Deposit slip
A deposit slip or a pay-in-slip is a form supplied by a bank for a depositor to fill out, designed to document in categories the items included in the deposit transaction when physically depositing at a bank. The categories include type of item, and if it is a cheque or cash and which bank it is from, such as a local bank or not.
The bank teller keeps the deposit slip along with the deposit (cash and cheques), and provides the depositor with a receipt. They can be filled in prior to attending the bank, making it more convenient when paying in. They also used when transporting of money.[1][2][3] Pay-in slips encourage the sorting of cash and coins, are filled in and signed by the person who deposited the money, and some tear off from a record that is also filled in by the depositor.[4][5]
Deposit slips are also called deposit tickets and come in a variety of designs. They are signed by the depositor if the depositor is cashing some of the accompanying check and depositing the rest.[6][7]
Cash received
[edit]On a deposit slip, "cash received" means that part of the amount on a cheque that is to be withdrawn as cash. The remainder is deposited into the person's account.[8]
Completion of slips
[edit]The description column on deposit slips has been used for over 100 years in the U.S. to notate where the bank should send the check to reclaim the money; this was done at first by notating in words the name of bank or its location.[9] The bank's transit number, also called bank number, began to be used instead of words.[10][11][12] The bank number was written as the upper line of a fraction, with the bottom number referring to the central bank branch. Some people wrote just the top of the fraction, others tried writing the entire fraction.[13][14] After the introduction of automated sorting of checks, many people wrote nothing at all in the deposit slip's description column.[15][5][4] Some people put the check writers' names in the description column.[16][17] There was a tendency in the early teens of the 21st century to write in the number of the check being deposited without mentioning who the check was from.[18]
See also
[edit]- ^ "Business forms and financial institutions", by Franklin Reinhardt Heath Google Books
- ^ "Elements of Bookkeeping": Ferris Institute, Big Rapids, Michigan Google Books
- ^ "Student's Guide to Accompany the Ellis Cabinet System of Teaching ...", by Charles L. Ellis Google Books
- ^ a b Paying money into the bank, Money Matters to Me: National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England & Wales)
- ^ a b Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. 2014. Paying-in slips
- ^ Reihl, Charles W. 1904. A Study of Deposit Slips. The Bankers Magazine, Volume 68, Page 643. New York, NY: The Bankers' Publishing Company. Google eBook
- ^ Wells Fargo Bank. 2014. Your New Checking Account Getting Started Guide, page 4.
- ^ Hands on Banking Program for Teens, Savings and Checking Guide, Lesson 5: Making a Savings Account Deposit.
- ^ Eaton, Seymour. 1896. "How to Do Business as Business is Done in Great Commercial Centers", Page 12. Philadelphia, PA: P. W. Ziegler & Co. Google eBook
- ^ "Elementary Banking", by American Institute of Banking, 1922 page 63
- ^ "The Office: Procedures and Technology", by Mary Ellen Oliverio, William R. Pasewark, Bonnie R. White. page 240 Cengage Learning, Mar 14, 2012
- ^ "College Accounting", by James Heintz, Robert Parry Page 231 Cengage Learning, Jan 15, 2010.
- ^ "Business Skills Exercises", by Loretta Barker. page 88 Cengage Learning, Feb 15, 2012
- ^ "Money Sense for Kids", by Hollis Page Harman page 90 Barron's Educational Series, 2004
- ^ "Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers", by Robert Brechner page 98 Cengage Learning, Feb 28, 2011
- ^ "FCS Applied Accounting L2", by Irene Stotko & Linda Botha page 6 Pearson, South Africa
- ^ "Kinn's The Administrative Medical Assistant: An Applied Learning Approach", by Elsevier Health Sciences, Nov 28, 2013 page 438 Elsevier Health Sciences
- ^ "Hands on Banking for Young Adults, Getting Started, Lesson 5" "How to fill in a deposit slip".