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Bylichka (pl.bylichki; in Russian: быличка) is a type of story in Russian folklore about an allegedly true event involving a meeting with spirits.[1] In contrast to the byvalschina, here the story is conducted with an emphasis on the personal testimony of the narrator.

Vrubel's Pan (1899), with the deity of classical myth depicted in a landscape of typical North Russian countryside.

See also

  • Legend – Genre of storytelling that involves heroic humans
  • Urban legend – Form of modern folklore


  1. ^ Belokurova, S. P. (2005). БЫЛИЧКА [Bylichka]. In S. P. Belokurova; A. A. Belokurov (eds.). Словарь литературоведческих терминов [Dictionary of Literary Terms] (in Russian). КУЛЬТУРА ПИСЬМЕННОЙ РЕЧИ.

Further reading

  • Adonyeva, Svetlana; Olson, Laura J. (2011). "Interpreting the Past, Postulating the Future: Memorate as Plot and Script among Rural Russian Women". Journal of Folklore Research. 48 (2): 133–166. doi:10.2979/jfolkrese.48.2.133. ISSN 0737-7037. This article focuses upon the oral prose genre known in Russian as bylichka ...
  • Pomerantseva, E. V. (1975). Мифологические персонажи в русском фольклоре [Mythological characters in Russian folklore] (in Russian). pp. 16–18. Author (Cyrillic): Померанцева Э. В.
  • Zinoviev, V. P. (1987). Быличка как жанр фольклора и её современные судьбы [A Tale as a Genre of Folklore and Its Modern Fates]. Мифологические рассказы русского населения Восточной Сибири [Mythological Stories of the Russian Population of Eastern Siberia] (in Russian). pp. 381–383. Author (Cyrillic): Зиновьев В. П. — Новосибирск [Novosibirsk].