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Classifying space for SU(n)

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In mathematics, the classifying space for the special unitary group is the base space of the universal principal bundle . This means that principal bundles over a CW complex up to isomorphism are in bijection with homotopy classes of its continuous maps into . The isomorphism is given by pullback.



There is a canonical inclusion of complex oriented Grassmannians given by . Its colimit is:

Since real oriented Grassmannians can be expressed as a homogeneous space by:

the group structure carries over to .

Simplest classifying spaces

  • Since is the trivial group, is the trivial topological space.
  • Since , one has .

Classification of principal bundles


Given a topological space the set of principal bundles on it up to isomorphism is denoted . If is a CW complex, then the map:[1]

is bijective.

Cohomology ring


The cohomology ring of with coefficients in the ring of integers is generated by the Chern classes:[2]

Infinite classifying space


The canonical inclusions induce canonical inclusions on their respective classifying spaces. Their respective colimits are denoted as:

is indeed the classifying space of .

See also



  • Hatcher, Allen (2002). Algebraic topology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-79160-X.
  • Mitchell, Stephen (August 2001). Universal principal bundles and classifying spaces (PDF).{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: year (link)


  1. ^ "universal principal bundle". nLab. Retrieved 2024-03-14.
  2. ^ Hatcher 02, Example 4D.7.