]]:
* {{flagcountry|Australia}}
* {{flagcountry|New Zealand}}

===Economist's quality-of-life survey of 2005===
Research about [[standard of living]] and [[quality of life]] by the [[Economist Intelligence Unit]] resulted in a [[quality-of-life index]], covering 111 countries. As of 2005, the top 30 countries are:<!--

START REF--><ref>[http://www.economist.com/media/pdf/QUALITY_OF_LIFE.pdf The world in 2005: The Economist Intelligence Unit's quality-of-life index], ''The Economist''. Accessed on line January 8, 2007.</ref><!--END REF

<li>{{flagicon|Ireland}} [[Republic of Ireland|Ireland]]
<li>{{flagicon|Switzerland}} [[Switzerland]]
<li>{{flagicon|Norway}} [[Norway]]
<li>{{flagicon|Luxembourg}} [[Luxembourg]]
<li>{{flagicon|Sweden}} [[Sweden]]
<li>{{flagicon|Australia}} [[Australia]]
<li>{{flagicon|Iceland}} [[Iceland]]
<li>{{flagicon|Italy}} [[Italy]]
<li>{{flagicon|Denmark}} [[Denmark]]
<li>{{flagicon|Spain}} [[Spain]]

<li value="11">{{flagicon|Singapore}} [[Singapore]]
<li>{{flagicon|Finland}} [[Finland]]
<li>{{flagicon|United States}} [[United States]]
<li>{{flagicon|Canada}} [[Canada]]
<li>{{flagicon|New Zealand}} [[New Zealand]]
<li>{{flagicon|Netherlands}} [[Netherlands]]
<li>{{flagicon|Japan}} [[Japan]]
<li>{{flagicon|Hong Kong}} [[Hong Kong]]
<li>{{flagicon|Portugal}} [[Portugal]]
<li>{{flagicon|Austria}} [[Austria]]

<li value="21">{{flagicon|Republic of China}} [[Republic of China|Taiwan]]
<li>{{flagicon|Greece}} [[Greece]]
<li>{{flagicon|Cyprus}} [[Cyprus]]
<li>{{flagicon|Belgium}} [[Belgium]]
<li>{{flagicon|France}} [[France]]
<li>{{flagicon|Germany}} [[Germany]]
<li>{{flagicon|Slovenia}} [[Slovenia]]
<li>{{flagicon|Malta}} [[Malta]]
<li>{{flagicon|United Kingdom}} [[United Kingdom]]
<li>{{flagicon|South Korea}} [[South Korea]]


===Newsweek's the world's best countries Index of 2010===
Newsweek published in 2010 the "world's best countries" index, measuring "education, health, quality of life, economic dynamism, and political environment" in 100 countries. As of 2010, the top 30 countries are:<ref>[http://www.newsweek.com/2010/08/15/interactive-infographic-of-the-worlds-best-countries.html The world's best countries: 2010 index], ''Newsweek''. Accessed on line August, 15 2010.</ref>


<li value="11">{{flagcountry|United States}}
<li>{{flagcountry|New Zealand}}
<li>{{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}
<li>{{flagcountry|South Korea}}

<li value="21">{{flagcountry|Spain}}
<li>{{flagcountry|Czech Republic}}

The top 30 countries in terms of '''quality of life''' are:


<li value="1">{{flagcountry|Norway}}
<li>{{flagcountry|United States}}

<li value="11">{{flagcountry|France}}
<li>{{flagcountry|New Zealand}}
<li>{{flagcountry|United Arab Emirates}}
<li>{{flagcountry|United Kingdom}}

<li value="21">{{flagcountry|Greece}}
<li>{{flagcountry|Czech Republic}}
<li>{{flagcountry|South Korea}}

==See also==
* [[Developing country]]
* [[Least developed country]]
* [[North–South divide]]

<references group="nb"/>

==External links==
*[http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2008/02/weodata/groups.htm#ae IMF] (advanced economies)
*[http://www.economist.com/theworldin/international/displayStory.cfm?story_id=3372495&d=2005 The Economist] (quality of life survey)
*[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-b.html The World Factbook] (developed countries)
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20080327210253/http://unstats.un.org/unsd/cdb/cdb_dict_xrxx.asp?def_code=491 United Nations Statistics Division] (definition)<!-- archived -->
*[http://web.archive.org/web/20050511011954/http://unstats.un.org/unsd/mi/developed_new.htm List of countries, United Nations Statistics Division] (developed regions)<!-- archived -->
*[http://www.worldbank.org/data/countryclass/classgroups.htm#High_income World Bank] (high-income economies)

{{Global economic classifications}}
{{GDP country lists}}
{{Quality of life country lists}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:Developed Country}}
[[Category:Country classifications]]
[[Category:Human geography]]
[[Category:Economic geography]]
[[Category:Lists of countries]]

[[ar:دولة متقدمة]]
[[az:İnkişaf etmiş ölkələr]]
[[bn:উন্নত দেশ]]
[[be:Развітыя краіны]]
[[be-x-old:Разьвітыя краіны]]
[[bg:Развита страна]]
[[bs:Razvijene zemlje]]
[[ca:País desenvolupat]]
[[ceb:Ugmad nga nasod]]
[[cs:Vyspělá země]]
[[et:Arenenud riik]]
[[el:Ανεπτυγμένη χώρα]]
[[es:País desarrollado]]
[[eu:Herrialde garatu]]
[[fa:کشورهای توسعه‌یافته]]
[[fr:Pays développés]]
[[gl:País desenvolvido]]
[[hi:औद्योगिक देश]]
[[hr:Razvijene zemlje]]
[[id:Negara maju]]
[[it:Paesi sviluppati]]
[[he:מדינה מפותחת]]
[[kn:ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿ ಹೊಂದಿದ ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರ]]
[[kk:Дамыған елдер]]
[[lt:Išsivysčiusi šalis]]
[[ms:Negara maju]]
[[nl:Ontwikkeld land]]
[[pl:Kraje rozwinięte]]
[[pt:País desenvolvido]]
[[ru:Развитые страны]]
[[sah:Сайдыбыт дойдулар]]
[[simple:Developed country]]
[[sk:Vyspelá krajina]]
[[tl:Bansang maunlad]]
[[ta:வளர்ந்த நாடுகள்]]
[[tt:Югары үсештәге ил]]
[[te:అభివృద్ధి చెందిన దేశం]]
[[tr:Gelişmiş ülke]]
[[uk:Розвинені країни]]
[[vi:Nước công nghiệp]]

Revision as of 05:27, 14 August 2012