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The year 2000 election for the [[President of the United States]] was

* [[U.S. Presidential Election, 2000]]
one of the closest, and longest, presidential elections in the history

of the United States. In the end, [[George W. Bush]] was elected

president, and [[Albert Arnold Gore]] came in second.

=== Republican Primary ===

There were six candidates in most of the [[United States Republican Party|Republican]] debates: [[Gary Bauer]], George W. Bush,

[[Steve Forbes]], [[Orrin Hatch]], [[Alan Keyes]], and [[John McCain]]. Other

candidates who campaigned, but dropped out before any debating or

balloting include [[Lamar Alexander]], [[Elizabeth Dole]], [[John Kasich]], and former Vice President [[Dan Quayle]].

Bauer and Hatch campaigned on a traditional Republican platform of

opposition to legalized [[abortion]] and reduction in [[U.S. taxes]].

Keyes had a far more conservative, platform, calling for the

elimination of all federal taxes except tariff. Steve Forbes

campaigned on making the federal income tax non-graduated, an idea he

called the [[flat tax]]. Bush's campaign focused on ideas of

[[compassionate conservatism]], including an emphasis on a federal

role in education, while <nowiki>McCain</nowiki> focused almost exclusively on

[[campaign finance reform]].

<nowiki>John McCain's</nowiki> candidacy drew the most press coverage, and the greatest

popular excitement. Many Republicans complained that Democrats and

other non-Republicans enrolled in the party for the express purpose of

voting for <nowiki>McCain</nowiki>, thus skewing the results.

Hatch dropped out of the race after the Iowa Caucus, in which he

received less than 1% of the vote.

[http://www.thegreenpapers.com/PCC/IA-R.html]. In the first primary,

held in [[New Hampshire]], <nowiki>McCain</nowiki> won 48% of the vote to George Bush's

30%, Steve Forbes' 12%, and Alan Keyes' 6%, and Gary Bauer's 1% [http://fecweb1.fec.gov/pages/2000presprim.htm]. Gary

Bauer dropped out of the race shortly thereafter.

''Keep going form here...''

=== Democratic Primary ===

There were two main candidates for the [[United States Democratic Party|Democrat]] nomination: [[Bill Bradley]] and [[Al Gore]].

''Keep going from here...''

=== Minor Party Candidates ===

There were five other candidates on the majority of state ballots:

[[Harry Browne]] (Libertarian, 50 states), [[Pat Buchanan]] (Reform,

49), [[Ralph Nader]] (Green, 44) [[Howard Phillips]] (Conservative,

41), and [[John Hagelin]] (Natural Law, 38).

=== Results ===

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=== Recounts ===


* http://www.thegreenpapers.com/PCC/ChAll.html

* http://fecweb1.fec.gov/pages/2000presprim.htm

* http://fecweb1.fec.gov/pubrec/2000presgeresults.htm


Revision as of 17:15, 22 September 2001